After some 24 years involved in the breed this was my first CC appointment and I believe it was the first time a debutant breed specialist has awarded CCs in both sexes and BIS at a Bernese breed club show, so I am honoured that I was entrusted to do the job by the Club. I was very pleased with my entry of 88(115) although even in the current climate, numerically maybe it was a little below par for a breed club show and a first appointment. Nevertheless other than Crufts it is still the second highest Bernese entry so far this year and there was sufficient quantity and quality of exhibits for me to judge. First and foremost I must thank all the exhibitors for going to the expense and making the time and effort to enter and present their exhibits under me. Whether experienced or novices all exhibits and exhibitors were treated with the respect they deserved. I am also extremely grateful to the hospitality and support shown by the Club and its committee on the day and to my two stewards Angela and Ellen who enabled me to concentrate on the job in hand. The venue at Lock Meadow Market provided me with an ample size indoor ring sheltering the exhibits from the heat and strong sunlight outside although for the judge it had become a bit stifling by the end of the day. My decisions appeared to be accepted in a sporting manner and there seemed to be a good atmosphere at the show.

Prior to this I had not attended any championship show since Crufts last year and had not judged Bernese since 2011 so I came very much with a fresh pair of eyes, having seen very few of the exhibits before. Three or four youngsters seemed a little overawed but all recovered and I was able to undertake the required hands on assessment of them. All others had excellent temperaments. It was also disappointing to see one of my class winners move unsoundly in the challenge. Other than soundness, a working breed such as Bernese must have a good engine, though strength is not always necessarily about size. If it has a pleasing balanced profile from all angles with adequate substance to match it should be eye catching to any judge. I thought there were some very nice heads and fronts but some of the rears including tail carriage and length still disappoints me. I thought overall the males offered a bit more quality in depth, the largest and strongest class of the day being Open Dog with six champions in it, but my BIS, the Veteran Bitch winner, was a pleasure to go over. It has been said that smaller, lighter specimens of our breed are more likely to move better than larger heavier boned ones and whilst there may be some truth in this, today I generally found the shape, balance and movement I was looking for, in some of the larger examples that were on show. Handling and presentation is overall much better than it was some 24 years ago and the exhibitors must be commended for this.


Veteran 4 (1)

All three veterans in excellent condition and a credit to their owners.

1. Kyleburn Night Quintillon - 8 yrs. Striking head and of good breed type, stood slightly narrow in front but pleasing side profile with firm back. In good coat and moved very well from all angles with good front extension.

2. Monalou Touch of Dutch to Glenbrienz – Just over 8 yrs. Larger longer cast dog with stronger head, good overall body shape with good substance, presented in excellent coat and condition. Was a little slack in rear stance and movement.

3. Ardenbridge Marshall at Sargbilko– Just under 7 ½ yrs. Shorter coupled. Has a nice head and another oldie in good coat and condition. Excellent temperament but would have preferred more rear angulation.

Minor Puppy 3 (0)

1. Meadowpark Vertigo – Almost 9 months and already of good size. Stood four square with a pleasing side profile. He has a clean cut head with dark eye and good ear set. Good reach of neck, well boned and well angulated at front, good depth of brisket, level top line with correct length of loin, very shapely in body with good rib cage, rounded rump and has good rear angulation and correct tail carriage. Strode out well on the move and of excellent presentation. I expect a big future for him. BPD & BPIS. I later found out that he had earned his JW qualification points at this show. Well done.

2. Tickbern Space Cowboy for Alisnobern – Also just short of 9 mths but still very raw in comparison to winner. Slightly over marked on feet. Good head and body shape with deep chest but at the moment is loose in rear movement and flies tail.

3. Halesbern Pal Joey – The baby of the show at just over 6 mths and obviously still very raw and loose all over. Kind eye and expression and promising for bone and body shape. Also proud of his tail on the move. I believe it was his first show and he performed well with a lovely outgoing temperament.

Puppy 4 (0)

1. Meadowpark Vertigo

2. Harvestbank Fernando – Just over 9 mths, of good overall size slightly longer cast and adequately boned. Has a good head reach of neck but a little narrow at the front. Good deep body and good tail set. Presented in good coat.

3. Kohbern Dragon of Koh Tao – 8 mths. A bit of a hand full and was a little unsettled. Good head and body shape and is level on top. A little straight at the rear. Presented in good condition.

Junior 5(1)

1. Bernfold Donner by Glenbrienz – 13 mths. Really enjoying himself and made his handler work hard but is coming on very well. Nice head, body in good proportions. Good width and ribbing. Good rear and tail set. Well angulated front and rear. When settled he moved very well.

2. Vellbern the Rainmaker- almost 16 mths. A medium sized young dog generally well put together, in good coat and condition. Ok for size with good head and pleasing expression. Good front with correct bone for his age. Topline needs to level off a little, good angulation at the rear. Moved ok when stopped pacing.

