The Quality of Life in Latin American Cities - Publications

[Pages:296]The Quality of Life in Latin American Cities


Edited by Eduardo Lora Andrew Powell Bernard M.S. van Praag Pablo Sanguinetti

The Quality of Life in Latin American Cities

The Quality of Life in Latin American



Edited by Eduardo Lora Andrew Powell Bernard M.S. van Praag Pablo Sanguinetti

a copublication of the inter-american development bank and the world bank

? 2010 The Inter-American Development Bank 1300 New York Avenue NW Washington DC 20577 Telephone: 202-263-1000 Internet: E-mail: res@

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A copublication of the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank.

The Inter-American Development Bank 1300 New York Avenue NW Washington DC 20577

The World Bank 1800 H Street NW Washington DC 20433

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ISBN: 978-0-8213-7837-3 eISBN: 978-0-8213-8213-4 DOI: 10.1596/978-0-8213-7837-3

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The quality of life in Latin American cities : markets and perception / edited by Eduardo Lora ... [et al.].

p. cm.--(Latin American development forum series) "A Copublication of the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank." Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8213-7837-3--ISBN 978-0-8213-8213-4 (electronic)

1. Quality of life--Latin America. 2. Cities and towns--Latin America. 3. Latin America--Social conditions. 4. Latin America--Economic conditions. I. Lora, Eduardo. II. World Bank.

HN110.5.A8Q33 2010 306.09728'091732--dc22


Cover: Ultra Designs.

Latin American Development Forum Series

This series was created in 2003 to promote debate, disseminate information and analysis, and convey the excitement and complexity of the most topical issues in economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is sponsored by the Inter-American Development Bank, the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, and the World Bank. The manuscripts chosen for publication represent the highest quality in each institution's research and activity output and have been selected for their relevance to the academic community, policy makers, researchers, and interested readers.

Advisory Committee Members

Alicia B?rcena Ibarra, Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, United Nations

In?s Bustillo, Director, Washington Office, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, United Nations

Jos? Luis Guasch, Senior Adviser, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, World Bank; and Professor of Economics, University of California, San Diego

Santiago Levy, Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge, Inter-American Development Bank

Eduardo Lora, Chief Economist (a.i.) and General Manager, Research Department, Inter-American Development Bank

Luis Serv?n, Research Manager, Development Economics Vice Presidency, World Bank

Augusto de la Torre, Chief Economist, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, World Bank



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