
WATLINGTON PARISH COUNCILMinutes of the Council meeting held Tuesday, 25th February 2020 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall, WatlingtonPresent:ChairmanCllr J GoldingVice ChairmanCllr B LeedellCouncillorsCllr J BellamyCllr A CulyCllr T PalmerCllr S SheldonCounty CouncillorCllr B LongBorough CouncillorCllr J BhondiParish ClerkMrs S PorterNeighbourhood Plan Group7Member(s) of Public015/20Declarations of interest and requests for dispensationThe Chairman, Cllr Golding, declared a Pecuniary Interest in Item 20.2/20, Bills for Payment, as this related to a direct financial imbursement to her and a Personal Interest in Item 23.2/20, Allotments, as she was a tenant on the Paige Close allotment site.The Vice Chairman, Cllr Leedell, declared a Pecuniary Interest in Item 20.2/20, Bills for Payment, as this related to a direct financial imbursement to her.There were no requests for dispensation.16/20Apologies for absenceApologies for absence had been received from Cllr A Prior (family commitment). Cllr Culy would be late to the meeting due to work commitments.The apologies were accepted.17/20Approval of the minutes of the Council meetingProposed – Vice Chairman, Cllr LeedellSeconded – Cllr BellamyThat the minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 21st January 2020 (items 1/20-14/20) are approved and signed as a true and accurate record.All in favourThe Chairman, Cllr Golding, duly signed and dated the minutes of the meeting.18/20Councillor Issues and village mattersThe Clerk advised that a member of public had reported that a swing had been erected on the oak tree at the far end of the Glebe Field. An email had been sent to all Councillors today regarding this. Councillors agreed that for health and safety purposes and to safeguard the tree from any damage, the swing should be removed with immediate effect.The Chairman, Cllr Golding, would enquire with Treelink whether they could remove the swing urgently. The Clerk confirmed that if payment was required for their services, this would be approved as an emergency expense.PUBLIC OPEN FORUMThe Chairman, Cllr Golding, adjourned the meeting at 7.05pm.ReportsCounty Cllr Brian LongCounty Cllr Long reported that the 2020/2021 budget had been set with an increase of 1.99% on the main budget and 2% on adult social care. This equated to an increase of approximately ?54.00 for the year on a Band D property.County Cllr Long was now a member of the Corporate Select Committee which ensures processes, resources and assets of the Council are efficient. He was still a member of the Planning Committee, and, following discussions of around five years, plans for a new school in Gayton had finally been permitted. The school would accommodate up to 210 pupils and would be a good investment for Norfolk.Norfolk County Council had pledged to plant one million trees in the next five years to lower the area's carbon emissions. The County Farms Estate, which manages agricultural land on behalf of farming tenants, had confirmed that an area close to Watlington might become available for tree planting in the future, with a view to making it a community woodland, when the current tenancy terminated. Further details would follow when known. Borough Cllr Jim BhondiBorough Cllr Bhondi reported that several residents had approached him regarding pot holes and planning issues. Two huge pot holes in Watlington Road were extremely dangerous and had caused damage to cars, with one driver losing control and veering across the road; these pot holes had been reported to Highways as urgent cases. It was noted that any compensation claims would need to be addressed to Norfolk County Council.Neighbourhood Plan Steering GroupRepresentatives from the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group had attended the meeting to confirm their intentions to proceed with the initial stages of setting up a Neighbourhood Plan.Mrs M Purves spoke on behalf of the Steering Group. She confirmed that an advertisement had been placed in The Gossip asking for volunteers to help and two new members had joined as a result of this. The group confirmed their