Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 16:20:20 -0500

Obama's Abominable Inaugural Prayer Service

- Washington National [Episcopal] Cathedral, Jan. 21, 2009

God says: "I am the LORD thy God,... Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

Exodus 20:2a, 3

Obama, and other false religionists gather, attend worship of false gods, celebrate

one-world anti-Christian religion of the ecumenical, Romanist, feminist, pro-abortion,

pro-sodomite, anti-Messiah, New World Order

The Bible says: "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD;..." Psalm 33:12a

Washington National [Episcopal] Cathedral: a National House of Jezebel, Molech,

and Baal - a "Church of Satan"

The Saviour: "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan,..." Revelation 3:9a

Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary

morning of Obama's Abominable Inaugural Prayer Service

Washington National [Episcopal] Cathedral, Washinton D.C.

Wisconsin Ave. (northwest Washington D.C., near Vatican Embassy, past "Embassy Row")

House of Jezebel, Molech, and Baal, a Church of Satan

January 21, 2009

"Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations,..."

Ezekiel 16:2


The New World Order is about:

1) one-world government

2) one-world money

3) one-world religion

Obama Attends National Prayer Service at Washington National Cathedral


January 21, 2009

President Obama began his first day in office at the Washington National Cathedral for the traditional National Prayer Service that has been in place since George Washington's inauguration.

The interfaith service was well represented by leaders in the religious community, including Rev. Samuel Lloyd, dean of the cathedral, which is the seat of the Episcopal Church in Washington, Rev. Otis Moss Jr., a prominent Baptist pastor, Washington Catholic Archbishop Donald Wuerl, and several well-known Jewish, Muslim and Greek Orthodox leaders.

For the first time, the sermon was given by a woman, the Rev. Dr. Sharon E. Watkins, general minister and president of the Protestant denomination Disciples of Christ. The Washington Post reported on

the interesting additions to the service, which included the use of prayers drawn from George Washington's 1789 post-inauguration prayer service and Abraham Lincoln's 1865 inaugural address.


National Prayer Service Lineup Announced

January 16, 2009

Clergy members representing six different faith traditions in American life will offer prayers at the worship service, which is invitation only. The Presidential Inaugural Committee says in a press release that they "symbolize America's traditions of religous tolerance and freedom":

In all, a diverse bunch--more diverse than in previous National Prayer Services, which have been a tradition since George Washington. It appears that this is the first time a Hindu clergy member has been involved in the National Prayer Service. It also appears to be the first time that rabbis from three major branches of Judaism (Reform, Conservative and Orthodox) have spoken.


Presidential Inaugural Committee Announces Participants of National Prayer Service


Friday, January 16, 2009

The service will include scripture readings, prayers, hymns and blessings delivered by faith leaders from across the United States.

“President-elect Obama’s faith is a central part of his life and he will begin the first full day of his Administration with a service of interfaith prayer and reflection,“ said Presidential Inaugural Committee Communications Director Josh Earnest. “The National Prayer Service, which will embody the themes of tolerance, unity and understanding, is a worship service for all Americans.“

The National Prayer Service will include a traditional prayer for civil leaders, a prayer for the nation, a selection by the Washington, D.C.-based Children of the Gospel Children’s Choir, and, for the first time, feature a sermon delivered by a woman.

The Presidential Inaugural Committee previously announced that Sharon E. Watkins, General Minister and President, Disciples of Christ (Christian Church) will deliver the sermon.


Inauguration Interfaith Prayer Service at National Cathedral

January 16, 2009


Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary

morning of Obama's Abominable Inaugural Prayer Service

Washington National [Episcopal] Cathedral, Washinton D.C.

House of Jezebel, Molech, and Baal, a Church of Satan

January 21, 2009

"Thou hast built thy high place at every head of the way, and hast made thy beauty to be abhorred,

and hast opened thy feet to every one that passed by, and multiplied thy whoredoms."

Ekekiel 16:25, KJB


False religionists (including adherents of the false religions of Islam, Judaism, Hinduism

and Roman Catholicism) and apostates of many varieties (including several jezebel-she-wolf female ministers) gathered to worship their false gods of many varieties, in yet another public display of "interfaith ecumenism" by American national leaders.

The kingpin of global ecumenism, and one-world religion, the Vatican's Roman Pope, was

no doubt well-pleased.

