Family Tree Project - Weebly

Capítulo 5A & 5B

Family Tree Project

This unit is all about family! So we are going to take this opportunity to create our own family trees. If you would like, you may use actual pictures of your family members to create your own real family tree. Otherwise you need to use cartoon characters, drawings, or pictures from magazines, etc. to create your “familia ideal”.

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Grandmother Grandfather Grandmother Grandfather

____________ ____________

Mother Father

____________ ____________ ____________

Sister/Brother Your name Sister/Brother

This is to be done on either construction paper or a poster board. You may also include your Great-grandparents and/or aunts and uncles, but the only family members you need to include are the ones shown above. Be sure to label each family member with the correct Spanish word. I realize that not all families resemble this model, and if this is your case, please feel free to change/edit the outline above as you see fit. As always, see me if you have any questions! (

Be sure to include the following information under each picture:

• Family member’s name/Spanish title (“hermana” Lisa)

• Date of Birth for each family member, age with the verb tener

• Characteristics of each person

o Physical description (found in chapter 5B)

o ¿Cómo es? ¿Simpático? ¿Gracioso?

o A comparison (my sister is taller than I am)

o An activity they enjoy doing

Progression of the tree should be in genealogical order (grandparents, parents and/or aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, cousins, etc.). On the back of the poster, write a paragraph IN SPANISH about your family. Include the following information in the paragraph:

• Where they are from/where they live (¿De dónde es? ¿Dónde vive?)

• What are “los pasatiempos” you do as a family (¿Qué hacen?)

• Where are you going for the break? (¿Qué van a hacer?)

This is all to be written in Spanish and you are to primarily use the vocabulary from Chapters 5A and 5B. You may use a dictionary. DO NOT USE ANY FORM OF ONLINE TRANSLATORS. It is against both classroom and departmental policy! There are some examples beneath the rubric.


| |1 |3 |5 |Points Earned |

|Family tree visual |There is a visual, but it|Visual is in the shape of|Visual is in the shape of| |

| |is not in the shape of a |a “family tree” but not |a “family tree” and in | |

| |“family tree” |in genealogical order |genealogical order. | |

|Pictures |No pictures or drawings, |Pictures or drawings are |Pictures or drawings are | |

| |pictures are labeled |there, but some are |there, and all family | |

| |incorrectly. |labeled incorrectly |members are labeled | |

| | | |correctly. | |

|Paragraph |Paragraph has incomplete |Paragraph has complete |Paragraph has complete | |

| |sentences, incorrect |sentences, includes all |sentences, includes all | |

| |gender/number agreement, |required information, |required information, all| |

| |many verbs conjugated |most gender/number |correct gender and number| |

| |incorrectly. Paragraph |agreement is correct, but|agreement, and all verbs | |

| |does not include all |some verbs are conjugated|are conjugated correctly.| |

| |required information. |incorrectly. | | |

| | | |Total | |




Mi hermana, Jasmine

12 de agosto, 1985

Ella tiene veinte años.

Jasmine es muy bonita y muy graciosa.

A Jasmine le gusta bailar y pasar tiempo con sus amigos.


Mi familia es de Fayetteville, NC. Mis padres viven allí con mis hermanitos. Cada verano nosotros vamos a la playa para nadar. Vamos a celebrar la Navidad en la casa de mi abuela. Vamos a comer mucha comida y yo voy a recibir muchos regalos. Mi abuela vive en Fayetteville, NC también.




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