
Cardiac cafe in a convalescent home

The cardiac café will be a conventional food service, which will be preparing food on site daily. The café will provide sustainable local grown products with a radius of 100 miles in their meals. The menu will change according to the season to make sure they are serving a verity of options through out the year. The café will be non-commercial because it will be located in a convalescence home for patients recovering from a stroke.

The Cardiac Café’s mission is to serve stroke survivors sustainable healthy diets low in fat, cholesterol and salt that will contain a mixture of fresh vegetables, fruits, protein, dairy and grains.

The cardiac café will have a 7 day cycle, non selective menu. The menu will be based on a 2,000-calorie daily intake following the American dietetic standards for stoke nutrition. Meals will have less then 1500 milligrams of sodium a day, less then 70 grams of fat, less then 200 milligrams of cholesterol, high in fiber with at least 20-30 grams, high in protein with at least 140-170 grams, at least three portions of vegetables and two portions of fruit a day.

Sample- 1-day menu

|Breakfast |¾ cup orange juice |

| |1 cup nonfat milk |

| |1 cup instant oatmeal |

| |½ cup cholesterol free eggs |

| |1 slice of whole wheat toast |

| |½ cup blueberries |

|Snack |1 cup of fresh strawberries ½ oz low-fat, low sodium cottage cheese |

|Lunch |¾ cup chicken salad served with a whole wheat pita (chicken breast seasoned with celery, lemon juice, onion powder and low |

| |fat yogurt. |

|Snack |¼ cup fresh apple slices with one tablespoon natural, salt-free peanut butter |

|Dinner |4 ounces herb-boiled tuna |

| |½ cup scallion rice |

| |1 cup steamed broccoli |

| |Spinach salad (1/2 cup raw spinach and 2 cherry tomatoes) with balsamic vinegar. |

| |½ cup melon |

Approximate nutrition values:

Calories: 1,867

Sodium: 1,285 grams

Fat: 28 grams

Cholesterol: 156 milligrams

Protein: 120 grams

Fiber: 23 grams

Carbohydrates: 201 grams

According to the American Heart Association someone suffers from a stroke every 45 seconds, accounting for about 700,000 people a year in the US alone. About 70-80% people survive a stroke a year. A stoke has many occurring factors and one of the major factors is an unhealthy diet consisting of high amounts of fats, cholesterol and salt. About 30% percent of surviving stroke patients are assigned by their health provider to be placed in a convalescent home care. A convalescent home provides residential care for patients who suffered from a stroke with skilled nurses and aids 24 hours. Patients residency at a convalescent home varies on the time is takes them to recover from their stoke. Since patients reside at a convalescent home besides medical attention they will also need to be nutritional meals with there stay. This is where the Cardiac Café will be placed to offer patients their nutritional needs through out their recovery period.

The convalescent home that will benefit from this café will be located in San Francisco, Ca. The convalescence home will have a daily cost for the patients stay of about $214 a day and the percent of that money will be to cover the cost of the café. The convalescent home will have residency for about 100 patients, which is the amount of people the café will be serving daily as well. The target population will only be patients aged 60 and over who have recently suffered a stroke and are in recovery.

The café will have the option for the patients to have meals taken to their rooms or enjoy meals at the café located on site. The café will have a capacity to set 100 people and will have nutrition aids to serve patients meals. A patient’s meal will be identified by their name and date of birth. Even though the menu at the café will be non-selective some patients will have allergies or certain food preferences that the café will accommodate. There will be 3 meal times and 2 snack times through out the day. Breakfast will be served at 8:00 am, Lunch at 12:00pm and dinner at 6:00pm. The patients will have the option of getting snacks in between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner or after dinner. A registered dietitian will be in charge of planning menus and putting recipes together that follow the American dietitian association standards for stoke nutrition therapy. Professional chefs who will have been trained on preparing meals for cardiac diets will prepare the food.

The Cardiac café will be a great addition to a Convalesce home. It will offer patients delicious fresh food that they will be able to enjoy. The meals will be healthy for each patient meeting the standards of their diet.

Works Cited

Pollick, Michael, and Niki Foster. "What Are Convalescent Homes." WiseGeek. Conjecture, 16 Aug. 2012. Web. 26 Sept. 2012. .

Robinson, Robert, MD. "Stroke and Depression: Psychiatry: UI Health Topics." Stroke and Depression: Psychiatry: UI Health Topics. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinic, Dec. 2004. Web. 25 Sept. 2012. .

"Transent Ischemic Attack." Cardiovascular Disease. American Dietetic Association, n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2012. .

Vega, Jose, M.D, Ph.DP. "Interesting Facts and Statistics About Stroke." Stroke.

Guide, 22 Sept. 2008. Web. 24 Sept. 2012.



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