3. Collansues Secret Bridges – 16 mths. Strong head and uses ears well, good depth of brisket but still very raw and tall looking being rather leggy at the rear and a little proud of his tail, so needs time. Good temperament.

Yearling 3 (1)

My notes say very similar in shape, cobby and broad and very close decision. Only later did I learn they were two 19 mth litter brothers.

1. Bernemcourt Wonderwall – Medium sized with good side profile. Pleasing head, level top line, and balanced shape with good spring of rib. Good front and rear angulation. Moved very well with correct tail carriage  

2. Bernemcourt Morning Glory – At the moment a little slacker in top line and not such good tail carriage on the move as the winner although otherwise has similar qualities to his litter brother in terms of head, substance, width and size.

Beginners 2 (0)

1. Vellbern the Rainmaker

2. Majestic Dream - 10 mths. Res in Puppy. OK in head but light in eye. A little stuffy in neck but of good overall shape with good width and tail set. Was a little unsure of himself but recovered and when settled moved very well

Maiden 2 (0)

1. Vellbern the Rainmaker

2. Majestic Dream

Novice 1 (0)

1. Vellbern the Rainmaker

Graduate 1(0)

1. Collansues Krusty the Clown - A substantial young dog of 3 yrs with plenty of virtues. A tremendous front with substantial bone on his front legs and feet with shoulders to match, strong masculine head. Well bodied and is impressive in stance. Overall his rear is rather loose and when on the move he needs a bit of room to get into his stride. If his hind quarters tighten up he could do well.

Post Graduate 6(0)

1. Shirdees Continental - At just over 2 yrs this promising young dog has a strong head with kind expression, good deep chest, good bone throughout. Body is in good proportions. Good top line and rounded rump. Well let down hocks. Well set tail and a very fluent mover.

2. Jaybiem Y’Euben Chozen – Also just over 2 yrs, of similar size to winner, nice head, shorter coupled, not as level on top. Well boned, in good coat with good rib cage. Well angulated at front and ok at rear. Moved well but tail carried high.

3. Chippis Knights Image – 5 yrs. would have preferred a stronger head but has a good front and reasonably well angulated at the rear. Has a profuse coat in good condition and lovely temperament.

Mid Limit 4(0)

1. Carabaz New Blues – 3 yrs A darkly marked male of good breed type, with lovely head, level top line. Not a big one but won this for being very shapely throughout and moving soundly with good forward reach and correct tail carriage.

2. Collansues Mexican Cream – 6 yrs – A very strong looking and well boned upper size male with lovely front, head, eyes and ears. Tight cat like front feet. Well ribbed but would have preferred tighter rear quarters both in stance and on the move.

3. Jaybiem Mi Lord – 2 yrs – A good sized youngster with a good head, skull and reach of neck, excellent temperament. Moved ok. Would have liked better rear angulation and another one proud of his tail


Limit 2(0)

1.Harvestbank Daddy Cool – At almost 4 yrs this male is of good breed type and was very shapely in body with good level top line and smoothly rounded rump and good rear angulation. Pleasing side profile in stance rather untidy on the move and unfortunately was unsound in the challenge.

2. Broels Goliath – 4 ½ yrs. smaller type. Darkly marked and in very good coat. Good strong neck and deep chest .Would have liked a stronger head and better angulation throughout. Moved ok.

Open 9(1)

The largest class of the day and featured six champions.

1. Tangaychates Beachcomber – This dog was a class winner under me when I last judged but he did not blow me away. Today at 5 yrs of age he caught my eye straight away. He has come on in leaps and bounds and illustrates what a slow maturing breed Bernese are. He’s an impressive upper sized lad but exhibited steady sound movement with much more drive from the rear than I remember before. Strong masculine head, good stop, length of muzzle and flat skull with kind eye and benign expression. Good width and depth of chest. Strong, straight and well boned front legs, good lay of shoulder and well angulated front. Good depth of brisket, strong rib cage and adequate length of loin, level topline. His rear quarters are strong and well angulated with smoothly rounded rump, correct tail set and carriage. Full of substance, tight cat like feet. He looked in peak condition, presented in good coat with all the furnishings of a mature Bernese, although the bitch had more sparkle in the challenge. DCC and RBIS.

2. Ch Meadowpark Sugar Daddy – Of medium size and another coming into his own at 4 yrs. Well turned out standing four square and presenting a balanced profile. Kind masculine head not overdone. Good reach of neck. Adequate bone for size. Strong straight legs with good angulation to front and rear. Lovely body shape with level top line. Smoothly rounded rump and good tail set. Moved with good reach and drive. Very good presentation and showed well. RDCC

3. Ch Glamrock Ballroom Blitz by Glenbrienz – Completing a trio of top class males at just over 6 yrs and also looking the part. Handsome head and expression. Good front and rear angulation and good width of body with rib cage and strong rear. Moved very freely. In very good condition.

