Application Form for Application Form for Michigan State ...

Michigan State University

2018 CLAFFEY MEYER International Award Application Form


|awards are tenable in summer 2018, fall 2018 or spring 2019 |


To provide financial assistance to domestic students who intend to travel to developing (lower or middle income) countries for the purpose of providing technical assistance, participate in research, or engage in service. The intent is for students to work towards discovering and implementing solutions in response to urgent human needs (for example: food security, environmental quality, health and nutrition, education, and other areas) and, thereby, to encourage careers in international development teaching, research and practice. Grants are intended to support travel, related living expenses, and projects costs, not to be used as a tuition scholarship. Proposals that do not take place in a developing country or do not include a minimum of eight weeks of in-country work by the awardee will not be eligible for review. Preference will be given to applications that include ten weeks or more of in-country work.


• MSU US/domestic students who are planning to travel to a developing country. No exceptions.

• Upper-class undergraduate students may apply but priority is given to graduate students.

• Application showing high promise for addressing critical human needs.

• Grants will typically be given to projects that require at least ten weeks in a lower or middle income country.

• Desire to consider a professional career in international development.

APPLICATION PACKETS should include the following items:

□ A completed Application Form including a proposed budget

□ A letter/essay describing how scholarship funds would be utilized, specifically explaining the critical human need(s) to be addressed. Explain how the trip will contribute to the intent of the award and what scholarship or practical experience will be employed

□ Letter of support from applicants’ academic or research adviser (Reference letters are confidential and will be shared with members of the Selection Committee).

o Note: Reference letters may be sent electronically.

□ Official MSU transcript that includes fall 2017 grades.

□ Curriculum Vitae or Resume

Submit application electronically or as a printed copy to:

Dr. Ashley Green

Office of the Dean, International Studies and Programs

Michigan State University

427 N. Shaw Lane, Room 207

East Lansing, MI 48824-1035



1. Personal Details

1. Name:__________________________________________________________________

2. E-mail: _________________________________________________________________

3. Current street address:______________________________________________________

4. City: __________________________________ State: ______ Zip: _______________

5. Phone: (______) __________________________

6. Permanent (Home) Address:_________________________________________________

7. City: ____________________________ State: _____ Zip: ___________________

8. Phone: (______) __________________________

9. Are you a U.S. Citizen or U.S. Permanent Resident? _____________________


1. Current Academic Enrollment Information

a. Name of College:_________________________________________________________

b. Name of Department:______________________________________________________

c. Date accepted into the program: Semester ____________Year _____________

d. Name of academic/research adviser or primary faculty member:


2. Progress in Academic Program:

Indicate completion or expected completion dates for the following academic programs:

a. All undergraduate coursework completed: Semester ____________Year ____________

b. All graduate coursework completed: Semester ____________Year _____________

3. Current Grade Point Average (GPA): ___________


Note: Start section C on a new page.

Responses must be double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font with 1-inch margins.

Project/Research Plan

1. Student Name:

2. What are the dates of your proposed travel? Must be at least eight weeks.

a. Begin:_____________ End:_______________ Total days traveled:___________

b. If you propose a stay for less than 10 weeks, you must indicate why you think a shorter stay is justified. (Limit response to 150 words.)

3. List the countries and areas within the countries which you plan to visit.

4. What language(s) will you be using in your project/research and what is your level of fluency in each?

5. What goals, objectives and problem(s) does your proposed project/research plan seeks to address during your travel period and how will you address the problems you have identified? (Limit response to two pages.)

6. Have you been to the proposed countries/area(s) previously? Yes_____ No_____

If yes, when __________________, and for how long____________________________

What did you do there? What did you accomplish? (Limit response to 150 words.)

7. Are there opportunities for in-country collaboration and capacity building?

If so, with what individuals, institutions, and/or organizations do you plan to consult during your travel to establish affiliation, partnerships, or collaborations to assist you with your project or research?

8. How do you plan to assess results? (Limit response to one page.)

9. How do you plan to communicate the results of your project/research?

(Possibilities include papers required for degree work; publication in professional journals, student/local newspapers; the use of on-line blogs; and presentations in the host country, at professional conferences, MSU, and in your home town.)

10. Have you obtained other funds from MSU or elsewhere to support your travel/project?

Yes____ No____

List each source, amount and purpose of the funding. Add extra lines if needed.

Source Amount Purpose/

a. ___________ _____________ _____________________________

b. ___________ _____________ _____________________________

c. ___________ _____________ _____________________________

11. Have you applied or plan to apply for funds from MSU or elsewhere to support your travel/project? Yes__ No__

List each source, amount and purpose of the funding. Add extra lines if needed.

Source Amount Purpose

a. ___________ _____________ _____________________________

b. ___________ _____________ _____________________________

c. ___________ _____________ _____________________________

12. Budget: Please attach a tentative budget for your proposed travel,

including support from other sources to cover some costs (e.g. FLAS, graduate school). The budget may include transportation, visa, immunizations, international health and evacuation insurance, per diem for lodging and food, materials and supplies. Any requests for recorders, cameras, or any other equipment required for the project or research must be approved by ISP’s Office of the Dean prior to purchase.

Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Please submit an electronic or a hard copy of the aforementioned items by March 1, 2018 to:

Dr. Ashley Green

Office of the Dean

International Studies and Programs

Michigan State University

International Center

427 N Shaw Lane, Room 207

East Lansing, MI 48824-1035

Telephone: 517-355-2350 Email:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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