acceptance to the Area of Designation map that the Clerk had sent and confirmed that they would be preparing a written statement explaining why the area is appropriate to be designated as a neighbourhood area.The Clerk confirmed that once the BCKL&WN had approved the designation, a public consultation would then need to be carried out in the village.The Clerk reminded the Steering Group that any expenditure would need to be formally approved by the Council prior to any funds being spent.Cllr Culy arrived at the meeting at 7.15pm.Public ParticipationThere were no members of public present at the meeting.The Chairman, Cllr Golding, resumed the meeting at 7.17pm.19/20Localism Act 2011, Schedule 9 Neighbourhood Planning, Part 1 Neighbourhood Development Orders19.1/20 Area of designation under Regulation 5 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012The Clerk had circulated the proposed area of designation map with the agenda and this had been approved by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.Proposed – Cllr SheldonSeconded – Cllr BellamyThat the area of designation for the Neighbourhood Plan under Regulation 5 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 is approved for submission to the BCKL&WN.All in favour19.2/20 Neighbourhood Plan statement submission to the BCKL&WNProposed – Chairman, Cllr GoldingSeconded – Cllr CulyThat, for the purpose of Section 61G of The Town and Country Planning Act?1990, the Parish Council making the area application is a qualifying body.All in favour19.3/20 Neighbourhood Plan consultation submission to the BCKL&WNThe Clerk had circulated Planning Aid documents with the agenda and also forwarded these to the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group for their guidance in preparing a written consultation statement for submission to the BCKL&WN, detailing why the area is considered appropriate to be designated as a neighbourhood area.The Steering Group had confirmed that a written statement would be prepared and forwarded to the Clerk for submission to the BCKL&WN.20/20Finances and Clerks Report20.1/20 Clerks Finance ReportThe Clerk reported that an Accident & Incident Report book should be purchased for the MUGA, particularly as the court was now being hired. The Clerk had sought quotations from Amazon and found the cheapest to be ?4.99 which had the facility for 50 reports. Marham Parish Council was also purchasing two books for their venues and if the three books were purchased together, delivery would be free. Councillors agreed to purchase the book and retain this in the Council office.Proposed – Chairman, Cllr GoldingSeconded – Cllr SheldonThat the Council purchases an Accident & Incident book from Amazon at a cost of ?4.16 + ?0.83 VAT (total ?4.99).All in favourAs the order would be for two Councils, the Clerk would order the book on her personal debit card and reclaim the expenses separately.The Clerk had circulated the bank reconciliation, period ending January 2020, bank account statements and finance summary, with the agenda. The bank balances were as follows:January 2020Bank ReconciliationCommunity AccountBusiness AccountReconciliation Community AccountReconciliation Business AccountBank Statement Start Balances2,007.1496,891.87Bank Statement 01.01.20202,007.14Bank Statement 01.01.202096,891.87Total Opening Bank Balances98,899.01Receipts3,543.40Receipts- ?Payments Cleared- 4,140.60Payments Cleared- 3,000.00Unpresented Cheques B/F- -Bank Statement 31.01.20201,409.94Bank Statement 31.01.202093,891.87Unpresented Receipts B/F--?Unpresented Cheques?Unpresented Cheques?Opening Balances2,007.1496,891.87?-?Total Opening Balances98,899.01??Receipts3,543.40- ??Payments- 4,140.60- 3,000.00 ??Bank Statement Close Balances1,409.9493,891.87??Total Closing Bank Balances95,301.81? Unpresented Cheques- -- ?-Unpresented Receipts--Unpresented Receipts?Unpresented Receipts?Closing Balances1,409.9493,891.87?Total Closing Balances95,301.81????- ?