Breeders 1(0)

1. Chippis Knights Image

Progeny 2 (1)

1. Ch Glamrock Ballroom Blitz by Glenbrienz – Shown with a good selection of quality progeny many appearing to be like peas out of a pod and many of which finished well up the places today, so clearly passing on his qualities and so most deserving of this award.


Veteran 4 (1)

1. Ch Shirdees Bobbie Dazzler – Folk will know that I have been an exponent of longevity and veteran Bernese and have argued in the past that if they are good enough they are young enough to win CCs. How ironic therefore that I awarded my first BIS/BOB to my Veteran Bitch winner. This 8 years old bitch certainly lived up to her name and was in peak condition. She is above medium size, has a strong but feminine head, striking expression with dark eye and well set ears. Good reach of neck, deep chest. Well boned front legs with cat like feet. Good strong back well sprung ribs leading on to a smoothly rounded rump with correct tail carriage when stood and on the move. Well angulated at rear with good bend of stifle and well let down hocks. Has good substance throughout. A sound mover with plenty of rear drive and front reach which she continued to exhibit right into the final challenge. She really looked a picture today, with her shiny coat and striking colours finishing off the picture.  BCC, BVIS and BIS.

2. Tangychates Water Lily avec Bernienaime – 7 yrs 9 mths. Another nice veteran of good conformation, level top line, good front and rear, may be a little short in leg length.

3. Chippis Ebony Ice P-Beg Ex– The oldest one here today at 8 yrs 4 mths and smaller type. Lovely body and rounded rump, coat in bloom, may be showing her age a little in her slightly restricted movement but in lovely condition and excellent temperament, a credit to her breeders.

Minor Puppy 5(1)

1. Meadowpark Sweetest Thing – almost 9 months and litter sister to the PD winner and another with an outstanding side profile and good conformation typical of what this kennel had on show here today. Feminine head but could have used ears better, smoothly flowing over the skull, to the neck, top line, smoothly rounded rump and correct tail. Good angulation to front and rear. So no surprise that she moved very well. BPB

2. Bernfold Celeb Laila Mo – 6 ½ mths –Lovely head and expression with a good front and rear angulation. She is coming on well in terms of size hence she presently is a little up on her rear. She performed very well for such a baby.

3. Kohbern Swans of Samui – 8 ½ mths. Head needs to come on a bit and presently also a little up on her rear, but is still so young. She is otherwise a shapely young bitch shown in good condition. A close decision between 2 & 3.

Puppy 5 (2)

1. Meadowpark Sweetest Thing

2. Harvestbank Fields of Gold -  Just out of Minor Puppy at 9 mths and a good sized young bitch unlucky to meet such a quality winner today good size and type, feminine head and good expression, good front with deep chest, brisket and firm top line, pleasing rear quarters. Presented in good coat and condition, she moved well keeping her shape. Later won Novice which I learned later was the second Bernese of the day to earn qualifying points for her JW. Congratulations.

3.Harvestbank Flashdance – Litter sister to 2, slightly smaller and finer but another presenting a pleasing side profile with good forequarters, level top line, but a little straighter in rear angulation. Just needs time to come on but well deserving of her place.

Junior 5(1)

1. Barinkar Everlasting Love – 15 mths a close decision between the first two. A young bitch of good proportions below medium size. Very feminine, nice head with gentle expression. Very shapely body with level top line. Moved well.

2. Collansues Mountain Angel – 15 mths. Feminine head with pronounced stop. Good reach of neck and body shape. Showed herself off well and similar qualities to winner. Just preferred the top line of the winner.

3. Gamuvel Patou Clio Gesi – Just under 18 mths. A finer type certainly at the in-between stage but with plenty of time to fill her frame. A sweet feminine head and expression. Good top line and smoothly rounded rump. Moved ok.

Yearling 3(1)

1. Night Starlet Van St Niklas at Manisla – 19 mths, below medium size, another of good proportions and overall shape with good width. Feminine head, a little light in eye. Moved very well although tail carriage a little high. A very happy temperament.

2. Howardberns Athena – 15 mths. Res in Junior. Well marked with sweet expression and over decent overall shape with level top line but fine and leggy at the moment, all through so needs to mature and fill frame. Initially unsure of herself but moved ok when settled.

Beginners 4(2)

1. Charmsway Apple of my Eye – 16 mths. Another young shapely bitch, below medium size. Nice feminine head, but could have used ears better. Good at front, little high in rump at moment but still young.

