
Name: ____________________________________________________Directions: Complete each statement using a term or terms from the list below. Write your answers in-152400181610HeartCapillariesOxygenVeinsFoodArteriesCirculationBlood VesselsWaste materialsBlood00HeartCapillariesOxygenVeinsFoodArteriesCirculationBlood VesselsWaste materialsBloodthe spaces provided. Some words may be used more than once.heart circulation oxygen veins foodcapillaries arteries blood vesselwaste materials blood1. The transport of materials in living things is called __________________. 2. In humans, circulation is carried out by the liquid called ___________________. 3. Blood is pumped by the ____________________. 4. Blood brings to cells things like ____________________ and __________________. 5. Blood picks up ___________________ from the cells. 6. Any tube that carries blood is called a(n) _______________________. 7. The three kinds of blood vessels are ______________________, ____________________, and ________________________. 8. Blood is carried away from the heart by ___________________. 9. Blood is carried back to the heart by _____________________. 10. Arteries and veins are connected by tiny blood vessels called ______________________.TRUE or FALSE – In the space, write a ‘T’ or ‘F’*If Mrs. Harding cannot tell if it is a ‘T’ or ‘F’ it will be marked wrong._______ 11. Circulation is the transport of materials in living things._______ 12. Life stops when circulation stops._______ 13. Blood is pumped by the brain._______ 14. Blood circulates through the body only a few times a day._______ 15. Arteries carry blood away from the heart._______ 16. Arteries transport carbon dioxide to the cells._______ 17. Veins carry blood away from the heart._______ 18. Veins pick up waste materials from the cells._______ 19. Capillaries connect arteries and veins._______ 20. Capillaries are the largest blood vessels.3981450-351790a. myocardiumf. arteriesb. valvesg. basec. veins h. atriad. apexi. ventriclese. bicuspid valve j. capillaries00a. myocardiumf. arteriesb. valvesg. basec. veins h. atriad. apexi. ventriclese. bicuspid valve j. capillariesDirections: Match the term with the correct definition._____21. A term used for the top of the heart__D__22. A term used for the bottom, pointed part of the heart_____23. The term for the upper chambers of the heart (plural form)_____24. The bottom chambers of the heart_____25. Structures that keep the blood flowing in one direction and prevent the backflow of blood through the heart_____26. The part known as the mitral valve_____27. Blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart_____28. Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart_____29. The smallest of blood vessels, which connect venules to arterioles____30. The middle, muscular layer of the heart ................

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