STLGA GOLF GAMES1-2- 3 Waltz - Team Game- Dots on cards“1-2-3 Waltz Best Ball" 4-person teams in which a different number of team members' scores are counted on each hole: on the first hole, the one best net score among the four teammates is the team score; on the second hole, the two best net scores are combined for the team score; on the third hole, the three best net scores are combined for the team score. On the fourth hole, that rotation starts over and continues through the round One low ball is used on Holes 1,4, 7, 10, 13 and 16; two low balls are used on Holes 2, 5, 8, 11, 14 and 17; three low balls are used on Holes 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 183, 2, 1 – Team Game Dots on CardsFor the team score, use the best 3 net scores on Par 3s, the best 2 net scores on the Par 4s and best net 1 score on Par 5s. 51, 42, 33 – Team Game – dots on cards if using net scoresFor a foursome, use one score on each par 5, two scores on each par 4, and 3 scores on each par 3.Angel Golf Team Game - Team Game – dots on cardsThis is a 4-person game counting one best gross and one best net score per hole. It must be two different golfers' scores unless the golfer is an Angel. On the holes you have an Angel, you can use the Angel's score for both gross and net; either gross or net; or not at all. It's the team's choice. Sixteen holes will have a designated Angel (cards will be highlighted). Hole #5 and Hole # 14 will not have a designated Angel. Bingo, Bango, Bongo - Individual GameEach individual player can possibly earn up to 3 points on each hole1 point – Bingo to a player(s) whose tee shot lands on the fairway1 point - Bango to the player whose ball is closest to the hole once everyone gets on the green1 point – Bongo to player(s) who 1 puttAdd the total number of points for all 18 holes for each player. Blind Partners – Individual GameEach player records gross score and then subtracts their handicap for their net score at the end of play. Partners will be drawn randomly and net score of each partner will be added together for a team score. Lowest team scores win the game. Crazy 8’s – Individual Game – dots on cardsEach player records total net score on all par 3’s and all par 5’s. Crossover – Individual Game – Half Handicap on cardCompare a player’s scores on the first hole of each side (i.e. hole 1 and hole 10) and take the best score. Compare a player’s scores on the second hole of each side (i.e. hole 2 and hole 11) and take the best score. Continue until all holes have been compared and the best score selected. Add the nine scores together and subtract half of the player’s handicap.Double Down – Individual Game – dots on cardsChoose either lowest net score from the front 9 OR the back 9, then double that score for the game score. Eliminate - Team Game – dots on cards3 person team: Play the 1st 3 holes. Choose a low net score for each hole using only one score for each player. (if you use player A’s score for hole #1, you can’t use their score for hole 2 or 3). Continue this format every 3 holes.4 person team: Play the 1st 4 holes. Choose a low net score for each hole using only one score for each player like above. Continue every 4 holes through hole #16. The team may choose a low net score for holes 17 & 18 from any of the four players, but may not use the same player for both hole #17 and #18. Even / Odd Holes – Individual game – half handicap on cardsUse scores for only the even holes OR odd holes for the game. Players record gross score for even OR odd holes, then subtract ? handicap for the game.Five Club Draw – Individual Game – no scores posted Players choose their 5 favorite clubs to use throughout the round. Record your gross score and then your net score for the game. Flag Day – Individual GameThis is a competition format in which golfers begin the round with an allotment of strokes, then play the course until their strokes run out. The game gets its name from the fact that little flags are usually given to competitors to stick in the ground at the point at which their final shot is played. The golfer who stakes her flag the farthest around the course is the winner. Example: Your allotment is 75 strokes. You play the course until you hit your 75th shot, which let’s say, comes on the 16th fairway. That’s where you plant your flag. If no other player’s flag is planted beyond yours-say, on the 16th green or 17th tee box- you are the winner. Use full course handicaps to determine the stroke allotment. A player with a 21 handicap, for example, receives 93 strokes on a par-72 course (72+21). Players should continue to finish the round even though they have put their flag in the ground, so they can post a score. Forget the 5’s - Individual Game – dots on cardsEach player records their net score on all par 3’s and par 4’s.Guess your Score – Individual GameEach player will guess their GROSS score when they check in before play. Game coordinators make note of the guess and record it in pen on the scorecard. Winner(s) is closest to actual score without going over. Hate ‘EM – Individual Game – dots on cardsEach player will pick 3 holes they hate on the course (one par 3, one par 4, and one par 5). For the game, give yourself a par on each of those Hate ‘Em holes and record your net score on all the other remaining holes. Total the scores (all net holes plus the three par holes) for the game score. Lagging – Individual GameThis game will be played once all players are on the green and before any putts are made:3 points – ball closest to the hole2 points – 2nd closest to the hole1 point – 3rd closest to the holeLow Gross/ Low Net – Individual GameEach player records their gross score and then their net score for the round.Luck of the Draw – Individual Game – scores will not be posted to GHINAt check in, one player will draw 3 bonus shots to be used by each