Roman Catholicism is NOT Biblical Christianity

Washington, DC, January 19, 2009

Live Web Streaming of National Prayer Service at Washington National Cathedral; Complete List of Service Participants


On the service, the Very Rev. Samuel T. Lloyd III, Cathedral dean, commented, “Our new president, his Cabinet members, members of Congress and many more will assemble for a service both ecumenical and interfaith, reflecting the diversity of our nation.”

WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING: "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." (Matthew 7:15-20)

The complete list of National Prayer Service participants included:

- The Very Reverend Samuel T. Lloyd III, Dean of Washington National Cathedral, Washington, District of Columbia

- The Right Reverend John Bryson Chane, Bishop of Washington D.C., Washington, District of Columbia

[ Episcopalian ]

- The Reverend Dr. Otis Moss, Jr., Pastor Emeritus, Olivet Institutional Baptist Church, Cleveland, Ohio

- The Reverend Dr. Cynthia L. Hale, Senior Pastor, Ray of Hope Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Decatur, Georgia

- The Reverend Andy Stanley, Founding Pastor, North Point Community Church, Alpharetta, Georgia

[ son of Dr. Charles Stanley, First Baptist Atlanta, In Touch Ministries ]

- Rabbi David N. Saperstein, Director and Counsel, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, Washington,

District of Columbia

- Most Reverend Francisco González, S.F., Auxiliary Bishop of Washington D.C., Washington, District of Columbia

[ Roman Catholic - bishop/bgonzva.html ]

- His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, and Exarch

of the Ecumenical Patriarchate

- The Reverend Dr. Sharon E. Watkins, General Minister and President, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the

United States and Canada

- Dr. Ingrid Mattson, President, Islamic Society of North America, and Director of Center for Islamic Studies and

Christian-Muslim Relations, Hartford Seminary

- Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, Rabbi, Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, New York, New York

- The Reverend Jim Wallis, President and Chief Executive Officer, Sojourners, Washington, District of Columbia

- Dr. Uma Mysorekar, Hindu Temple Society of North America, Queens, New York

- The Reverend Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, Senior Pastor, Believers Christian Fellowship Church, New York, New York

- Rabbi Jerome M. Epstein, Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, United Synagogue of Conservative

Judaism, New York, New York

- The Reverend Canon Carol L. Wade, Precentor, Washington National Cathedral, Washington, District of Columbia

- The Reverend Kirbyjon Caldwell, Senior Pastor, Windsor Village United Methodist Church, Houston, Texas

[ Kirbyjon H. Caldwell is the American pastor of the Windsor Village United Methodist Church, a 14,000-member

megachurch in Houston, Texas . He is one of President George W. Bush's most influential spiritual advisors.


- Most Reverend Donald W. Wuerl, S.T.D., Archibishop of Washington D.C., Washington, District of Columbia

[ Roman Catholic - ]

- The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop and Primate, The Episcopal Church

[ ]

[ Pro-abort, Pro-sodomite, Jezebel head of Episcopalian Church, U.S.A. - supporter of New Hampshire's

Sodomite Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson ]

- The Reverend Wesley Granberg-Michaelson, General Secretary, Reformed Church in America


Shameful sculpture above the front entrance of the apostate Washington National [ Episcopal ] Cathedral

Stone sculpture work above the front entrance doors - shameful public display of naked men and women.

Washington National [Episcopal] Cathedral, Washinton D.C.

House of Spiritual Adultery and Whoredom

"Wherefore, O harlot, hear the word of the LORD:

Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thy filthiness was poured out,

and thy nakedness discovered through thy whoredoms

with thy lovers, and with all the idols of thy abominations,

and by the blood of thy children, which thou didst give unto them;

Behold, therefore I will gather all thy lovers, with whom thou hast taken pleasure,

and all them that thou hast loved, with all them that thou hast hated;

I will even gather them round about against thee, and will discover thy nakedness unto them,

that they may see all thy nakedness.

And I will judge thee, as women that break wedlock and shed blood are judged;

and I will give thee blood in fury and jealousy.

And I will also give thee into their hand, and they shall throw down thine eminent place,

and shall break down thy high places:..."

Ezekiel 16:35-38c, KJB


Just below the above display of pornographic masonry, also above the front door entrances of this House of Spiritual Harlotry,

is an even more vividly obscene male figure. For the sake of modesty, only the head of the full-bodied figure is shown here.

Washington National [Episcopal] Cathedral, Washinton D.C.

