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[your name]Individual Development PlanWork Phone: [phone #] Mb Phone: [phone #][company name][mailing address] [email address] IDP last updated: [date]Instructions: This IDP is your document to use as a guide on your professional development journey. Use it as a resource to share with your manager or coach as they help you reach your professional development and career goals. Follow this template to aggregate all information related to your development including background information, goals, plans, and coaching session notes. As you complete your IDP, replace the text shown in blue with your individual information. IDP SnapshotJohn DoeVP of FinanceDallas, TXJohn@214-555-5555Career Aspiration:Become CFO Retire at 65 yrs oldBusiness Goals:Achieve 15% EBITDAExceed $200M in revenue Development Goals:Build EQPublic speakingArticulate the “why”Personal Goals:Exercise 30 min 3/wkTake family to Europe for 2 wksManager:Bill SmithNext Position:CFO Successor(s):Sue JonesCareer History:Joined ABC in 2002 as business analystBecame Director of Finance in 2010Became VP of Finance in 2018Key Skills:Problem solvingForecastingROI analysis Most Recent Performance Appraisal:“Meets expectations” in Teamwork“Exceeds expectations” in Results Assessment Results:MBTI = ISTJ5-Factor E=23, C=89, A=33, N=12, O=45Introduction[your title, who you report to, key responsibilities, and list of direct reporting employees] [your prior work history and college/professional education][personal info you want to include – family, hobbies, interests, boards, volunteer organizations][any past formative experiences you want to share that give you purpose][your career aspirations, dreams, and passions, i.e. what do you aspire to achieve through your work? What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?][what you most enjoy doing at work, e.g. what makes you engaged and happy][your strengths][what you least enjoy doing at work, e.g. what makes you frustrated or bored][your challenges, obstacles, conflicts, fears, opportunities, and needs][what do you wish you had more time to do?][what you feel you need to work on to reach your career aspirations and goals][other background information leading up to your decision to start this professional development journey]Assessments and FeedbackThe foundation of individual development is having an accurate self-awareness. Provide the results of any assessments you take and feedback received below that highlight your interests, strengths, and developmental areas. [results of 360 assessment, include: highest and lowest rated areas, leadership style graph][results of Five-Factor personality self-assessment, or ][results of other assessments, e.g. MBTI, DiSC, Enneagram, NAB][results of your Leadership Approaches self-assessment, ] [results of your Leadership Effectiveness self-assessment, ] [results of SCOPE of Leadership self-assessment, ] [results of mastery vs management self-assessment, ] [results of time allocation assessment, [results of skills and interests worksheet, [results of team collaboration assessment, [results of influence assessment, [feedback you’ve received from others including your most recent performance appraisals]Enabling GoalsIn this goals section, list the key goals on which you will focus to achieve your aspirations including your long-term dreams as well as short-term performance expectations. Business Objectives and Goals List your current individual or shared organizational business objectives including operational, financial, and other KPIs. Examples of goals include: $125M in revenue, 13% net profit, 15% year-over-year growth, 75% client satisfaction, 80% employee engagement, zero safety incidents. Professional Development GoalsList your professional self-development goals that will enable achievement of your business objectives and career aspirations including leveraging your strengths, developing in your weaker areas, and overcoming your fears. Examples of goals include: “Learn to motivate my team”, “Improve my presentation skills”, “Finish my degree or certification”, “Become a great coach to my team”, “Deepen my financial mgmt knowledge”, or “Be an effective delegator” Personal Development Goals338137520574000List your personal vision, mission, dreams, and/or goals here. This could include goals in any area of your life as shown in this diagram. Consider your life as a whole, i.e. all the areas in which you have dreams, aspirations, and goals. Using the table below, list the areas in which you have goals in the “life area” column. For each life area, list your key goals in the “goal” column. They can be short-term, medium-term, or long-term. Next, list the enabling development you plan to pursue for each. In other words, identify the areas of knowledge, skill, thinking, or behavior change you need in order to achieve your goals. Goal examples include: “Improve my physical fitness”, “Save money for my kid’s college”, “Spend more time with family”, “Join a volunteer board in my community”, “Lead a faith-based study group”, “Build a new house”Enabling development examples include: “Spend 30 minutes in cardio activity three times a week”, “Eat a salad every day for lunch”, “Put $400 a month into savings”, “Spend an hour each evening in reflection, meditation”.Life AreaGoalEnabling DevelopmentProfessional Development HistoryIDP created – [date]IDP initially reviewed with [coach or boss] [date]Started coaching with [coach or boss] [date]Milestones [List significant events on your leadership dev’t journey, e.g. key achievements, completion of development goals, promotions, addition of new responsibilities]Development PlanningTypical learning and development activities are listed below. Which ones apply to your goals and worthy of incorporating into your action plans? Add other development activities to the list as appropriate. Development ActivityCommentsAsk others for feedbackComplete surveys and assessmentsIdentify principles to followSign up for daily article or blog on topicRead a book on the topic, start a book club Research (e.g. Google) the topicTalk to a subject matter expert Shadow someone else who does this wellGet a mentor or a coachAttend courses – industry, college, seminars, MOOCs (massive open online courses such as Coursera, udacity, edX) Join an association or a volunteer organization in the role needed to develop in Teach the topic to others, or write an article on itComplete a special or temporary assignmentPractice, video record practiceEstablish new daily habits Journal progress, keep scorecardsMeet with accountability partners to track progressDevelopment Action PlansComplete an action plan for each of your enabling goals using the tables that follow. List the activities you plan to start doing, continue doing, or stop doing to reach your goal. Include any milestones or metrics you want to track. For a graphical PowerPoint version go to: , For a fillable PDF version go to: . Goal #1: …Development ActivityDue DateCommentWhat to do:Talk to [someone] about …..Do research on ……Attend MOOC on ….Read book on ….Learn best practices in ….Adopt framework/model on [topic] to followPractice …..Give presentation on [topic] to ….Lead initiative on ….What to stop doing:Telling people [what to do] instead of asking questions and listening Eating dessert after dinnerDelegating without following upCancelling 1on1s with my teamAdjourning meetings without agreed upon action items…….Goal #2: …Development ActivityDue DateCommentWhat to do:What to stop doing:Goal #3: …Development ActivityDue DateCommentWhat to do:What to stop doing:Goal #4: …Development ActivityDue DateCommentWhat to do:What to stop doing:Goal #...: …Development ActivityDue DateCommentWhat to do:What to stop doing:Notes from Development SessionsUse this section to record notes from your professional development 1on1s with your boss, coach, mentor, and others in your circle of influence. Development session 1 with [person] [date]- [key points to remember]- [decisions made]- [actions to be taken]- ….. Development session 2 with [person] [date]- [key points to remember]- [decisions made]- [actions to be taken]- ….. Development session 3 with [person] [date]- [key points to remember]- [decisions made]- [actions to be taken]- ….. Development session …. with [person] [date]- [key points to remember]- [decisions made]- [actions to be taken]- ….. Future Topic Parking Lot- …..- ….. ................

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