Year 3 Geography Inquiry – SAMR ModelKey question: How can we help promote the tourism of Australia?InquiryPhasesGuiding QuestionsResourcesTeaching strategies and processes(Content ideas and sequence)Phase 1SubstitutionWhere are our state and territory borders located on the Australian map?Introduction to Australia (appendix 1) IWBIWB templatesOur Australia: Alice Springs book by Phil Kettle Lesson Objective: Identify Australia’s states, territories, and major landmarks natural and manmade featuresIdentify what the unit will be about: How as class we can help promote Tourism to AustraliaHook/ Introduction: Introduce the unit, and the assessment of creating a website promoting Australia’s natural and manmade landmarks and what they will be doing during the lesson LM to use blank Australian Map on Interactive White Board (IWB) and learners to come up and draw in where they think state and territory borders, capital cities and names of state and territories are on the Australian map (appendix 1) Lesson: Learners and LM are to then create a mind map on IWB and have a whole class discussion, with ‘Australia’ as the topic: writing down all the states and territories, capital cities and any other important details they can think of (display in class to be referred to in the following lesson)Introduce the power point (appendix 2) ‘Introduction to Australia’: LM to discuss each slide in detail with class: completing activities within the slides and having whole class discussions and questions, focusing on the capitals of Australia’s and where the borders of each state and territory are situated on the Australian map Assessment/conclusion :After completing the Power Point, learners will complete the (appendix 1) blank Australian map again on IWB calling on learners to have a go at drawing in state and territories borders, capital cities and identify name of states and territories based on the new knowledge they have received from the PowerPoint Leading on to next lesson: Finishing up the lesson by reading ‘Our Australia: Alice Springs’ by Phil Kettle to the class (emphasise on landmarks with in the book): after reading whole class discussion on the landmarks mentioned and record other landmarks in the Northern Territory them onto brainstorming page on IWB (ready for next lesson)Phase 2AugmentationWhat are Australia’s major landmarks?Is it natural or manmade? (appendix 3 PowerPoint)WhiteboardInternet Computers Quiz 1 2 app ‘Australia’s best places’ by Sue Gough Henly.‘Our Australia: Kununurra’ books by Phil KettleLesson Objective: Identifying landmarks within Australia and touching on landmarks in Gladstone Hook/ Introduction: Introduce the lesson for the day to the learners, outlining what they will be learning during the lesson Ask students what is a natural landmark and what is a manmade landmark: learners complete questions on a power point document in pairs, creating a page for each question including picture examplesDefine what they are to whole class Play ‘Is it Natural or Manmade?’ (appendix 3 PowerPoint) with the class calling out what the picture is, natural or manmade Lesson: Recap class on previous lesson on Australia’s states and territories Ask students to recall any Natural land marks in Australia and where they think it is on the IWB map of Australia (have one student to write down all on the natural landmarks on one side of the white board (IWB)Do the same for Manmade landmarks in Australia Learners to work in pairs on computers to complete online quiz on ‘Australian Landmarks’ researching more into unknown answers from quiz: Quiz 1 2 will then write down remaining landmarks from the list and asked to research more into them in groups of two on the internet keeping the information in their online journals ‘Google Docs’Learners to explore Ipad app ‘Australia’s best places’ by Sue Gough Henly. Identify landmarks and read information and where they are located Assessment/Conclusion:After researching come back together as a class and go over the information that they have found on the landmarks Read ‘Our Australia: Kununurra’ by Phil Kettle Asking one student to record the Landmarks that he talks about onto previous mind map from the lesson beforeAfter reading whole class discussion on the landmarks mentioned and notedFinish lesson off by recapping what they did during the lesson: what did we do today? What is a natural landmark? What is a manmade landmark? Etc.Phase 3ModificationWhat is Australia’s number one landmark? ‘inspiration maps’ appWEEBLY (APPENDIX 4) Objective: Sustainability of the Great Barrier Reef: What are our problems and how can we fix them Hook/ Introduction: Recap learners on prior knowledge from previous lessons on Australia and natural and manmade landmarks that we have in Australia Introduce what will be happening in the lesson: Exploring and Explaining the Great Barrier Reef Identify that the Great Barrier Reef is right outside of our door (Gladstone) and that we are a Reef Guardian School Play online game ‘Test of Knowledge’ as an individualLesson: Learners work in pairs on interactive webpage taking notes on Ipad with ‘inspiration maps’ app identifying a problem and solution from information off the webpage to introduce assessment task and outline criteria LM to demonstrate/ model to leaners how to create a Weebly as a class, choosing to promote the Australian landmark the Great Barrier ReefLM to show students how to add titles, text, pictures and background Assessment/Conclusion:Finish lesson by recapping learners prior knowledge retained from the lesson: Why is our Great Barrier Reef important? How can we protect it? Etc. Phase 4Redefinition(2- 3 lessons)Where in Australia do you want to travel to?ComputersInternet Weebly template (appendix 5)Lesson Objective: Recapping purpose of the unit and completing assessment piece (Webpage)Hook/ Introduction: Discuss with class what the states and territories are, major landmarks in Australia, (natural and manmade) Lesson: Go over the assessment that is required for the unit required to: be placed in groups and assigned an Australian Landmark to create a webpage, emphasising it’s attraction to tourists Must include state or territory that landmark is in, capital city (location) Go over previous lesson and webpage created by LM and features neededLearners given opportunity to work on computers to research more into their webpage collecting information and completing webpage template (appendix 5)LM to piece webpage together and publish webpage ready for presentationAssessment:Learners will present their webpage ................

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