House of Spiritual Adultery and Whoredom

Washington D.C. is covered with such immodest, obscene, pornographic images. There are the nude figures of

"gods" and "goddesses" portrayed in the painted frescoe in the Capitol Dome far above the U.S. Capitol rotunda,

the central location of Washington D.C. There are the pornographic figures outside the Library of Congress on

1st Street behind (east of) the U.S. Capitol (just down the street from the Supreme Court Building).

Likewise, the layout of the City itself (e.g., the Masonic Compass "arms" of Pennsylvania Ave. and Maryland Ave.,

proceeding out from the U.S. Capitol Bldg), its monuments (e.g., the Washington Monument national obelisk), the

laying of the foundation stones of key buildings with Masonic ceremonies (e.g., the President's (White) House in 1792,

the U.S. Capitol in 1793), and in some cases, the indiviuduals honored in stone (e.g., the statue of Albert Pike, Sovereign

Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, 33rd Degree, located on D Street,

between 3rd and 4th Streets, NW, close to the U.S. Capitol Building), all indicate a pervasive Masonic influence

in the founding, design, construction, presence, influence, and control of Washington D.C.


Previous Presidential Inaugural Prayer Services have also been ecumenical:

Presidential Inaugural Prayer Services

at Washington National Cathedral


President George W. Bush - Abominable Ecumenical, Feminist Inaugural Prayer Service

Washington National Cathedral Prayer Service

Sunday, January 21, 2001


The Democratic Party conducted an ecumenical "interfaith" gathering in Denver (2008) at the DNC:

Democratic Party & False Religion - ecumenical "interfaith" abomination at Denver DNC

DNC's first-ever "Interfaith Gathering" - Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado - Sunday, August 24, 2008

-- False religions, false religionists, and apostates of many varieties gathered to worship their false gods of many varieties,

in an historic ecumenical "interfaith" spiritual abomination, as Democrats attempted to portray themselves as people of

"faith" - apparently most any faith, any religion, and any god was welcome.

-- Muslims, Jews, Buddhist, Roman Catholics, and apostate Christians comprised the false religionists and apostate speakers, including: two Muslim imams, three male Jewish rabbis, female Jewish rabbi, Roman Catholic priest, Roman Catholic nun, professor (and Church of Christ minister) at United Methodist seminary, female United Methodist minister, female Pentacostal minister, and other Buddhist, Roman Catholic (including Colorado Governor Bill Ritter), and Islamic speakers.

-- Roman Catholicism is NOT Biblical Christianity

-- Also present was a Church of God in Christ bishop, who did speak out bravely in defense of the unborn, but who was

nevertheless "unequally yoked" (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) in such a gathering of false religions and false religionists.


Pro-Life Democratic Bishop at Interfaith Gathering


Bishop Charles E. Blake, Church of God in Christ

-- Religious texts used for readings in the "Order of Celebration" were: 1) Torah, 2) Buddhist Sutra Nipata, 3) "Holy" [sic]

Qur'an [Koran], and a 4) false "Holy Bible" [sic - New American "Bible" [sic], United States Conference of Catholic Bishops]



Reports on NWO's One-World Religion practiced by the Pope, the UN, President Bush

and the U.S. Congress, and related articles:

See , "News" page, and

The New World Order is about:

1) one-world government

2) one-world money

3) one-world religion

Masonic, Ecumenist, Universalist US President George W. Bush speaks at UNITED NATIONS on FAITH in "God"

Faith in which "Almighty God" ? Bush does not believe in the Christian Bible's revelation of the Messiah.

Global POLITICAL Leaders Meet at UNITED NATIONS Nov. 12-13, 2008 to further (One-World) RELIGION

The United Nations is anti-Messiah. It is the enemy of Bible-believing Christians in America and around the globe.

The UN "interfaith" conference in New York City was allegedly led by Islamic Saudi Arabia, which bans the public

practice of other religions:

Obama is anti-Messiah - Barack Obama’s Democratic Convention Acceptance Speech

World-Citizen Obama's globalist, anti-Messiah, July 24 speech in Berlin:

Sounds theme similar to NWO's Vatican Pope Ratzinger's July 18 ecumenical message in Australia.Both Obama and Ratzinger use the fight against terrorism as cause to unite people of different nations and religions,advancing both

globalism and ecumenism; just as Roman Catholicism's leaders have used the abortion issue and the "pro-life movement"

for decades in America, to promote the Vatican's greater ecumenical agenda of "uniting" in the American culture wars

with Protestants, to absorb them into the false, anti-Messiah religion of Catholicism.

