Last Name First Name Assembly

HOTEL RULES are necessary as a mutual concern to help ensure that all paying guests will enjoy

maximum privacy and solitude so that a good night's sleep and pleasant stay may be enjoyed by all.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

1. For security reasons, you may only have up to 4 guest room keys per occupied room.

2. Pets are not allowed inside the hotel. Pets are not to be left alone in vehicles. This is an extremely hot

area in the spring, summer and fall months and is not conducive to pets in cars.

3. To avoid any confusion with respect to additional charges, long distance calls are blocked unless a phone deposit or credit card guarantee is received at the front desk.

4. All minors (under the age of 21) are to be chaperoned while on the premises.

5. The pool is open from 9 am to 10 pm for everyone's enjoyment. Children under 14 years of age MUST BE CHAPERONED IN THE POOL AREA – NO EXCEPTIONS. No horseplay is allowed!! Our hotel staff reserves the right to close the pool at anytime, if necessary, most especially during a lightening event. Please evacuate immediately if you hear lightening.

6. Maid service is provided daily. To facilitate service, please make certain that all belongings are arranged off the bed so linens can be changed and beds made. Please arrange personal items in a neat location so vacuuming can take place. Our staff will not arrange your personal items.

7. All guests are responsible for the security of their own valuables. Some rooms contain in-room safes.

If your room does not have a safe, please contact your group chaperone for assistance.

8. We require that quiet time be between the hours of 10 pm and 6 am in which all members are to

stay in their room. In consideration of the other paying guests, running, shouting in the hallways, playing in the elevators, and loud music/televisions in rooms will not be tolerated. For safety reasons, no running up and down any stairs or banging on guest room doors. Minors are to be in their assigned room one hour after the close of the group's session.

9. A replacement fee will be charged for missing or damaged linen or other hotel property.

10. Any damages to equipment or facilities will be the responsibility of the parents and/or responsible chaperone and/or assembly.

In order to help insure that everyone will have an enjoyable stay with us, the Hotel Rules will be enforced. The

first violation will result in the chaperone being contacted. The next violation will result in having the local

police department contacted. The third violation will result in immediate eviction from our property with no

refunds, and may include financial charges for damages.

By signing and returning this form, I acknowledge an understanding of the Hotel Rules, including

acceptance of all information, terms, and conditions outlined above.

Signature of Conference Attendee _________________________________Date:____________

Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian ________________________________Date:____________

(Required if conference attendee is under 21 years of age)


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