Credit Restoration Flyer


Credit Consulting ? Credit Dispute Services ? Debt Settlement

1.800.604.0270 -

Having bad credit can cost you! You¡¯ll pay higher interest fees for a car loan, mortgage, and for

each credit card you use - IF you¡¯re approved in the first place.

But did you know that having bad credit can also jeopardize your future earning potential? More than half of

today¡¯s major companies are using background checks in their pre-employment screenings, especially for military

clearances. With your permission, a potential employer can check your credit history as part of the job application

and decision making process. WHAT WILL YOUR CREDIT REPORT SAY ABOUT YOU?

The credit experts at bSquared Credit can help. We don¡¯t believe a bad credit report should define who you

are or prevent you from achieving your goals, especially if it¡¯s based on erroneous, inaccurate, or out-dated


Over the past two decades our credit experts have helped thousands of clients improve their credit ratings

by perfecting the credit repair strategies and techniques that deliver exceptional results. Usually within a

few weeks, our clients start seeing results that positively impact their credit ratings and their lives.

Take control of your credit; don¡¯t let it control you.

Why do the majority of home owners depend on real estate agents when listing or buying their homes? Because they trust

industry experts to get the best results, faster. Similarly, credit repair should not be undertaken as a ¡°do it yourself¡± project.

It¡¯s complex, overwhelming, and sometimes, embarrassing. Let the experts at bSquared Credit start working today to improve

your credit report while you go about your everyday business.

We¡¯re Different

bSquared Credit offers credit repair services, but our core business is credit consulting. We begin each engagement by getting

to know our program candidates and understanding their unique credit goals and credit histories.

40% of the time we do not recommend our repair services. For these consumers we provide

complimentary guidance to help them improve and restore their own credit. For the candidates

who do qualify and enroll in our program, we immediately initiate personalized credit repair

strategies. As a bSquared Credit client you can expect to start seeing results within 2-6 months.

You pay only for the months of service required to meet your goals, nothing more. If we need to

continue past the 6-month time frame we will do so at no additional cost. If we complete the

process prior to 6 months we will discontinue billing.

We¡¯re Experienced

Our management team alone has more than 35 years of collective experience in FICO scoring,

credit repair, debt settlement, underwriting, and fraud management. We fully understand the

Fair Credit Reporting Act which protects a consumer¡¯s right to a fair and accurate credit report,

and we have long-standing relationships with all 3 credit bureaus. We are dedicated to providing

our clients with the best service possible and we adhere to laws that govern credit repair and

protect personal data.

We¡¯re Effective

Because we pre-screen and qualify candidates prior to approving them for our services, we expect to

get significant results. Unlike other companies that see every candidate as a paying customer, not

knowing if they can deliver desired results, bSquared Credit has an 80% average fix or derogatory

deletion rate with all deletions being permanent. And, 30% of new clients are referred to us by past

clients. We encourage you to visit our website to read their testimonials: .

Call us at 800-604-0270 to start taking control of your credit today.

You don¡¯t have anything to lose¡­but interest!

The Dispute Process

Here¡¯s How It Works:


1. Give us a call at 760-642-3182 or 1-800-604-0270

to discuss your credit goals.

2. Provide us a copy of your credit report so we

can review your credit history.

3. Based on an evaluation of the information you

provide, we¡¯ll determine if you are a good

candidate for our repair services. Remember,

we only accept clients for whom we expect to

achieve desired results. If you do not qualify for

our program, we will provide complimentary

guidance to help you improve your credit on

your own.


4. If we are confident our experts can help achieve

your credit goals, enrollment can begin.

Simply go to and click on the

¡°Get Started¡± tab. There, you¡¯ll be required to

upload the proper identity documents and sign

the e-Agreement via our secure web portal.


5. bSquared Credit will develop and send customized dispute letters to all 3 credit bureaus

challenging each of your derogatory items, citing

the relevant credit reporting laws and regulations. As you receive responses from the credit

bureaus, provide them to us for processing.

6. You may track your progress 24/7 via our secure

online portal while we are managing the dispute



7. Before the next round begins, we¡¯ll provide you

with a complete review of the progress and the

results we¡¯ve achieved to-date. As needed, we¡¯ll

repeat Steps 5-6. You have our commitment that

we will not stop or ease-up on our dispute

efforts until the process has delivered

your desired results or until we have

exhausted the dispute process.

Do you have trouble

getting loans?

Are you paying high

interest rates?

Is a bad credit score affecting

your life?

If you answered ¡°Yes¡±

to any of these questions,

bSquared Credit



for a free, personalized consultation

and start building your financial

freedom for tomorrow.



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