Roman Catholicism is NOT Biblical Christianity

Five Reasons Why Roman Catholicism is not Biblical Christianity


Evangelism to Roman Catholics by a former Roman Catholic priest:

The website is the ministry outreach of former Catholic priest Richard Bennett.

The Pope Kissing The Koran


Here is a photo of the Pope at the end of an audience with Patriarch Raphael I of Iraq where "the Pope bowed

to the Muslim holy book the Qu'ran presented to him by the delegation and kissed it as a sign of respect".

"The Two Babylons - Romanism and Its Origins," by Alexander Hislop (1916):


"Where did the practices and beliefs of Roman Catholicism come from? In this scholarly classic, first published over

ninety years ago, Alexander Hislop reveals that many Roman Catholic teachings did not originate with Christ or

the Bible, but were adopted from ancient pagan Babylonian religion, and given Christian names."

Pope: Roman Catholic 'Church' only one true church

Repeating centuries of history, Rome has once again revealed its own dominion theology of primacy, and indeed,

sole legitmacy, as the only true "church" on earth, in a document approved by the current false prophet occupying

the antichrist Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI, on June 29, 2007. This blasphemous, perverted assertion is in fact just

the opposite of the Truth. The false religion of Romanism is NOT Biblical Christianity, but is in fact a "Christianized"

form of the ancient pagan religion of historical Babylon.


Faithful Christian Church Stands Against Pagan Shrine to Roman Goddess Worship in La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA

"We Stand Against the Goddess Worship in La Crosse." - Pilgrims Covenant Church, Mr. Ralph Ovadal, pastor.

Rome's Pope to meet Muslims; furthers NWO goal of one-world (false) Religion

The anti-Christian New World Order (NWO) has three main planks:

1) one-world civil ('political') Government

2) one-world Money

3) one-world (false) Religion

CFR Rick Warren, CFR John McCain, and CFR, 33rd Degree Mason, Shriner Gerald Ford

"For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed." Isaiah 9:16 (King James Bible)

CFR Rick Warren claims CFR John McCain has "faith" like CFR, 33rd Degree Mason, Shriner Gerald Ford

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Ye shall know them by their fruits." Matthew 7:15, 16 (King James Bible)

McCain Meets the anti-Messiah Dalai Lama

McCain calls false religionist Dalai Lama, "His Holiness"

Bush's Mideast Crusade for the Vatican a Betrayal of Patriotic Americans

Vatican public "opposition" to the Iraq War is a fraud, a "false flag" operation.

Jesuits -

George W. Bush, the Catholic President

"A Catholic Wind in the White House"

The Washington Post, Sunday, April 13, 2008

Freemason Israel Prime Ministers, 1948-2008

Of the 13 different people who have served as Prime Minister of Israel,

documentation and/or references found thus far indicate at least eight (8)

of these people are (were) Masons.

Illuminati (Freemasons) in control of Israel

"Masonic display in the middle of the street."


Kissing the Slippered Toe of the Pope :

Will George W. Bush do in real life what he acted out as a Skull and Bones initiate ?

Pope to visit George W. Bush in the White House on Wednesday, April 16, 2008.

Sovereign Head of Vatican City State (Pope) to visit the USA April 15-20, 2008

- "Supreme legislative, executive, and judicial power is vested in the pope,..."

- The pope "serves concurrently as bishop of Rome, supreme pontiff of the

Universal Church [sic], primate of Italy, archbishop and metropolitan of the

Province of Rome, and sovereign of the Vatican City State."

Sovereign Head of Vatican City State (Pope) to visit the USA April 15-20, 2008

Ecumenical , Anti-Christ U.S. House of Representatives commemorates Ramadan,

and commends false religion of Islam as "one of the great religions of the world"

The Word of God, the Bible, says, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Exodus 20:13, KJB (Ex. 34:14)


--- Spiritually-mongrelized U.S. House of Representatives passed House Resolution, H.RES.635.IH, on Tuesday,

October 2, 2007: "Recognizing the commencement of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting and spiritual renewal,

and commending Muslims in the United States and throughout the world for their faith."

--- PLUS: Documentation on Roman Catholicism, Freemasonry, and Islam, and the Satanic Lie of Ecumenism.