person in the foursome anytime during the 18 holes of play. Examples: “hit from the 150 marker”, “move ball from rough to fairway”, “throw out of the sand”, “mulligan”, “gimmie if ball is within 10 ft. of the flag” etc. Record gross score, then subtract handicap. Match Play – Individual Game The game consists of 2 players A & B. Unlike stroke play match play scoring consists of individual holes won, halved or lost. On each hole, the most that can be gained is one point. Golfers play as normal, counting the strokes taken on a given hole. The golfer with the lowest score on a given hole receives one point. If the golfers tie, then the hole is halved. Match Play is handicapped. Complete rules and handicaps will be given to each group before play begins. Mulligan Stew - Individual Game – scores will not be posted to GHINEach player will have one Mulligan to use on the front 9 and one Mulligan to use on the back 9. We will score low gross and low net for the round. Mutt & Jeff – Individual Game – dots on cardsAdd all par 3s (net) and all par 4s (net).Odd Front, Even Back OR Even Front, Odd Back– Individual Game – Half handicap on cardsPlayers record gross scores for odd holes on the front 9 and even holes for the back 9. Subtract half handicap for the game score. Oh NO!!! Oh YES!!! - Individual Game – dots on cardsBefore teeing off, choose any 2 par 5s, 2 par 3s, and 5 par 4s for the game. You may not change holes after teeing off. These 9 holes are your NET score for the game. Perfect Putts – Individual GameEach player will record the number of putts on each hole. Only putts that are taken on the green count in this game. Total the number of putts for all 18 holes at the end of play.S&T, FT, O-N-E-S Holes Only – Individual Game – half handicap on cardThese games use only the holes that begin with specific letters. Add gross score for each hole in the game, then subtract half handicap for the game score. S & T holes are: Two, Three, Six, Seven, Ten, Twelve, Thirteen, Sixteen, and Seventeen. F & T holes are: Two, Three, Four, Five, Ten, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen and Fifteen. O-N-E-S holes are: One, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Eleven, Sixteen, Seventeen and Eighteen.Scramble - Team Game - no scores will be posted in GHINAll players tee off. Choose the best drive and mark the spot. All players hit their 2nd shot from that spot. Continue in the same manner until the ball is holed. When placing balls at each spot, the ball can be no more than 1 club length from the spot, in a similar lie and no closer to the hole. Once on the green, the putts must occur from the spot of the chosen shot. Record the team score for each hole. Scramble Step Aside - Team Game – no scores will be posted in GHINMembers of each 4-person team in the tournament plays a scramble, but the golfer whose ball is chosen for each shot has to sit out the next stoke. Once the ball is on the green, all four players get to putt. Record the team score for each hole.Shamble – Team Game – no scores will be posted in GHINAll players tee off. Pick the best shot and each player then plays their own ball from that point through the hole. Pick the 2 best scores on each hole for the team score. You must use each team member’s score a minimum of 3 times on the front nine and 3 times on the back nine. Solheim Match Four Ball - Team Game (Partners) - Dots on CardsFour Ball is a Match pitting two teams of two players against each other using best-ball scoring. All four players play their own ball throughout. At the end of each hole, the best low net score among the two partners is that team’s score. The team with the lowest score at the end of 18 holes is the winner. Stike 3 – Individual Game - Dots on CardsKeep count of all player’s net scores for 18 holes. At the end of the round each player gets to throw out 3 scores of her choice. Lowest net score(s) win the game.Sucker In The Bucket – Team Game Dots on CardsHole #1 All players tee off and play till all have putted out. The player with the lowest net score circle that score. Hole #2 – all players play till all have putted out. Of the remaining 3 players, circle the best score.Hole #3 – all players play till all have putted out. Of the remaining 2 players, circle the best score.Hole #4 –all players play till all have putted out. The remaining player is the “Sucker in the bucket” and you must use their score.Start the process over every 4 holes. On holes 17 and 18, play like holes 1 and 2. Synchronized Swimming – Individual Game Dots on CardsFor this game, the net scores for all the holes that have water on them count in the game. Jones: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,13,14,17,18Byrd: 1,2,3,6,9,12,13,14,17,18Maples: 1,2,3,6,7,8,12,13,14,18Turkey Trot Butter Ball (Devil Ball) – Team game Dots on CardsTeams of 3 or 4. Have one ball designated as the “devil ball”. The team will decide a rotation before their 1st hole in which each player will play with the devil ball. Once the rotation is established, the team must play in that rotation for the remainder of the round. On each hole, two net scores are combined to create one team score, with one of those scores being from the person playing the devil ball. If the devil ball is lost, designate another ball as the devil ball and continue to play. Teams finishing with the devil ball at the end of the round will subtract 2 points from their total score. Teams who lost their devil ball during the round will add 2 points to their team score. Win,Place and Show – Individual Game Dots on CardsOn each hole, the player with the low net score wins 3 points, the second lowest wins 2 points, and the 3rd lowest wins 1 point. Ties are allotted the same score. Winner(s) are the ones with the most points. ................

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