Fr. Leon Hont, O.S.B. Pastor Office Hours 9 AM – 3:30 PM M-F Rectory Address: P.O. Box 248

Rectory Phone: 495-5241 - Fax 495-9522 stjic@ 538 Main St., Summerhill, PA 15958


Mon. October 5th Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos

SJ 7:45 AM Mark Blaisdell

Tues. October 6th St. Bruno

SJ 7:45 AM Peter & Bernetta Brown

Wed. October 7th Our Lady of the Rosary

SJ 7:45 AM 1st Anniversary Jack Heinlein

Thurs. October 8th Weekday

IC 7:45 AM Clyde W. Gallardy

IC 3 to 8 PM Exposition/Adoration/Benediction

Friday, October 9th Weekday

IC 7:45 AM Rosetta Frank

Saturday, October 10th Blessed Virgin Mary

SJ 1:00 PM Nupt. Casey Haberl & Josiah Bailey

IC 4:00 PM Ed & Caroline Dombrosky

SJ 5:00 PM John Tully

Sunday, October 11th – 28th Sunday of the Year

SJ 8:00 AM For the Parish

SJ 10:00 AM H/W Carolann Yunetz

IC 7:00 AM For the Parish

IC 9:00 AM Aldo & Florence Cangioli


NO Servers will be needed at any of the Masses.


SJ & IC: ½ hour before Saturday evening Masses;

1/2 hour before all weekend Masses, during the first weekend of each month; or anytime by appointment.

GIFT BEARERS – At the present time, gift bearers are not permitted at any of the Masses.

LECTORS & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS will be scheduled weekly by Pam and Peggy. Phone calls will be made weekly to make the schedule.

IC VOTIVE CANDLES: If anyone would like a 6-day votive candle lit at IC Church, please call Pam at the rectory at 495-5241. Arrangements will then be made with Peggy to light it. Cost is $2 and can be given to Peggy or to Pam at the rectory.


IC PARISH COUNCIL will have a meeting on Monday, October 12th at 7 PM in Marian Hall.

IC FINANCE COUNCIL will have a meeting on Wednesday, October 21st at 7 PM in Marian Hall.


BENEDICTINE ANNUAL APPEAL: A special collection will be taken up this weekend in both parishes for St. Vincent Archabbey. Please be as generous as you can. Your gift and generosity are greatly appreciated.

Youth Group: A special thank you to the members of the Youth Group and their parents who helped clear the brush and small trees away from the Pro Life signs on 219. The signs are now visible to traffic. Their help was greatly appreciated.

SJ & IC: Although the obligation to attend mass has not been re-instituted by Bishop Mark, all weekend masses will be returned and celebrated in both churches of our partnered parishes beginning October 3-4, 2020. Times will be as usual: IC: Saturday 4 PM; Sunday 7 AM and 9 AM. SJ: Saturday 5 PM; Sunday 8 AM and 10 AM. Additional priestly assistance will be forthcoming from Saint Vincent Archabbey.

IC & SJ: We have Exposition, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction on Thursdays, from 3-to 8 PM, in Immaculate Conception Church, New Germany. Since Our Blessed Lord cannot be left alone on the altar, we need more parishioner-volunteers to visit, pray, and be present to Our Lord Jesus during these hours of exposition. Rosary is prayed at 3;00 pm. We need to implore God to bring a quick and immediate end to the coronavirus. If anyone is interested in being on our weekly schedule for an hour – please call Pam at the rectory 495-5241.

KEEP THE DATE IN MIND: Sunday, November 1st is the Annual Roast Pork & Sauerkraut Supper at St. John’s Church. This year will be TAKE OUT ONLY. 4 PM until sold out. All Dinners are $10 – Dessert this year is cake.

IC ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY: The IC Rosary Altar Society has suspended all monthly meetings until further notice, due to COVID-19. However, all members are asked to pray the rosary and attend mass whenever possible.

SJ: Due to the COVID-19, the Saint John Rosary Altar Society also has canceled all monthly meetings until it is safe to gather in groups. All are encouraged to pray the rosary at home or when visiting our church.

SJ & IC: . Bishop Mark wants all pastors to be sure to disinfect and sanitizer all church furniture after weekday and weekend masses. This is a good opportunity for all teens to accumulate service hours. Fr Leon is offering 11/2 hours for each hour volunteered. Please call Pam at 495-5241.

SJ & IC WEDDING ANNIVERSARY COUPLES: Celebrating in October: John & Nancy Ostrosky, Jeff & Janet Long, Nick & Denise Miljenovich, Ray & Rosanne Krug, Tom & Joyce Gregorich, Don & Edie Boley, Herb & Alice Smith, Jim & Kathy Stefanik, Jim & Beth Majcher, Kevin & Jodi Schofield, Todd & Diane Smith, Kurt & Lori Dell, Ron & Barb Schrift, Jake & Sandy Breyer, David & Patti Donoughe, Greg & Donna Facciani, Joe & Kathy Gruss, Spike & Carissa Penatzer, Tom & Deb Madison, Nathan and Kim Persio, Gerald & Gloria Gailey, Bob & Bridget Felix, Tim & Jackie Eppley; and Ken & Mary Plummer. Congratulations to all!

IC: We extend to the family & friends of Thomas Weimer our prayers & sympathy on his passing from here to eternity.

BISHOP CARROLL CLASSIC GOLF TOURNAMENT on Saturday, October 17, 2020. Summit Country Club in Cresson with a 12:15 PM Registration and 1 PM Shot Gun start. 4- person scramble, $125 per golfer. Cart and tournament sponsorships available and a picnic dinner. Tournament and skill prizes. For more information or to register a team, please call 472-7500 or email JNAGY@.

SJ & IC: With the support of both Parish Finance Councils, we are delighted to announce that Saint John Church, Summerhill, and our sister parish, Immaculate Conception Church, has joined the PRR South Fork Federal Credit Union. We joined this credit union so all parishioners may have banking service locally. An attachment with additional information and details will be attached to our bulletin next weekend, October 10-11, 2020.


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