
279400228600The ABC’s of Ashley River Creative Arts Elementary School!00The ABC’s of Ashley River Creative Arts Elementary School!58674001308100CCOMMUNICATION with parents includes: website, weekly newsletters, e-mail, and phone call-outs. Please check Friday folders for weekly information.CONFERENCES are held for every child within the first Nine-Weeks. Additional conferences can be requested with the teacher.4th and 5th Grade students can participate in CLUBS during the last period of the day. Information will be sent home about clubs during the first week.Morning CAR LINE:Cars should line up on the side of Wallace School Road.Staff will begin unloading students at 8:00.Let your student out of the car the FIRST time your car stops in front of the school.Students should remain in the car until 8:00 when a school employee begins arrival.Afternoon CAR LINE:Have Child Identification tag visible in front window (sent home the first week).Cars should line up on the side of Wallace School Road.At 3:00 Staff will direct cars through the parking lot and around the bus loop.At 3:30, Staff will begin putting children into cars. Please make sure your child knows what kind of car you drive!All CELL PHONES should be on silent while in the building. We discourage students from bringing phones to school. They must stay in backpacks if they bring them and the school is not responsible for them if they get broken or lost. 00CCOMMUNICATION with parents includes: website, weekly newsletters, e-mail, and phone call-outs. Please check Friday folders for weekly information.CONFERENCES are held for every child within the first Nine-Weeks. Additional conferences can be requested with the teacher.4th and 5th Grade students can participate in CLUBS during the last period of the day. Information will be sent home about clubs during the first week.Morning CAR LINE:Cars should line up on the side of Wallace School Road.Staff will begin unloading students at 8:00.Let your student out of the car the FIRST time your car stops in front of the school.Students should remain in the car until 8:00 when a school employee begins arrival.Afternoon CAR LINE:Have Child Identification tag visible in front window (sent home the first week).Cars should line up on the side of Wallace School Road.At 3:00 Staff will direct cars through the parking lot and around the bus loop.At 3:30, Staff will begin putting children into cars. Please make sure your child knows what kind of car you drive!All CELL PHONES should be on silent while in the building. We discourage students from bringing phones to school. They must stay in backpacks if they bring them and the school is not responsible for them if they get broken or lost. 31242001308100BThe BOOKFAIR is held twice yearly and children have an opportunity to buy from the Scholastic Book Company.Students in grades 1-5 have the opportunity to take BALLET once a week.The BELL SCHEDULE runs from 8:20 (tardy bell rings at 8:30) to 3:30.BUSES are available for transportation but are not door-to-door. See CCSD website for more info. If you need to ride a different BUS, you must have a note from a parent and signed by the Principal.BUS RIDERS must follow all bus rules and the directives of the bus driver. BIRTHDAYS are recognized on the school news show and students also receive a small gift. We encourage family members to come eat school lunch with your child. Get more information about individual classroom celebrations from your teacher.BREAKFAST is available from 8:00-8:20 and costs $1.40.On the third Tuesday of each month, you can deposit money in the BANK-IN PROGRAM through South State Bank.00BThe BOOKFAIR is held twice yearly and children have an opportunity to buy from the Scholastic Book Company.Students in grades 1-5 have the opportunity to take BALLET once a week.The BELL SCHEDULE runs from 8:20 (tardy bell rings at 8:30) to 3:30.BUSES are available for transportation but are not door-to-door. See CCSD website for more info. If you need to ride a different BUS, you must have a note from a parent and signed by the Principal.BUS RIDERS must follow all bus rules and the directives of the bus driver. BIRTHDAYS are recognized on the school news show and students also receive a small gift. We encourage family members to come eat school lunch with your child. Get more information about individual classroom celebrations from your teacher.BREAKFAST is available from 8:00-8:20 and costs $1.40.On the third Tuesday of each month, you can deposit money in the BANK-IN PROGRAM through South State Bank.2794001308100AWe are an ARTS-INTEGRATED school! This means we use the arts as a tool to teach the state standards.When students are ABSENT, a written note must come to school within three days, by parent or doctor, which must include: Student’s Name, Teacher’s Name, Date(s) of Absence, Specific Reason for Absence, and Signature of Parent/Guardian.Every student participates in an ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE experience each year, which is paid for by PTA and State Grants.ALLERGIES are a concern for some of our students. Please leave pets at home and check with your teacher before bringing in any snacks.Students at Ashley River go to additional ACADEMIC ARTS CLASSES during the week. Most grade levels get two periods of Art, Music, Drama, PE, Spanish Culture and Art, and Computer per week. Students can also select to participate in Violin and Dance.AWARD CEREMONIES will occur at the end of each nine weeks for students who make A Honor Roll in 4th and 5th grade. 