Family Engagement in Case Planning and Case Management

Child Welfare Policy and Practice for Supervisors


|Segment |Learning |Methodology |

| |Objective | |

|Day 1, Segment 1 | |Activity 1A: |

|30 min | |Facilitate introductions, including review|

|9:00 – 9:30 am | |of agenda and orientation to materials. |

| | | |

|Welcome and Review of Agenda | |PowerPoint slides: 1-5 |

| | | |

|Day 1, Segment 2 (part 1) |K1. The trainee will be able to recognize the |Activity 2A |

|135 min |Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997, the |Brief lecture on child welfare laws and |

|9:30 – 10:50 am |national goals for child welfare and the |policies. Table group activity on ASFA. |

| |primary goals for child welfare practice in | |

|Child Welfare Policy |California. |PowerPoint slides: 6-9 |

| | | |

| |K2. The trainee will be able to recognize the |Activity 2B |

| |California themes of practice. |Brief lecture and individual activity on |

| | |the California themes of practice. |

| |K3. The trainee will be able to recognize the | |

| |outcomes and processes of the California Child |PowerPoint slides: 10-13 |

| |Welfare Outcomes and Accountability System | |

| |including the County Self-Assessment (CSA) and |Activity 2C: |

| |System Improvement Plan (SIP). |Brief lecture and individual activity on |

| | |outcomes and accountability. |

| | | |

| | |PowerPoint slides: 14-19 |

|10:50 – 11:05 am |

|15 min |


|Day 1, Segment 2 (part 2) |K4. The trainee will able to recognize the |Activity 2D: |

|135 min |definitions of evidence-based practice and |Brief lecture on outcomes measures used in|

|11:05 am – 12:00 pm |promising practices. |child welfare. |

| | | |

|Child Welfare Policy |K5. The trainee will be able to recognize |PowerPoint slides: 20-24 |

| |promising practices and emerging evidence-based| |

| |practices associated with some of the following|Activity 2E: |

| |federal and state outcomes: |Brief lecture and small group activity on |

| |timely reunification |implementing programs to improve outcomes.|

| |preventing re-entry into foster care | |

| |timely adoption |PowerPoint slides: 25-34 |

| |minimizing placement moves | |

| |keeping kids safe in care | |

| |avoiding reoccurrence of maltreatment | |

| |transition to adulthood | |

| |fairness and equity | |

| |V1. The trainee will value supervising social | |

| |workers and monitoring cases in ways that help | |

| |families achieve ASFA state and county | |

| |outcomes. | |

| |V2. The trainee will value incorporating | |

| |current practice issues in supervision | |

| |including but not limited to: | |

| |outcomes vs. process | |

| |fairness and equity | |

| |strength-based, family-centered practice | |

| |incorporating data | |

| |family engagement | |

|12:00 – 1:00 pm |

|60 min |


|Day 1, Segment 3 (part 1) |K4. The trainee will able to recognize the |Activity 3A: |

|155 min |definitions of evidence-based practice and |Brief lecture on making the transition |

|1:00 – 2:35 pm |promising practices. |from social worker to supervisor. |

| | | |

|Policy and Practice Leadership |K5. The trainee will be able to recognize |PowerPoint slide: 35 |

| |promising practices and emerging evidence-based| |

| |practices associated with some of the following|Activity 3B: |

| |federal and state outcomes: |Brief lecture on concepts related to |

| |timely reunification |fairness and equity. |

| |preventing re-entry into foster care | |

| |timely adoption |PowerPoint slides: 36-50 |

| |minimizing placement moves | |

| |keeping kids safe in care |Activity 3C: |

| |avoiding reoccurrence of maltreatment |Brief lecture and small group activity on |

| |transition to adulthood |culture and stereotypes. |

| |fairness and equity | |

| | |PowerPoint slides: 51-54 |

| |V1. The trainee will value supervising social | |

| |workers and monitoring cases in ways that help |Activity 3D: |

| |families achieve ASFA state and county |Brief lecture and individual activity on |

| |outcomes. |the role of the supervisor in |

| |V2. The trainee will value incorporating |strength-based practice. |

| |current practice issues in supervision | |

| |including but not limited to: |PowerPoint slides: 55-59 |

| |outcomes vs. process | |

| |fairness and equity | |

| |strength-based, family-centered practice | |

| |incorporating data | |

| |family engagement | |

|2:35 – 2:50 pm |

|15 min |


|Day 1, Segment 3 (part 2) |K4. The trainee will able to recognize the |Activity 3E: |

|155 min |definitions of evidence-based practice and |Brief lecture and small group activity on |

|2:50 pm – 3:50 pm |promising practices. |supporting and increasing strength-based |

