
Find the cardinal number for the set. F = {t, h, r, e, e}The cardinal number of the set is What? Answer:4 or n(F) = 4I have AP 1--------------------------------------------------------An engineering company has four openings and the applicant pool consists of seven database administrators and ten network engineers. If the hiring is done without regard for the specific qualifications of the applicants, find the probability that the four hired will beAll network engineers. Round your answer to five decimal places.The probability that the four people hired will be all network engineers is . Answer:P(all 4 are network engrs) = 10C4 / 17C4 = 210 / 2380 = 3/34Describe which measure of average ? mean, median, or mode ? was probably used in the situation. The average person cuts the lawn once a week. In this situation,A.mode was used as the measure of the average. B. the mean was used as the measure of the average. C. the median was used as the measure of the average.I selected BAnswer is A (mode)Find the probability using the binomial probability formula. Round your answer to four decimal places. n = 7, p = 0.38, x is less than 3P(x)Answer:P(x < 3, n = 7, p = 0.38) = 7C0(0.38)0(0.62)7+ 7C1(0.38)1(0.62)6+ 7C2(0.38)2(0.62)5 = 0.464112892 or approx. 0.4641I need help with this oneThe three data sets have the same mean and range, but is the variation the same? (a) 5 7 13 15 17 23 25 (b) 5 6 7 15 23 24 25 (c) 5 5 5 15 25 25 25The variation for data set (a) is the variation for data set (b).Is this correct? Answer:Yes, since the standard deviation of set a is 7.483 while that of set b is 9.036961, therefore the variation for set a is less than that of set bMartin Dennis purchased a wide screen television for $1,950. He made a down payment of 20 % and paid the balance over 20 months. The finance charge was 2.5 % of the amount financed. Find the down payment, the installment price of the television, and the monthly paymentI put the down payment as 375.00 is that correct?Answer:Downpayment = 0.2 ( $1950) = $390 and Assuming that the balance is paid using finance, then total price of the television is (1 + 0.025)($ 1950 - $ 390) + $ 390 = $1599 + 390 = $1989The monthly payment is $1599/20 = $79.95 Decide whether the selection described is a combination or a permutation. Ten fans at a concert are chosen to go backstage after the show.I selected it as a combination not a permutation is that correct?Answer:Yes, it is a combination (since order is not important)How many different ways can six types of laser printer be displayed on a shelf in a computer store? There are 156 different ways to display the six types of laser printer on a shelfIs that correct? Answer: 6! = 6*5*4*3*2*1 = 720 waysDecide whether the events are independent or dependent.Eating an excessive amount of ice cream and smoking an excessive amount of cigarettes.A. The events are dependent. B. The events are independent.I selected AAnswer: B (independent events)Find the effective interest rate. Round to two decimal places when needed.Rate: 9% Compounded: QuarterlyThe effective rate is 45 % Is that % correct?Answer:[(1 + 0.09/4)^4 - 1] * 100% = 9.3083318% or approx. 9.31%A city council consists of 10 members. Four are Republicans, three are Democrats, and three are Independents. If a committee of three is to be selected, find the probability of selecting Part 1 out of 5 (a) All Republicans. Round your answer to five decimal places. The probability of selecting all Republicans Answer:P(All Republicans) = 4C3 / 10C3 = 4 / 120 = 1/30 or 0.03333The owner of a restaurant decides to poll regular customers to choose which dish she'll submit to an annual citywide competition. The choices are lemon-crusted salmon (L), crab-stuffed chicken (C), garlic prime rib (G), and wasabi rolls (W). The results of the poll are shown in the preference table. Number of votes 8 6 5 3 2 First choiceSecond choiceThird choiceFourth choice CLWG GLWC LWCG WCLG LCGW (a) How many customers voted? For this election, 10 customers voted. (b) What meal was selected as the winner if the plurality method was used to determine the winner? Using the plurality method, Lemon-crusted salmon is the winner.The data below show the number of attorneys employed by the ten largest law firms in Pittsburgh. 23739254284773913985For the above data set, find the mean, median, midrange, and mode. Round to one decimal place, if necessary. What is the mean for the attorney?I selected 156 Answer:mean = 60.5In a charity marathon to raise money for AIDS research, Chen finished 48th out of 120 entrants. Find her percentile rank.Chen ranks in the ______________ th(st/nd/rd) percentileAnswer:= (47 + 0.5) / 120 x 100% = 39.58 or approx 40th percentile Refer to a standard deck of playing cards. If you are unfamiliar with playing cards, see the description on page 650. During a game of Gin Rummy, Sven needs the ten of diamonds to make a straight in his hand. He and the other player have been dealt 10 cards each, the other player does not have the card he wants, and all other cards are in the deck. What is the probability that the next card picked from the deck is the ten of diamonds? Express your answer as an integer or a simplified fraction. The probability that the next card picked is the ten of diamonds isAnswer:P(10 of diamonds) = 1 / (52- 20) = 1/32 Determine whether or not the events are mutually exclusive.Roll a die: Get a prime number (2, 3, 5), or get an odd number. A. The events are not mutually exclusive. B. The events are mutually exclusive.Answer:A (not mutually exclusive)Express your answer as an integer or a simplified fraction. In a math class of three women and eight men, if one person is selected at random to come to the board to show the solution to a problem, what is the probability that the student is a man?The probability that the student is a man isAnswer: P( man ) = 8 / (8 + 3) = 8 / 11 or approx.. 0.72727272For the new fall season, a network president has 12 shows in development, and 5 openings in the prime time schedule. In how many ways can she arrange new shows to fit into the schedule? There are____ ways to arrange new shows to fit into the schedule.Answer: 12p5 = 95,040Find the sales tax and total cost of a Sony Playstation that costs $134.99. The tax rate is 4 %. AnswerThe sales tax is $. = 0.04*$ 134.99 = $5.3996 or approx $ 5.40 The total cost is $= $134.99 + $5.3996 = $140.3896 or approx. $ 140.39Find the compound interest and future value.Principal Rate Compounded Time $115,000 4.34 % Weekly 39 years The future value is $____________, and the compound interest is $___________.Future value = $ 115,000 * ( 1 + 0.0434 / 52)(52*39) = $624,421.85Compound interest = $624,421.85 - $ 115,000 = $509,421.85 Round your answers to the nearest cent.For the given pair of quantities, decide if they are likely to be positively correlated, negatively correlated, or uncorrelated. Number of primary schools in a town and average SAT scores of students graduating from high school in that town. A. This pair of quantities is likely to be positively correlated. B. This pair of quantities is likely to be uncorrelated. C. This pair of quantities is likely to be negatively correlated.Answer:A ................

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