Fr. Leon Hont, O.S.B. Pastor Office Hours 9 AM – 3:30 PM M-F Rectory Address: P.O. Box 248

Rectory Phone: 495-5241 - Fax 495-9522 stjic@ 538 Main St., Summerhill, PA 15958


Mon. October 12th Weekday

SJ 7:45 AM DJ (Greg’s Mom)

Tues. October 13th Weekday

SJ 7:45 AM Dennis Jones

Wed. October 14th St. Callistus I, Pope

SJ 7:45 AM Jim Fabo

Thurs. October 15th St. Teresa of Jesus

IC 7:45 AM Mae & Regis Long

IC 3 to 8 PM Exposition/Adoration/Benediction

Friday, October 16th St. Hedwig

IC 7:45 AM Leon Wirfel

Saturday, October 17th St. Ignatius

IC 4:00 PM Dennis Schrift

SJ 5:00 PM Carl Bodenschatz

Sunday, October 18th – 29th Sunday of the Year

SJ 8:00 AM William Gabany

SJ 10:00 AM For the Parish

IC 7:00 AM For the Parish

IC 9:00 AM Donald Wirfel



NO Servers will be needed at any of the Masses.


SJ & IC: ½ hour before every Saturday evening Mass.

Also, 1/2 hour before all weekend Masses, during the first weekend of each month. Or by appointment.

GIFT BEARERS – At the present time, gift bearers are not permitted at any of the Masses.

LECTORS & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS will be scheduled weekly by Pam and Peggy. Phone calls will be made weekly to make the schedule.

IC VOTIVE CANDLES: If anyone would like a 6-day votive candle lit at IC Church, please call Pam at the rectory at 495-5241. Arrangements will then be made with Peggy to light it. Cost is $2 and can be given to Peggy or to Pam at the rectory.


IC PARISH COUNCIL will have a meeting on Monday, October 12th at 7 PM in Marian Hall.

IC FINANCE COUNCIL will have a meeting on Wednesday, October 21st at 7 PM in Marian Hall.


SJ FINANCE COUNCIL will have a meeting on Tuesday, October 13th at 7 PM in the social hall.

IC & SJ: We have Exposition, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction on Thursdays, from 3-to 8 PM, in Immaculate Conception Church, New Germany. Since Our Blessed Lord cannot be left alone on the altar, we need more parishioner-volunteers to visit, pray, and be present to Our Lord Jesus during these hours of exposition. Rosary is prayed at 3;00 pm. We need to implore God to bring a quick and immediate end to the coronavirus. If anyone is interested in being on our weekly schedule for an hour – please call Pam at the rectory 495-5241.

SJ & IC: . Bishop Mark wants all pastors to be sure to disinfect and sanitizer all church furniture after weekday and weekend masses. This is a good opportunity for all teens to accumulate service hours. Fr Leon is offering 11/2 hours for each hour volunteered. Please call Pam at 495-5241.

SJ & IC: Next weekend, Oct. 17th & 18th we will have a special collection for World Mission Sunday. It’s a special day of prayer and sacrifice via the Propagation of the Faith for the missions of the world. The special envelope for this collection is in your pack. Please be as generous as you can.

ALL SOULS REMEMBRANCE: We as Catholics have an obligation to pray for our deceased. November 2nd is set aside as a day for the poor souls. Our two parishes will offer Masses for the Poor Souls frequently during the months of November and December. An envelope has been provided in your packet for you to remember those who have gone before us. Envelopes with names will remain on the altar throughout these months. Simply put the names of the deceased on the envelope and drop it in the collection basket. No offering is necessary, but a donation is always appreciated; it is a privilege for us to pray for the dead.

THE ANNUAL PRO-LIFE PRAYER BREAKFAST is on Saturday, October 24. This year’s event will be at the Greater Johnstown Christian Fellowship Church on Elton Road. The speaker will be Star Parker, who has had many editorials posted in the Tribune Democrat. A donation of $10 is requested and tickets can be obtained from Margie Gallardy, 814-472-5616.

SJ Annual PORK & SAUERKRAUT DINNER is Sunday, November 1st – 4 PM until Sold Out at St. John’s Catholic Church, Summerhill. All Dinner $10. Take Out Only. Sponsored by St. John’s Rosary Altar Society. All are welcome!

SJ: We extend to the family & friends of Gary Edwards our prayers & sympathy on his passing from here to eternity.

SJ & IC: With the support of both Parish Finance Councils, we are delighted to announce that Saint John Church, Summerhill, and our sister parish, Immaculate Conception Church, has joined the PRR South Fork Federal Credit Union. We joined this credit union so all parishioners may have banking service locally. See the attachment to today’s bulletin.

SJ & IC: As we prepare for Halloween, we have volunteers who will distribute treats from the front door of our parish office; and, as we think about Thanksgiving, we will be collecting non-perishable food items for our local food bank. Please plan now to purchase and donate needed food items. Further details will be in next week’s bulletin.

SJ & IC: As you may or may not have heard, one of our parishioners at St John’s in Summerhill experienced a house fire. The insurance company decided that the damage was severe and recommended that the house be demolished. When Pam and Fr Leon asked the owner, Nancy Reininger, how we and our parishioners could assist her, she suggested that we publish her phone number, 814.442.5285, and all could call and speak with her personally. Her address is: 1442 Railroad St., Summerhill, PA 15958. May Our Lord and Our Lady comfort Nancy.

SJ & IC: The 2021 Church Budget Envelopes are now being prepared. If anyone would need his or her name added to our present list, or has a change of address, phone, etc., please call Pam at the rectory 495-5241 as soon as possible. Only registered members receive envelopes. If you would like to register with either parish, call the rectory.


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