00AWe are an ARTS-INTEGRATED school! This means we use the arts as a tool to teach the state standards.When students are ABSENT, a written note must come to school within three days, by parent or doctor, which must include: Student’s Name, Teacher’s Name, Date(s) of Absence, Specific Reason for Absence, and Signature of Parent/Guardian.Every student participates in an ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE experience each year, which is paid for by PTA and State Grants.ALLERGIES are a concern for some of our students. Please leave pets at home and check with your teacher before bringing in any snacks.Students at Ashley River go to additional ACADEMIC ARTS CLASSES during the week. Most grade levels get two periods of Art, Music, Drama, PE, Spanish Culture and Art, and Computer per week. Students can also select to participate in Violin and Dance.AWARD CEREMONIES will occur at the end of each nine weeks for students who make A Honor Roll in 4th and 5th grade. 75819003276600GOur GUIDANCE COUNSELOR teaches classes during the year and is available any time for other student concerns.Teachers are always looking for GUEST SPEAKERS to enhance the curriculum. Please let your child’s teacher know if you would like to volunteer!Practice GOOD HABITS and MANNERS! These include: Proper Performance Etiquette, Being Kind, Showing Respect for Everyone and Everything, Cleaning Up after Yourself, and Using Good Table Manners.00GOur GUIDANCE COUNSELOR teaches classes during the year and is available any time for other student concerns.Teachers are always looking for GUEST SPEAKERS to enhance the curriculum. Please let your child’s teacher know if you would like to volunteer!Practice GOOD HABITS and MANNERS! These include: Proper Performance Etiquette, Being Kind, Showing Respect for Everyone and Everything, Cleaning Up after Yourself, and Using Good Table Manners.33401003276600FThere is a $40 Arts FEE that is collected from each student at the beginning of the year to cover the cost of additional instructional supplies for the classroom. All checks must be made out to Ashley River Creative Arts Elementary School.FREE and REDUCED LUNCH forms come home at the beginning of school and need to be returned as soon as possible. Students must pay for their lunch until official notification of approval or if free/reduced last year, they automatically qualify for the first 10 days of school.Students will go on FIELD TRIPS to reinforce learning. Teachers will send home permission slips and information for each trip.FRIDAY FOLDERS are an important tool of communication. These folders will come home on Friday. Please look through them during the weekend and return them signed on Monday.00FThere is a $40 Arts FEE that is collected from each student at the beginning of the year to cover the cost of additional instructional supplies for the classroom. All checks must be made out to Ashley River Creative Arts Elementary School.FREE and REDUCED LUNCH forms come home at the beginning of school and need to be returned as soon as possible. Students must pay for their lunch until official notification of approval or if free/reduced last year, they automatically qualify for the first 10 days of school.Students will go on FIELD TRIPS to reinforce learning. Teachers will send home permission slips and information for each trip.FRIDAY FOLDERS are an important tool of communication. These folders will come home on Friday. Please look through them during the weekend and return them signed on Monday.3429003263900EEARLY DISMISSAL requests must be made in writing and signed by the parent or guardian and given to the teacher in the morning. No student may be dismissed between 3:00 and 3:30.EMERGENCY CARDS should be filled out neatly and completely and returned to the school within the first week. Please keep this information current. Students will only be released to persons listed on the Emergency Card.We only have 4 schoolwide EXPECTATIONS (or rules):Able to CreateReady to LearnTake ResponsibilitySupport Others00EEARLY DISMISSAL requests must be made in writing and signed by the parent or guardian and given to the teacher in the morning. No student may be dismissed between 3:00 and 3:30.EMERGENCY CARDS should be filled out neatly and completely and returned to the school within the first week. Please keep this information current. Students will only be released to persons listed on the Emergency Card.We only have 4 schoolwide EXPECTATIONS (or rules):Able to CreateReady to LearnTake ResponsibilitySupport Others342900266700DThe DRESS CODE for ARCAE is:Shorts and skirts must reach the tips of your fingers when your hands are at your side.No hats unless it is hat day. Shoes must have an enclosed heel or heel strap. No clogs, flip-flops, or high heels.Indoor athletic shoes should be worn on PE days. Clothing should be comfortable for the movements of PE.No tight or revealing clothing. No bare midriffs or crop tops. No halter-tops, strapless dresses or tops are permitted.DISMISSAL begins at 3:30. Students will ride a bus, go to car line, or to the AfterSchool Program. All students should be picked up by 3:50. If you need to change the way your child is getting home that day, please call the front office before 2:30. Teachers do not always have time to check e-mail, so calling the office is the best way to get the message to your child. 