Cause and Effect Game “Oh, snap

Cause and Effect Review Game “Snap!”

MATERIALS NEEDED: colored paper or cardstock, tall Pringles can w/lid, glue or tape, scissors, printer, and laminator


1. Clean Pringles can.

2. Print Snap! whole sheet and glue or tape to cover Pringles can.

3. Print cause and effect examples and cut out. If possible, laminate for durability.

4. Print Snap! strips and cut out. If possible, laminate for durability.

5. Place all strips in Pringles can.


1. Divide class into groups or teams. Assign a student from each team that will give an answer every time it is that group’s turn.

2. Each team will take a turn pulling a strip from the can and reading it to the class.

3. If the team pulls a Snap!, they lose half the points they have accumulated and the strip stays out of the can.

4. If a cause and effect example is pulled, the team will have 20 seconds to discuss and give an answer at the end of the time limit.

5. If the team can correctly identify the cause and the effect in the example, the team is awarded 5 points and they keep the strip.

6. If you choose, you can see if any team can identify the signal word(s) (if there is one) in the cause and effect for extra points. (Example signal words: because, therefore, as a result, etc.)

7. If the team does not correctly identify the cause and effect, place the strip back in the can.

8. Play until all strips have been pulled from the can or until all teams have had the same number of turns.

9. The team with the most points at the end wins!

**To add interest, you may want to change some of the names in the examples to some of your students’ names before printing the strips. They are surprised and think it is fun when they hear their names!


You can use this same format to make other games and practice different skills, such as:

Similes and metaphors

Kinds of sentences

Vocabulary words

Synonyms and antonyms



Because Joanna had the flu, she could not go to softball practice.

Since Jack has been exercising every day, he has lost 10 pounds.

Chris got in trouble with Ms. Smith because he did not do his homework last night.

Brian put his foot out when I walked by and as a result, I tripped and fell.

Sally’s car had a dead battery because she forgot to turn the lights off.

Powerful winds blew the roof off the house, and as a result, the family had nowhere to live.

Mark studied for his spelling test, so he made a 100 on the test!

Candace did not make a grocery list and therefore she forgot what she wanted to buy at the store.

Since we ran out of milk, we went to the grocery store.

People long ago used weapons because they needed to find food.

The sidewalk was icy. As a result, Bob fell and broke his leg.

Lightning hit the tree causing it to fall on the road.

The food in the refrigerator spoiled because the electricity went out.

The trip to the beach was cancelled because of bad weather.

Alligators almost became extinct because people killed too many of them.

Mr. Brown got a ticket because he was speeding.

John missed the bus because he overslept.

The girl had to miss recess because she didn’t do her homework.

Ms. Turner forgot to set her alarm clock and was late for work today.

A patient needed emergency surgery. Therefore, Dr. Johnson was called in.

Many people were injured and killed due to the war.

Two boys were arguing and fighting yesterday. As a result, they were sent to the principal’s office and suspended.

Kelly’s grandparents could no longer care for her. So, they put her up for adoption.

My best grade is in science. It is my favorite subject.

Lucas is a fantastic swimmer. He spends many hours each week practicing.

Since there was no school today, I went back to bed and slept a couple more hours.







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