Capitulations of santa fe pdf


Capitulations of santa fe pdf

In April, just like every year, the Santa Fe celebrates the Anniversary of Capitulation, a document signed on April 17, 1492, between the Catholic Monarchy, King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castile, and the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, beginning the discovery of the New World. From Friday 13th to Week 15, this small town has been sanctified once again as the cultural center of Vega de Granada, thanks to the 526th anniversary of one of the most important historic moments not only for Spain, but for the whole world. Over the past three days, along with its inhabitants, The Santa Fe has taken a step back in time with a truly distinctive cultural program, starting with the Great Parade of Capitulation Royal Courtship, followed by medieval dances in plaza de Espa?a, performances by street artists, talk of explanations and exhibitions, such as simulated fights or flight of birds of prey, which have captivated children and adults. In addition, the protagonist of the show has also become the XIX edition of the Medieval Market, handicraft market and street food stalls, where locals sell their products wearing medieval clothes, attracting eager visitors hesitant about what to buy and what to eat. Indeed, there are many options, both for desserts and for food: from pionono, traditional Santa Fe sweets, to caramel apples and churros; from typical sandwiches with sausage or fish to baked potatoes, to finish with a nice glass of sangria. Finally, on this occasion, at Plaza Jos? Mart?, the XXVII World Music Festival was held, with the participation of groups such as Apache, Los Asl?ndticos, Rockopolis and La Plazuelatech?, to conclude what has become an extraordinary event that awaits you in April next year! Ph. Luca Sarti Audience at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella This panel depicts Queen Isabella listening attentively to Columbus's explanation of his map, with King Ferdinand by his side. On April 17, 1492, an agreement to finance the voyage was signed. In addition to this panel there is the figure of Alonzo d'Ojeda, the Spanish adventurer who accompanied Columbus to the New World, and Queen Isabella. The capitulation of the Santa Fe, an agreement to sail west to find the East, was signed on April 17, 1492, after the intercession of Luis de Santangel, treasurer of the court, with Queen Isabella. The text of the treaty questions the idea that Columbus sailed for a solely noble purpose (though they may have been part of the equation); Columbus finally reached a satisfactory business deal. The things prayed for, and His Holiness gave and gave to Don Cristobal Colon in return for what he found at sea, and for the voyage that now, with the help of God, he has engaged to make it in His Majesty's service, are as follows: First, The Noble, as god actually Oceans, pointing from this date don Cristobal Colon to be your Admiral on all islands and lands by which his activities and industries will be found or acquired in those seas, during his lifetime, and also, after his death, his heirs and successors one after the other in eternity, with all the advantages and prerogatives appertaining to the office ... Likewise, that Your Majesty appointed Don Cristobal Colon to be your Deputy and Governor-General on all these islands and lands... Goods, which of all and any kind of merchandise, whether pearls, precious stones, gold, silver, spices, and other objects and merchandise of any kind, name and such, which can be purchased, bartered, found, obtained and obtained within the limits of the admiralty, His Majesty grants from now on to don Cristobal, and will that he may own and take for himself , the tenth part of the whole... The Doors ? The Santa Fe Capitulations - page 1 Of Diversorum Sigilli Secreti 9 series. [Cathalonie et Insularum], which contains The Santa Fe Capitulations (folios 135v-136v), is a document from the Royal Chancery of the King of Aragon, consisting of documents stamped with a secret seal and issued by secretary Juan de Coloma. It started in November 1490 and ended in December 1493 (with two documents from 1498 and 1503 added at the end). It is a unique document that represents all the List of Opportunities in the Aragon Crown Archives concerning the culture, society, institutions and processes of 15th century Europe. This register corresponds to the current catalog number of the Archive of the Crown of Aragon: Royal Chancery, Registers, No. 3,569. The Santa Fe Capitulations is a Royal Chancery document containing the Capitulation of Christopher Columbus signed with king Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile at Santa Fe de la Vega on April 17, 1492, a few months after granada's capture. Capitulation laid out the conditions under which Columbus would depart on his first voyage, which involved an American discovery in the same year. Year of submission: 2007Year of inscription: 2009Country: Spain Capitulation of Santa F? changed the history of Europe and the World. It is located to the west of Granada. Santa F? was the location where Capitulation was signed in 1492. It is also known for its Pionono cake. Everyone associates the name Santa F? with this typical Granada treat. Piononos de Santa F? Pionono's is a cake first baked by Ceferino Isla di Santa F? in 1897. They contain a lot of sugar and cinnamon. Honey and cinnamon