Lighthouse Catholic Media

January 2011 Feedback

Regarding the gift of CDs to RCIA candidates for Christmas: 

"An inexpensive gift resulting in invaluable formation." Fr. John Lynes, Mobile, Al

Parish: St. Joseph on the Brandywine

State: DE, US

Media: Light of the World

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

I LOVED being able to hear the insights of our Holy Father! Some things ARE complex and tough to explain to others! I LOVE our Catholic Faith more than anything! With these CDs, I feel like I have my own little college curriculum right in my I travel listening to them! These CDs are INCREDIBLE! They offer such WEALTH to someone who truly wants to understand our Catholic Faith!

Parish: Our Lady of Lourdes

Diocese: Washington DC - MD

State: MD, US

Media: The Healing Power of Confession

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

This talk was excellent and very moving, and it inspired me to make sure I get back to Confession. I highly recommend it to anyone who has been away from confession for a long period of time.

Parish: Church of the Nativity

Diocese: Nashville

State: TN, US

Media: The Lamb’s Supper

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

Fantastic... weaving the Word of God from the bible into supporting Catholic Tradition is extremely helpful for Catholics who are less knowledgeable of the Word, particularly when discussing our faith and the Sacraments with Fundamentalist Christians. Bravo!

Parish: St Joseph Catholic Church and School

Diocese: Little Rock

State: AR, US

Media: A Call To Joy

Educational_value: 8 Interest_value: 10

The testimony of the speaker was moving and affected my desire to live my faith more fully. I frequently find it back in my car, listening to it again. I have encouraged many friends to pick it up as well.

Parish: Good Shepherd

Diocese: Cincinnati

State: OH, US

Media: The Mass Explained

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

Fr. Richards’ explanation of revelation foretold in the Old Testament and the fulfillment in the New Testament helped me better understand the biblical foundation for the Mass. As a cradle Catholic, I have taken my faith for granted for too long. Thanks for this great talk. It has inspired me to study my faith through bible study, and research and study the early Church Fathers.

Parish: St. Joseph and St. Matthew

Diocese: Orlando

State: FL, US

Media: The Lamb’s Supper

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

This talk is priceless!

Parish: Most Precious Blood

Diocese: Orlando

State: FL, US

Media: Catechism of the Catholic Church: A Sure Guide for the Modern World

Educational_value: 8 Interest_value: 8

Great insight on the Catechism... really makes me want to make it more a part of my life.

Parish: Our lady of Lourdes

Diocese: Harrisburg

State: PA, US

Media: An Invitation to Consider the Catholic Faith

Educational_value: 8 Interest_value: 9

Very good reference material for dealing with unchurched Catholics in addition to non-Catholics. I learned a lot!

Parish: St. Philip the Apostle

Diocese: Cincinnati

State: OH, US

Media: Becoming The-Best-Version-of-Yourself

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

This talk was both enlightening and motivating. It calls out some of our most destructive habits, attitudes, and behavior - yet more importantly, gives us the fuel we need to improve our lives and relationship with God.

Parish: Holy Spirit

Diocese: Brownsville

State: TX, US

Media: Seven Deadly Sins - Seven Lively Virtues

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

This is an excellent explanation of the seven deadly sins and the practical way we can combat them so that we can draw closer to God. Also, the thought that we have been loved into existence and so have nothing to fear is a beautiful one to hold on to.

Parish: St. Charles Borromeo

Diocese: Rockford

State: IL, US

Media: Following the Call of Christ Biblical Stories of Conversion

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

Fr. Barron is a master of bridging the gap - relating these bible stories to my personal life so I can better understand and know how to live in and for Christ. I can’t listen to him enough!

Parish: St. Therese Catholic Church

Diocese: Charlotte

State: NC, US

Media: A Call To Joy

Educational_value: 9 Interest_value: 10

Matthew Kelly is such an inspiration for all of us as Catholics! He puts things in perspective for us. Thank you!

Parish: St. Bernard’s

Diocese: Stockton

State: CA, US

Media: Becoming The-Best-Version-of-Yourself

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

The presentation was captivating and engaging from the first word uttered. The message of what God wants for us was so clear and poignant, it lingered in my mind for days...I could not stop talking about it. Thank you for this beautiful message! A message I clearly needed!

Parish: St. Paul Chongqing Hasang Catholic Church

Diocese: Austin

State: TX, US

Media: The Healing Power of Confession

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

I very much enjoyed Dr. Hahn’s talk on confession. I loved having the Bible verses to back it up - this helps me feel like I can defend my faith with more passion and confidence because I have the knowledge to do so. Thank you for this beautiful gift!

Parish: St. Pius X

Diocese: Albany

State: NY, US

Media: Why a Protestant Pastor Became Catholic

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

As a recent convert to the Catholic Church from Protestantism, this CD played a role in my journey home.

Parish: St Michael Catholic Church

Diocese: Memphis

State: TN, US

Media: Why a Protestant Pastor Became Catholic

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

I am so blessed to have come across this CD. I have heard it over a dozen times and I never get tired of it. I will be glad to share this CD with as many people as possible. Praise God!

Parish: St. Mary

Diocese: Green Bay

State: WI, US

Media: What Every Couple Should Know About Marriage and Prayer

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

What touched me the most was being given the sense of hope again, and that I was yearning to listen to Bishop Sheen’s talk over and over. I never realized how much of a gift our marriage really is from a spiritual side and how God can use it to make each of us better.

Parish: St. Augustine

Diocese: Seattle

State: WA, US

Media: Finding the Fullness of Faith

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

Stephen’s enthusiasm for The Faith and his historical knowledge and research behind his talk was inspiring and educational. This is a great tool of evangelization for both Catholics who need to learn more about their faith and non-Catholics alike. I will be purchasing more copies for family and friends!

Parish: Assumption of the BVM

Diocese: Youngstown

State: OH, US

Media: The Mass Explained

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

This talk helped me understand more about our celebration and the sacrifice of the Mass. It helped me when teaching my CCD class. I purchased enough copies to send home with the kids for their parents to listen to since some parents don’t come to Sunday Mass. I think it would help parents to answer their children’s questions about the mass.

Parish: Assumption of BVM

Diocese: Youngstown

State: OH, US

Media: How to Apply our Faith to our Families

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

This CD inspired me to be more enthusiastic and pro-active about my Catholic Faith. Kimberly gave practical ways she implemented Catholic teachings with her family. Listening to her speak made me feel proud of being Catholic.

Parish: Guardian Angels

Diocese: San Diego

State: CA, US

Media: Confession

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

This entire presentation is amazing!


Parish: Cathedral of the Sacred Heart

Diocese: Winona

State: MN, US

Media: Spanish - El Poder Sanador de la Confesion

Educational_value: 10 Interest_value: 10

Siendo catolica sabia que es necesario confesarse pero pensaba que por ser catolica es lo que debia haser. Pero ahora se lo importante que es y porque. Ahora tambien entiendo porque el confesarse a menudo es mejor y el regalo que nuestro Señor nos da despues de cada confesion.

English Translation: As a Catholic, I knew that Confession was necessary, and I thought it was what I should do only because I am a Catholic. But now, I know the importance and the reason for it. I now understand why frequent Confession is better and the gift that our Lord grants to us after each Confession.


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