Day 1 (PS) Today starts your pre-season. This means that for the next week we will be gathering information, learning about one another and setting some real, measurable and realistic goals for our own health and fitness. I will be giving you the low down of what is expected of you and how we will all stay in contact! You invested your money into your fitness program and Shakeology, now its time to make good on that commitment! In return you are going to get the most amazing support and guidance that you have ever received! I have worked hard to set up a platform for success and I can’t wait for you to feel the thrill of VICTORY!! It all starts with you signing this commitment letter. Please download, open and print out this commitment letter. Read it over very well, then sign the bottom.Post your commitment letter in the group!!! That way we all know each and every one of us is committed to the change!Then Watch this video that explains exactly what you can expect over the next 12 weeks. Letter: 1 pmI have an idea!! What about creating a weight loss jar!!! It's so nice to have a visual of how far you are coming in your own process! What do you think about it!I am encouraging you to each create a jar and together we can all use this as a visual!!! Are you in? post your jar here when you are done! 2 (PS)I have added a document for each and every one of you with your name and I would love for you to fill this out. It will give me an idea of your goals, your why, and how I can more individually support you in this journey. So click on your document, click edit and type right in the spaces where the questions were asked. Day 2 pmIt’s time to start doing some dirty work! That includes taking your measurements! So pull out that measuring tape that came with your workout program and use the video below to help you get the most accurate measurements possible. Then email or message them to myself or your coach. You are going to find that the scale is not the most accurate measure of progress. Having a record of your starting measurements and your progress is going to shed some serious light on really how hard you are working! 3 (PS)How to photograph your transformation. So I know that not everyone is going to be submitting their before and after pics to beachbody but why not take really good before pictures so you can track your progress, remind yourself of the reason why you are working so hard, and in the end you may want to share them!I know when I started I did not want to show anyone my before pics. Now I proudly show them because I worked hard for that after pic!!!So today's video is all about how to take pics! Take ur pics and email them to me at mmitro@ or to your beachbody Coach.If you haven't filled out your document yet with your goals and why please do so now! :) 3 pmNow that we have the pictures, the measurements and your why and goals written we can start to think about your food. For the remainder of the week we will be setting ourselves up for success with our meal plans!!! So check out this article and find out how many calories you need to be eating and just start the beginning stages of thought in regards to food. will discuss the actual meal planning more!Day 4 (PS)It's time to start the meal planning process! Step 1 is to check out this article. Here is a great way to keep yourself motivated and set up for success during the next 12 weeks. Please read this article and list 1 thing that you are going to do or that you learned from this article!!! 4 pmHere we go! This is the official, what is clean eating post!Take notes, recognize how many foods in each category you get to eat each day and then download and save the blank meal plan template that I posted last night.This afternoon I will be posting a video walking you through how to meal plan!It is OK TO FEEL CONFUSED OR LOST just shout me out and I will guide you thru!! 5(PS)I am going to give you a meal plan that I have created for my challengers. It is general and it will provide you with options. It will allow you to pick and choose things you want to eat that are easy and clean. So either save this or print it out. Then, start to think about what you are going to eat next week. (Insert Meal Plan for challengers pdf)Day 5 pmMeal Planning time! The key to your SUCCESS is planning. It is so important to make sure that you have a plan in place. So, grab a pen and a piece of paper and sit down and sketch out a meal plan. Make a grocery list, and then decide what day you are hitting up the grocery store. I have found that when I have a meal plan taped to the fridge, the food in my fridge, and my food prepped I am more likely to stick to it! It’s so easy to wake up in the am and be late for work and still have to pack your lunch. We just throw our hands up and say we’ll just grab something for lunch! Then, you end up making poor choices, eat more calories than you were supposed to and then feel guilty for your decision. So let’s stop that right from the get go! It starts with having a plan!!! Make your meal plan for next week and post it to the group!!!(Picture of my meal plan)(Insert Blank Meal plan template) 6 (PS)Healthy snacks are just as important as the meals you plan out. SInce you are aiming to eat 5-6 small meals per day you need these snacks to keep your metabolism fired up and your body in fat burning mode. But choosing the right snacks is important. You want to always make sure you have a combination of a lean protein and complex carb from a fruit or veggie at each meal. Here is a list of snacks that are paired together for you already! on healthy snacks: 6 pmIf you are doing P90X, Chalean Extreme, or Body Beast then you have to track your weights and reps. Beachbody gives you printable tracking sheets on their website that you can print. I highly recommend that you use these sheets. You can’t possibly remember the weights or reps you used from last weeks workout. When you track them then you can constantly challenge yourself each week to push more. if you are doing P90X for pull up bars and assists- 7(PS)It’s time to share your meal plan with me! So post your meal plan on our wall today. By posting your meal plan I can help you with it. I can make sure you are on the right path with your food selections and it’s nice to see what other people are eating as well! Share away!!!Day 72 pmSomething to think about as we kick off tomorrow! I know that many people are deathly afraid of failure! No MORE, EMBRACE IT and use it to MAKE A CHANGE!"Only those who dare to fail greatly achieve greatly. If you have never failed you have never lived"When u want to give up because you think you don't have what it takes, remember how many people are turned down, fired, let go, dismissed each day and decide that it won't define you! It will EMPOWER you to keep going and live your passion for life! 7 9:00 pm This is it! Tomorrow is the big day! I am up and working out at 5 am to the FIX. What program are you doing? What time will you be awake tomorrow?Your assignment for tomorrow is to post your SWEATY POST workout PICTURE as your way of sharing your 1st day with the group!Don't forget tomorrow starts your ratings.1 to 5 for Food1 to 5 for Exerciseand Y or N for Shakeology1-5 scale means, 1 you blew it and stunk at your workout and eating and 5 was you hit the nail on the head, killer workout and great food day! :)Day 1Good Morning Everyone, Oh My Goodness am I so excited for all of you. When I first started this huge life change it was a little scary. I was so afraid to fail because I'd been uncomfortable in my skin for so long. But what was a little more scarier was feeling uncomfortable forever. I can't even express how grateful I am to have found these challenge groups and have the opportunity to help others meet their own goals! I love being a part of this, and I know you will too. maximize your results....1. Post and participate daily!2. Be in the moment in your life and your workout. It's therapy, I swear! Make the most of every workout. If that means you get up at 5 am...we are here with you!3 Embrace the power of positive thinking. Encourage others. Love your body and STOP comparing it to others. There is no one in the world like you.4. Smile. It makes you prettier. It attracts people toward you and makes them think their own positive thoughts!Your Monday Mindset video- 2 amHere is exactly how many servings you should eat each day and some ideas!!Clean eating is one of those things that takes some time to get the hang of. But think of always having a protein and a complex carb more veggies than fruit at each meal! Starchy carbs use sparingly. 22:00 pmYou all survived the very first day of our challenge! How are you feeling today? I'm sure you are a little sore and tired but that's no excuse to skip out on today's workout! Soreness is not a bad thing unless it is an injury soreness. Soreness just means that your muscles are rebuilding, growing and getting stronger. Your workout programs are set up so that you do not train the same muscle groups 2 days in a row in order to give you ample recovery time. So today's workout will target different muscles! So follow the schedule that is laid out for you!! that this is your Journey! Your's alone! You write this story, so make it a good one!Don’t forget to rate your workout, food and shakeology for the day!!!Day 3We are at the beginning steps of an amazing journey if you allow it to be! Break down the barriers and give it all you've got for the next 12 weeks! We are all in this together!Also, please post your week 1 goal that you wrote for yourself. I find that when I make a public proclamation about something I am more likely to stick with it!!!(It takes 21 days to create a new habit picture)Day 4Day 4What’s your Shakeology Recipe today!!!