
Name: __________________ Global History 10

Regents Exam Review Packet #2

Directions: Complete the charts, graphics, questions, and vocabulary below.

Topic 7:

Chapter 22-Sections 1-3: The Enlightenment/Scientific Revolution

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1) What was the scientific revolution and how did it lead to the development of the Enlightenment?

2) What were John Locke’s primary ideas?

3) How did the enlightenment lead to a more secular outlook?

4) What sort of reforms did enlightened despots make?

Topic 8:

Chapter 23-(All): The French Revolution

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1) Why were the members of the Third Estate dissatisfied with their way of life under the Old Regime?

2) What political reforms resulted from the French Revolution?

3) What was the Reign of Terror and how did it end?

4) What reforms did Napoleon introduce?

5) What steps did Napoleon take to create an empire in Europe?

6) What led to Napoleon’s defeat in Russia?

7) What was the Congress of Vienna?

8) What were Metternich’s three goals at the Congress of Vienna?

Topic 9:

Chapter 24-Sections 1 & 3: Nationalist Revolutions

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1) What caused the Creoles in South America to rebel against Spain?

2) What approaches did Cavor use to acquire more territory for Peidmont-Sardina?

3) What strategy did Otto Von Bismarck use to make Prussia the leader of a united Germany?

4) What were Bismarck’s policies?

Topic 10:

Chapter 25-(All): Industrial Revolution

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1) What was it about the geography of Britain that made it a likely place for the Industrial Revolution to occur?

2) What impact did the enclosure movement and crop rotation have on agriculture in England?

3) Describe the impact of two inventions during the Industrial Revolution?

4) What were the two warring classes that Marx and Engles outlined in The Communist Manifesto?

5) Who was Adam Smith and what were his ideas?

Topic 11:

Chapter 26-Sections 1 & 2: Democracy & Progress

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1) Define:

a. Suffrage-

b. Anti-Semitism-

c. Home Rule-

d. Theory of Evolution-

e. Dreyfus Affair-

f. Chartist Movement-

g. Immigration-

Topic 12:

Chapter 27-(All): Age of Imperialism

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1) What motivated the nations of Europe to engage in imperialist activities?

2) How did Europeans control their colonies?

3) Describe the Sepoy Mutiny:

4) What were some effects of imperialism on the colonies?

Topic 13:

Chapter 28-(All): Transformations Around the Globe

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1) Why was China traditionally not interested in trading with the West?

2) What events caused Japan to end its isolation and begin to westernize?

3) What were the results of Japan’s growing imperialism at the end of the 19th century?

Topic 14:

Chapter 29-(All): World War I

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1) What were the MAIN causes of WWI?

2) What were the two main alliances called and who were each alliances members?

3) Describe why WWI began in the “Powder Keg” of Europe and not other places?

4) What was the peace treaty at the end of WWI called?

5) Which nations were present at the Paris Peace Conference?

Topic 15:

Chapter 30-Sections 1 & 2: The Russian Revolution

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1. Analyze how command economy addresses the social, political and economic issues

2. Explain impact of the command economy on the nation

3. Identify and analyze the characteristics of Stalin’s totalitarianism

4. Evaluate the impact of totalitarianism on the people

5. Describe the impact of geography on political boundaries and social, economic and political systems in Russia

Topic 16:

Chapter 31-Sections 2-4 & Chapter 32-(All): World War II/Years of Crisis

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1. Describe the rise of fascism as an aftermath of World War I.

2. Evaluate the impact of the Great Depression

3. Describe how Japan’s geography contributed to its desire to invade Manchuria

4. Describe the failure of the policy of appeasement

5. Explain how the failures of the Treaty of Versailles led to WWII.

6. Identify Axis Powers and Third Reich

7. Describe the impact of geography on political boundaries and social, economic and political systems in Europe and Asia

8. Summarize and analyze the key events and turning points of the war in both Europe and Asia

9. Explain the political, economic, and social impacts of war on Europe and Asia

10. Explain the impact of new technology (Atomic Bomb, lightening war, etc)

11. Describe the impact of geography on political boundaries and social, economic and political systems world-wide

12. Examine the moral and human rights issues raised by the war [Holocaust; Atomic Bomb]

13. What were the political, social and economic factors that led to WWII?

14. How was WWII a turning point in world history?

Topic 17:

Chapter 33-(All) & Chapter 35-Sections 4 & 5: The Cold War

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1. How did the conflicts between the super powers shape the Cold War world?