- Closing Balance1,409.94Closing Balance93,891.87?Total Closing Balances95.301.81Earmarked FundsOperating Costs (5 Months)25,000.00General ReservesPWLB - Martingales Estate (?7,000 27th June per annum) 21,530.00 Specific ReservesPWLB Repayments3,508.00Specific ReservesMUGA Maintenance (10 year to ?30,000)6,000.00 Specific ReservesSports & Social Rent (Paid to 2021)8.00Specific ReservesDefibrillator Donations304.91Specific ReservesMUGA Fundraising3,381.74Specific ReservesMUGA Annual Maintenance and Materials3,500.00General ReservesMUGA Annual Lighting and Power1,109.72General ReservesMillennium Green Annual Grant-General ReservesChurchyard Annual Grant-General ReservesS137 Grants / Donations20.00 General ReservesCIL Levy90.00Specific ReservesNeighbourhood Planning3,611.00John Davis Way Highways Scheme6,000.00Total Closing Balances95,301.81?Total Earmarked Reserves74,063.37Total Earmarked Reserves74,063.37Remaining Available Precept21,238.4420.2/20 Pre-authorised payments, receipts and pending disbursementsThe Chairman, Cllr Golding, and the Vice Chairman, Cllr Leedell, had declared a Pecuniary Interest in this item.The Clerk had circulated the payments and receipts made since the last meeting and presented the late bills to the meeting:DatePayeeDescriptionTransactionNet ?VAT ?Gross ?Receipt ?24.01.2020BTOffice Phone Rental & ChargesDirect Debit94.6618.93113.590.0029.01.2020Wave (Anglian Water)Allotment Water Oct 19-Jan 20DD92.780.0092.780.0030.01.2020Stoke Ferry TimberAllotment notice board postsDebit Card12.202.4414.640.0031.01.2020Litter PickerLitter Picking Jan 2020BACS221.000.00221.000.0031.01.2020ClerkSalary & Expenses Jan 2020BACS1,032.130.001,032.130.0003.02.2020Barclays Bank PlcBank ChargesBACS6.500.006.500.0003.02.2020E-OnMUGA Floodlights ElectricDD75.163.7678.920.0006.02.2020Allotment RentPlot 5 (Britton Cl)2000360.000.000.0030.0006.02.2020Council Office Donation BoxMUGA Donations2000360. Winch Football ClubMUGA Hire Nov-Jan2000370.000.000.0080.0012.02.2020Watlington Village HallVH Car Park Rent Jan 20-Dec 20BACS0.000.000.00800.0013.02.2020Watlington Post OfficePostageDebit Card1.320.001.320.00To be paidHMRCPAYE NI & Tax Jan 2020BACS96.110.0096.110.00To be paidCllr B Leedell (B&Q)Bolts litter bin repairsBACS4.800.965.760.00To be paidWatlington Village HallRoom Hire 21.01.2020BACS11.700.0011.700.00To be paidWatlington Village HallS137 Youth Provision hall JanBACS68.000.0068.000.00To be paidVeolia ES (UK) LtdWaste Collection January 2020BACS31.066.2137.270.00To be paidK&M Lighting Services LtdStreet Light Maintenance FebBACS51.9510.3962.340.00To be paidBCKL&WNDog waste 26.02.19-28.02.20BACS1,527.36305.471,832.830.00To be paidCllr J GoldingChairman's 19/20 AllowanceBACS90.000.0090.000.00Late Bills / Receipts (Received after Agenda advertised)25.02.2020AXA Council InsuranceStreet Lamp Claim Refund2000380.000.000.00250.00Totals this month3,416.73348.163,764.891,162.60Proposed – Cllr SheldonSeconded – Cllr BellamyThat the payment of bills are approved in accordance with the schedule.For – 4Against – 0Abstentions – 2 (Declared Interests)20.3/20 Pre-approval to pay March invoices prior to next Council MeetingThe Clerk reported that the next meeting of the Council was in April 2020 and invoices received between now and then would need to be paid in this financial year. The Clerk confirmed that she would circulate a list to Councillors towards the end of March of all payments to be made in order that Councillors could approve them in principle. Councillors agreed this.21/20Correspondence21.1/20 For action/information21.1.1/20 Community Access to Cash Pilots initiativeThe Clerk had circulated information received from Elizabeth Truss, MP, regarding a pilot scheme being launched and funded by the banking and finance industry, to help communities which were having challenges accessing and banking cash. The Chairman, Cllr Golding, had made enquiries at the Post Office which confirmed that cash withdrawals and deposits for most of the banks could be actioned there. In view of this, the pilot scheme would not be beneficial to this village and Councillors agreed not to pursue it.21.2/20 Late CorrespondenceNo late correspondence had been received.22/20Recreation Ground/Open Spaces22.1/20 Byelaws and use of open spacesThere was nothing to report to this