- So we are not only starting a new workout routine but we are incorporating shakeology. And I know for me I royally screwed up the first few of them! So today I want you to post the shakeology recipe you are using, and your thoughts so far! Watch this video and really embrace the importance of making sure you drink it every day! It’s crazy the amount of nutrition you get and the impact it is going to have on your health too!!! My tips: Don't use just 8 oz of liquid unless you like it thicker. I use at least 12 to 14 oz.Almond milk and make sure its unsweetened.Cut it with waterIce1/2 banana for smoothnessAlmond butter or all natural pb give it a smooth creamy texture and blend!!!If you have tummy troubles due to the change in diet increase in fiber make sure you are drinking plenty of water and possibly do 1/2 scoop or 3/4 scoop until your body gets adjusted! It's normal to experience changes, it will stop after 2 weeks! 4 pmAccountability partners- so this is one of the added benefits of this group. Not only do you have your coach but you have another challenger in this group that you are in charge of keeping on track and keeping you on track!an accountability partner is someone you keep in contact with on a weekly/daily basis. I text my partner every am to get up because we both workout at the same time. We check to make sure we are staying on track, and we lift each other up when we are having a bad day! It's just that extra level of support to carry you through when you are feeling down on yourself!!So, make sure you introduce yourself, send an email, exchange cell #'s and make a point to keep each other accountable. If you don't see them post, call em out! I want to see all of you at the end of this 8 weeks still going strong!!So here you go!!!Day 5 NoonToday I want you to find a picture or inspiration for what your perfect body would look like! I want you to take that picture and post it to the group, hang it on your fridge and remind yourself that this is what a healthy weight looks like and I will be satisfied with myself at this point. It can be an old picture of yourself or someone you aspire to look like! Keep in your mind that that person worked hard to get where they are and you will too! So use it as motivation and encouragement to push through!!(this picture was my original motivation, Jamie Easson hung on my wall beside my tv and every day I looked at that picture and said YES! I want to change and I dug deeper!!!)Day 5amI bet everyone's bodies are screaming! But it feels so good bc it means we are changing! Remember that the weekend is upon us! It's a time to relax but its also a time when most people throw in the towel and let their guard down with their diet! The weekends can quickly sabotage your weekly efforts so make sure you are tracking your food. Schedule in your 1 cheat meal for the week and have a game plan in place. Check out the restaurant menus that you are going to or pre-eat before you go to a party. That way you are never caught in a moment where you have to eat garbage! Please post if you need any suggestions for how to get through the weekend! That's what we are here for! Happy FRIDAY!!! 6Here are my pre-planning tips to get you through the weekend!If you are going out to a restaurant check out the menu ahead of time. Decide on what you are going eat before you even get there. That way when you sit down at the restaurant you won't have to fight against temptation and you won't even have to open the menu! Skip the bread, it has no nutritional value!-For parties, pre-eat! So have a shake on your way to the party. Offer to bring a clean appetizer or snack. Then make every social gathering about socializing with others and not about the food. Stay away from the food table. I help set up, get the kids food, and then help clean up so I am never forced to have to just sit and stare at everyone else shoving food down their throats. Drink lots of water!!! Just remember that you are not depriving yourself of life, you are giving yourself life! When everyone is feeling full, sluggish and miserable you are going to be looking fabulous, feeling confident and have more energy!! -Plan it out! If you are traveling, going to sporting events or just out all day pack a cooler of clean snacks. Even throw in an extra snack so that you are not caught in a situation where you are out longer than expected and have nothing to eat. It's easy to throw in a packet of shakeology, shaker cup and a bottle of water! I always keep one in the car!-Get your workout in and kick some butt!!! This is the last workout of the week! You got this! Let’s give it your all!Day 6 pmOk challengers, we are about to start week 2! This is when reality sets in and you are tired! There are no excuses you are accountable to each and every person in this group and to yourself! So let's get serious, have a plan and execute it! Do you have it written in your planner when you are working out, do you have your meal plan ready, and have you reached out to your accountability partner?! Make sure your mind is in the right place and you are prepared for the week! POST BELOW if you are ready to rock week 2!!?!?!?!Day 7*** PLAN to SUCCEED! Sunday has always been my day to plan out my meals, workouts and work week! I sit down, set goals... and come up with a plan of attack! For MOST of you... it is your REST DAY, so ENJOY, but don't get LAZY in ALL areas of your life and sabotage all the HARD WORK you put in these past 6 days! REST your BODY... but work on your MIND-SET and PLAN to SUCCEED in week TWO (thee toughest week for people to make it through statistically)... BUT NOT YOU... NOT THIS TIME!!! We are going 12 weeks strong and I will NOT let you forget WHY you are here... This is what I need you to do:#1 - RE-VISIT your WHY and remember WHY you are committed to this!#2 - PLAN your meals for the week! (go shopping for healthy WHOLE foods & get RID of any temptations!#3 - Post ONE thing you will do BETTER in week TWO than what you did in week ONE.and LASTLY, PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK!!! YOU JUST COMPLETED WEEK ONE!!! WHOOO HOOOO!!!Post your meal plan in the group today please!!Day 7 pm. Great blog on the basics of clean eating! It’s always good to hear it again from a different perspective!!!Day 8Welcome to Week 2!Here is where your excuses and negativity come into play! The adrenalin from week 1 is gone and now it's time to get down to business. So how are you talking to yourself, are you telling yourself that you can do this or are you starting to doubt that you will ever change? Whatever it is, this WEEK we MUST stop those thoughts dead in their tracks! Take time to listen to this video as many times as you need to and do your assignment! Be honest with yourself and challenge your inner negative voice to hit the road! Day 8 pmAfter dinner for me is sometimes the hardest times of the night! I am a late night snacker through and through. So in the evenings there are a few things that I do to keep myself in check. After dinner I get my mind busy, I go outside play with the kids, take a walk or start a house project. Then, I think of the kitchen as closed for the rest of the night. If I need a snack I choose something light like a protein shake, some steamed edamame, or a bowl of greek yogurt with berries and a drizzle of agave nectar. Green tea helps to stave off hunger!I literally think of the kitchen as closed and avoid it at all costs! It helps so much!Day 9I know everyone is sore and tired this week but view WEEK 2 AS A TEST! Are you IN THIS til the end? Will you be the NEXT AMAZING transformation? I believe you CAN BE! I believe 2014 is YOUR YEAR!! How AMAZING would it be we end these 12 weeks not losing a single member along the way. How COOL would it be to have all these woman/men/friends for constant support and encouragement...not only in your health and fitness journey but in LIFE in general!!! P90X got me in the best shape of my life...It transformed my body, but it has been this amazing beachbody "family" that has changed me on the inside and made me so much of what I succeed at possible!!So PRESS PLAY today, CONFIRM BELOW that you have finished day 9 and then message one of your teammates to make sure THEY DID TOO! No challengers are left behind!!!(you won’t lose a jean size in one day)Day 10I feel like we are sometimes surrounded by negativity everywhere we go. No matter what we do everyone is always critiquing us and we are critiquing them! Remember that you are in this challenge because you want to get healthy and fit, not because you are a bad person or everything is just going wrong. So today let's point out the positive! Let's pay some attention to the things that we love about ourselves! So post below your favorite feature about yourself and why?My favorite feature is my shoulders! I love working shoulders and I think they are sexy! I love wearing halter tops to show them off! I call them my glamour muscles! (attach a picture of yourself)Optional post:In this article are some of the key points to really cleaning up your diet and getting results. Let me tell you that I went thru an entire month of Insanity and didn't lose a single pound. It wasn't until I started really focusing on the quality of my food and the amount of food I was eating that change really started to compound. So take these tips and post at least 1 thing that you know you need to pay closer attention to!!!Post below! 11 Today I want you to take a picture of your Shakeology and post along with the recipe that you used! Make it fun and engaging! Whoever takes the best and most creative picture wins a prize!!! Plus its always nice to see what other recipes people are using!!! We are always looking for new ideas! Today here is my recipe, my absolute favorite!!!(Almond Joy Shakeology)Day 11 pmTip of the day: 45-65% of your daily calories should come from CARBS. Why the evil carbs? Because carbs contain the energy our bodies need to properly function. It's all about choosing the RIGHT carbs. Carbs are in your grains, veggies, fruits, milks, yogurts, nuts, dry beans, ect. CARBS ARE OUR FRIENDS ? 