
PREPARATIONMaterialsDVD of “Good News Club? Demonstration”Quick Start training series Available from CEF Press? or quickstartSong visuals from CEF Press“Just Turn Around” Item # 390117-0472“God Wants to Spend Time with Just You” Item # 390117-205X“What’s the News?” Item # 390117-0820“For the Son of Man (Luke 19:10)” Printable file available on Quick Start Data CDAlso available from CEF Press while supplies last:Item # 990117-4546 (KJV) and Item # 990117-4562 (ESV) Before ClassGather materials (list above).Determine how much time you will have for this session.The video is 61 minutes long so you will want to plan a total of 90 minutes to read the questions in the student notes and then discuss their observations after watching the demonstration.CLASS SESSIONIntroduction:On June 11, 2001, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Good News Club? had the same right as other after school clubs and programs to meet in public elementary schools. Today, thousands of Good News Clubs meet across the country in schools, community centers, homes and other places where children safely gather. We have an open door to take the Gospel to where children are and by doing so connect them to a local, Bible believing church.Because you’re here today I know you are serious about reaching children in your community! Your local church has committed to adopting a school and discipling the children in it.To help you get a good idea of what happens in a Good News Club, we’re going to take time right now and “visit” a Good News Club via video! Before we watch, here are a few things I’d like you to keep in mind:Good News Club is an active time! While we watch we’re going to participate along with the children. We’ll sing the songs, repeat the verse and do as many of the activities as we can.When we’re not participating I’d like you to take notes and we’ll talk about your observations after the video is over.During the songs, have two other instructors ready—one to hold the song visual and the other to do the motions. Doing the songs in person along with the video will help your students participate as well as learn the songs.This is a demonstration of what a club might look like. There are several teaching styles represented in the video. You don’t have to teach with the same style as these teachers, but God will use your personality and style to present His truth in an excellent way!At this point, quickly read through the questions provided in the student notes. Explain that the first questions are overall observations and the second page of questions is organized according to the order of the club. After you have done that, start the video and play it from start to finish, encouraging participation from the students during the whole video.PLAY VIDEO—61 minutesAfter the demonstration, go over the observations the students wrote down on their notes, expounding on their answers. This demonstration is designed to give an overall view of what Good News Club is. Remind students that more training sessions will follow on the different aspects taught in club.It is especially effective during this time if you ask some “why” building questions. Here are some examples of “why” questions you might incorporate as you go through the observation time:Why is it important that the teachers participate and sit with the children?Why is it important to read from the Bible during the lesson and the memory verse?Conclusion:What a privilege we have to take the Gospel to children in our communities! Will you ask God to help you as you teach your Good News Club and reach children with the Gospel? (Close in prayer for the children.) ................

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