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Neil deGrasse Tyson

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Neil deGrasse Tyson (/?ni?l d??r?s ?ta?s?n/? born October 5,

1958) is an American astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, and

science communicator. Since 1996, he has been the Frederick P.

Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium at the Rose Center for

Earth and Space in New York City. The center is part of the

American Museum of Natural History, where Tyson founded the

Department of Astrophysics in 1997 and has been a research

associate in the department since 2003.

Born and raised in New York City, Tyson became interested in

astronomy at the age of nine after a visit to the Hayden

Planetarium. After graduating from the Bronx High School of

Science, where he was editor?in?chief of the Physical Science

Journal, he completed a bachelor's degree in physics at Harvard

University in 1980. After receiving a master's degree in

astronomy at the University of Texas at Austin in 1983, he

earned his master's (1989) and doctorate (1991) in astrophysics

at Columbia University. For the next three years, he was a

postdoctoral research associate at Princeton University. In 1994,

he joined the Hayden Planetarium as a staff scientist and the

Princeton faculty as a visiting research scientist and lecturer. In

1996, he became director of the planetarium and oversaw its

$210?million reconstruction project, which was completed in


From 1995 to 2005, Tyson wrote monthly essays in the

"Universe" column for Natural History magazine, some of

which were published in his book Death by Black Hole (2007).

During the same period, he wrote a monthly column in Star

Date magazine, answering questions about the universe under

the pen name "Merlin". Material from the column appeared in

his books Merlin's Tour of the Universe (1998) and Just Visiting

This Planet (1998). Tyson served on a 2001 government

commission on the future of the U.S. aerospace industry, and on

the 2004 Moon, Mars and Beyond commission. He was awarded

the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal in the same year.

From 2006 to 2011, he hosted the television show NOVA

ScienceNow on PBS. Since 2009, Tyson hosted the weekly

podcast StarTalk. A spin?off, also called StarTalk, began airing

on National Geographic in 2015. In 2014, he hosted the

television series Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, a successor to

Carl Sagan's 1980 series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage.[1] The

U.S. National Academy of Sciences awarded Tyson the Public

Welfare Medal in 2015 for his "extraordinary role in exciting the

public about the wonders of science".[2]

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Tyson hosting the 40th anniversary celebration of

Apollo 11 at the National Air and Space Museum

in Washington, July 2009


October 5, 1958

Manhattan, New York City, U.S.


Astrophysics, physical cosmology,

science communication

Institutions University of Maryland, College Park

Princeton University

American Museum of Natural History

Alma mater Harvard College (A.B.)

University of Texas at Austin (M.A.)

Columbia University (M.Phil., Ph.D.)


A study of the abundance distributions

along the minor axis of the Galactic

bulge (

992PhDT.........1T) (1991)



R. Michael Rich


Isaac Newton, Carl Sagan, Richard

Feynman, Albert Einstein



NASA Distinguished Public Service

Medal (2004)

Klopsteg Memorial Award (2007)


1 Early life

2 Career


3.1 Spirituality

3.2 Race and social justice

3.3 NASA

3.4 Animal rights

4 Media appearances

4.1 Refuting "Flat Earth"


5 Personal life

6 Recognition

6.1 Awards

6.2 Honors

6.3 Honorary doctorates

7 Works

7.1 Books

7.2 Research publications

8 Filmography

9 Discography

10 References

11 External links

Public Welfare Medal (2015)


Alice Young (m. 1988)




Early life

Tyson was born as the second of three children in Manhattan, New York, into a family living in the Bronx.[3] His

mother, Sunchita Maria (ne Feliciano) Tyson, was a gerontologist for the U.S. Department of Health, Education

and Welfare, and is of Puerto Rican descent.[4] His African?American father, Cyril deGrasse Tyson (1927C2016),

was a sociologist, human resource commissioner for New York City mayor John Lindsay, and the first Director of

Harlem Youth Opportunities Unlimited.[5][6] Tyson has two siblings: Stephen Joseph Tyson and Lynn Antipas

Tyson.[7] Tyson's middle name, deGrasse, is from the maiden name of his paternal grandmother, who was born as

Altima de Grasse in the British West Indies island of Nevis.[8]

Tyson grew up in the Castle Hill neighborhood of the Bronx, and later in Riverdale.[9] From kindergarten

throughout high school, Tyson attended public schools in the Bronx: P.S. 36, P.S. 81, the Riverdale Kingsbridge

Academy, and The Bronx High School of Science (1972C76) where he was captain of the wrestling team and

editor?in?chief of the Physical Science Journal.[10][11] His interest in astronomy began at the age of nine after

visiting the sky theater of the Hayden Planetarium.[12] He recalled that "so strong was that imprint [of the night

sky] that I'm certain that I had no choice in the matter, that in fact, the universe called me."[13] During high school,

