Biology 212 – Final Exam Review – Dr

Biology 212 – Final Exam Review – Dr. Colbert

April 23, 2007

Cell Biology

Properties of Water

• H-Bonds

Carbon Chemistry

• Isomers

• Functional Groups

Macromolecules – Know Structure and Function

• Carbohydrates

• Proteins

• Nucleic Acids

• Fats (Lipids)

Cell Structure

• Organelles and Functions

Membrane Function and Structure


• Free Energy

• Entropy

• Catabolism vs. Anabolism

• Gibbs Free Energy Equation

• Endergonic vs. Exergonic

• Enzyme’s effect on Energetics

Cellular Respiration

• Oxidative vs. Substrate level Phosphorlyation

• Know ‘ingredients’ and products of:

• Glycolysis

• Krebs Cycle

• Electron Transport Chain

• Chemiosmosis

• Fermentation


Plant Structure

- Nodes

- Tissues

o Cortex

o Epidermis

o Ground

▪ Collenchyma

▪ Parenchyma

▪ Sclerenchyma

Transport and Growth

- Xylem

o Trachieds

o Vessel Elements

- Phloem

o Sieve Tube members

o Companion cells

- Primary Growth

o Meristems

- Secondary Growth

o Cork Cambium


- Nitrogen Fixation

- Deficiencies


- Flowers

- Ovary

- Ovule

- Microspores

- Megaspores

- Double fertilization

- Endosperm

Plant Reproduction

- Difference in flower structure

▪ Perfect vs. Imperfect

▪ Monoeciouis vs. Dioecious

- Pollination

▪ Methods for pollination

- Fertilization

▪ Endosperm & Double Fertilization

▪ Describe process of fertilization

▪ Fate of egg, sperm nuclei, polar nuclei

▪ How do plants avoid self-fertilization?

- Embryo development – terminal cell, basal cell, cotyledons

- Asexual Reproduction

Plant Regulation

- Tropism & phototropism

- Phytochrome

▪ Light switch - chromophore

▪ Far-red and red light

▪ What does it regulate?

- Plant hormones

▪ Auxin and growth towards light (describe process)


Cells & Tissues

- Epithelial

▪ Form?

▪ Function?

- Connective

▪ Form?

▪ Function?

- Muscle

▪ Form?

▪ Function?

- Nervous

▪ Form?

▪ Function?

Animal Development

- Describe fertilization

▪ Acrosome

▪ Vitillene layer

▪ Fast and slow block process

- Describe egg activation

▪ What happens?

- Describe cleavage

▪ What happens?

- Describe gastrualtion

▪ Movement of cells and formation of germ layers (3 – what are they?)

Muscle and Skeletal System

Nervous System

Digestive System

Cardiovascular System


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