2. Examine the Cold war from multiple perspectives

3. Describe the policies and the impact of those policies on the world during the Cold War

4. Explain the Cold War’s impact on Germany, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Nicaragua, Cuba, Iran and Afghanistan.

5. Explain the impact of technology on the Cold War conflict

6. Describe the impact of geography on political boundaries and social, economic and political systems world-wide

7. To what extent was the collapse of communism in the Soviet Union a major turning point in global history?

8. What are the political, economic, and social causes and effects of the collapse of the Soviet Union?

9. What are the worldwide effects of the collapse of the Soviet Union?

10. Describe early responses to Soviet dominance in Eastern Europe. Case Studies: Hungary, 1956 and Czechoslovakia, 1968.

11. Explain the important events in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union between and 1970 and 1989.

12. Describe causes and impact of the fall of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.

13. Analyze the challenges facing Russia and former satellites as they move toward capitalism and democracy

14. Explain the symbolic significance of the fall of the Berlin wall and the causes and impact of the reunification of Germany

15. Analyze ethnic conflict in former satellite states and Soviet Union

16. Describe the impact of geography on political boundaries and social, economic and political systems in Eastern Europe and USSR

Topic 18:

Chapter 30-Sections 3 & 4 & Chapter 35-Section 5:

Collapse of Imperialism in Asia

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1. What political, economic, and social conditions led to the Communist Revolution in China

2. Compare and contrast the Chinese Revolution with the Russian Revolution

3. Describe Mao’s version of Communism (communes, Red Guards, Cultural Revolution)

4. Describe the rise of nationalism in China, India and Turkey

5. How did WWI contribute to the rise of nationalism in China, India and Turkey?

6. Identify the role of Sun Yixian, Mao Zedong, Jiang Jieshi (Chiang KaiShek), Gandhi, and Ataturk in these movements

7. Identify and describe the forces of change in each country

8. Describe the impact of geography on political boundaries and social, economic and political systems in Asia

9. Why were the Chinese under Deng willing to adopt Western economic policies?

10. How did Chinese economic policy encourage desires for democracy?

11. Describe the political and economic reforms under Deng Xiaoping

12. Analyze the political unrest in China in the last two decades

13. Describe the challenge of transferring Hong Kong to China.

14. Describe the impact of geography on political boundaries and social, economic and political systems in China

Topic 19:

Chapter 34-(All): Colonies Become New Nations

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1. What role did nationalism play in the collapse of colonial empires in the post-WW2 era?

2. What were the political, economic and social issues that India, Africa, Middle East and South East Asia faced following independence?

3. What international efforts have been made to resolve conflicts in India, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Middle East?

4. Explain the impact of WWII and independence on India, Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East

5. Identify the current political issues on the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Middle East

6. Explain the problems resulting from independence in Southeast Asia

7. Explain the role of nationalist leaders

8. Describe the impact of geography on political boundaries and social, economic and political systems in India, Africa, Southeast Asia and the Middle East

Topic 20:

Chapter 35-(All): Struggles for Democracy (1945-Present)

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1. What forces have hindered democracy and stability in Latin American countries?