Also, religious profile of 109th (2005-2006) United States Congress

Ecumenical, Masonic, Anti-Christ American President celebrates Islamic Holy Days of Ramadan

Skull and Bones Masonic secret society member American President George W. Bush attends Ramadan Dinner

in White House State Room

President Bush Attends Iftaar Dinner at the White House


State Dining Room, October 4, 2007

(Audio and Video links also available on this website page)

THE PRESIDENT: "Thank you all for coming. Please be seated. Ramadan Mubarak. Laura and I are pleased to have you

here for our seventh Iftaar dinner. Tonight we celebrate traditions of Islamic faith, which brings hope and comfort to more

than a billion people."

"Laura and I are grateful you're here. Thank you for coming. We wish you a blessed Ramadan. And now I ask the Imam

to say the blessing."

Three Christians arrested as U.S. Senate defiled by Hindu prayer

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Exodus 20:3, KJB US Senate Chamber, Washington, D.C., July 12, 2007

US Senate - Hindu prayer disturbance - July 12, 2007

- print and video media links to US Senate Hindu prayer disturbance

- other examples of false religionists who have prayed in the past to open sessions of the US House and US Senate

(including Hindu, Muslim, and Jewish)

- identification of false religionists who are praying now, daily, to open sessions of the US House and US Senate,

as the official Chaplains of each chamber of the United States Congress !!! (Roman Catholic and Seventh Day Adventist)


US Congressional Record - Senate - Hindu prayer disturbance - July 12, 2007

Browse Daily Issues of the Congressional Record - 110th Congress (2007-2008)


Hindu prayer to open US Senate Session - July 12, 2007

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Exodus 20:3, KJB Christians in America continue to lose our country

to false religions...

National Reform Association (organized in 1864) -





Psalm 33:12; Proverb 14:34; Psalm 9:17; 2 Kings 24:1-4; Jeremiah 19:3-5; Psalm 106:37-42

"America repent" (music video)

"Contemporary Christian Artist: Tim Juillet"


"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God."

Psalm 9:17, KJB

"But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it."

Psalm 94:15, KJB

Biblical "Separation" for a Nation

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?

and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that

believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God;

as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore

come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord,..." 2 Corinthians 6:14-17a (KJB)


When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which

the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they

should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. The Declaration of Independence is part of the

organic law of the United States of America United States Code Annotated

The people of Iraq have far greater freedom to enshrine their national religion of Islam in the legal structure of their country than do Americans to honor Christianity and Biblical Law in the United States. Christianity was by far the predominant faith

of the founding generations of America, from Jamestown in 1607 to the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and beyond,

as the historical record clearly shows:

No King but King Jesus! ((Yeshua Messiah)

Declarations and Evidences of Christian Faith in America’s Colonial Charters, State Constitutions,

and other Historical Documents during over 375 Years of American History: 1606 to 1982


The Sixth President of the United States, John Quincy Adams (son of John Adams, the Second US President,

and a signer of the Declaration of Independence), said: "The highest glory of the American Revolution was this;

it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity." and

"From the day of the Declaration... they (the American people) were bound by the laws of God, which they all,

and by the laws of The Gospel, which they nearly all, acknowledge as the rules of their conduct." Tragically,

today in 2009, American law has become exceedingly anti-Christian. Witness the government-protected

murder of One Million pre-birth human beings each year ().

The Constitution of the United States should be amended as first proposed by the National Reform Association in 1864,

with a Christian Amendment:

Confession of the Saviour (Messiah) as the Ruler of Nations, including America, by amending the Preamble to the

United States Constitution

In 1864, the National Reform Association advocated amending the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States to read,

in substance:

"We, the people of the United States, humbly acknowledging Almighty God as the source of all authority and power

in civil government, the Lord Jesus Christ as the Ruler among the nations, his revealed will as the supreme law of

the land, in order to constitute a Christian government, and in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice,

insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the inalienable

rights and the blessings of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to ourselves, our posterity, and all the people,

do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Explicitly Christian Politics: The Vision of the National Reform Association


"Since 1864 the National Reform Association has advocated an explicitly Christian approach to politics. In this book

their vision of politics, based on the mediatorial reign of Jesus Christ over the nations, is explained for a new generation."



February 5, 1874, Wednesday

Further articles on the National Reform Association

(19th_century,_U.S .)

"... I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18

Yeshua Messiah

Hallelu-Yah !

Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary

dir., Columbia Christians for Life

PO Box 50358

Columbia, SC

(803) 794-6273

January 27, 2009 / Revised February 14, 2009


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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