900-1300 calories a day should be from carbs. Having a hard time breaking the soda habit? Take a glass of water, and add 8-10 teaspoons of sugar. Doesn't seem like a lot right? Because its teaspoons... mix it up with a spoon. It's barely see through. Thats how much sugar is just in a single serving (not even a whole can) of regular soda (not including mountain dew, or energy drinks) GROSS! Why sugar sucks: 5-10% of our daily total of food/drink should have sugar. That comes to about 500 calories. ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS... A BIG NO NO NO!! They are now successfully linked to cause dementia, Alzheimer's, and ADHD. EEKK! No thanks!Fiber ROCKS. Did you know a diet high in fiber helps prevent heart disease, diabetes, GI health, cancer, and weight management. It also helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Fiber is just plain amazing for your body and health. You should aim for 25-35 grams a day. What goes hand in hand with fiber so you're not pooping bricks?! WATER!!!! YaaY!!!!Day 12GOOD MORNING! Wanna know 5 things that super successful people do before 8am? I just read this article and loved it so wanted to share. They aren't hard things but it will take 21 days to make them a habit and you will do this if you are serious about being successful.1. Exercise: Look at majority of super successful people and you will find that they get their workout in n out of the way early in the am. This sets the tone for the day , gets their mind & body a boost of energy, & you won't skip it this way.2. Plan your day: always work from a to do list and plan out your day. I use my phone so it's always with me. 3. Eat a healthy breakfast: it's crazy how many people skip breakfast bcuz we are running out the door late for work. Take some extra time in the morning to fit in breakfast. 4. Eat that frog: get the hardest task on your to do list DONE first so it's not in your head all day and you start procrastinating. Get it done now!5. Visualization: I do this a lot and it's awesome and fun! Try to take a few minutes to visualize your day and if you are writing down goals visualize yourself achieving those goals. There you go! 5 things that ANYONE can do if they want to start being mega successful in their lives.Day 12You don’t have to starve yourself! In fact, you shouldn’t! Ideally you should eat every 2 to 3 hours! I set an alarm on my smart phone to remind me to eat.Successfully fit people eat throughout the day so that their metabolism stays consistent. People who skip meals have higher levels of cortisol, which causes weight gain. By eating frequently you can train your body to burn calories all the time. Break the habit of feeling starved or stuffed by adopting this habit.Determine your daily caloric intake and then divide that into small meals and snacks that you’ll stagger throughout the day. For me, it looks like a couple 300-calorie meals, a couple 200-calorie snacks and a couple 100-calorie snacks.(Attach the picture of the fire and stoking your metabolism)Day 13 amHappy Saturday! I'm so excited with your daily posts and honestly how well you are all doing! I am so excited for your progress!So, as we move into the weekend and it's the end of week 2 I know you are tired and sore. Let's face it, this takes effort and on top of everything else you have to do in your LIFE you question whether its worth it, RIGHT! I know I have at some point! But truthfully in the end if you were to quit, if you were to throw in the towel you would be no further along than you were when you started. The same feelings about your body, the emotions, the tight clothes or lack of confidence! So giving up is NOT an OPTION. Remember why you started and how bad you want this.Then, today I want you to think about what obstacles you are going to encounter this weekend! Did you have your 1 cheat meal this week yet?"1" not "2 or 3" so if you slipped up somewhere along the way earlier this week we have to re adjust now! Lets stay on track, remember your portion sizes, flex your will power muscles, and plan it out! Think ahead and anticipate any obstacles that could come your way. Be strong and know that SUCCESS is going in with a CLEAR head and HAVING A PLAN!Have a great SATURDAY and SWEAT IT OUT!!!!!Day 13 10:00 amBeachbody workouts love Burpees!! Who wants some burpees for breakfast?!?! Oh so we all hate burpees right! But don't think you are doing those bad boys for nothing! Check out these reasons why you are doing them! 13 2:00 pmYou are 1 workout away from the end of week 2.....eeek!!!I love these tips, they really speak to me and at the beginning I had a hard time WAITING!! I really wanted to start exercising and eating healthy and see the changes yesterday. But what I realized is that it is the compound effect with my workouts and eating. I can't just do it for 2 weeks and expect to have a super model body! I had to do it consistently over the course of a few months and that is when the magic happened! It wasn't looking at the big picture but breaking it down into small manageable weekly goals. It's knowing that you are not alone and it's trusting in the process! TRUST ME, I have been in your SHOES and YOU WILL CHANGE!! But you have to do the work everyday that it takes!! Stay focused and keep pushing play!!Have a great Saturday. 14Happy Sunday! Good morning ladies! It's a rest day for some of us and a planning day for most! So take this time to slow down take a breather and regroup for the week! You are into the 3 rd week of your programs! Which is super exciting!!!! I know it's easy to lose steam and want to give up, but you are almost to the point where exercise and eating healthy is becoming a habit!!! So today let's plan out our meals and prep for the week! I've included a meal plan that has the calories based on approximately 1,500 calories a day! Do you know how many calories you should eat per day?Go back and re visit the link I gave you to figure out your calories at the beginning. Or visit to track your calories. your meal plans and I will post mine!!!Day 14Here is a great visual for the serving sizes you should be working to get in each day.(In the external hard drive, eat clean folder, how many servings per day pdf)Day 15Week 3! We are making some life changes and they are HARD! It's HARD TO CHANGE YOUR EATING HABITS! So many of us are emotional eaters and changing that thought process takes some will power! Thank God we have each other to get through it! So this week I want you to watch this video! I want you to really REALLY listen to this VIDEO! Let it sink in, LISTEN TO IT TWICE! Then decide what it is that you are going to have to sacrifice or change that you have been holding onto this far!Let's make it count this week ladies!!! 15 pmTip: So I know that I will never ever get sick of oatmeal but I know that others will! Some people are just diehard cereal fans! So here are some tips for finding a boxed cereal! Check the amount of sugar added. This isn't hard to figure out since most of packaged cereals have added sugar. Starch is one of the only natural carbohydrates in cereals, and occasionally fruit may account for a gram or two per serving, but no more. The rest of the sugar has been added by the manufacturer. Go for cereals with zero to 5 grams of sugar per serving. Zero indicates that there has been no sugar added, while 5 grams would equal to maximum of one teaspoon of added sugar per serving. If there are no added sugar, there will rarely be any other unwanted processed ingredients. Common brands of cereals that meet these guidelines are plain shredded wheat, puffed cereals and some kashi brand cereals.Then add in some fresh fruit to sweeten it naturally!Day 16You did it!!!! whether or not you have been PERFECT... or have had a couple slip ups... YOU ARE STILL HERE... READING THIS... Which means that you are STILL in the GAME and wanting to change your LIFE for the BETTER!!! That alone is a HUGE accomplishment!!! So, first, I want you to give yourself a pat on the back and take a second to be PROUD of yourself... (even if you weren't as perfect as you may have hoped you'd be)THE BEAUTIFUL thing about this journey... is that you are on it to GET BETTER!!! You are setting a NEW STANDARD for your entire LIFE, not just your body and the way that you "look". You will end these 12 weeks a better person... a better friend... a better role model... AND YOU WON'T STOP THERE!!! Think of ALL of the people you stand to INSPIRE!!! Remember those names you wrote down from yesterday's video…they are counting on you! so let’s push play, lets work hard and lets make it a good day!!!(motivational picture)Day 17How many times should I aim to have a cheat meal?ANSWER- once a week! So when you do your weekly planning sit down and schedule out your cheat meal! Write it in your planner and that will make you more likely to stick to your clean plan the rest of the week! But here is the catch! If you slip up when it's not your cheat meal or snack then you don't get to take that 2nd cheat day! It's one or the other so choose wisely! Too many cheats can lead you to weight loss plateau and frustration! Right now you are 17 days into this challenge and you are still finding your way and struggling to break those bad habits so you might not be able to make it the entire week, but it's ok! Just keep working at it and start to fight those urges to splurge! If you want something sweet, drink a large glass of water, wait 20 minutes! Go outside and get busy, play with the kids, go for a walk! The urge will usually pass! A lot of times your hunger is caused by thirst. Maybe you didn't drink enough water today. Lastly, green tea does help to stave off hunger!! I keep it on hand at all times!!!Day 17 pmMore tips on calorie calculating!! 