CCPTP Executive Board Meeting, Mid-winter Pre-conference

Boardroom II, Mayfair Hotel and Spa, Coconut Grove, FL

Thursday, February 9, 2012

2011-2012 Executive Board Present

Kathie Chwalisz, Southern Illinois University—Chair

Lonnie Duncan, Western Michigan University—Treasurer

Marty Heesacker, University of Florida—Chair-Elect Designate

Bill Hoyt, University of Wisconsin-Madison—Secretary

Margo Jackson, Fordham University—Past-Chair

Mark Leach, University of Louisville—Chair-Elect

Johanna Nilsson, University of Missouri Kansas-City—Treasurer-Elect

Donna Thomas, Louisiana Tech University—Awards Chair

Liz Welfel, Cleveland State University—Communications-Elect

2011-2012 Executive Board Not Present

Arpana Inman, Lehigh University—Interim Communications/Webpage Coordinator

8:00am – Breakfast At some point midmorning:

10:00-10:15am – Break Debbie Nolan will present potential 2013 Conference Sites

12:00pm – Lunch

2:00-2:15pm – Break

4:00pm – Adjourn

5:30pm – Greet New TDs, with facilitators Eve Adams & Cindy Juntunen, in either starting place (Alexander II) or Spartico

6:00pm – Executive Board Dinner at Spartico


1. Welcome, Greetings

2. Review/approve Outgoing and Incoming EB meeting minutes at APA 2011. (MH moved, LW 2nd 9-0-0.)

3. Thanks to the 2012 Midwinter Conference Program Committee—Bill, Donna, Liz, Margo, and Marty (no vote)

4. Go over conference schedule; consider logistics and/or additional agenda items for business meeting; prep folders. (Discussion, no vote.)

5. EB Officer Reports/Liaison Reports

a. Kathie (Chair, SCP). Did not attend Midwinter Meeting—submitted a report requesting consideration of role of liaisons. To date there has been no reply.

b. Margo (Past-Chair, Synarchy, Master’s Competencies Committee, CCOPP—Council of Credentialing Organizations in Professional Psychology—US, Canada, Mexico).

Counseling Psychology Specialty Council/SYNARCHY

Sherry Benton, American Academy of Counseling Psychology (AACoP)

Barry Chung, Society of Counseling Psychology (SCP)

Chanda Corbett, Commission for Counseling and Psychological Services (CCAPS/ACPA)

Paul Hartung, International Association of Applied Psychology, Division 16 (IAAP)

Tania Israel, Society of Counseling Psychology (SCP)

Margo Jackson, Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs (CCPTP)

Maureen Lafferty, Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies (ACCTA)

Melanie Lantz, Students Affiliates of Seventeen (SAS)

Debra Nolan, Ex-Officio (Society of Counseling Psychology Association Manager)

Jaquie Resnick, CP Specialty Council/Synarchy Chair and CoS Representative

Michael Scheel, Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs (CCPTP)

Barry Schreier, Association for University and College Counseling Directors (AUCCCD)

Katy Shaffer, Students Affiliates of Seventeen (SAS)

Ted Stachowiak, American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP)

John Westefeld, Society of Counseling Psychology (SCP)

Absent: Chris Brownson, American College Health Association (ACHA)

--Mike Scheel (as Past-Chair) and Margo (as Chair) attended the annual SYNARCHY meeting at 2011 APA in Washington, DC;

----Kathie: plan to attend at 2012 APA in Orlando, FL

----reported on progress in addressing master’s training issues, competency assessment, and internship imbalance

--Responded in Dec. on short deadline to provide CCPTP EB feedback (summarized Kathie’s and mine) to Barry Chung, SCP on draft CRSPPP (Commission for Recognition of Specialties and Proficiencies in Professional Psychology) Renewal Petition for Recognition of CP Specialty (drafted by Jim Lichtenberg, Tak Minami, and Jackie Resnick)

Master’s Competencies Committee

Draft of Master’s Training Competency Grid:

--To build on APA Workgroup Benchmark Competencies for Professional Psychology doctoral training, this was an idea hatched by Mike Scheel and myself as one constructive approach to addressing the ongoing master’s training dilemma for counseling psychology that was exacerbated by the 2009 CACREP standards banning core faculty trained as counseling psychologists. We also added a column of draft proposed alignment with new MCAC standards.

--Mike Scheel coordinated and obtained approvals for the request to form a CCPTP Workgroup [Mike Scheel (Co-Chair), Jim Lichtenberg (Co-Chair), Nadya Fouad, and myself ] that produced the master’s training competency grid at a long weekend meeting in Milwaukee, WI, with travel expenses co-sponsored by SCP (1/4 paid by CCPTP; 3/4 paid by SCP);

--I facilitated collecting receipts, documenting expenses, submitting reimbursement requests for approval and payments by CCPTP and SCP treasurers;

--Mike and I distributed the grid draft documents for public comment;

--Presentation to CCPTP members/liaisons by Nadya et al. at Midwinter Conference on Friday morning is an overview, opportunity to solicit further feedback, and prepares for vote at Saturday’s Business Meeting: Endorsement of Master’s Training Competency Grid.


--Next steps: Discussed developing an article on a Model Master’s Training Program.

