Name: _____________________________ ID:___________________Test 3: Chapters 10-14_________________ is the use of people and machinery to convert materials into finished goods or services.ManufacturingProductionDistribution MarketingWhich production system is Smith-Kline Beecham using when it combines the raw materials calcium carbonate, simethicone, corn syrup and other ingredients to make the final product, Tums Plus?ServiceAnalyticSyntheticExtractiveA steel company whose blast furnaces never completely shut down except for malfunctions is an example of a(n) _________ production system.AnalyticIntermittentContinuous SyntheticSally is a production manager and has decided that grouping machinery and equipment according to their functions works best at her company. What layout would her company be using?ProcessProductFixedCustomer-orientedThe production facility for a large space shuttle would probably be organized according to a _________ layout.Customer-orientedProcessFixedProductWhich of the following situations would present a challenge for a just-in-time (JIT) investment system?Vendor managed inventorySudden increase in demandIncrease in the number of suppliersLong-term relationships with suppliersMargaret uses a computer-based production system that ensures the firm has the needed parts and materials available at the right and time and place and in the correct amounts. Margaret uses:Materials required planningJust-in-time inventory systemComputer-aided manufacturingVendor-managed inventoryBest Buy vendors ship merchandise directly to the store according to what they believes the store will need. Best Buy is utilizing:Inventory controlPerpetual inventoryVendor-managed inventoryProduction ControlElijah is a warehouse production manager and has been assigned a complex project that might result in lengthy delays. In order to coordinate all aspects of the production process, Elijah has created a(n) __________ chart/ diagram.GANTTISOPERTFMSThe goal of ___________ is for companies to eliminate virtually all defects in output, processes and transactions by roughly 99.9%Effective production processProduction managementSix SigmaError capture systems_______________ is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.MarketingMarket segmentationConsumer behaviorMarketing researchPhillip owns a store that sells lampshades. The process of receiving money in return for lamp shades is __________________.Marketing Place utilityExchangeTime utilityThe utility that is created when a salesperson at a car dealership completes the sales contract is ___________ utility.PlaceFormTimeOwnershipA Wisconsin sporting goods store that sells fishing licenses at the start of each sport fishing season is creating __________ utility.PlaceFormTimeOwnershipThe era in marketing history characterized by the notion that a good product will sell itself is known as the ________ era.Production SalesMarketingRelationshipLocal officials in a mid-size town used ________ marketing to convince major businesses to move to the area, including advertisements that emphasized low tax rates and accessible anizationPlaceCauseEvent The marketing of a social concern or issue such as preventing child abuse is known as ________ marketing.PlaceCausePersonOrganization Companies use ___________ to focus on a specific consumer market by combining product, distribution, promotion, and pricing strategies.Consumer behaviorMarketing mixMarketing conceptMarket segmentationAn organization’s _________ is the group of potential customers toward whom it directs its marketing efforts.Marketing demographicTarget marketMarket segmentProduct market Joe is developing the marketing mix for his company’s new line of power tools. A brand name, price, and distribution system have been decided. Now Joe is concentrating his efforts on developing the best advertising plan for the production line. The advertising plan is part of Joe’s ________ strategy.ProductionPricingPromotionalProductCensus data are _______ and ________ data for marketing researchers.External; primaryInternal; primaryInternal; secondaryExternal; secondaryAll of the following are methods of segmenting the business market EXCEPT:PsychographicsDemographicsGeographicEnd-usePersonal determinants in the buying process include all of the following EXCEPT:Needs and motivesPerception and attitudesLearning and self-conceptCultural experiencesMiguel scans his “preferred” card at a grocery store. The list of items is automatically computed and the store can offer coupons that are personalized to customer preference. This is an example of:Consumer behaviorAffinity programFrequency marketingElite statusItems that consumers purchase frequently, immediately and with little effort are called _________ products.ConvenienceShoppingSpecialtyCapitalWhich classification of business goods is usually consumed over a long period of time and usually involves large sums of money?Convenience itemsCapital itemsInstallation itemsExpense itemsWhen XYZ company purchases light bulbs for everyday use, it is purchasing __________.Expense