18- Each one of us are driven by different things, so today I want to know, "How important is the number on the scale to you?"- post below!I have learned to only weigh myself once a week at the same time and first thing in the am. Your body weight fluctuates so much from day to day based on water, sodium and just life so I really encourage you not to step on each day! I also encourage you to not let that drive how you feel. Let your body and your clothes tell the story!-I have 2 quotes that made me think of my own impatience in my weight loss journey! I really struggled with not seeing immediate changes. I remember how painful it was each day to look in the mirror and sometimes not see anything different. But I had this faith that I was going to be different and the scale wasn't going to wreck me! I learned to only get on once a week! I literally had to talk myself out of stepping on it, but it was worth it because I learned how to control my eating and exercise harder to step on the scale to see results. If it didn't change, then I would not give up but do my research and change either my diet or the intensity of my workouts!!! :) You ladies are all doing great!!! :)(picture of scale)Day 18 pmHere is a blog post and video that I wrote on the scale not defining your worth! It was something I struggled with and I know it affects us so deeply that i can cause us to give up!I hope this post inspires you to keep going and know that you are not alone!!!! 19I swear that weekends come around faster than I can ever remember. It's day 19 which means that we only have 11 days until our 30 day pics! So what does that mean? It's time to really focus and GO! All of you have been amazing with your meal planning, your workouts and your support! I love that you lift each other up and keep each other on track!So this weekend I want you to focus on getting in your workout, being present on our page and lifting each other up, motivating and staying accountable! Post if you are struggling with food or workouts, share your joys and frustrations and keep digging deeper! We are only at the beginning and it takes 21 days to develop a habit, you are right in the middle! Keep on going and be the positive influence in your life and your families life!!!Who is shooting for a 5 rating for your weekend??Day 20Happy Saturday!A little something to take into consideration this weekend!Also, here is my tip for you. I am going to encourage you to all look up your restaurant choices when you go out to eat this weekend. If you use myfitnesspal most restaurants are plugged in there. Also you can usually see nutrition info on the menus or online. Take the food that you feel is the healthy choice and look it up!Tell the group what it says? Was the healthy choice actually a healthy choice???I think you will be surprised!! Sound like a plan?Day 20 pmInsert the portion size picture.This is a great visual. Remember that portion sizes are really important when it comes to your weight loss progress.Day 21Happy Sunday!We are about to start week 4 and we are starting to feel like we have the hang of things!It's time to do your meal planning and prep. This is one area that is easy to slack on. But this is also the area I notice that slips me up the most if I don't pay it careful attention!So let's not forget the most important part!Planning!Let's post our plans and get our minds in the right place to take on all the busy tasks we have this week.Post your plan below, and tell us any big obstacles you foresee this week.Day 21 pmA few extra tips for the week! Do you feel like you fall into any of these traps? 22Motivation to really push hard this week!Post a picture of the bikini or swimsuit you want to rock this summer.Share that picture with us! Want to take it one step further, buy it and hang it on the pantry to remind you of why you are working so hard because you want the confidence to walk out in that suit and not feel self conscious.Monday Mindset Video: 23What is dedication? Dedication to your workout is continuing to do it even when you feel the progress is slow or not at all. It's eating healthy when everyone else around you is making bad choices. It's seeing the bigger picture and knowing that if you follow what your COACH tells you she won't lead you astray! Its having faith in the bigger picture!Dedication is doing it every day no matter what!Are you dedicated to your results?!?! No matter what go at this for the next X amount of days until we finish and look back and feel great for knowing you did the very best you could!!!Day 24So yesterday we posted all of our food and I am sure that we did learn some things about what we are eating! So today is all about water! How many ounces of water can you drink in a day! What is YOUR daily recommended intake of water! Here is your assignment! I want you to take your body weight and divide that in half. That is how many ounces you should aim for each day. Figure that out and drink away! Post a picture of your water bottle and every time u finish a glass let me know! At the end of the day there will be a little prize!1. How many ounces should you be drinking? Mine is 113/2=56.5 ounces so that's at least 5-12 oz glasses!Now I will be posting right along with you! Here we go!!! Workout water and clean eating! It's gonna be a good day!!!! 255 DAYS AWAY FROM YOUR 30 DAY PICS! Can I just say that I am super proud of all of you! Even if you haven't been able to get your workout in each day you are still sticking to your clean eating and making good choices! That makes me so proud! I LOVE that you are each reaching out and sharing in the support group, it makes this thing work!!!*** YOU are CHANGING!!! Whether or not you see if on the scale or measuring tape have been eating clean and pressing play you are already BETTER, STRONGER, FASTER, and most importantly, HEALTHIER than you were 17 days ago!!! POST BELOW at least ONE THING that you can DO NOW that you couldn't do on DAY 1!!!(transformation isn’t a present day activity)Day 26Grocery Store Tips: Shop the perimeter, stick to the outer walls of the store, avoid middle aisles! Think, all the freshest foods such as fruits, veggies, meats, are kept on the outer walls.Make a plan to only shop the perimeter first and then work your way through the center aisles. By the time you get to the center aisles your cart will already be full to the brim with fresh eats!Keep focused while browsing the center aisles. Food choices tower over you on each side. It is not necessary to shop every single aisle, skip it if u don't need anything down it!In the frozen food section, stay away from anything that says one step, heat and serve or ready to go meal in a box! Learn to read nutrition labels and ingredients list. If you can't pronounce some of the words or if they look like they belong in a science lab, put it back on the shelf!When buying canned foods look for low sodium versions, salmon and tuna packed in water, and no extra sugars.I hope this helps!!!Day 26 pmthe power of oatmeal! It’s crazy you think you are making good choices but in reality there are hidden ingredients and sweeteners. It’s just best to take your shake or pack some snacks! That way you avoid feeling defeated with every food choice! Honestly for a long time I didn’t eat out. I just wanted to make sure that I was controlling what I was eating until I felt confident in my ability and educated enough to make good choices.Now my body will tell me when something was a bad choice.(mcdonalds picture of oatmeal)Day 27Sugar!!! With clean eating we stress the importance of staying away from processed sugars. But did you know that sugar is also hiding in your food naturally. You can avoid sugar overload by reading this article and paying attention to the sugar content of the foods you eat. I do this by checking it on myfitnesspal.melaniemitro.2012/07/how-many-grams-of-sugar-should-i.htmlHow many grams of sugar is acceptable?Being aware and mindful of sugar is going to help you when it comes to reaching your weight loss goals.(pic sugar addiction cycle)Day 28SundayA new day, a new opportunity to get out there and reach new heights. We may not ALWAYS "feel" like getting up and getting after it, and that's ok. Just know that some days you're gonna have to push yourself a little bit harder and do a little or a lot more to talk yourself into doing what you KNOW needs to be done. One bad day, not a bad life, push through the challenging times and you will be victorious!Day 29MondayIt truly doesn't matter how good or bad you did in the first 30 days, it just matters that you SHOWED up and GAVE IT YOUR ALL! You have made healthy changes for yourself and your body! I want you to proudly take those pics and know that even if you don't see a dramatic difference from DAY 1 to NOW, you know that you have a dramatic difference in how you think, act and feel about your body and food! So be strong and "DO YOUR BEST AND FORGET THE REST"! Let's kick it into high gear!!!!1 more day to go!!!One thing that i have is a heart rate monitor. I like to play a little game with my heart rate monitor. I check to see if I can really up the intensity and get my heart rate up. I like to see if I can burn more calories than yesterday. It makes me push harder, squat deeper, punch and kick with more intensity! By the end I feel amazing and victorious. Try it! I bet you will have a little fun! I totally get in the zone and lose all track of time!!! Week 5: 30GOOD MORNING CHALLENGERS!!! IT'S OFFICIALLY DAY 30! So you know what that means! RIGHT???!! The moment of truth! It's time to dig out that camera and measuring tape and take some pics! I encourage you to make a collage on of your day 1 to day 30 pics and then compare your measurements! If you are comfortable share your collages with the group and tell us how much weight you have lost in the first 30 days!!You have come so far in month 1! You have developed a new habit, learned more about food than you ever probably wish too, but you are changing! The first month is always the hardest! You have officially created a new habit and you have a community of support to back you up. So today I want you to watch the mindset video I posted from yesterday and do your homework and post 3 things you can do today that you could not do on day 1!