CCOPP, Council of Credentialing Organizations in Professional Psychology in U.S., Canda, and Mexico: Remains inactive; will contact Judy Hall, National Register for update and report back; portability issues?

c. Mark (Chair-Elect, BEA/CCTC). Areas/issues discussed:

--AZ lawsuit (and MI, GA) – psychologist who refused to to counsel someone who’s gay; code of ethics re sexual minorities?...referral allowed for end-of-life issues?

----formed BEA Workgroup to review APA policies re diversity issues


--ENT for HSP: Education Training for Health Service Providers; uniform qualifications for doctoral program admits; self regulation…for internship; learning objectives by level;

--APPI: maxing hours can report

--Canadian guidelines for letters of recommendations that focus more on competencies for predoc internship applications; consider

--Internship imbalance: all groups are doing their parts to address as agreed

--self regulation; only profession that does not require accreditation for licensure

Guest presentation from Andrew Austin-Daley, APA/SAMHSA Mental Health Recovery

5-year grant to contract (along w/ 5 other professions, Psychiatry, Social Work, …Peer Specialists) designing a curriculum in partnership with training groups (CUDCUP, SCPP)

- 90-minute long module, Recovery Based Recovery principles

- 15 modules

Emphasis on consumer acceptability and voice; brings a consumer with him wherever he speaks. Focus on recovery principles; plans to begin piloting in fall 2012. Will present draft module at tomorrow’s business meeting.

d. Marty (Chair-Elect Designate, ASPPB). ASPPB Chicago. Major issue = encroachment (from behavior analysts, master’s counselors, e.g.). I/O psychologists push for accreditation. MH presented CACREP guild-protective tactics, alternative accreditation response from CCPTP; reports that ASPPB was broadly supportive

e. Lonnie (Treasurer): midyear report; reimbursement of master’s competency committee. Chase account: $4800; BoA account: $22,000; CD: $40,000. Conference deposits $15,000 (included in BoA total above). Anticipated conference expenses $18,000. New issue: Just this week, LD received a letter from IRS stating that tax id information does not match. (Problem with transition from SW to LD as treasurer.)

Issues for consideration:

(a) creation of budgetary spreadsheet to determine whether income is increasing more slowly than expenses: Lonnie will prepare and email to us before Sunday’s EB meeting;

(b) transition to new Treasurer (banking institution, transfer of credentials): JN will check on local institutions in KC; JN and LD will coordinate transition before APA;

(c) consultation with IRS, other organizations similar to CCPTP, regarding how to establish a permanent address despite regular transition of Treasurers. LD will check with Mike Mobley at SCP, and will also check on IRS regulations on addresses for 501c(3)s.

f. Johanna (Treasurer-Elect, ACCTA): Attended ACCTA meeting 9/10-14, 2011. MC/SJ keynote (Vera & Speight). Challenges for recruitment, small-staff agencies.

g. Donna (Awards, MCAC). Plan to distribute call for awards nominations in mid-February. March 15 deadline for nominations; April 1 notification (in time for APA). Goal = more member reviewers, fewer EB reviewers. Will call for volunteers for review tomorrow. Possible EB reviewers: ML and MJ (lifetime award), JN and LD (OGS award).

Discussion of expectations of award winners. Each will have a brief opportunity to speak at August Business Meeting. No further expectations of Outstanding Graduate Student award winner. Lifetime Achievement Award winner is taken out to dinner by EB members.

MCAC: DT is not an official liaison, but has attended meetings (e.g., ACA) and kept CCPTP apprised of developments. Next year DT will be the contact with Eleonora Bartolli to arrange a preconference workshop on MCAC accreditation at CCPTP.

h. Liz (Communications-Elect)—Arpana will fulfill Todd’s term. Liz and Arpana will check with Sue Lease about next steps for communications position. An important responsibility will be maintaining membership records—update CCPTP listserve (Bill Stillwell), website (Greg Brooks) and Treasurer (Lonnie Duncan) records as TDs notify CCPTP of changes. Liz and Arpana will consult with Sue Lease and propose changes to current procedures if needed.

Kathie will check with Bill Stillwell about whether he is still interested in and able to manage the CCPTP listserve.

Initiative re: state licensing. LW will contact Mike Scheel to get draft template for a letter to state licensure boards regarding master’s level licensure. Need coordinated effort among CP programs in different states, consistent monitoring and response. Goal = primer packet on how to advocate for diversity in criteria for Master’s licensure. Liz will consult with Laura Palmer about a task force to work on this. Lonnie will create a list of states with CP programs.

Liz will consult with Arpana about attending APPIC meeting as liaison. (Conference April 26-28, register by 3/15).

6. Consider Potential Conference Sites for 2013 and Choose Site

Dates will be February 7-10 (Thurs-Sun), Austin, TX. Debbie will investigate:

Austin: Intercontinental ($179), Doubletree ($149), maybe others.

(BH motion, MH 2nd, 9-0-0)

7. Other issues

a. SCP/CCPTP STG to Develop CP Competencies—CCPTP appoints Margo Jackson as a co-chair from CCPTP. (LZ motion; DT 2nd) (8-0-0)

b. HSP Competencies by Cynthia Belar’s Working Group—How to make sure CP is represented. (Kathie will check with Cathy Grus, who will be presenting on this topic at Business Meeting.)

c. CRSPP Petition Request for Public Comment—need to re-circulate email.

d. Recommendations for Desk Review of Master’s Program in Jamaica; JN will check on whether Michael Ellis does work in Jamaica.

8. Adjourn


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