PDF Ready-to-Use English Lessons by Sean Banville

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Ready-to-Use English Lessons by Sean Banville



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Level 6 You are what you eat, say scientists

20th December, 2017


The Article


Discussion (Student-Created Qs)




Language Work (Cloze)






Before Reading / Listening


Put The Text Back Together


Gap Fill


Put The Words In The Right Order


Match The Sentences And Listen


Circle The Correct Word


Listening Gap Fill


Insert The Vowels (a, e, i, o, u)


Comprehension Questions


Punctuate The Text And Add Capitals


Multiple Choice - Quiz


Put A Slash ( / ) Where The Spaces Are 23

Role Play


Free Writing


After Reading / Listening


Academic Writing


Student Survey




Discussion (20 Questions)




Please try Levels 4 and 5 (they are easier).

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Scientists have cast new light on the effects our diet has on our mental health. Researchers say what we eat affects and alters our brain chemistry up until the age of 30. They say this explains why older adults are more emotionally stable and resilient than under-30s. The research was conducted by a team led by Lina Begdache, a professor of health and wellness studies. Researchers said that while the link between our diet and diabetes, heart disease and obesity is well established, there is a paucity of research on the influence our dietary intake has on mental health. The researchers also suggested that mental well-being stimulated healthy eating, healthy practices, and exercising.

The research was carried out via an anonymous internet-based survey. It was sent through social media platforms to different professional and social group networks. Professor Begdache found that adults under 30 who ate fast food more than three times a week scored higher on levels of mental distress, anxiety and depression. She said that for adults over 30, the study found that eating less carbohydrates and more fruit reduced anxiety and depression. Begdache pointed to research showing how a Mediterranean diet was as good for our brain as for our body. She said: "It has all the components that are important for the healthy structure of the brain."


Level 6

You are what you eat, say scientists ? 20th December, 2017

More free lessons at - Copyright Sean Banville 2017



1. FOOD AND MENTAL HEALTH: Students walk around the class and talk to

other students about food and mental health. Change partners often and share your findings.

2. CHAT: In pairs / groups, talk about these topics or words from the article. What will

the article say about them? What can you say about these words and your life?

light / mental health / brain / chemistry / stable / team / obesity / influence / research anonymous / survey / professional / fast food / anxiety / carbohydrates / diet

Have a chat about the topics you liked. Change topics and partners frequently.

3. WE ARE WHAT WE EAT: Students A strongly believe we are what we eat;

Students B strongly believe that's not true. Change partners again and talk about your conversations.

4. DIET: How would these diets affect our physical and mental health? Complete this

table with your partner(s). Change partners often and share what you wrote.

Diet Vegetarian Fast food Spicy food Japanese food Meat only Fruit only

Physical Health

Mental Health

5. BRAIN: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with

the word "brain". Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the words into different categories.

6. FOOD: Rank these with your partner. Put the best food for our health at the top.

Change partners often and share your rankings.

? tofu ? nuts ? garlic ? spinach

? beef ? fish ? chocolate ? rice

Level 6

You are what you eat, say scientists ? 20th December, 2017

More free lessons at - Copyright Sean Banville 2017



Paragraph 1 1. cast 2. diet 3. alters 4. stable 5. resilient 6. paucity 7. stimulated

a. Sane and sensible; not easily upset or disturbed.

b. Able to withstand, cope with or recover quickly from difficult conditions.

c. Thrown or put something somewhere.

d. Encouraged the development of or increased activity in something.

e. The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community usually eats.

f. Changes or causes to change in character or form.

g. The presence of something only in small or insufficient quantities or amounts.

Paragraph 2 8. via 9. anonymous 10. distress 11. anxiety

12. depression 13. carbohydrates 14. components

h. Smaller parts of a larger whole.

i. By way of; through.

j. Of a person not identified by name; of unknown name.

k. Great sadness, usually felt over a period of time and accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and of not feeling good enough.

l. A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, usually about an upcoming event.

m. Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain.

n. A food group that includes sugars and starch. They are in food like rice, potatoes and pasta and give us energy.

Level 6

You are what you eat, say scientists ? 20th December, 2017

More free lessons at - Copyright Sean Banville 2017




1. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if a-h below are true (T) or false (F).

a. Scientists shone a light on people's diets. T / F b. Researchers say the food under-30s eat changes their brain. T / F c. A researcher said there is little research on our diet and mental health. T / F d. The researcher suggested that being healthy encourages healthy eating. T / F e. The research was done on people the researchers never met. T / F f. A survey was send via just one social network. T / F g. The article said that people who ate faster were more depressed. T / F h. A professor said the Mediterranean Diet was not good for mental health. T / F


Match the following synonyms. The words in bold are from the news article.