(picture of girl with measuring tape)Day 31SO THIS WEEK IS ALL ABOUT RENEWING OURSELVES reflecting and making a new game plan! So now that we have all taken our 30 day pics it's time to buckle down and get even more serious! Today I WANT YOU TO VERBALLY MAKE A PROMISE TO YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE/BOYFRIEND/FRIEND/PARENT THAT YOU WILL LOSE X LBS OR X INCHES BY X DATE AND THAT IT WILL BE GONE FOR GOOD! POST IN THE GROUP WHO YOU TOLD!!!Losing weight is also about accountability! so just telling someone else your goal makes you more accountable to it. You don't want to let yourself orOthers down! Let's crush it team.Day 32Now that we are in to month 2 there are definitely some foods that will derail your progress. When it comes to clean eating and the quality of your food it’s really important. Here are my tips that I have learned the hard way when my progress stalled.Fruits- bananas, grapes and mangoes are the highest sugar fruits so I would recommend that you limit them to once per day. I would suggest pears, apples, and any berries. A serving is 1 cupped handful.Veggies- raw or steamed. 2 cupped handfuls eaten 4 times per day. Examples, cucumbers, tomatoes, leafy greens, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, green beans, sprouts, celery. Note: Carrots are actually high in natural sugar!Carbs- 1 handful per day of quinoa, brown rice, oatmeal, or cream of wheat and or a hand sized sweet potato.Lean protein- stick to chicken, tuna, egg whites, turkey, or non oily fish like salmon and tilapia. Other protein sources are shakeology, protein powder, nuts (but also a good fat).Beverages- water!!! Unsweetened herbal teas! So if you are really trying to shed weight stay away from dairy products, juice, bread, salad dressings (make ur own with balsamic vinegar and evoo), spreads and high sodium foods! NO TURKEY BACON for my bacon lovers and no sliced cheese!I promise if you even start making small tweaks with this plan you will see a drastic change!!!Day 33I feel like this about eating a lot of times! I feel guilty for refusing to eat what other people serve at parties, sometimes I feel guilty for asking for my food to be prepared a certain way. Especially now that I have lost my weight, people think I should eat whatever I want! But then I remind myself that it's not their bodies and I'm not on a DIET! Its a lifestyle change and I want to maintain my lean body and that requires conscious decisions 99% of the time! Now I can confidently say No to meals that are sabotaging my hard work and make better decisions because of my knowledge!Never LET anyone make you FEEL bad about the lifestyle you are living, their negativity is just a cover up for other feelings!Have a WONDERFUL DAY!(never sacrifice who you are bc someone has a problem with it pic)Day 34- Hey Challengers, so now that we have taken our pictures and we are either feeling 2 emotions, we are either super happy with our progress or bummed that we didn't see more of a change! Whatever you are feeling it is important that realize that you are a work in progress. Its not going to happen over night and it will take time! So be patient but know that one day you will look in the mirror and BAM you will SEE IT! People around you will notice and YOU WILL FEEL SO PROUD BECAUSE YOU DID THAT ALL YOURSELF! So this weekend I want you to be strong! Make your game plan and stick to it! Stay away from the snacks and desserts (unless its your cheat meal for the week) and plan it out!Day 35SundayIt’s Sunday and it’s time to plan out your meals for the week. You may not always feel like getting up and making a plan but it will save you from countless bad decisions as the week goes on. It will help you feel in control and give you a reason to stock the fridge with health choices. Remember your weight loss and health goals this week. Remember that having a plan is part of being successful. It’s just like setting goals for yourself in your professional life, you have to write them down, set a deadline and work towards them every day to reach them! So please take the time to do that in your health and fitness too!Day 36Week 6Welcome to the start of week 6!!! Here is your Mindset Monday video! watch this video, it is all about making some tweaks to your current strategy. So what tends to happen at this point in your journey is that your body becomes more efficient, you become stronger and you now need to tweak your plan to continue getting results. This is where the stripping of the diet comes into play. So check out what I have to say and let's chat about some small changes we can make to your current plan to continue on the curve of progress.Day 36pm What is clean eating and why is it so stinking important!!!More tips on clean eating!!! :) A little weird video but it’s really a good explanation!Day 37A lot of times we think that lifting weights will make us bulky. But actually it take quite a bit of hard work to build bulk. Check out this article for a little more explanation and then keep on trucking! go heavy or go home!I can tell you first hand that lifting weights doesn’t make u bulky but gives you healthy definition, speeds weight loss and makes you look great! 38Some really really great substitutions tell me which ones you are going to try!!!! 39Thursday I want you to share 5 things that you learned about yourself over the last 30 days good and bad! Maybe this has been the first time you have ever stuck to a lifestyle change or workout routine, or maybe you realized that you can workout in the am or that you are stronger than you thought you were. This is a time to reflect on the positive changes you have made in your life. You may not have hit the number on the scale that you were hoping for but you gave it your all and you are making big changes! I want you to shout it from the roof tops today that you are not waiting around for the perfect place and time. You are taking charge of your life today and doing what needs to be done to make yourself a healthier, happier and stronger individual.Please post your 5 things you learned about yourself over the last 30 days.Day 40Do you hold yourself back because you’re afraid that the outcome will somehow be negative? Today I want you to challenge the negative things in your life that are holding you back. If you are always looking behind you at what has happened and using it as an excuse why you can't succeed then I want you to stop! Listen to this! When you look up and think of the possibilities and dream big and when you stop looking back on the past you start to become a more positive person! So today I encourage you to look forward, do not be defined by your past, INSTEAD define your future!!!Break free from the chains that pull you down!-Reduce the time you are exposed to negativity and negative people-Stop putting yourself down. Affirm that anything you desire is possible, and it will BE possible – even if you don’t have all the technical skills (with the right attitude, you can learn them).-Believe in yourself and what you can do! You are stronger than you think!(include motivational picture)Day 41How does sugar affect your weight loss? Could you be getting to many natural sugars in your day?Could it stall your progress? Answer: Absolutely!!! Check this out and really make sure to pay attention to the foods you eat thru the day and their sugar content. 42Sunday: - We all want to know, how long will it take until I see results.-When you begin to follow the Eat Clean lifestyle, you will find almost immediately you have more energy and your skin and hair become lustrous and healthy looking. This is the first sign that you are making a positive change in your health.Each person will experience a different rate of weight loss. This is due to a number of different factors such as starting weight, genetics, the implementation OF EXERCISE AND HOW MUCH YOU DEDICATE YOURSELF TO EATING CLEAN!!!!Healthy weight loss occurs at a rate of 2 to 3 lbs per week. Some weeks you will lose more, and some weeks you will lose less and some weeks you might not see any movement at all. But don't let this discourage you! Have faith in the temporary stall and focus on the other positive changes that are taking place within your body!!!Losing weight at a healthy rate has numerous positive benefits. It helps your skin adjust, which minimizes any excess skin you might have after you finish losing. Your heart, lungs and muscles also need a chance to catch up!-Have a wonderful day and remember that your weight loss is 80% nutrition! So if you are feeling frustrated what do you feel is holding you back from propelling forward in your weight loss?(insert motivational picture)Day 43MondayThe Start of Week 7! Week 7!!!! This might be my favorite video! If you have never read the book the slight edge you MUST! I follow these principles each and every day! I live by the fact that everything big or small that I do each day has an impact on my future, my body and my family! So when I am tired and would rather sleep in than exercise I think about how it will affect my biz, my body and my mental state. That alone is enough to get me out of bed. Yeah 1 day is no big deal you are right! But if I do that 2 days a week for 12 weeks that is 24 days I missed a workout which is almost an entire month I am set back! Plus who knows how many cheat meals that is too! So the small choices you make each day add up over time!Check out this video and post below what your slight edge task is for this week! 44- Assignment for today is a BIG one! WE are half way through this challenge which means that every day counts from here on out! So what I want to do in order to add that extra level of accountability is ask each of you IF YOU HAPPEN TO HAVE A CHEAT MEAL OR SLIP UP FROM THIS POINT FORWARD I WANT YOU TO BE ACCOUNTABLE TO IT! I want you to post a picture of what you ate in this group! This is something I haven't been doing for awhile now with my accountability partner! It works!!! It makes me second guess my cheats, and also it makes me realize that a cheat meal is a once a week thing not an everyday thing!!!