Curricular - Archdiocese of GlasgowReligious Education ...
Month / Season: October Class: Primary 6 Level: Second
|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |
|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |
| | |Class / School / Home / Parish | | |
| | | | | |
|Hours of God |I can hear, read and recall the |Class – Children will help the teacher to create an prayer space in honour of Mary. | |Children will recount the |
| |narrative of the marriage feast at Cana | | |story of the Wedding Feast |
|RERC 2-15a |(John 2: 1-12), and I can recognise that|Class – Revise the previous lessons (September) on the Wedding Feast at Cana. Discuss| |at Cana and will be able to |
|I can recognise Mary's |Mary intercedes for us when we call upon|the word ‘intercede’. Recap on ways in which Mary intercedes in the Bible stories and| |explain Mary’s intercession |
|significance within the |her in prayer. |can intercede on our behalf to God. | |at this event |
|Catholic tradition and I know | | | | |
|that celebrating her feast | | | |Children will have knowledge|
|days and praying to God |I am familiar with, and can engage with,|Class- Using atlases the children should locate Fatima. The should mark on the blank | |and the message of the story|
|through Mary can enrich my |the message of the story of Lourdes and |map (attached to planner). |Atlases |of Fatima. |
|life. |Fatima | |Photocopy of Blank Maps | |
| |I can engage more deeply in traditional |The children will listen to / read / watch the story of Fatima. |Print out or PowerPoint of| |
| |Marian devotions, particularly in simple|A child friendly copy of the story can be printed from the following website: |Pictures relating to the | |
| |processions, and in reciting the Rosary.| |Fatima Story. | |
| |I can lead a communal recitation of the | |DVD of Children of Fatima | |
| |Rosary. |Relevant pictures are attached to the planner. |(not essential) | |
| | |Activities based on the story are attached to the planner. The teacher can select | | |
| | |which activities they would like to work on with their class. | | |
| |I can locate the Gospel narratives | | |Children will have a basic |
| |celebrated in the Sorrowful Mysteries. |Class – The children will make be aware of traditional Marian devotions. E.g. May |Miraculous Medal |knowledge of the origins of |
| |I can lead a communal recitation of the |devotions, people named after Mary (Marie, Maria, Marion, Mhairi) medals, Rosary, |Paper for candle designs |the medal and how it is |
| |rosary. |Works of art, statues. |Colouring pens /paint |connected to devotions to |
| | | | |Mary |
| | |Children will carryout a reciprocal task on the Miraculous Medal (attached to | | |
| | |planner). They should understand that it is a symbol of Marion Devotion. | | |
| | | | | |
| | |Have each child draw a candle and then cut it out. On the back of the candle, they | | |
| | |should write the name of a person they want to pray for or an intention that they | | |
| | |want to place before Mary. Children can cut and paste the colouring sheet of the | | |
| | |Miraculous Medal (attached to planner) and complete a short prayer of intercession to| | |
| | |Our Lady. | | |
|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |
|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |
| | |Class / School / Home / Parish | | |
|Son of God | | | | |
| |I can pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of |Class – Do you ever feel like you could use some help approaching God in your |Copy of Memorare |Children will learn the |
|RERC 2-07a |the Rosary which recount the story of |prayers? The Memorare is a prayer that reminds us that we have a wonderful advocate | |Memorare by heart. |
|I have explored the events of |Jesus’ death in a prayerful way. |and protector in the mother of our Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Memorare | | |
|the Passion, Death and | |invites us to ask the Blessed Mother for her assistance and her grace, especially | | |
|Resurrection of Jesus and I | |when we feel most troubled in our daily lives. Children will read and learn by heart | | |
|have reflected on the Catholic| |the ‘Memorare’ (attached to planner). This prayer will become part of daily prayer | | |
|meaning of eternal life. | |routine. | | |
| | |KEY VOCABULARY: Intercede, Lourdes, Fatima, Marian devotion, Rosary, intercede, | | |
| | |Memorare | | |
|Hours of God | | | | |
