Career Paths EL Civics Obj 32 for Level 4 (8.24.17)

Career Paths

Mt. San Antonio College English as a Second Language Department

EL Civics Objective # 32.5


Mt. San Antonio College English as a Second Language

EL Civics Additional Assessment Curriculum Civic Objective # 32.5 ? Career Paths and Job Searches

Table of Contents

1. Description of Objective # 32.5

2. Finding the Right Career Path for You

a. Who Do U Want 2 B website b. Road Trip Nation website c. Career Conversation d. Career Research Worksheet e. My Future Job

3. Finding a Job Online (Task 1 Preparation)

a. Reading a Job Opening b. Internet Searches c. Job Charting practice

4. Presentation on a Specific Career Path (Task 2 Preparation)

a. Guidelines and Rubric for the Oral Presentation b. Project Proposal Form - due Week 10 c. Schedule of Presentations d. Presentation Checklist

5. Notes for Instructors

Notes to the Instructor:

? Use each worksheet to teach and practice career path and employment information. ? Assign lots of practice, especially with job charting. ? Teach about using Power Point for presenting (the LLC in Building 77 can help). ? Teach about presenting skills. ? Sign up students to complete in-class presentations after midterms. Finish by Week

13. ? In a computer lab, students will be tested on finding jobs on the Internet. ? Provide lots of practice for job charting prior to the test. ? Use the wiki website to find additional exercises and practice.


Mt. San Antonio College English as a Second Language

EL Civics Additional Assessment Curriculum Civic Objective # 32.5 ? Career Paths and Job Searches

Objective 32.5

Description of Objective # 32.5

Language and Literacy Objectives

? Discuss ways to locate additional employment related information. ? Locate information regarding job requirements and licensing agencies. ? Summarize and compare information gathered about job requirements. ? Make an oral presentation or write an article or letter explaining the

requirements of one occupation of interest to the student. ? Research educational and job opportunities and resources using the Internet

or other resources.

Testing Task 1: Job Chart

(up to 14 points possible)

Given a choice of 8 possible occupations, each student will choose 3 and go online to

complete a chart comparing categories of information about the occupations, such as:

? Job responsibilities

? Job requirements (education, licensing, prior experience)

? Additional employment related information (e.g. salary, skills needed)

Testing Task 2: Oral Presentation

(up to 26 points possible)

Content (20 points possible) Each student will choose an occupation to research and deliver an oral report to the class. The report should include topics such as: ? Job responsibilities ? Job requirements (education, license, prior experience) ? Expected salary range, benefits, skills ? Additionally information from an oral interview with a person working in the occupation

Visual Aid (4 points possible) Each student will make a relevant, appropriate, easy-to-read Power Point presentation.

Effective Speech and Body Language (2 points possible) Each student will use effective voice and body language and will refer to the visual throughout the report while maintaining some eye contact with the audience.

Answers must be correct and comprehensible to count.

32 points are needed to pass for Level 4 (Intermediate High) students


Finding the Right

Career Path for You


Who Do U Want 2 B?

Career Exploration

Instructor/Student: Go to this website to explore several careers. Step 1: Take the Quiz

your efforts.

It's just 14 questions, but it will focus

Step 2: Watch at least one of the videos. What did you learn? How did the person find their career pathway? What new words or expressions did you learn? Talk with a partner about the video you saw. Try to give a summary.

Step 3: Explore the Salary Ranges (noted in hourly pay rates) Click on one of the round buttons. Notice the salary ranges for that work area. Which area pays the least? Which pays the best? What specific job looks like it interests you based on the salary range?


Career Exploration

Instructor: Show all or part of this introductory video from Season 13 of the Road Trip Nation PBS show:

Ask your students to follow up on their Smartphones in class, on the iPads with a partner, or on their own in a Computer lab.

Road Trip Nation Website

This website is an excellent tool for career exploration. There are many, many short video

interviews with people in all different kinds of jobs.


Features interviews with leaders from all walks of life.


Helps people define their own career paths.


Helps people gain exposure to many, many careers.

Mini-Worksheet Go to the website. Click on Explore the Interview Archive. Click on Interests. Find 3 "highlight" interviews to watch.


Answer these questions for each interview. 1. What is the name of the person? 2. What kind of work does this person do? 3. What are some words of wisdom from this person? [look for quotes] 4. Would you like this job? Why or why not?



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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