-Definition of a cheat meal: A cheat meal is 1 meal that happens 1 time per week. It is when you are still mindful of portion sizes but you eat whatever you want. IT IS ONLY ONE MEAL, not an entire day. Schedule it into your week, so that way you know you have to behave the rest of the week!(about to binge-motivational pic)Day 45A HUGE key to your success is writing down what you eat! Something as simple as a notebook that you can carry in your purse or leave on your kitchen table will help keep you accountable. It's easy to look back at your day and say hey I did a really great job! But when you start writing it down you realize you had an extra serving of pasta, a handful of chips, a mini candy bar and 2 drinks! You actually weren't in a calorie deficit and you are off track. A few days of a skewed perception can equal 0 progress towards your goals. So my assignment for you is to get that notebook and start writing down what you are eating each day! Post in our group along with your exercise and shakeology! DEAL!!! You can also use and they even have an iphone app.Sound like a plan?!?!(10 reasons to keep a fitness journal)Day 46Thursday-Instead of always measuring your successes by a number on the scale I want you to list a few of your non scale successes today! Remember that even if the scale hasn't moved as much as you would like you are making life changes and you are already impacting those around you by the little things each day!So post below 3 things that are non scale successes that you have achieved so far and celebrate them by staying on track and focused this weekend!!! :)-picture, non scale victory.(post mine as well)Day 47The weekends can absolutely be soo hard! So it's the perfect time to hold each other accountable to our workouts and even more importantly our eating! This would be a great weekend to forgo the cheat meal and keep it clean so you can aim for the best weigh in on Tuesday!What are my must do tips:-Pre-plan your weekend.-Pre-eat if you are going out to a party or get together and don't know what is going to be served.-Pack your snacks if you are going to be away and busy this weekend.-Workout- find a way, get up earlier and get it in before the rest of your house gets up! Then u don't have to think about it for the rest of the day.-To drink or not to drink?? umm that is the question!What do you think> What are you going to do this weekend?Day 48I was doing a little reading this am. Wanted to share this with you!Protein plays a very important role in weight control. Lean protein helps you maintain your lean body mass when your calories are restricted. It also helps you suppress your appetite.Eating lean protein increases your metabolism due to the thermic effect of food, which is how much energy you burn to digest the food. Protein has a thermic effect of 30 %. This means that if you eat a lean protein food that has 100 calories, 30 of those calories are used to digest and process the food leaving only 70 calories of net energy available. Carbs have a thermic effect of 10-15 %, while dietary fat has the lowest thermic effect of only 3%.Umm interesting!!!!Eat your protein!! Watch ur carbs! :)Day 49 SundayMeal plan and prep sunday!!! Let’s do it!Day 50 Week 8 MondayWelcome to week 8!! It’s hard to believe we are starting week 8. We are 10 days from our 60 day pics and we are making some great progress. This is the time where I see a lot of people lose steam and fall off the wagon! The key is to stay strong until the end!Watch this video, get your fuel for the week and lets kick some butt!Happy Monday!!! 51Today I want you to post at least 1 of your meals, take a picture and post to the group! It's always nice to see what other people are making to help keep it clean! here is my breakfast for the day, 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup almond milk and 1/2 scoop chocolate shakeology with some sliced strawberries! It was really yummy!!! Let's keep each other on track today!Day 52Who doesn't need a little more will power every now and again!!!Here are some tips for you!Tell me which ones you are going to focus on or which ones really resonated with you! Then let's kick some over the hump wednesday workout butt!!! 52 pmWhat song pumps you up? Share it with the group? What song makes you break down and dance or sing no matter where you are!When I did P90X and Body Beast I got to the point where I knew the workouts pretty well so I would put on my own music to keep me engaged! Don’t hesitate to do this too!optional postAhh one of my favorites. It's just so easy to get side tracked by the whole, I love sweets and I have to have it now or you only live once.But instead of thinking this way think about how you want to feel, how you want to look and what would be better? A cupcake that gives you a sweet fix or a long term confidence and energy?I have to play that game with myself on a daily basis. I am always playing in my head, bypass the cake, bypass the cookie, don't you dare grab that handful of the kids chips. I am human to! We all have to play that mental struggle at times. Remember that the end result is so much more worth the instant gratification!Today your job is to flex your willpower muscle and give it a 5!!Are you in?!?!(would you rather have this or this- picture of cupcake and chub)Day 53 ThursdayDo you need a U-Turn? do you feel like you have strayed from your path? Do you feel like you got a little caught up in life and somewhere along the way forgot why you started this challenge? Do you need a little gut check with yourself?Take the time today to really put your energy into yourself!Do your assignment from last night, watch this video and regain your confidence and strength! 54Do you ladies realize it is literally day 54 already! That's really hard to believe!!!It totally blows my mind we are this far into our group already!Imagine where you would be right now if you didn't start on day 1? Just reflect on how far physically and emotionally you have come since you started! It's easy to get caught up in the number on the scale and whether or not it's moved as much as you would like.But think about all the things you now do! You second guess that piece of cake, you ask yourself whether or not it's worth it. You know how to make good food choices and you are drinking more water!!! I mean these are all small changes that if keep with you are going to notice LIFELONG health and not just SHORT TERM RESULTS!So this is not a sprint to the finish line, it's a marathon of your health! This means that it doesn't matter if you finish in 60, 90, 120 days it just matters that you never give up!So as you go through this weekend remember that! Remember that your choices are what is pushing you forward and you deserve to feel confident, healthy and happy! Do what makes you HAPPY and LIVE LIFE to the FULLEST!(motivation pic)Day 55WOW CAN U BELIEVE IT! 55 DAYS IS AN ACCOMPLISHMENT! Today's assignment is to make a list of what you are grateful for and what it is that you truly want in life. Make those desires the focus of your existence and you will lead a life of gratitude and ambition! Please post below!!!!!This week is all about reflecting and getting back to our base! Sometimes we let life and reality slip away! So let's refocus and center ourselves this week in addition to continuing our commitment to our health and fitness!!So let’s stay focused this weekend. Next week is your pics!!! We gotta rock it out!Day 56Happy Sunday!New recipes this week? New opportunities to try something new!Post your meal plan and anything new that you want to focus on this week.Day 57Monday Week 9Is there anything in your house that is truly holding you back? Is there something that constantly tempts you that you know you need to get out of the house!I had to do a clean sweep and I encourage you to do so tooTell the group what is haunting you in the pantry! 57 pmDAY 57@#$%^&YOU ARE EITHER SHAKIN IN YOUR BOOTS OR SUPER PSYCHED ABOUT TAKING YOUR 60 DAY PICS! I hope you are super psyched because I am! Let's get excited about each and every step that we take in the right direction! It's shaping us into the person that we are becoming! Remember that we might not be there yet but we are a work in progress!What is 1 thing today that you will do to bring you closer to your 60 day goal?Day 58Today’s assignment is to give me something unhealthy you like to eat. It could be a recipe, it could be a snack or treat. I will do my best to turn it around and give you a clean alternative!!! This is a fun one! Please share!!!Day 58 pmThe next 2 days I want you to forget everything that has gone wrong in the past 2 months and look at all happy, healthy and positive changes in your life! Look at the bright side, you are here, you are breathing and you have the ability to change your life forever! Your circumstances do not define you, yet they empower you to be better!Today I encourage you to aim for a 5! I encourage you to fight the urge to give an excuse, to dig down and find your willpower and make healthy choices! Are you ready to give it your all?You committed to being here so now it's time to finish strong!!!Day 59Physical Hunger vs Emotional Hunger?I notice on the days that I am home with my kids I am more likely to emotionally eat. I think it's due to more down time, quicker access to snacks and the craziness of 2 small kids.I have to be very mindful of the clock, when I ate last, and why I am truly hungry. Most times it is because I forgot to drink water!!! Recognize the signs of emotional vs true hunger!What are your #1 triggers or times you tend to emotionally eat?