2. Explain the role of the military, the Catholic church and social classes in Latin American countries.

3. Explain the circumstances leading to the development of democracy in Latin America

4. What factors led to the development and demise of apartheid in South Africa?

5. What political, economic, and social tensions led to ethnic conflict and civil war in Nigeria?

6. Describe Nigeria’s struggles with democracy.

7. Describe the policy of racial separation and segregation in South Africa.

8. Explain the changes in South Africa after the end of apartheid

9. Describe the impact of geography on political boundaries and social, economic and political systems in South Africa

Topic 21:

Chapter 36-(All): Global Interdependence & Global Issues

|Issue |Why is this happening? |What are the social, |How do we improve this? |Where is this happening?|Important Facts |

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• Divine Right

• Enlightened Despot

• Mercantilism

• Social Contract

• National Assembly

• Isolationism

• Urbanization

• Reign of Terror

• Laissez-Faire

• Cultural Diffusion

• Ethnocentrism

• Continental System

• Congress of Vienna

• Peninsulares

• Creoles

• Conservatives

• Liberals

• Radicals

• Nationalism

• Nation-state

• Enclosure

• Entrepreneur

• Agrarian

• Capitalist

• Meiji Restoration

• Russo-Japanese War

• Congress of Vienna

• Militarism

• Alliances

• Imperialism

• Fourteen Points

• Treaty of Versailles

• Self-Determination

• Taiping Rebellion

• Sphere of Influence

• Boxer Rebellion

• Extraterritorial Rights

• Sepoy

• Annexation

• Opium War

• Socialism

• Communism

• Proletariat

• Chartist Movement

• Dreyfus Affair

• Zionism

• Social Darwinism

• Boer

• Berlin Conference

• Paternalism

• Assimilation

• Geopolitics

New Since Midterm:

• Proletariat

• Bolsheviks

• Provisional government

• Soviet

• Communist Party

• Totalitarianism

• Command Economy

• Five-Year Plans

• Collective Farms

• Long March

• Civil Disobedience

• Salt March

• Weimer Republic

• Great Depression

• Fascism

• Nazism

• Appeasement

• Axis Powers

• Isolationism

• Third Reich

• Munich Conference

• Nonaggression Pact

• Genocide

• Nuremberg Trials

• United Nations

• Iron Curtain

• Containment

• Truman doctrine

• Marshall Plan

• Cold War


• Warsaw Pact

• Brinkmanship

• Red Guards

• Cultural Revolution

• 38th Parallel

• Domino Theory

• Vietamization

• Khmer Rouge

• Third World

• Détente


• Congress Party

• Muslim League

• Partition


• Camp David Accords

• Oslo Peace Accords

• Mujahideen

• Taliban

• Land Reform

• Standard of Living

• Recession


• Martial Law

• Apartheid

• Glasnost

• Perestroika

• Ethnic Cleansing

• Four Modernizations

• Tiananmen Square

• Genetic Engineering

• Cloning

• Green Revolution

• Developed Nation

• Emerging Nation

• Global Economy

• Free Trade


• Ozone Layer

• Sustainable Growth

• Proliferation

• Universal Declaration of Human Rights

• Refugees

• Terrorism

• Popular Culture

• Materialism

• Darfur (Sudan) Genocide

• Rwandan Genocide

• September 11th, 2001 Terrorist Attacks


• John Locke

• Rousseau

• Thomas Hobbess Robespierre

• Louis XVI

• Napoleon

• Metternich

• Bolivar

• San Martin

• Cavour

• Garibaldi

• Bismarck

• Adam Smith

• Karl Marx

• Charles Darwin

• Kaiser Wilhelm II

• Woodrow Wilson

• Georges Clemenceau

New Since Midterm:

• Lenin

• Rasputin

• Joseph Stalin

• Mao Zedong

• Jiang Jieshi

• Mohandas Gandhi

• Mustafa Kemal

• Benito Mussolini

• Adolf Hitler

• Winston Churchill

• Ho Chi Minh

• Ngo Dinh Diem

• Fidel Castro

• Ayatollah Khomeini

• Khrushchev

• Brezhnev

• Kennedy

• Nixon

• Reagan

• Nehru

• Indira Gandhi

• Bhutto

• Kwame Nkrumah

• Kenyatta

• Sese Seko

• Anwar Sadat

• Golda Meir

• Yasir Arafat

• Juan Peron

• Vargas

• Vicente Fox

• Nelson Mandela

• Gorbachev

• Yeltsin

• Deng Xiaoping


Must Know…


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