| | | | | |
|RERC 2-14a | |Class – The children will recall there previous knowledge of the Rosary. | | |
|I recognise the importance of | |They will discuss the ‘Joyful and the Glorious Mysteries’ which were covered in |Bibles |Children will know the five |
|personal prayer and communal |I know that in prayers of intercession I|primaries 4 & 5. The children will be told that this year they will be reading the |Sorrowful Mystery |biblical stories linked to |
|prayer in the growth of all |can ask Mary and the saints to intercede|‘Sorrowful Mysteries’. Children will complete worksheet on the Sorrowful Mysteries |worksheet |the sorrowful mysteries |
|people’s relationship with |for me. |(attached to planner). | | |
|God. |I know the traditional Memorare | | | |
| | | | | |
|I know a number of traditional| |Class / School – The children will actively participate in the reciting of the Rosary| | |
|Catholic | |– The Sorrowful Mysteries. | | |
|prayers and I have developed | | | | |
|an understanding of the | |Class – Focussing on the Sorrowful Mysteries the children will read the passage from |Bibles | |
|meaning of these prayers. | |scripture Luke 2:34 – 35. What do you think Simeon is saying to Mary? Is he warning |Paper & Paints | |
| | |her? Do you think Mary knew what he was saying to her? Discuss the use of metaphors | | |
|I have participated in | |and similes in this short passage. What do they mean? The children will then read the| | |
|different approaches to, and | |passage John 19:25-27. Discuss how Mary must have felt at this moment. Mary had | | |
|experiences of, prayer. | |watched Jesus be ‘a hated child’ (Herod wanted to kill Jesus when he was born), ‘a | | |
| | |lost child’ (Jesus went missing and was found in the temple), a rejected child’ | | |
|I can describe how prayer is | |(Jesus family and friends thought he was mad and possessed by demons), ‘a persecuted | | |
|an important part of the | |child’ (the trial before his crucifixion), ‘a suffering child’ (Jesus suffered | | |
|liturgical and devotional life| |tremendously and died). | | |
|of the Church. I have | | | | |
|reflected on how all of these | |Class – Children will study the sculpture of ‘Pieta’ by Michelangelo. (attached to | |Children will understand |
|are different ways of | |planner) |Picture of ‘Pieta’ |that Mary suffered mental |
|worshipping God. | |Children should complete internet search activity on this piece of artwork. |Internet search worksheet |and emotional pain. |
| | | | | |
| | |The children will draw and paint a picture of Mary. They should choose colours and | |They will be assessed on the|
| | |symbols to convey how Mary had suffered both mentally and emotionally. | |completion of piece of |
| | | | |artwork to convey Mary’s |
| | | | |emotions. |
Blank Maps of Portugal
Points for discussion, for writing, and/or for drawing :
1. Why do you think Our Lady chose to appear to simple children?
2. Can you think of other occasions in Scripture when we hear of an Angel appearing?
3. Why do you think Our Lady asked the Children not to be afraid.?
4. Study the Angel’s prayer. (“My God I believe……..) Look at each idea in the prayer and identify each thing we are being asked to do. For example, “I believe… this is an act of Faith. Do you know
a longer prayer called, “An Act of Faith?”.
5. Why would it be important to remember this prayer for a quiet visit to Church or in thanksgiving after Holy Communion?
6. Our Lady asked for Reparation which is atonement for our sins and for other people’s sins. Can you think of little acts of Sacrifice that you could make in Reparation?
7. Our Lady came six times to Fatima. Read the story again and list what Our Lady asked for each time she came.
8. Take any one of the Apparitions and do a drama script for it. Don’t be afraid to put in your own ideas of what else MIGHT have been said. Include ideas for stage setting and scenery. You may wish to include bystanders in the dialogue.
9. Take any one of the apparitions of the Angel and of Our Lady Draw and colour a picture of it. Write underneath it a small explanation of what is happening in your picture .
10. Imagine you are a Reporter in 1917. Write articles for the local Newspaper in your town or city, describing:
The First Apparition (what is being said about strange happenings in Fatima; where is this?; who are involved?; what are they claiming?; what are the authorities saying?