Tyson attended astronomy courses offered by the Hayden Planetarium, which he called "the most formative

period" of his life. He credited Dr. Mark Chartrand III, director of the planetarium at the time, as his "first

intellectual role model" and his enthusiastic teaching style mixed with humor inspired Tyson to communicate the

universe to others the way he did.[14]

Tyson obsessively studied astronomy in his teens, and eventually even gained some fame in the astronomy

community by giving lectures on the subject at the age of fifteen.[15] Astronomer Carl Sagan, who was a faculty

member at Cornell University, tried to recruit Tyson to Cornell for undergraduate studies.[6] In his book, The Sky Is

Not the Limit, Tyson wrote:

My letter of application had been dripping with an interest in the universe. The admission office,

unbeknownst to me, had forwarded my application to Carl Sagan's attention. Within weeks, I received

a personal letter...[16]

Tyson revisited this moment on his first episode of Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. Pulling out a 1975 calendar

belonging to the famous astronomer, he found the day Sagan invited the 17?year?old to spend a day in Ithaca.

Sagan had offered to put him up for the night if his bus back to the Bronx did not come. Tyson said, "I already

knew I wanted to become a scientist. But that afternoon, I learned from Carl the kind of person I wanted to


Tyson chose to attend Harvard where he majored in physics and lived in Currier House. He was a member of the

crew team during his freshman year, but returned to wrestling, lettering in his senior year. He was also active in

dance, in styles including jazz, ballet, Afro?Caribbean, and Latin Ballroom.[19]

Tyson earned an AB degree in physics at Harvard College in 1980 and began his graduate work at the University

of Texas at Austin, from which he received an MA degree in astronomy in 1983. Tyson joined its dance, rowing,

and wrestling teams. By his own account, he did not spend as much time in the research lab as he should have. His

professors encouraged him to consider alternate careers and the committee for his doctoral dissertation was

dissolved, ending his pursuit of a doctorate from the University of Texas.[20]

Tyson was a lecturer in astronomy at the University of Maryland from 1986 to 1987[21] and in 1988, he was

accepted into the astronomy graduate program at Columbia University, where he earned an MPhil degree in

astrophysics in 1989, and a PhD degree in astrophysics in 1991[22] under the supervision of Professor R. Michael

Rich. Rich obtained funding to support Tyson's doctoral research from NASA and the ARCS foundation[23]

enabling Tyson to attend international meetings in Italy, Switzerland, Chile, and South Africa[21] and to hire

students to help him with data reduction.[24] In the course of his thesis work, he observed using the 0.91 m

telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter?American Observatory in Chile, where he obtained images for the Caln/Tololo

Supernova Survey[25][26][27] helping to further their work in establishing Type Ia supernovae as standard candles.

These papers comprised part of the discovery papers of the use of Type Ia supernovae to measure distances, which

led to the improved measurement of the Hubble constant[28] and discovery of dark energy in 1998.[29][30] He was

18th author on a paper with Brian Schmidt, a future winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics, in the study of the

measurement of distances to Type II Supernovae and the Hubble constant.[31]

During his thesis work at Columbia University, Tyson became acquainted with Professor David Spergel at

Princeton University, who visited Columbia University in the course of collaborating with his thesis advisor on the

Galactic bulge[32][33][34] typically found in spiral galaxies.


Tyson's research has focused on observations in cosmology, stellar evolution, galactic astronomy, bulges, and

stellar formation. He has held numerous positions at institutions including the University of Maryland, Princeton

University, the American Museum of Natural History, and the Hayden Planetarium.

In 1994, Tyson joined the Hayden Planetarium as a staff scientist while he

was a research affiliate in Princeton University. He became acting director

of the planetarium in June 1995 and was appointed director in 1996.[35] As

director, he oversaw the planetarium's $210 million reconstruction project,

which was completed in 2000. Upon being asked for his thoughts on

becoming director, Tyson said "when I was a kid... there were scientists and

educators on the staff at the Hayden Planetarium... who invested their time

and energy in my enlightenment... and I've never forgotten that. And to end

up back there as its director, I feel this deep sense of duty, that I serve in the

same capacity for people who come through the facility today, that others

served for me".[36]

Tyson with students at the 2007

American Astronomical Society


Tyson has written a number of popular books on astronomy. In 1995, he

began to write the "Universe" column for Natural History magazine. In a

column he authored for a special edition of the magazine, called "City of Stars", in 2002, Tyson popularized the

term "Manhattanhenge" to describe the two days annually on which the evening sun aligns with the street grid in

Manhattan, making the sunset visible along unobstructed side streets. He had coined the term in 1996, inspired by

how the phenomenon recalls the sun's solstice alignment with the Stonehenge monument in England.[37] Tyson's

column also influenced his work as a professor with The Great Courses.[38]

In 2001, U.S. President George W. Bush appointed Tyson to serve on the Commission on the Future of the United