00DThe DRESS CODE for ARCAE is:Shorts and skirts must reach the tips of your fingers when your hands are at your side.No hats unless it is hat day. Shoes must have an enclosed heel or heel strap. No clogs, flip-flops, or high heels.Indoor athletic shoes should be worn on PE days. Clothing should be comfortable for the movements of PE.No tight or revealing clothing. No bare midriffs or crop tops. No halter-tops, strapless dresses or tops are permitted.DISMISSAL begins at 3:30. Students will ride a bus, go to car line, or to the AfterSchool Program. All students should be picked up by 3:50. If you need to change the way your child is getting home that day, please call the front office before 2:30. Teachers do not always have time to check e-mail, so calling the office is the best way to get the message to your child. 40005002819400LHealthy school LUNCHES are served each day of school and costs $2.25 for students and $3.50 for adults. Milk costs $.50. Choices include salads, sandwiches, and hot lunch. Please keep your child’s account up to date. You may also bring your lunch from home, but NO fast food, glass bottles, or carbonated drinks are allowed. Menus can be accessed on the CCSD website. You are invited and welcome to come eat lunch with your child, just let your teacher know ahead of time.LOST AND FOUND items are kept in the area beside the main stairwell. Unclaimed items will be donated monthly. PLEASE label your child’s clothing, shoes, jackets, coats, lunch boxes, etc.00LHealthy school LUNCHES are served each day of school and costs $2.25 for students and $3.50 for adults. Milk costs $.50. Choices include salads, sandwiches, and hot lunch. Please keep your child’s account up to date. You may also bring your lunch from home, but NO fast food, glass bottles, or carbonated drinks are allowed. Menus can be accessed on the CCSD website. You are invited and welcome to come eat lunch with your child, just let your teacher know ahead of time.LOST AND FOUND items are kept in the area beside the main stairwell. Unclaimed items will be donated monthly. PLEASE label your child’s clothing, shoes, jackets, coats, lunch boxes, etc.3175002819400J00J18288002819400KThe KALEIDOSCOPE Program is an extended day program for children who need to be dropped off beginning at 6:30 or who need to stay afterschool until 6:00. Contact Teresa Platt (402-5922) to enroll.00KThe KALEIDOSCOPE Program is an extended day program for children who need to be dropped off beginning at 6:30 or who need to stay afterschool until 6:00. Contact Teresa Platt (402-5922) to enroll.3175005524500MAll MEDICATIONS must be brought to school by parents and given to the school nurse for dispensing. A doctor’s form must also be on file with the nurse for the medication, and all prescription medication must be in the original labeled bottle from the pharmacy. Be sure to include information about medications on the Emergency Form filled out at the beginning of the year. We have a team called the MTSS (Multi Tiered System of Supports) that meets to review data and help support students who may be having difficulties with academics or behavior. 00MAll MEDICATIONS must be brought to school by parents and given to the school nurse for dispensing. A doctor’s form must also be on file with the nurse for the medication, and all prescription medication must be in the original labeled bottle from the pharmacy. Be sure to include information about medications on the Emergency Form filled out at the beginning of the year. We have a team called the MTSS (Multi Tiered System of Supports) that meets to review data and help support students who may be having difficulties with academics or behavior. 317500317500HStudents in grades K-3 should expect 20-30 minutes of HOMEWORK a night. Students in grades 4-5 will complete 45-60 minutes. All students should also read for at least 15 minutes a day.The HEALTHY FOOD INITIATIVE encourages families to stay healthy and eat a balanced diet. Please refrain from sending unhealthy snacks, treats, fast food, carbonated drinks, or candy to school.00HStudents in grades K-3 should expect 20-30 minutes of HOMEWORK a night. Students in grades 4-5 will complete 45-60 minutes. All students should also read for at least 15 minutes a day.The HEALTHY FOOD INITIATIVE encourages families to stay healthy and eat a balanced diet. Please refrain from sending unhealthy snacks, treats, fast food, carbonated drinks, or candy to school.6629400317500IThe INTERNET at school is to be used only for school-based projects and research. A technology usage guideline is included in CCSD’s Code of Conduct. In the case of INCLEMENT WEATHER, please listen to the local news and radio stations for school delays, early dismissal, or closures.00IThe INTERNET at school is to be used only for school-based projects and research. A technology usage guideline is included in CCSD’s Code of Conduct. In the case of INCLEMENT WEATHER, please listen to the local news and radio stations for school delays, early dismissal, or closures. 