Capital One Bank's Financial Literacy Challenge on Long Island

Capital One Bank's Financial Literacy Challenge on Long Island

Financial Education Resources Available for Use

Browse the Capital One Bank financial literacy resources below to see if any of these platforms would help to support your proposed initiative. If you're chosen as a participant, Capital One Bank will make sure these resources are available to you, for free! You do not need to use any of these resources in order to qualify for the Challenge - they are simply offered as a resource.

Elementary Age Students:

o Bank It Elementary (; audience: 3rd-6th grade students and their parents) ? Developed collaboratively by Capital One Bank and Search Institute, a leader in positive youth, family and community development, Bank It Elementary delivers real-world financial topics and tools for children and parents, that make it easier to understand, talk about and manage money. Through free, ready-to-use materials for 45-minute face-to-face workshops on nine key financial topics, the program empowers families to explore budgets, goals and strategies for making sound financial choices.

o VaultTM - Understanding Money (; audience: 4th?6th grade students) This interactive, new-media learning platform is specifically designed to introduce financial literacy skills early in a child's cognitive development. The platform features interactive lessons, games, and story-based activities that challenge kids to make choices in real-life scenarios to best achieve important goals around saving. The 2.5-hour curriculum aligns with both state and national standards.

Middle & High Schools Age Students:

o Bank It (; audience: 6th-12th grade students and their parents) - Developed collaboratively by Capital One Bank and Search Institute, a leader in positive youth, family and community development, Bank It delivers real-world financial topics and tools for teens, and parents, that make it easier to understand, talk about and manage money. Through free, ready-touse materials (available in English and Spanish) for one-hour face-to-face workshops on 12 key financial topics, the program empowers families to explore budgets, goals and strategies for making financial choices that count.

o EverFiTM - Financial Literacy (; audience: high school students) - This 5-6 hour 10-module high school platform covers hundreds of topics including credit scores, budgeting, insurance, credit cards, student loans, mortgages, taxes, stocks, savings, 401k's and other critical concepts. The learning platform tracks individual student progress and knowledge gain and provides students who successfully complete the course with a Certification in Financial Literacy that can be a powerful tool for job applications, college search and internships.

o JA Finance Park? Virtual (; audience: middle - high school students) ? The four-45 minute sessions of this free, online platform allow students to use a budget to make decisions around saving, spending, investing and philanthropic giving. Students design avatars and are assigned a randomly-generated life-scenario, including a fictional job, age, income, educational background and family. Based on that scenario, students are then tasked with meeting real-life needs such as successfully developing a budget, maintaining a household and pursuing a career. As such, they are making the financial decisions and trade-offs their families face daily and that they will make as adults in the real world.


College Age Students: o ButtonwoodTM - Personal Finance and Student Loan Management

(; audience: college students) - This 2.5 hour online learning platform is a tool to combat the dramatic rise in student loan defaults in the country. Using EverFi's core technology and design, but tailored to postsecondary students, ButtonwoodTM includes a compressed and sophisticated presentation of key financial literacy concepts, complemented by an interactive, highly customized simulation providing a different experience for each individual. Reflecting the diversity of the postsecondary student population, ButtonwoodTM adapts to each user so that the educational content around loan management is most applicable to them. Adults: o MoneyWi$e (money-; audience: adults) - This personal financial education program offers teaching materials on topics such as banking, money management, credit, saving, identity theft, elder fraud, micro-business and homeownership. The materials, created in partnership by Capital One Bank and Consumer Action, a consumer advocacy and education group, are best when delivered during a 2-hour workshop. Materials are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese.

Not what you need? Visit these other web sites for valuable resources on financial education: ? Parent Further ? Practical Money Skills ? Jump$tart Coalition

Questions? Contact Christine Peeler at christine.peeler@ or 212-273-3500



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