
Senior English Career Research ProjectDocumented Essay: General DirectionsIntroduction: (1-2 paragraphs)Engage your reader with a personal anecdote about why you became interested in your chosen career path, or with an interesting quote, facts, or anecdote about the career field you have chosen to research.Clearly state the purpose of your paper, and the focus of your research. For example:Through this career project, I wanted to find out what it would be like to work as a nurse, what education and training I would need to obtain to pursue this path, and whether or not this is the right career path for me. Specifically, I wanted to find out: What is the typical work day of a hospital nurse? How much do nurses get paid? What schools offer the best training programs for nurses? What kind of volunteer work can I do to prepare for this career? What is the job outlook for this career in the next five years? Body: (6-8 paragraphs)Include multiple body paragraphs addressing each of your research questions, including detailed information about what it is like to work in your chosen field and detailed information about what education and training is required to enter this field. Also include the viability of working in this career field based on job market projections. As an option, you may also include information about volunteer and service opportunities relevant to your career field. Be sure to integrate source material from a variety of research materials as well as your interview(s) and or job shadowing opportunities. Do not just simply summarize; synthesize what you have learned as you write your essay. Cite your sources throughout the essay using proper MLA parenthetical references. Example body paragraph:There are no standard educational or training requirements to be a film or play producer. Most producers have studied film, video production, or drama at the college level. Many have also trained as actors in dramatic arts schools (Miner). People who work in this field may need at least a bachelor’s degree or two years of on-set experience, and they also must past written tests. Courses in acting and communications can also be helpful. College drama courses in liberal arts, stage speech and movement, directing, playwriting, history of drama, and design and play production can be helpful as well (“Drama”). Producers need good business sense to handle finances. Movie and play producers need to have enough personal contacts to be able to raise money, hire staff, and find distributors (Miner). Conclusion: (1-2 paragraphs) Discuss whether or not you are still interested in pursuing this career, and explain why or why not you believe it is a good fit for you. Discuss recommendations for others interested in this field, even if you are not. If you are going to pursue this career, describe your intended plan to achieve your goal. As an option, include unanswered questions that you still want to explore. Be sure that your essay is double-spaced and properly formatted in MLA style. Include your corrected works cited list as the last page of your essay (page 5 or later). In your folder, include your typed up interview notes as well as printouts of all internet sources you consulted to write your paper. Due Date: ____________________________ = Bonus 10 ____________________________ = on time ____________________________ = Late, lose 10% ____________________________ = Will not be accepted. Zero score._____________ points possible ................

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