48895004057650S SUPPLIES help the classroom run smoothly. Parents are asked to provide their child with the necessary supplies from the supply list and replenish them as necessary.SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT COUNCIL meets the last Tuesday of each month at 5:00. This group, comprised of parents, teachers, and administration, looks at the school vision and works to improve school programs and facilities.Students from each 4th and 5th grade class form the STUDENT COUNCIL. This group meets to plan activities, serve the community, and improve the school.Many SERVICE PPROJECTS are undertaken throughout the school year, such as food drives, SPCA donations, and collecting tabs for the Ronald McDonald House, to encourage children to give back to the community.00S SUPPLIES help the classroom run smoothly. Parents are asked to provide their child with the necessary supplies from the supply list and replenish them as necessary.SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT COUNCIL meets the last Tuesday of each month at 5:00. This group, comprised of parents, teachers, and administration, looks at the school vision and works to improve school programs and facilities.Students from each 4th and 5th grade class form the STUDENT COUNCIL. This group meets to plan activities, serve the community, and improve the school.Many SERVICE PPROJECTS are undertaken throughout the school year, such as food drives, SPCA donations, and collecting tabs for the Ronald McDonald House, to encourage children to give back to the community.3175004057650RStudents at Ashley River RECYCLE and compost in the classroom and in the Cafeteria.RESIDENCY VERIFICATION FORMS must be completed and turned in every year by June 28th. You must live West Ashley to attend ARCAE.All visitors/volunteers must report to the main office to sign in through the RAPTOR SYSTEM. This security system helps us to maintain a safe learning environment.REPORT CARDS will go home at the end of each nine weeks. The dates for report cards and interims can be found in the calendar in this document. Report Cards and Interims need to be signed and returned to school the next day. 00RStudents at Ashley River RECYCLE and compost in the classroom and in the Cafeteria.RESIDENCY VERIFICATION FORMS must be completed and turned in every year by June 28th. You must live West Ashley to attend ARCAE.All visitors/volunteers must report to the main office to sign in through the RAPTOR SYSTEM. This security system helps us to maintain a safe learning environment.REPORT CARDS will go home at the end of each nine weeks. The dates for report cards and interims can be found in the calendar in this document. Report Cards and Interims need to be signed and returned to school the next day. 2959100290830OOSCAR-WORTHY PERFORMANCES are held for 4th and 5th Grade Performing Groups in December and in May. Every grade level also performs at PTA meetings throughout the school year.ONLINE RESOURCES are available through the school website. “OH, SAY CAN YOU SEE…” We start every day with the pledge and our National Anthem. We also do a moment of silence for students to be able to concentrate on starting their day off the best way they can. 00OOSCAR-WORTHY PERFORMANCES are held for 4th and 5th Grade Performing Groups in December and in May. Every grade level also performs at PTA meetings throughout the school year.ONLINE RESOURCES are available through the school website. “OH, SAY CAN YOU SEE…” We start every day with the pledge and our National Anthem. We also do a moment of silence for students to be able to concentrate on starting their day off the best way they can. 6121400290830PThe Ashley River PTA (Parent Teacher Association) works to help build community and advocates for children. Meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30. We invite you to join this group, volunteer to help, and participate in fundraisers.School PICTURES, both individual and class, are taken in the Fall and Spring. POWERSCHOOL PARENT PORTAL is available for parents to log in and check student grades and attendance. Information to sign up for access will be sent home at the beginning of school.PERSONAL ITEMS, such as extra money, electronic games, toys, or jewelry, should be left at home. We don’t want them to get lost or stolen!00PThe Ashley River PTA (Parent Teacher Association) works to help build community and advocates for children. Meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30. We invite you to join this group, volunteer to help, and participate in fundraisers.School PICTURES, both individual and class, are taken in the Fall and Spring. POWERSCHOOL PARENT PORTAL is available for parents to log in and check student grades and attendance. Information to sign up for access will be sent home at the beginning of school.PERSONAL ITEMS, such as extra money, electronic games, toys, or jewelry, should be left at home. We don’t want them to get lost or