(picture of physical vs emotional hunger in motivation folder external hard drive IMG file)Day 60WELCOME TO DAY 60! A MOMENT OF TRUTH! Today I want you to take your pics and measurements and email them to me at mmitro@. Then, i encourage you to share your transformation so far with the group! Go to and create a free photo collage and post in our PRIVATE group! (Optional) Sharing is a great way to gain support, confidence and motivation to keep going and finish the last 30 days strong!You were made for something GREAT don't let yourself be your own worst enemy! Get up with fire in your belly each and everyday, press play, eat clean and make today a day to live life to the fullest!What is one thing that has surprised you about yourself in the first 60 days?Day 61Day 61- Whoosh, now that our 60 day pics are behind us, I want you to celebrate your success today in completing your 60 days of this challenge! You are officially in the home stretch. 30 more days and you will be a P90X, Chalean Extreme, Insanity graduate and you can get your shirt saying you completed it!!! YAY!How are you celebrating your 60 days? What are you going to do the last 30 to push yourself a little further? Oh and it's ok if you don't know what to do, that's where I come into play! POST BELOWDay 62So we are continuing on for the last 30 days! So because you are graced with my presence you have to PROMISE me you will bring it!It doesn't matter what happened in the past all that matters is right now and the decisions you make today!So, if its a clean slate a fresh start a do-over or a take it up a notch lets commit to really finding our inner strength and creating a lifestyle. This is not something you just do for 90 days and then magically your transformed forever. (although that would be SWEET) Instead this is your life, it's something that is doable and manageable, it's about taking this time to find balance and what works best for you!So check out this chart below, here are healthy swaps that you can make that are easy and can just be part of your fit fam food routine!Which ones will you try this week?Give me at least 1 you are going to try or 1 that you have already tried and tell us what you think.Post below!(Simple healthy swaps in dropbox clean eating folder)Day 63SundayIt's time for some meal planning!Today it's really important that we pick foods that we know we will eat, foods that we are willing to prep and that we can stick with.Look at you day and ask yourself if you are satisfied.If not, don't be afraid to post that. I can absolutely help you find a meal plan that works for you!The biggest disservice you can do is to not plan your week. It's ok if you don't stick to it 100% but having a plan and the food ready to go is going to save you butt a lot of times!Post belowDay 64Day 64 week 10 No Regrets is the topic of this weeks video!When you are done with the challenge let's not leave feeling regret. So today starting right now we re-commit to finishing the last few weeks as strong as possible. Every decision and choice that you make to keep going is a step in the right direction.You don't have to be perfect, you just have to keep trying!It's Monday and we have a choice, to move forward or stay where we are! Where are you going??Day 65 *** YOUR ASSIGNMENT*** {Complete the following sentences:}1.) One change in my mindset I have noticed is ______________________.2.) These first 2 months of the challenge has been ______________________.3.) This week I am really proud of myself for ________________________!4.) I promise myself that I will _____________________!5.) Next week I am going to ___________________________.Day 66-At this point in your journey would be a great time to re-evaluate your meal planning! You are in your last 30 days and are somewhat confident with the food aspect! So I challenge you to do a little strip down of your foods!The Eat Clean Stripped book is great for those last 10 lbs or if you feel like you are at a weight loss plateau. If you are still steadily losing weight and not stalling out then continue what you are doing!But for those that need that little jump start here are my suggestions! Limit fruit to 1-2 servings per day. Stay away from bananas and grapes because they are the highest in natural sugar. Reach for strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and apples!Limit your servings of carbs to 1-2 servings per day. No bread!!! Just oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes and no pasta!!Cut out dairy except for almond milk which technically isn't dairy! But no processed cheese slices, no yogurt, etc... Dairy isn't bad but just on the stripped it helps to cut it out bc sometimes it has extra sugars hidden in there!Eat lots and lots of veggies! Start making at least 1 of your snacks some green veggies like snap peas, green beans, cucumbers, etc... Make sure to pair it with a protein like hummus or a handful of nuts.Water water water! No soda, pop and absolutely no alcohol! If u want a drink it's vodka soda or something extremely low cal!!Who is thinking of stripping it down??? 67Here is a great app that I found! It's called fooducate! You can literally scan the barcode of the food in your pantry and it gives it a rating for you! If you struggle with what is good vs what is not so good then scan away!!! It also gives you replacements that are a healthier alternative. I was shocked at some of the things in my pantry!!!Day 68Day 68- It's friday!!! Ahh it's the middle of the summer, margaritas sound nice, campfire with s'mores are amazing and ice cream runs on a warm summer night are perfect ways to end a day at the pool!How will you stay on track with your plan with all these temptations?Maybe you should just throw in the towel and start again when life slows down?Oh but then fall hits and there is pumpkin pie, pumpkin spice lattes, trick or treating, football games and party foods! Oh well then we roll right into the holidays!So my point being is this, the time will never ever be right. There will always be temptations along the way!The best way to survive is to work at it each and every single day. We eat what we absolutely love in moderation (once a week) and we pass on the rest, we find replacements for others and we keep going!-Watermelon is a great refreshing summertime snack.-Greek yogurt with berries and honey is a perfect replacement for ice cream.-Frozen shakeology pops are like fudgesicles-And shakeology is my savior!!!What are the healthy alternatives you have found that are curbing your need to go out of control?Day 69Tips for a healthier weekend picYep you are going to have a good weekend! Despite the fact that its the weekend and it's hopefully more relaxed. Don't let your guard down.Remember that you DO want progress, you don't have to HAVE perfection but progress is key!Yes you deserve to relax but do you really feel that you deserve to eat like crap?Nope, let's treat our bodies the way they should be treated and lets feel good about our decisions!Workout, eat healthy, drink lots of water and just remember that your body is still your temple. You are stronger than u think, deep breaths, smile and tell yourself you are worth this!What seems like a struggle now will one day be easy!Day 70Meal planning time! We are about to start week 11.So that means we have to do our planning. It’s easy to get relaxed with your planning and just wing it. But I know for me personally that leads to a whole slew of bad choices followed by me feeling out of control.So regardless of how busy my life gets I always take at least a little time to make sure I’m covered. I have my grocery list, my meal plan and I am ready for tomorrow for sure!I will spend the time to prep out some snacks bc that is where i can easily get derailed! Let’s rock the 11th week together! Post your meal plan below.Day 71Week 11 We are down to the last 20 days of the challenge. This is the hardest month, you are so close, you want to quit, you’ve seen a little bit of results and so maybe you get lax! But remember that those results are close, but you can’t give up now!!! Watch this video and get focused!!! Day 72How to handle the dreaded sugar monster. It gets us all, the first bite just leads to a downward spiral. Check out these tips and tell me if you struggle with sugar and how you are handling or not handling it! 73Sodium! Too much sodium can be detrimental to your weight loss! Avoid all processed foods, NO question! Snacks like chips, fries and salted nuts will derail all your hard work. To kick up your weight loss efforts avoid all of the following foods: Preserved meats including bacon and deli meats, hot dogs, pepperoni, sardines, cheese, commercial pb (all natural is fine) TV dinners, most canned foods, pickled veggies, olives, relish, sauces and spreads, seasonings, veggie juices, pasta sauce, breads, salty snack foods, pork, canned soups, Chinese take out!Foods that help keep you flushed out! Asparagus, green beans and broccoli!Keep imagining how amazing you are going to feel when you look at yourself in the mirror and see the brand new, stripped of fat version! It will be worth every mouthful!!!Day 74Focus on your goals Day 75Excuses are for the WEAK! We are at DAY 75 and WE ARE STRONG!!!So today I want you to think of 3 excuses that you are currently using with yourself not to workout, eat clean or stay on track and then take out a piece of paper and write them down! Then on the other side write out a REASON why you will no longer let yourself USE that excuses!!! Take a picture and post!!!We have got each other's backs so let's go!!! This is the time in the challenge when you either finish strong or lose steam, I don't want u to lose steam! Get fierce!!!3 Excuses:1. I stayed up to late and I need sleep. 