2. Howardberns Athena

Maiden 4(2)

1. Charmsway Apple of my Eye

2. Chippis Diamond in the Sky - 2 yrs 3 mths. Another from this kennel carrying plenty of coat and having an excellent temperament. Nice head, a little light in eye, broad rib cage, very shapely in body. Moved rather wide at the front.

Novice 4 (0)

1. Harvestbank Fields of Gold

2. Lalitabern Aticandika – 3 yrs. nice head with very feminine expression and good front. Finer type but of good overall shape with smoothly rounded rump, if a little straight at rear. Tended to throw a front leg out when on the move.

3. Harvestbank Flashdance

Graduate 5(2)

1. Chippis She’s a Diamond – 2 yrs 3 mths. A below medium sized shapely bitch with good forequarters and good proportions throughout with adequate hind angulation and correct tail set. In good coat and condition and moved well.

2. Labanc-Volgyi Happy Feet – Just under 2 yrs. Lots to like about this one with lovely head, expression and good reach of neck. Moved with enthusiasm. Would prefer a better top line in stance although held it on move.

3. Lalitabern Aticandika

Post Graduate 5(1)

1. Meadowpark Beach Blend at Tangyachates – 20 mths well grown with good bone. Nice head. Stood four square and has a well balanced shape. Level top line. Well let down hocks. Moved well

2. Collansues Vienna Swirl - 4 yrs Very feminine in head with sweet expression, level top line and lovely shape although would have liked a little more hind angulation. Both 2 & 3 would have benefited from a little more width at front. Moved and showed very well.

3. Bernfold Spring Blossom - 3 yrs A little longer cast with strong neck, good depth of chest, width to body and rear angulation but would have liked a more level top line in stance. Well boned and moved well.

Mid Limit 7(2)

1. Magic Berners Cast a Magic Spell at Arvella – 2 yrs 9 mth. Above medium sized young bitch, well off for bone and has a good front. Good depth of brisket. She has a lovely rounded rump and has good tail carriage and impressed in stance. Moved soundly.

2. Shirdees Shelby – Just over 2 yrs A solid darkly marked longer cast bitch with pleasing head, good at front, good reach of neck, appeared a little slack in top line when stood but moved and showed well.

3. Bernbiename Bright Gem at Kohbern – 4 yrs Shapely medium sized and everything in proportions, good top line Ok for bone and in good coat and condition. Nice head but could use ears better and would have liked to have seen a bit more sparkle on the move.

Limit 4(1)

1. Glamrock Future Legend – 6 yrs. below medium sized lovely feminine bitch who has done well under me before. Has a sweet feminine head and expression and nice shapely body with level top line and good width to body. Well angulated at the rear with good bend of stifle. Just needed a little more sparkle in her movement and performance today to challenge for the top prizes.

2. Bernbiename First Love at Kohbern – 5 yrs another very nice bitch of pleasing side profile and in excellent coat and condition. Firm level top line and shapely body. A sound mover.

3. Tangychates Young Dream at Brenodor – almost 7 yrs. A little taller than 1 & 2 but of overall good body shape, with good neck and width. Finer in head and a little high at rear. Probably showing her age a little on the move.

Open 4(2)

Short in numbers but not quality.

1. Ch Jaybiem I Kea Ikea – Almost 4 yrs. This bitch took BP bitch under me the last time I judged so I am pleased she has grown on and done so well. An above medium size bitch who was not carrying an abundance of coat but this only helped to show off her shapely frame, proportions and substance. She has a lovely strong, not coarse, feminine head with correct muzzle and skull shape. Deep strong forequarters. Strong looking neck with adequate reach. Good depth of brisket and broad in body. A level top line which runs in to a rounded rump and correct tail set. She is well boned all through with good rear angulation. Positive on the move in all directions and deservedly took the RBCC.

2. Meadowpark Royal Blend – 6 yrs smaller than winner but a quality medium size bitch of good a shape throughout. Pleasing balanced profile in stance. Strides out well but tends to over reach a little.

Breeders 4(1)

1. Chippis She’s a Diamond

2. Chippis Black Diamond – 5 yrs VHC in Mid Limit. Same dam as winner hence similar in type but giving 3 years away. Below medium size. Of good overall shape. Good front and well ribbed. A little straight at rear. Moved well.

3. Harvestbank Born to Boogie – Almost 7 years, larger type. Good head shape, good angulation, level topline. Showing age a little on the move.

Progeny 1(0)

1. Chippis Ebony Ice P-Beg Ex

Brace 2 (0)

Two well matched braces that both moved around the ring in unison.

1. Miles

2. Stelmach and Davis

Breeder Award

1. Meadowpark – Mair &Hartley-Mair - A team of three exhibits that moved in unison up and down the ring and which were typical of the high quality exhibits that this kennel showed here today. They consistently scored in overall construction, shape, movement and presentation and in their breeding are clearly getting something right!

Judge: Keith Creasey (Alphanova)


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