National Weather Service

NTHMP Warning Coordination Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

January 26, 2010; 1:00-5:00pm

Magnolia Room, Sheraton Hotel, Pasadena, California

• 2008 Meeting Action Item Review

• Samoa Tsunami Response Review

• Tsunami Warning System Exercises

• Summary of LANTEX09 exercise

• Plans for U.S. Atlantic Exercise in 2010

• Plans for U.S. Pacific Exercise in 2010

• Summary of 2009 end-to-end tests

• March, 2010 end-to-end test plans

• September, 2010 west coast comms. test plan

• Pac-Wave plans – international tsunami exercise for Pacific

• Caribe Wave plans – international tsunami exercise for Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, 2011

• Conversion of tsunami break points to public zone boundaries

• Removal of marine zones from Pacific products

• TWC Products

• Hawaii Advisory Status

• How long in advance should warning/advisory be issued?

• Tsunami amplitude forecasts in products – how best to provide?

• Warning criteria update

• Tsunami Information Statement content for distant event 7.9 and above

• Magnitude threshold to issue Tsunami Info Stmt for offshore events

• Product content changes under consideration

o Changes from previous message highlighted

o “It is not known…”

o PTWC Actions

o Number of ETA sites to include in standard product

• TWC IT Modernization Project

• NTHMP Strategic Plan WCS Measures and Milestones

o Annual Table-top exercise (2010)

o Develop decision support tools for EM response (2013)

o All states with high/very high hazard establish high level response structure (2012)

o Increase % to WCATWC monthly comms. tests from 82% to 90%

o Conduct annual end-to-end test (EAS activation)

o Develop post-event review process (2009)

o Conduct post-event reviews

o Develop inventory of local warning dissemination capabilities by 2010

o Develop inventory of local warning reception capabilities by 2010

• Review new Action Items


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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