1. cast 2. alters 3. stable 4. paucity 5. stimulated 6. carried out 7. survey 8. anxiety 9. components 10. structure

a. conducted b. well-balanced c. parts d. encouraged e. study f. spread g. formation h. shortage i. worry j. changes

3. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)

1. Scientists have cast new 2. what we eat affects and alters 3. adults are more 4. diabetes, heart disease 5. mental well6. carried out via an anonymous 7. It was sent through 8. mental 9. eating less 10. as good for our brain

a. emotionally stable b. carbohydrates c. being d. our brain chemistry e. internet-based survey f. distress g. light on the effects h. as for our body i. and obesity j. social media platforms

Level 6

You are what you eat, say scientists ? 20th December, 2017

More free lessons at - Copyright Sean Banville 2017




Scientists have (1) ____________ new light on the effects our diet has on our mental health. Researchers say what we eat affects and (2) ____________ our brain chemistry up until the age of 30. They say this explains why older adults are more emotionally (3) ____________ and resilient than under-30s. The research was conducted by a team led by Lina Begdache, a professor of health and (4) ____________ studies. Researchers said that while the link between our diet and diabetes, heart disease and (5) ____________ is well established, there is a (6) ____________ of research on the influence our dietary (7) ____________ has on mental health. The researchers also suggested that mental well-being stimulated healthy eating, healthy (8) ____________, and exercising.

wellness alters practices obesity cast intake stable paucity

The research was carried out via an (9) ____________ internetbased survey. It was sent through social media (10) ____________ to different professional and social group networks. Professor Begdache found that adults under 30 who ate fast food more than three times a week (11) ____________ higher on levels of mental distress, (12) ____________ and depression. She said that for (13) ____________ over 30, the study found that eating less carbohydrates and more fruit reduced anxiety and depression. Begdache (14) ____________ to research showing how a Mediterranean diet was as good for our (15) ____________ as for our body. She said: "It has all the components that are important for the healthy (16) ____________ of the brain."

pointed scored structure anonymous brain anxiety platforms adults

Level 6

You are what you eat, say scientists ? 20th December, 2017

More free lessons at - Copyright Sean Banville 2017


LISTENING ? Guess the answers. Listen to check.


1) Scientists have cast new light on the effects our diet has on ______ a. our mentally health b. our meant all health c. our meant all healthy d. our mental health

2) Researchers say what we eat affects and ______ chemistry a. alters hour brains b. alters our brain c. alters our brainy d. alters hour brain

3) conducted by a team led by Lina Begdache, a professor of health and ______ a. wellness studies b. well nest studious c. wellness stud is d. well nest studies

4) diabetes, heart disease and obesity is well established, there is ______ research a. a poor city of b. a paucity of c. a paw city of d. a pore city of

5) The researchers also suggested that mental well-being ______ eating a. stimulated healthy b. stimulates healthy c. stimulating healthy d. stimulation healthy

6) The research was carried out via an anonymous ______ survey a. internet-basted b. internet-biased c. internet-based d. internet-braised

7) sent through social media platforms to different professional and ______ networks a. socially group b. socialize group c. socials group d. social group

8) scored higher on levels of mental distress, ______ depression a. anxious tea and b. and city end c. and zoo city end d. anxiety and

9) eating less carbohydrates and more fruit reduced anxiety ______ a. end depression b. and deep ration c. and deep ration d. and dip passion

10) It has all the components that are important for the healthy ______ brain a. structures of the b. structural of the c. structure of the d. structured of the

Level 6

You are what you eat, say scientists ? 20th December, 2017

More free lessons at - Copyright Sean Banville 2017


LISTENING ? Listen and fill in the gaps


Scientists have cast new light (1) ___________________ our diet has on our mental health. Researchers say what we eat affects (2) ___________________ brain chemistry up until the age of 30. They say this explains why older adults are more emotionally stable (3) ___________________ under-30s. The research was conducted by a team led by Lina Begdache, a professor of health and wellness studies. Researchers said that (4) ___________________ between our diet and diabetes, heart disease and obesity is well established, there is a paucity of research on the influence our (5) ___________________ on mental health. The researchers also suggested that mental well-being stimulated healthy eating, (6) ___________________, and exercising.

The research was carried (7) ___________________ anonymous internetbased survey. It was sent through social (8) ___________________ to different professional and social group networks. Professor Begdache found that adults under 30 (9) ___________________ food more than three times a week scored higher on levels (10) ___________________, anxiety and depression. She said that for adults over 30, the study found that eating less carbohydrates and (11) ___________________ anxiety and depression. Begdache pointed to research showing how a Mediterranean diet was as good for our brain as for our body. She said: "It has all the components that are important for the healthy (12) ___________________ brain."

Level 6

You are what you eat, say scientists ? 20th December, 2017

More free lessons at - Copyright Sean Banville 2017



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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