Special Call for ManuscriptsCaregivingThe?Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing?will dedicate two special issues of the journal to family caregivers of individuals with cardiovascular conditions. One issue will be guest edited by Dr. Misook Chung from the University of Kentucky ( and the second by Dr. Harleah Buck ( from the University of South Florida.We invite you to submit your data-based articles, systematic reviews or meta-analyses to this issue. We will consider research designs of all types. We encourage submission of reports of randomized controlled trials and systematic review of trials that advance the evidence base for promoting optimal caregiving outcomes for both caregivers and patients. Feel free to email one of the guest editors with any questions.Please submit manuscripts through our online system (), and select Article Type ‘Caregiving’. The deadline for submissions for the first issue is December 1st, 2019, and for the second issue is June 1st, 2020.Precision Health The?Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing?will dedicate a special issue of the journal to precision health in cardiovascular conditions. The issue will be guest edited by Dr. Allison Vorderstrasse ( from New York University Meyers College of Nursing.We invite you to submit your data-based articles, systematic reviews or meta-analyses to this issue. We will consider research designs of all types that focus on precision health as an emerging approach to understanding the individual lifestyle, genetics, behaviors, and environment context of cardiovascular health and disease. We encourage submission of reports of randomized controlled trials and systematic review of trials. Feel free to email the guest editor with any questions.Please submit manuscripts through our online system (), and select Article Type ‘Precision Health’. The deadline for submissions for the issue is February 1, 2020.Systematic Reviews and Meta-AnalysesThe Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing will dedicate a special issue of the journal to systematic reviews and meta-analyses on topics relevant to cardiovascular nursing. We invite authors to submit their high-quality systematic reviews (with or without an accompanying meta-analysis) to JCN. The issue will be edited by Dr. Todd Ruppar.The review topics may be of intervention or descriptive research with a clear connection to cardiovascular nursing. Please report your review findings using the appropriate guidelines for your review method and topic (e.g., PRISMA). Feel free to contact the editor with any questions.Please submit manuscripts through our online system (), and select Article Type ‘Systematic Review of the Literature/Meta-analysis’. The deadline for submissions for the special issue is April 1, 2020.Nutrition and Cardiovascular DiseaseThe?Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing?will dedicate one special issues of the journal to nutrition and cardiovascular conditions. The issue will be guest edited by Dr. Terry Lennie from the University of Kentucky ( invite you to submit your data-based articles, systematic reviews or meta-analyses to this issue. We will consider research designs of all types. We encourage submission of reports of randomized controlled trials and systematic review of trials that advance the evidence base about nutrition and cardiovascular disease. Feel free to email the guest editor with any questions.Please submit manuscripts through our online system (), and select Article Type ‘Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease’. The deadline for submissions for this special issue is August 1, 2020. ................

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