itemsComponent partsRaw materialsSuppliesSharper Image’s collection of high tech gadgets and electronic equipment encompasses the company’s ____________.Product mixProduct clusterProduct lineDistribution strategyA product line is a group of ___________ products marked by physical _______.Related; similaritiesUnrelated; similaritiesRelated; differencesUnrelated; differencesIn which stage of the production life cycle do sales reach a saturation level, making further sales expansion difficult?Maturity stageGrowth stageIntroductory stageDecline stageNike is an effective brand name because it _______.Is easy to remember, pronounce, recognizeIs trademarkedAccurately describes the productHas been around for decadesWhen Publix puts its own line of detergent on the shelf next to Tide, the store is promoting its ______ brand.IndividualPrivateManufacturerFamilyDole Food company uses a(n) ____________ brand to market the company’s entire line of food products, including canned fruits and packaged salads.FamilyPrivateIndividualDistributionLuis wants a particular brand of golf ball, but his local pro shop is out of stock. Instead of buying a substitute, Luis goes home an dorders his preferred brand online. Luis is at which stage of brand loyalty?Brand awarenessBrand insistenceBrand preferenceBrand recognitionWhich of the following approach is used by computer manufacturers such as Apple? Intensive distributionSelective distributionExclusive distributionScrambled distributionLee purchased a new PC from Dell Computer’s website. He purchased this product via a (n) ____________.Direct distribution channelIndirect distribution channelWholesalerRetailer Integrated marketing communications would include all of the following EXCEPT ______________.Direct mailSales promotionsPublic relationsDistributionWhich of the following manufacturers would likely spend more on personal selling than on non-personal selling?Johnson & Johnson, Band-AidsGeneral Mills, CheeriosBoeing, 737 jetlinersToshiba, DVD playersJiffy Lube puts a sticker on your windshield to remind you when you are due for your next oil change. This is an example of which promotional strategy objective?Accentuating the product valueProviding informationStabilizing salesDifferentiating the productIn the movie, The Social Network, the character of Mark Zuckenberg is featured wearing products by GAP and the North Face. This is an example of _______.Trade promotionInstitutional advertisingCreative sellingProduct placementCompanies that provide ____________ for NASCAR teams are eager to spend millions in exchange for a direct association with the biggest US spectator sport.Public relationsSponsorshipsSpecialty advertisingProduct advertisingA pushing promotional strategy is ____________designed to promote one item at a time and place it near the location of the actual purchase decisiondesigned to encourage consumers to ask for the product if the retailer does not carry itprimarily used when goods or services are marketed to the ultimate consumerdesigned to market the product, product line, or service to wholesalers and retailersWhen a pharmaceutical company uses the phrase “ask your doctor” in its ads, the company is using a ________ strategy to appeal directly to the public instead of physicians alone.Public relationsPullingPushingSales promotionWal-Mart’s pricing objective is based primarily on ______ while a premium jewelry store’s pricing objective is focused on __________.Profitability; prestigeProfitability; profitabilityVolume; prestigeVolume; profitability Selling a product at a price relatively high when compared to similar goods and then gradually lowering it is a pricing strategy called _________ pricing.PsychologicalCost-basedSkimmingPenetration Which of the following statements regarding price and quality is supported by research?The higher the price, the greater the sales volumeConsumers’ perception of product quality is related closely to the item’s pricePerception of quality has no relationship to priceQuality and price always go hand in hand.Which of the following is considered information rather than data?Projected population growth in a target marketA measure of the effectiveness of a promotional strategyIncome distribution in a target marketProduct sales in various categoriesAll Walmart stores have satellite dishes that link stores in different geographical areas to the company’s headquarters. Walmart is using a (n) ____________.Local area networkExpert systemWide area networkEnterprise resource systemAngelo purchases a new game for his computer. He will load the program onto the computer’s hard drive. Angelo is buying _____________.Application softwareAn operating systemA warrantyAn output device Megan, the CIO of her company, reviews the internal performance of her company’s stock, as well as market trends for the industry. To access this information, Megan uses a (n) ____________.Executive support systemExpert systemEnterprise planning resourceDecision support system ................

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