States Aerospace Industry and in 2004 to serve on the President's Commission on Implementation of United States

Space Exploration Policy, the latter better known as the "Moon, Mars, and Beyond" commission. Soon afterward,

he was awarded the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal, the highest civilian honor bestowed by NASA.[39]

In 2004, Tyson hosted the four?part Origins miniseries of the PBS Nova

series,[40] and, with Donald Goldsmith, co?authored the companion volume

for this series, Origins: Fourteen Billion Years Of Cosmic Evolution.[41] He

again collaborated with Goldsmith as the narrator on the documentary 400

Years of the Telescope, which premiered on PBS in April 2009.[42]

As director of the Hayden Planetarium, Tyson bucked traditional thinking

in order to keep Pluto from being referred to as the ninth planet in exhibits

at the center. Tyson has explained that he wanted to look at commonalities

between objects, grouping the terrestrial planets together, the gas giants

Tyson in December 2011 at a

together, and Pluto with like objects, and to get away from simply counting

conference marking 1,000 days after

the planets. He has stated on The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, and BBC

the launch of the spacecraft Kepler

Horizon that this decision has resulted in large amounts of hate mail, much

of it from children.[43] In 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU)

confirmed this assessment by changing Pluto to the dwarf planet classification.

Tyson recounted the heated online debate on the Cambridge Conference Network (CCNet), a "widely read, UK?

based Internet chat group", following Benny Peiser's renewed call for reclassification of Pluto's status.[44] Peiser's

entry, in which he posted articles from the AP and The Boston Globe, spawned from The New York Times's article

entitled "Pluto's Not a Planet? Only in New York".[45][46]

Tyson has been vice president, president, and chairman of the board of the Planetary Society. He was also the host

of the PBS program Nova ScienceNow until 2011.[47] He attended and was a speaker at the Beyond Belief:

Science, Religion, Reason and Survival symposium in November 2006. In 2007, Tyson was chosen to be a regular

on The History Channel's popular series The Universe.

In May 2009, Tyson launched a one?hour radio talk show called StarTalk,

which he co?hosted with comedian Lynne Koplitz. The show was

syndicated on Sunday afternoons on KTLK AM in Los Angeles and WHFS

in Washington DC. The show lasted for thirteen weeks, but was resurrected

in December 2010 and then, co?hosted with comedians Chuck Nice and

Leighann Lord instead of Koplitz. Guests range from colleagues in science

to celebrities such as GZA, Wil Wheaton, Sarah Silverman, and Bill Maher.

The show is available via the Internet through a live stream or in the form

of a podcast.[48]

In April 2011, Tyson was the keynote speaker at the 93rd International

Convention of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society of the

Two?year School. He and James Randi delivered a lecture entitled

Skepticism, which related directly with the convention's theme of The

Democratization of Information: Power, Peril, and Promise.[49]

Tyson promoting the Cosmos TV

series in Australia for National

Geographic, 2014

In 2012, Tyson announced that he would appear in a YouTube series based on his radio show StarTalk. A premiere

date for the show has not been announced, but it will be distributed on the Nerdist YouTube Channel.[50] On

February 28, 2014, Tyson was a celebrity guest at the White House Student Film Festival.[51] In 2014, he helped

revive Carl Sagan's Cosmos: A Personal Voyage television series, presenting Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey on

both FOX and the National Geographic Channel. Thirteen episodes were aired in the first season, and Tyson has

stated that if a second season were produced, he would pass the role of host to someone else in the science

world.[52][53] On April 20, 2015, he began hosting a late?night talk show entitled Star Talk on the National

Geographic Channel, where Tyson interviews pop culture celebrities and asks them about their life experiences

with science.[54]



Tyson has written and broadcast extensively

about his views of science, spirituality, and

[A] most important feature is the analysis of the information that comes

the spirituality of science, including the

your way. And that's what I don't see enough of in this world. There's a

level of gullibility that leaves people susceptible to being taken advantage

essays "The Perimeter of Ignorance"[57] and

of. I see science literacy as kind of a vaccine against charlatans who

"Holy Wars",[58] both appearing in Natural

would try to exploit your ignorance.

History magazine and the 2006 Beyond

Neil deGrasse Tyson, from a transcript of an interview by Roger

Belief workshop. In an interview with

Bingham on The Science Network[55][56]

comedian Paul Mecurio, Tyson offered his

definition of spirituality: "For me, when I

say spiritual, Im referring to a feeling you would have that connects you to the universe in a way that it may defy

simple vocabulary. We think about the universe as an intellectual playground, which it surely is, but the moment

you learn something that touches an emotion rather than just something intellectual, I would call that a spiritual

encounter with the universe."[59] Tyson has argued that many great historical scientists' belief in intelligent design

limited their scientific inquiries, to the detriment of the advance of scientific knowledge.[58][60]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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