meeting.22.2/20 EnvironmentThe Chairman, Cllr Golding, reported that the trimming of the Warren Close hedge and Meadows Green ash tree had been delayed by Treelink due to the severe inclement weather of late. The hedge would be done in the coming days and the tree would be trimmed when the ground was less wet.22.3/20 Play Areas22.3.1/20 Annual inspection reportsThe Chairman, Cllr Golding, reported that the surface of the children’s tots area on the Recreation Field was extremely slippery. The Chairman, Cllr Golding, had sought a quotation for moss remover spray from HLS Supplies Ltd at cost of ?14.99 + ?3.00 VAT for two 5L bottles. Councillors agreed to purchase two bottles as an emergency expense.Proposed – Cllr SheldonSeconded – Cllr PalmerThat the Council purchases two 5L bottles of moss remover spray from HLS Supplies Ltd at a cost of ?14.99 + ?3.00 VAT (total ?17.99)All in favourThe Chairman, Cllr Golding, would order these on the Council Debit Card.The Chairman, Cllr Golding, reported that the youth shelter seats on the Recreation Ground needed repainting. This would be placed on the list of jobs for the Community Payback Team.All members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group left the Council Chamber at 7.29pm.22.4/20 Multi Use Games Area (MUGA)22.4.1/20 Floodlight lamp upgrades to LEDThe Clerk reported that she had requested tenders from Cozens UK Limited, K&M Lighting Services Ltd and Westcotec Ltd for the conversion of the MUGA floodlights to LED. The closing date was Friday, 27th March 2020 in time for the meeting in April 2020. Councillors agreed that LED lighting would reduce the electricity supply costs significantly. It was noted that the MUGA lights were not currently on the street lighting contract but would be added to it when the renewal was due 1st August 2020.The Clerk reported that the current hirers of the MUGA would be finishing at the end of March 2020 and it was felt that the facilities should be advertised by poster, Facebook and The Gossip. The Clerk would prepare a poster.23/20Community Matters23.1/20 Village HallThe Vice Chairman, Cllr Leedell, reported that the next meeting would be held Monday, 23rd March 2020. Ongoing maintenance work was being carried out in the Village Hall by volunteers and Weightwatchers had recently signed up as a regular hirer.Councillors raised concern that the Committee Room had been very tight this evening with people attending and if more had turned up it would have been unmanageable. It was noted that when the Council was at full capacity and/or a controversial item came up, the Committee Room would not be useable at all.It was agreed for the Clerk to write to the Village Hall asking that the Council be given priority for the Jubilee Hall bookings in future years, particularly when the Parish Council was Custodian Trustees of the Hall.23.2/20 AllotmentsThe Chairman, Cllr Golding, had declared a Personal Interest in this item.23.2.1/20 One off bonfire on the Paige Close Allotment siteThe Chairman, Cllr Golding, reported that a disused shed and various other small items needed to be disposed of on the Paige Close allotment site and the best way to do so was to have a bonfire. Tenants had been approached by the Chairman, Cllr Golding, and all had consented.Proposed – Cllr CulySeconded – Vice Chairman, Cllr LeedellThat the Council approves holding a one-off bonfire on the Paige Close allotment Site.For – 5Against – 0Abstentions – 1 (Declared Interests)23.2.2/20 Notice board on the Britton Close Allotment siteThe Chairman, Cllr Golding, reported that the allotment holders might find it useful if a notice board was placed on the Britton Close allotment site. The cost for a wooden notice board from Carter’s Crates would be ?30.00 No VAT and posts from Stoke Ferry Timber would be ?15.00.Prior to agreeing this, the Vice Chairman, Cllr Leedell, would enquire with the allotment holders whether they felt this would be beneficial to them, and report back at the next meeting.23.3/20 SAM2 DataThere was nothing to report to this meeting.23.4/20 Community PaybackThe Chairman, Cllr Golding, reported that she and the Clerk