The August Apparition ( why it did not occur on the 13th; what had happened to the children; why the authorities were angry; the crowds.)
The time before the final Apparition ( the promise of a miracle; the crowds; the attitude of Reporters etc.)
The event of the Miracle of the Sun. (what exactly happened; did people believe; quote some of their comments….)
11. You have read the story. You have heard the message. Which parts of the Story will you remember always?
Why did Our Lady come from Heaven to Fatima?
What is her Message for all of us to-day?
12. What will you do as a result of reading the story and hearing the Message?
Pictures Relating to the Story of Fatima
The Sorrowful Mysteries
The Miraculous Medal
The History of the Miraculous Medal
The Front Side - On the front of the Miraculous Medal, Mary stands on a globe, representing the earth, with a crushed snake under her feet. This image represents Mary's role as "Queen of Heaven and Earth". The snake represents Satan, who was defeated by Mary's obedience to God. The rays coming from her hands symbolize the graces Mary gives to those who ask her. The year 1830 commemorates the year that the Blessed Mother appeared to St. Catherine Laboure.
The Reverse Side - On the reverse side of the Miraculous Medal is a cross and the letter "M". The cross represents Christ's sacrifice for our salvation, while the bar under the cross stands for the Earth. The "M" stands for "Mary" and her true devotion both to Jesus and to her children on Earth. The two hearts are the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Sorrowful Heart of Mary. The entire image is surrounded by twelve stars. The stars can represent both the twelve Apostles and the verse from the Book of Revelation, "a great sign appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of 12 stars" (Revelation 12:1).
The Life of Saint Catherine Laboure
Catherine Laboure was was born on May 2, 1806. In her youth she was affectionately called Zoe, after the patron saint whose feast was celebrated the day she was born. Her parents were successful farmers in the village of Fain-les-moutiers in the Burgundy region of France. Catherine was one of 17 children and was the second daughter. When she was only nine years old, her mother died. From that time on Catherine adopted Mary as her mother. She declared, "Now, dear Blessed Mother, now you will be my Mother!" She received her First Holy Communion at age 12. From that time she was determined to pursue a vocation to the religious life, like her older sister, Marie Louise, who joined the Sisters of Charity. At the age of 22 Catherine asked her father for permission to begin a vocation, but he refused. It was not until January 22,1830 at the age of 24 that she finally entered religious life at the Hospice de la Charite in Chatillon-sur-Seine. After a postulancy of only three months she was sent to the Motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity in Paris.
The Apparitions
Catherine had been at the motherhouse for only six months when the Blessed Mother appeared to her. At 11:30pm on July 18, 1830, Catherine was awakened when she heard a voice speaking to her. She saw a little boy with blue eyes and golden hair who she recognized as her guardian angel. He led her to the chapel where Our Lady appeared and sat in the Director's chair near the altar. She was wearing a white dress with a blue veil. At the urging of her angel, Catherine ran to Mary and knelt beside her. She rested her head in Mary's lap and looked up into her eyes as she listened to her speak. Mary told Catherine that God had a special job for her to do, and also warned of a great time of upheaval soon to occur in France. Catherine reported the apparition to the community's Confessor, Father Jean Marie Aladel. He advised her that the apparition was only a dream that she should try to forget. In the late afternoon of November 27, 1830, while at prayer with the other Sisters of Charity, Our Lady appeared again to Catherine. In this second apparition she first appeared in a pure white dress with a white veil. In her hands she held a golden ball topped with a cross. Her appearance soon changed as she revealed to Catherine the image of the medal she wanted to be made. This was the first time the world saw the words:
"O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."
At the end of her visit, Our Lady asked Catherine to keep the apparitions a secret from everyone except the Confessor for the community, Father Aladel. However, when Catherine went to him for a second time he again told her she had "too much imagination".
In December of 1830, Our Lady appeared to Catherine for the last time. This visit was similar to the visit in November, however this time Mary said: "You will not see me any more, but you will hear my voice during your prayers.
