Successful Social Workers and Therapists

Clinical Case Presentation Outline

1. Demographics (age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, children, living situation, employment/education, race/ethnicity)

2. Presenting Problem & Brief History (Why did the client come to treatment/services? How has the problem developed over time? Have they received treatment/services previously? What was the outcome?)

3. Client/Family Strengths

4. Client/Family Challenges

5. Cultural Diversity Issues

6. Diagnostic Impressions/Symptoms

7. Current Medications and Health Concerns

8. Risk Factors (suicide, violence, substance use, domestic violence, etc)

9. Goals & Interventions Used

10. What’s Working and What’s Not Working?

11. Ethical Issues

12. Counter-transference (How do you feel about this client and how does it affect your work?)


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