had enquired with the Church and Sports & Social Club as to whether they would like help from the Community Payback Team for any projects. Neither had responded.23.5/20 Fete CommitteeCllr Sheldon reported that the next meeting would be held Monday, 9th March 2020. The Committee had asked that requests for consideration of a donation should be made in writing to the Village Fete Committee. The Clerk would action this.It was felt that the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group might wish to have a stall. Cllr Culy confirmed the cost would be ?5.00. The Clerk would email the Steering Group to enquire.24/20Highways and Transport MattersThe Chairman, Cllr Golding, enquired about the scheme to fund double?yellow?lines?on the junctions of Paige Close and Stone Close in John Davis Way. The Clerk confirmed that Highways would be ringfencing the remainder funds from County Cllr Long’s 2019/2020 budget and the Parish Council had agreed to fund the rest. The legal work for this scheme was not scheduled to commence until the new financial year when the exact amounts would be known.24.1/20 Partnership Scheme 2019/2020The Chairman, Cllr Golding, reported that works relating to the trod in John Davis Way to Paige Close had not yet commenced but the Highways Engineer, Mr A Wallace, had confirmed that this would be completed by the end of March. The school zigzag lines had been painted in Fen Road and people were no longer parking on the bend; this was excellent news.24.2/20 Partnership Scheme 2020/2021– Bids to be submitted by Friday, 6th December 2019A decision would not be known until March 2020.The Chairman, Cllr Golding, reported that she had chased up the ‘No Footpath’ signs for Mill Road from the Highways Engineer, Mr A Wallace. He confirmed that these were currently on hold in light of the recent application from the Parish Council to place a trod in Mill Road because if this scheme was approved, the signs would not be appropriate.24.3/20 Norfolk County Council’s decision regarding speed limit reduction in Mill RoadThe Clerk had sent a letter and associated documents to the Norfolk County Council Legal Officer asking for consideration to be given to reducing the speed limit in Mill Road. A response had been received and documents had been circulated with the agenda. Regrettably, the request to reduce the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph had been rejected outright.25/20Planning applications and Notices of Decision25.1/20 Planning applications25.1.1/2020/00072/F – Lyndon House, 180 Station Road – A stand-alone annex for a domestic property, demolition of an existing garage and rebuilding it with first floor accommodationNo objections.25.1.2/2020/00131/F – Rondaville, 28 Downham Road – Single storey rear and front extensions and alterationsNo objections.25.1.3/2020/00177/F – Harfayka House, 26 Downham Road – Front and rear extensions and alterationsNo objections.25.1.4/2020/00199/F – 62 Fen Road – Proposed Extensions and AlterationsNo objections.25.2/20 Planning decisions25.2.1/2019/01539/F – Land and Buildings on the South Side of Whin Common Road, Tottenhill – Retention of earth bunding to the north of Thieves Bridge Road and East of Mill Road and completion and retention of earthworks to form elevated viewing for bird hideApplication Permitted (Delegated Decision).25.3/20 Late Planning applications and Notices of DecisionNo late planning applications and/or notices of decision had been received from the BCKL&WN.25.4/20 Other Planning mattersThere were no other planning matters.26/20Date and time of the next meetingThe next meeting would be the Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday, 7th April 2019 at 7.00pm in the Jubilee Hall, Watlington Village Hall, followed by the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council.27/20Exclusion of Press and Public (Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 S1)27.1/20 Edward Shouldham Charity LandThere was nothing to report to this meeting.The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.05pm. ................

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