Development Book requirements

Your book will be due the day you return from break. Have fun creating your book. If you chunked the requirements along the way and have typed each section already, you don’t have much to do! Yes, everything must be typed.

The first thing you should do is decide on a creative title for your book. The title should be on the front cover of your book along with any other décor you choose.

You can choose to buy a book to include everything in but please do not spend too much money. You can also use card stock or color construction paper to make your book. It has to be bonded together to resemble a book.

For the most part, these are the same requirements you have already had. The items in bold are the new requirements. You can use personal pictures, hand drawn illustrations or clipping from magazine to represent the topics you need a picture for. However, you only use clippings or hand drawn illustrations if you do not have a personal photo. For example, if you do not have a photo of you at your first birthday party and your had a character theme such as Barney (,then you can use clippings of barney and a cake etc. to represent that event in your life. If you have any questions please ask me via email or before/after school. Do not wait until the last minute to do this assignment and email me questions.

Your book will have sections. The sections are in bold below along with the requirements for each section.

Prenatal and Infancy Development

1.How long was your mom in labor?

2.When was your mom’s expected delivery date? –Include a picture of yourself at birth, an ultrasound picture or a picture of your mommy when she was pregnant

3.When is your birthday?

4.What was your birth weight and length?

5.How did your parents decide on your name?

6.Where there any other names that they considered?

8.How old were you when you learned to sit up?

9.How old were you when you began to crawl?

10.How old were you when you began to walk?

11. Describe my first birthday celebration?-Include a picture of yourself at your first birthday party or the age of 1.

Childhood cognitive and social-emotional development and milestones

1.What was your first word and at what age?

2.How old were you when your first tooth came in?

3. At what age and where did you lose your first tooth?

4. At what age were you officially potty trained?

5. At what age did you learn how to ride a bike?

6. During your toddler/preschool years (2-5 years) what was your favorite cartoon?

7. What were some of you favorite childhood activities? (reading, the park, kick ball, baseball, playing dress up)

8. Who were you most attached to and why?

9. Were there objects (blankets, stuffed animals, pets etc. ) that you were attached to?

10. Describe your first day of kindergarten? Were you nervous, scared, excited? Did you cry, wake up early with excitement? Describe the events of that day. Who was your favorite friend in kindergarten. Please add any information you can remember or was told by parents or guardians.-Include a picture of you at the age of 5 or a picture of you on your first day of school


 Self reflection

1.What are the most positive things you remember about your adolescence?

2.What is the most negative thing you remember about your adolescent years thus far?

3.Who do you credit or blame for those positive experiences? (Yourself, your parents, your peers)

4. Who do you credit or blame for negative experiences? (yourself, your parents, your peers)

5.Explain how your experiences mentioned about relates to your, social, emotional, cognitive and/or physical development . Discuss nature or nurture as it relates to your experiences.

6.Lastly, we define self concept last class period. In at least 5 sentences describe your present self concept and self esteem. Discuss how your development and experiences up to this point has shaped yourself concept/self esteem. Are you satisfied or proud of yourself concept? If not, what will you strive to do to better yourself concept/self esteem?

 Include a picture of yourself today-during your adolescence

Schema on Age-Only include your responses for this part of the interview

What age you think is ideal (the best).

What is the worst age to be.

How old do you feel?

When does you think old age begins?

Explain why is 3-5 sentences.



My Future Self

Write a letter, yes a letter to yourself 20 years from now. Use letter format. Include a the date you write the letter, a greeting (yes, to yourself), the body of the letters and a salutation. In the letter you must talk about you 20 year goals. I know that is a long time away but never to early to think, envision your desires/dreams and plan. In letter be sure to talk about education, career, family, friends and your physical self. Tie everything you write back to the developmental topics from this chapter (social, emotional, cognitive and physical development). I want you to “dig deep”, really think about the life you want to live during adulthood and have fun writing this letter. My hopes is that you read this 20 years from now and have reached some of these goals and reflect on how your life has changed.


My Last will and Testament This should be a fun and silly assignment.

Your assignment requires you to create a last will and testament for yourself as of today (the date you create it). You, for this assignment, are not thinking about your future self.

Title your assignment “My Last Will and Testament:

Start each sentence with the following:

 I, ___________, being of sound mind and body do hereby leave ________ ……….

You should include a minimum of 5 of the above sentences.

Your last sentence should be your final wish overall. Your biggest wish. I can be silly or serious such as what you want your legacy to be.


Neatness and organization counts! Have fun!



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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