2. I am already at my goal weight so I can have this piece of cake.3. I am sore from yesterdays workout so I will just lightly workout today.Other side:1. You will regret it if you don't workout now, drink your E&E workout and you will feel so good for doing it.2. Yeah you might be at your goal weight, but you want abs you want stronger muscles so eating that cake is only going to bring instant gratification right now, not results!3. Sore means that your body is changing. As long as you aren't working the same muscles twice go for it!Day 76Welcome to the weekend AGAIN!!!! 16 days until we close the first 90 days. I can tell that you ladies are totally getting the hang of things. You're working out your healthy eating, you are all making progress and steps in the right direction. So this weekend I want to challenge you to leave the excuses at the door. Do what is necessary to keep yourself on track. Celebrate non scale victories, like saying no to the starbucks latte, the piece of candy, the dessert while you're out. Celebrate the energy you have and renewed sense of empowerment! Look at the positive in your life instead of dwelling on what you could always be doing better with! Give yourself a pat on the back for making it this far!!! Day 77 SundayHappy Sunday!It’s coming down to the last week and a few days of this group. We are creating a healthy lifestyle, we are making exercise a part of who we are and now it’s time to really push thru the holidays and stay focused. You have come to far to take orders from the buffet, the dessert table or the wine bar. While yes I totally believe that you should be able to indulge, remember that your cheat meal is still 1 time per week. So make a game plan and lets stay on track.Meal planning time!!!Day 78This one really resonates with me!!! It's time to kick some butt today in workouts, in eating and drinking lots of water!We might mess up once but it won't ruin our day. The goal is to go to bed tonight feeling empowered and proud of our decisions today.(dropbox, Diet-cheating picture)Day 78 pm little motivation to remind you that your decisions are YOURS. They aren’t mine or your families! Each and every choice you make is entirely up to you. Yes there were times when I sat at family parties and everyone was eating cake and I wanted it too! But then I really wanted to feel better in my skin, reach my personal goals and feel confident in the person that I was. That was enough for me to keep my focus, grab a glass of water and remove myself from the temptation. I would go outside and play with the kids, text a friend, or surf instagram for some motivation to stay focused. Whatever it takes, fight that internal battle with yourself. Instant gratification vs long term success.Long term success always is more satisfying!’s always your choice!!Day 79We keep climbing the ladder to day 90 and the scale hopefully keeps going down! I wanted to share this awesome article I found yesterday about cellulite! Unfortunately a lot of us women are plagued with it! I hope this gives you some insight! I know it did for me!!! We imagine that we are going to lose all this weight and be left with the perfect body. I know for me I had this false image for a long time until I did research and educated myself. Cellulite is one thing I have on the backs of my legs and I stinkin have twigs for legs!! I have to share because I made some of these changes and the cellulite decreased. 80 Late night snacking 81Remember that no matter how long it took you to put on the weight it will take a little bit of time to get it off. It doesn't happen overnight but it DOES happen! Remember the key to your success is consistency!!!Also, DO IT NOW! Stop waiting for the perfect conditions, timing to be right. If there is something in your health and fitness journey that You know is holding you back do it now!!!Every minute or hour you put that THING off, you are LESS likely to ACTUALLY DO IT!!! THE power of INTENTION decreases with each waking moment!Seize the day and all that you hope to achieve! Day 82MOTIVATION!!!What do you feel has been the biggest motivational factor for you? What has been the 1 or 2 things that if you do you are successful, if you don’t you slip up?Share with us your little tips to being successful in this process!!!Day 83Saturdays are always tough because we are pulled in a million different directions, and sometimes we have unexpected gatherings with friends and family! Let’s keep each other on track today, and not use today as an EXCUSE! You all have come so far that I don’t want you to lose sight of your goals now! >>>Today post a picture of one of your meals. If you went out to eat, tell us where you went, and how you altered the dish! If you cooked at home, please share the recipe:-)Day 84 SundayHappy Sunday! Can you believe it? This is our final week together! This group has been amazing, and I want you all to finish strong! So, that means one thing: SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS BY CREATING YOUR MEAL PLAN!!I challenge you today to really examine your meal plan and eliminate ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING THAT IS NOT CLEAN! So, for instance your coffee (eliminate the creamer), dressings (no creamy dressings), no cheat meals! END THIS WEEK STRONG, and get those results that you have been wanting. I know you can do it. Post your meal plan to the group when you are finished! Day 84 2pm If you are out shopping today...keep this visual in mind. I’m sure when you have shopped for greens you wondered what was the best one to buy. This picture highlights the nutritional value for each! I personally try and stick with romaine and spinach! Day 85 MondayConfidence is one thing that I hope all of you have gained throughout this challenge. You are transforming your body and your life, and you are learning how to be comfortable in your own skin. I know that when I was beginning my journey I didn’t feel confident in the way that I looked and felt. It took hard work and determination to get me where I am today. I know that you all are on that same path too, and I want you to believe in yourself! Don’t let anyone define you, and being confident starts with YOU! So, today get out there and set some new personal goals. Where do you see yourself in the next few months. I also want you to do something that you love. Maybe you spend some extra time with your kids, or you go and get a manicure. Doing something that you love makes you HAPPY and boosts your confidence! Have a great Monday! Day 86So, sometimes I know it’s difficult to fit your workout in. I do mine first thing in the morning, so that I don’t have to worry about squeezing it in later. I know that not everyone is able to do this. I want you to remember these few things the next time you think to yourself that you don’t want to work out! Day 87JUST BREATHE! This is something that we have not talked about at all, and it is so important to remember to do while we workout….remembering to breathe! Here is a great article I found that explains how to breathe properly for each type of exercise that you do. of breathing, how many of you are thinking about trying Beachbody’s new workout program, Piyo this summer?!?!Day 88We have all been part of this group because we want to be healthy, right? Nobody dreams of life that is full of illness and disease. I’m still amazed sometimes by how hard it can be to get people to want to change their lifestyle. Let’s face it we hear criticism all the time from family and friends about the foods eat! During those moments we reflect on the changes we are making. My hope is that I have provided you will all of the tools and resources you need to continue on living a clean and healthy lifestyle! I want you to continue making good choices for your health, and those around you! I want you to live a long, happy life, and that starts with YOU making the best possible choices NOW! Day 89DAY 89….SERIOUSLY HOW AMAZING IS THIS! Let’s think about this challenge group, and the journey we have all been on. So, I am asking you: What has been your favorite post in this group, or what was the one post that really struck home for you, and made you think about your journey a little differently?? Tomorrow is day 90, and I want you start thinking about the past 3 months and the changes you have made to your body! >>So, share away! I am really excited to read these:-)Day 90DAY 90! Can you believe it? Think back to 90 days ago when you started this journey. Did you think you would be where you are today? What was your why, and what were some of your goals? Did you achieve those goals? I truly want you to spend some time today reflecting on this experience, and sharing in the group what you have learned! Also, bust out the camera because IT’S TIME to take those final 90 day pictures! Share your pictures in the group or email them to me at mmitro@! Along, with your pictures remember to take your measurements!Lastly, let me know what you would like to do next. You have 3 options.1.) Would you like to be in another one of my challenge groups for the support and accountability?2.) You could sign up to be a coach, and run your own challenge groups to help you stay motivated during your fitness journey! 3.) You can continue on your own, and as always I will always be here if you have any questions:-) I want to thank everyone for doing a wonderful job these past 90 days. This group has been amazing, and I can’t wait to see all of your results! ................

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