| | |practice. |

|Policy and Practice Leadership |K5. The trainee will be able to recognize | |

| |promising practices and emerging evidence-based|PowerPoint slides: 60-61 |

| |practices associated with some of the following| |

| |federal and state outcomes: |Activity 3F: |

| |timely reunification |Brief lecture and small group activity on |

| |preventing re-entry into foster care |supervising to improve engagement. |

| |timely adoption | |

| |minimizing placement moves |PowerPoint slides: 62-68 |

| |keeping kids safe in care | |

| |avoiding reoccurrence of maltreatment |Activity 3G: |

| |transition to adulthood |Brief lecture on the role of the |

| |fairness and equity |supervisor in teaming. |

| | | |

| |V1. The trainee will value supervising social |PowerPoint slides: 69-72 |

| |workers and monitoring cases in ways that help | |

| |families achieve ASFA state and county | |

| |outcomes. | |

| |V2. The trainee will value incorporating | |

| |current practice issues in supervision | |

| |including but not limited to: | |

| |outcomes vs. process | |

| |fairness and equity | |

| |strength-based, family-centered practice | |

| |incorporating data | |

| |family engagement | |

|Day 1, Segment 4 | |Activity 4A: |

|10 min | |Activity to promote transfer of learning. |

|3:50- 4:00 pm | | |

| | |PowerPoint slides: 73-74 |

|Transfer of Learning | | |

Casework Supervision


Day 2

|Segment |Learning |Methodology |

| |Objective | |

|Day 2, Segment 6 | |Activity 6A: |

|15 min | |Conduct a large group activity to review |

|9:00 – 9:15 am | |learning objectives and the objectives for|

| | |day 2. |

|Welcome Back | | |

| | |PowerPoint slide: 48 |

|Day 2, Segment 7 |K4. The trainee can identify different types |Activity 7A: |

|250 min |of case conferencing for different purposes. |Provide a brief lecture and conduct a |

|9:15 – 2:40 pm | |small group activity to explore case |

| |K5. In a case scenario or role play, the |conferences as a useful learning and |

|Case Conferences |trainee can describe coaching skills applicable|development opportunity for the social |

| |to casework supervision. |workers. |

| | | |

| |S1. Using a case consultation scenario or role|PowerPoint slides: 49-52 |

| |play, the trainee can structure casework | |

| |supervisory conferences (individual and group) |Activity 7B: |

| |to elicit specific information about: |Provide a lecture on the implementation of|

| |child and family safety; |group case conferences. |

| |family’s progress towards case goals; | |

| |cultural relevance of services provided to |PowerPoint slide: 53-56 |

| |families; | |

| |potential socio-cultural assumptions and | |

| |biases; | |

| |progress toward child welfare outcomes. | |

|10:35 – 10:50 am |

|15 min |


|Day 2, Segment 7 |S2. Using a case consultation scenario or role|Activity 7C: |

|(continued) |play, the trainee can engage supervisees in |Conduct a small group activity to practice|

|250 min |discussions about critical assessment |group case conference skills. |

|9:15 – 2:40 pm |information (safety, risk, protective capacity,| |

| |domestic violence, substance abuse and mental |PowerPoint slide: 57 |

|Case Conferences |health issues) that lead to casework decisions.| |

| | | |

| |S3. The trainee can demonstrate a monitoring | |

| |strategy to promote fair and equitable | |

| |treatment of children and families at key | |

| |decision points throughout the life of a case. | |

| | | |

|11:45 – 12:45 pm |

|60 min |


|Day 2, Segment 7 |V1. The trainee will value monitoring and |Activity 7D: |

|(continued) |discussing child welfare outcomes as part of |Provide a lecture on individual case |

|250 min |ongoing supervision. |conferences. |

|9:15 – 2:40 pm | | |

| |V2. The trainee will value teamwork and |PowerPoint slides: 58-65 |

|Case Conferences |collaboration as effective strategies to | |

| |produce positive outcomes for children and |Activity 7E: |

| |families. |Provide a brief lecture on alternative |

| | |individual case conference styles. |

| |V3. The trainee will value fair and equitable | |

| |treatment of all supervisees including timely |PowerPoint slides: 66-67 |

| |and appropriate access to supervision according| |

| |to supervisees' individual needs. |Activity 7F: |

| | |Facilitate an individual activity aimed at|

| | |applying individual case conferencing |

| | |concepts. |

| | | |

| | |PowerPoint slide: 68 |

|2:40 – 2:55 pm |

|15 min |


|Day 2, Segment 8 |S1. Using a case consultation scenario or role|Activity 8A: |

|50 min |play, the trainee can structure casework |Facilitate the completion of the embedded |

|2:55 - 3:45 pm |supervisory conferences (individual and group) |evaluation to apply learned casework |

| |to elicit specific information about: |supervision concepts. |

|Embedded Evaluation |child and family safety; | |

| |family’s progress towards case goals; |PowerPoint slides: 69-78 |

| |cultural relevance of services provided to | |

| |families; | |

| |potential socio-cultural assumptions and | |

| |biases; | |

| |progress toward child welfare outcomes. | |

|Day 2, Segment 9 | |Activity 9A: |

|15 min | |Conduct a brief individual reflection |

|3:45 - 4:00 pm | |activity to promote transfer of learning. |

| | | |

|Transfer of Learning | |PowerPoint slide: 79 |



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