
March 31, 2020 Geography AssignmentECONOMICS REVIEWI. Read the posted article ‘Socialism vs. Capitalism’ and answer the questions at the end of the article.II. Two weeks ago gas prices hovered around $2.30 a gallon. Check on the cost of a gallon of gasoline now. Are gasoline prices trending up or down? Why do you think they are trending up or down? Did our government mandate this change in the price of gasoline? How has the Law of Supply and Demand been at work where gas prices are concerned? How will the people who produce gasoline respond to these trending gasoline prices? Do you think that the Coronavirus has played an important role in the changing price for gasoline? III. Think of two other recent economic developments (as an indirect result of the Coronavirus) that can be explained by the Law of Supply and Demand. IV. Please view the posted 5 minute video about Walt Disney. While there are no written questions to be answered, there is plenty to think about as you watch this presentation. Disney’s story is a real ‘American Dream’ come true, but a dream that would probably never have materialized had he lived under socialism. Sure—he got rich. Good for him! But in the process, he entertained and brightened the lives of millions of people around the world—including mine, especially as a boy. ASIA V. BEFORE reading about the continent of Asia, test your current knowledge by listing as many Asian countries as you can in two minutes. Do NOT look at a map of Asia—do this based strictly on what you already know. (I also did this…I will tell you how many I listed next week…)VI. Make a copy of the outline map of Asia posted on the webpage. Label as many of the countries as you can. Make a mental note of how many countries you can correctly label. As we progress through our study of Asia, hopefully your geographic knowledge will greatly expand. At the end of the unit, if you repeat this exercise, you can measure how much you have learned. By the completion of this unit, one of your goals should be to quickly and accurately locate on a map MOST of the countries of Asia. A physical map of Asia is located on page 35, and a political map of Asia can be found on page 37. VII. Read ‘Asia: A Land of Extremes’, pp. 34 – 38. This brief reading is packed with interesting facts about Asia. Once you have read the material, close the book and put in writing a few of the facts that seem important to you.Because Asia is so large and varied, it will simplify our study by dividing the continent into regions. Our first region of study will be the Middle East. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGETHE MIDDLE EAST Page 2VIII. Examine the chart of Middle East countries found on page 41. Please note the dominance of one particular religion and one language in this region of the world. IX. Read about the Middle East, pp. 38 – 42 (stop when you reach the topic of ‘Israel). Respond in writing to the following questions:1. What bodies of water provide physical boundaries for the countries of the Middle East?2. What are the 3 largest countries in the Middle East?3. How does the Middle East compare in size and population to the United States?4. How has its geographic location caused the Middle East to play a significant role in world history? 5. According to the authors of your book, why did God select the Middle East to be the location for His chosen nation of Israel?6. What is the Fertile Crescent? Where is it located? Why is it important?7. In one sentence, how would you describe the climate of most of the Middle East?8. What exactly is a ‘Cradle of Civilization’, where is it, and why is the Cradle of Civilization important? X. Read the posted article titled ‘Middle East History’. Respond in writing to the following:1. Using your own words, provide 2 reasons why the Middle East is very relevant to American international policy today.2. What 3 rivers have played a significant role in the development of the world’s oldest civilizations?3. What is a ‘monotheistic’ religion? (It’s ok to Google this term.) Is Christianity is monotheistic religion? 4. Define the term ‘Holy Land’ and briefly describe its location.5. Define the term ‘ethnic minority’.6. It has no oil. Most of its people are not Muslim. Most do not speak Arabic. What is this ‘Middle East outlier’?7. Define ‘arid’. 8. The Middle East is an arid land, yet there is wealth to be found there. What is the source of much of the wealth generated in the Middle East? XI. Read the remaining pages dedicated to the Middle East: pp. 54XII. Make a copy of the posted outline map of the Middle East. Use it to practice locating important geographic features of the ME. Knowing the ME countries is the first step in becoming Asian map proficient. Features to be included on the map are listed below.MIDDLE EAST MAP AssignmentCountries(Not all ME countries are included in this map assignment. Countries excluded will not be a focus of our study.) TurkeySyriaLebanonIsraelJordanEgypt*Saudi ArabiaYemenOmanUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)Qatar KuwaitIraqIran Bodies of WaterMediterranean SeaRed SeaArabian SeaGulf of AdenPersian GulfCaspian Sea*Egypt is located in NE Africa and is not technically a part of the Middle East. More ME features will be added next Tuesday. ................

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