are distinctive elements in Muslim cuisine. They are also a common ingredient in Spanish cuisine today. The origins of Piononos Piononos take their name from Pope Pius IX or Pio Nono in Latin. Piononos was designed for the Pope's visit to Granada. Isla is a local religious would like to honor this important visit. The shape of the cake is the same round top as the whale's head. La Isla's original bakery is on Calle Real in Santa Fe and is still open today. Buy pionono at pastry shops throughout Granada. Try one if you get the chance..... they are delicious. Said, Capitulation means an agreement or contract. Especially between the Nobles and the civilians. The statue below (on the Gran Via in Granada) captures the moment of document signing in 1492. The capitulation of the Santa Fe was a treaty between Christopher Columbus and the Catholic Monarchy. Signed in Santa F? more than 500 years ago. Although the actual document took more than 3 months to prepare, the original document has not been saved. The earliest copy is from 1493. The documents are in el Archivo de la Corona de Arag?n. Also in Barcelona and Sevilla at the Real del Archivo General de Indias. Santa F?, New Mexico You can actually search for this document as Capitulaciones del Almirante don Crist?bal Col?n and see it online at UNESCO Memoria. In 1492 Santa F? had a camp founded by Catholic kings. It is located outside the city in preparation for the conquest of Granada. It is just 7 miles from Granada. This Capitulation document is a key moment in Spanish history. This agreement supports Columbus and his project to find America. Christopher Columbus will receive 10% of the wealth and belongings he gets along the way. Like other place names, Santa F? is used for new settlements in America. Santa F?, New Mexico was imitated by Francisco Vasques de Coronado in 1540. A few years later it became the headquarters for the Spanish Empire north of the Rio Grande. Spanish conqueror Don Pedro de Peralta was key in growing the settlement in 1609-1610. Santa Fe is the oldest capital city in the United States. Medieval Market Every April 17th Santa Fe celebrates this moment in history. Local getaways in Santa F? and the city are a hotbed of activity. Bustling with street parades, dances and concerts. There are Medieval market stalls and lots of children's activities. In 2019 more than 100 kiosks consisted of markets. They also have Falconry exhibits and medieval dances. Celebration Capitulation Stalls are along Calle Real and close to Plaza de Espa?a in the city of Santa F?. Children's activities take place at Plaza Garcilaso. Storytelling, donkey rides, and craft work sessions are just some of the activities for your little ones. Celebrations usually take place on the third weekend of April each year, but this celebration will not happen in 2020 due to COVID 19. Summary Document signed between Christopher Columbus and the Spanish rulers of Capitulation by Juan II Coloma, 1st Lord of Elda The Capitulations of Santa Fe between Christopher Columbus and the Catholic Monarchy, Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of signed in Santa Fe, Granada on April 17, 1492. [1] They gave Columbus the title of ocean admiral The vice king, and governor-general and don honor, and also the tenth part of all wealth gained from the intended voyage. [2] The document follows the standard form in 15th-century Castile with certain points compiled in chapters (cap?tulos). [3] Although not a formal agreement,[clarification required] capitulation resulting from negotiations. When Columbus's proposal was initially rejected, Queen Isabella asked another assembly, made up of sailors, philosophers, astrologers and others to re-examine the project. Experts consider the unreasonable distance between Spain and the Indies that Columbus calculated. The kings also became hesitant, but a group of influential officials assured them that they would lose a little if the project failed and would earn a lot if successful. Among the advisers were toledo archbishop Hernando de Talavera, notary Luis de Sant?ngel and chamberlain Juan Cabrero. [2] Royal Secretary Juan II Coloma was ordered to formulate capitulation. This agreement took three months to prepare because the kings were busy with other things. [4] Capitulation was sealed at the Santa Fe camp, which had been built on the outskirts of Granada as a military operations base during the siege of the city. The original version didn't make it. The earliest living copy is contained in a confirmation issued by the Crown in Barcelona in 1493. The omission of the word 'Asia' has led some historians to suggest that Columbus never intended to go there, but only to discover new land. In 2009, Santa Fe Capitulations was listed in the UNESCO World Memory List. [5] Note ^ MEMORY OF THE WORLD REGISTER ? Santa Fe Capitulations. Ref N 2006-42[permanent dead link] Discussion of the historical significance of the document, history, translation of text. ^ a b John Michael Francis, Will Kaufman. Iberia and the Americas, ABC-CLIO, 2005, p. 176 ^ Carla Rahn Phillips. The Worlds of Christopher Columbus, Cambridge University Press, 1993, p. 133 ^ Mary L. Eckhart. Columbus Dictionary, Branden's Book, 1992, p. 9 ^ Santa Fe Capitulation. Unesco. 2009. Retrieved 26 August 2016. See also Treaty of Alc??ovas Inter caetera Pleitos colombianos Alice Bache Gould Taken from

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