stolen!3175002228850QIf you have QUESTIONS, do not hesitate to check the school website, refer to this document, call or visit the school.00QIf you have QUESTIONS, do not hesitate to check the school website, refer to this document, call or visit the school.317500291465NWUNI NEWS, a news team of 5th Graders, produces a live news show every morning. This show starts promptly at 8:30.00NWUNI NEWS, a news team of 5th Graders, produces a live news show every morning. This show starts promptly at 8:30.342900304800TStudents are TARDY if they are not in their classroom by 8:30! Parents must come in the office and sign their child in if they are tardy. It is very important to be on time! This is a life skill for all of us.Students will learn about TECHNOLOGY and SAFE TECHNOLOGY PRACTICES through their Computer Class as well as use in the classroom.MAP TESTING takes place three times a year for students in grades K-5. State-Wide TESTING occurs in May for all 3rd – 5th graders.00TStudents are TARDY if they are not in their classroom by 8:30! Parents must come in the office and sign their child in if they are tardy. It is very important to be on time! This is a life skill for all of us.Students will learn about TECHNOLOGY and SAFE TECHNOLOGY PRACTICES through their Computer Class as well as use in the classroom.MAP TESTING takes place three times a year for students in grades K-5. State-Wide TESTING occurs in May for all 3rd – 5th graders.76073005562600ZAshley River is a magnet school and serves students that live in the West Ashley ZONE of Charleston County. You must prove residency every year. 00ZAshley River is a magnet school and serves students that live in the West Ashley ZONE of Charleston County. You must prove residency every year. 26670005562600YThe Ashley River YEARBOOK is World Class! Order Online at for special pricing. Some books will be available for sale at school for a higher price. If you are interested in putting an ad in the YEARBOOK to celebrate your student, they are available. A form will come home for you to complete. 00YThe Ashley River YEARBOOK is World Class! Order Online at for special pricing. Some books will be available for sale at school for a higher price. If you are interested in putting an ad in the YEARBOOK to celebrate your student, they are available. A form will come home for you to complete. 76073002667000XOur music program uses XYLOPHONES to extend learning and the Pantastix performing group is always proud to show you what they have learned. Students are eXCITED about learning at Ashley River and we love to show you what they can do!Students are eXCITED about learning at Ashley River and we love to show you what they can do!00XOur music program uses XYLOPHONES to extend learning and the Pantastix performing group is always proud to show you what they have learned. Students are eXCITED about learning at Ashley River and we love to show you what they can do!Students are eXCITED about learning at Ashley River and we love to show you what they can do!26670002667000WAshley River’s WELLNESS INITIATIVE is one way our School Improvement Council in coordination with the school, parents, and families, is making sure that our students stay healthy and have a balanced diet during the school day. Please support this initiative by leaving all unhealthy snacks, treats, fast food, candy, and carbonated drinks at home. Please also make sure birthday and school celebration foods are a healthy treat.00WAshley River’s WELLNESS INITIATIVE is one way our School Improvement Council in coordination with the school, parents, and families, is making sure that our students stay healthy and have a balanced diet during the school day. Please support this initiative by leaving all unhealthy snacks, treats, fast food, candy, and carbonated drinks at home. Please also make sure birthday and school celebration foods are a healthy treat.6026150304800VVISITORS and VOLUNTEERS must report to the main office first to show their ID and check in through the Raptor System. The sticker you receive at check-in must be worn at all times in the building.Students can choose to take Suzuki VIOLIN beginning in Kindergarten. An adult has to attend class with the student once a week.00VVISITORS and VOLUNTEERS must report to the main office first to show their ID and check in through the Raptor System. The sticker you receive at check-in must be worn at all times in the building.Students can choose to take Suzuki VIOLIN beginning in Kindergarten. An adult has to attend class with the student once a week.2667000304800UThe UNICORN is our mascot because it represents imagination and creativity!Each grade level explores arts-infused and standards-based UNITS OF STUDY throughout the school year created by Ashley River teachers. Ask your student what they are learning each day!Fifth Graders learn to play the UKULELE!00UThe UNICORN is our mascot because it represents imagination and creativity!Each grade level explores arts-infused and standards-based UNITS OF STUDY throughout the school year created by Ashley River teachers. Ask your student what they are learning each day!Fifth Graders learn to play the UKULELE! ................

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