Making the Miraculous Medal
On January 30 1831, Catherine received the habit of the Daughters of Charity and was sent to work at Enghien Hospice in a suburb near Paris. In the Spring she again tried to convince Father Aladel to create Our Lady's medal, but he continued to refuse. In the autumn she asked for the third time, warning that "The Virgin is angry" with the delays. When Father Aladel (right) finally told the Archbishop of Paris of Our Lady's request, he was told that the medal should be made immediately. Unfortunately, a deadly outbreak of cholera delayed the creation of the medal until May of 1832. The first order was for 20,000 medals and distribution began on June 30, 1832.
The Miracles
Originally, the name of the medal was "Medal of the Immaculate Conception", however stories of miracles related to the medal were reported almost immediately and the medal came to be called "Miraculous".
• In Paris, an 8 year old girl was the only one her class that did not wear a medal and was the only one who caught cholera. She was given a medal and returned to school the next day.
• A woman who was pregnant contracted cholera and was thought close to death. After being given the medal she had a smooth delivery and both mother and baby were found to be healthy.
• A child who had been unable to walk was healed when he wore the medal on the first day of a novena.
• In 1842 a young man named Alphonse Tobie Ratisbonne experienced a conversion. From a Jewish family, Ratisbonne had a deep and very public hatred of Catholicism. During a trip in 1841, he unexpectedly spent some time in Rome and met Baron Bussieres, a newly converted Catholic. The two had an argument about the Faith and the Baron gave Ratisbonne a Miraculous Medal, challenging him to wear it and recite the prayer the Memorare. Shortly after, Our Lady appeared to Ratisbonne in exactly the same way as on the Miraculous Medal. He was converted immediately and was baptized that same night.
After only four years the number of medals that had been distributed numbered in the millions, and by Catherine's death in 1871 the number was in the billions.
Catherine's Secret
In May 1835, Catherine pronounced her vows as a Sister of Charity of poverty, chastity, obedience, and stability. For more than forty years she continued to work at the hospice caring for the elderly men who were patients there. Despite the millions of medals that had been distributed around the world, no one except Father Aladel knew the name of the nun who had received the apparition of the Miraculous Medal. When Father Aladel died in 1865, Catherine was left with no one in whom she could confide.
In May 1876, Catherine was aware that the end of her life was near. She had been trying for many years to have a statue made of the Virgin holding the golden globe. Since Catherine could not ask Father Aladel for help, she asked Mary for advice on how to proceed. Forty-six years after the initial apparition, Mary gave Catherine permission to share her story. The statue was ordered in June and Catherine died, content that her work had been completed, on December 31, 1876. When she was beatified on May 28, 1933 her body was exhumed and found to be incorrupt. Catherine's body now rest in the Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal where Mary appeared to her. Catherine was canonized by Pope Pius XII on July 27, 1947.
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal please pray for my intentions
Pieta by Michelangelo 1475-1564
Research the Michelangelo Sculpture of ‘Pieta’ using the internet. Answer the questions below.
1. How old was Michelangelo when he became an apprentice? ___________________________________________
2. Which influential family supported Michelangelo? _________________________________________________
3. Name two things Pope Julius II commissioned Michelangelo to do. (Make a sentence.)
4. Why did Pope Julius want 40 marble statues? ____________________________________________________
5. What did Pope Paul III commission him to do? ____________________________________________________
6. What is a "Pieta"? _________________________________________________________________________
7. Why is Michelangelo's "Pieta" now enclosed in a glass case? __________________________________________
1. Prayer of Intercession to Mary
2. The Story of Fatima
3. The Sorrowful Mysteries
The first Sorrowful Mystery is __________________________
It can be found in the books of __________________________
Bible References ______________________________________________
The second Sorrowful Mystery is _________________________
It can be found in the books of __________________________
Bible References ______________________________________________
The third Sorrowful Mystery is __________________________
It can be found in the books of __________________________
Bible References ______________________________________________
The forth Sorrowful Mystery is __________________________
It can be found in the books of __________________________
Bible References _______________________________________________
The fifth Sorrowful Mystery is __________________________
It can be found in the books of __________________________
Bible References ______________________________________________
REMEMBER, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly to thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to thee do I come; before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.
Michelangelo’s Pieta
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