Copyright Bruce Seymour

circa 1763

Charles Silver Oliver born

circa 1797

Edward Gilbert born (tombstone said he was age 26 at death

Sept. 22, 1823)


28 April Patrick Craigie born at Montrose (Cadet papers, BLIO)


2 Jan Charles Silver Oliver married at Glanmire (Glanmire Parish


before November Eliza (Elizabeth) Oliver born of Mary Green (listed as 70

at her death in Nov. 1875)


23 January Thomas James born at Carlow (BLIO cadet records)


3 July Edward Gilbert, Gent., gazetted ensign for Pigott,

deceased, in 25th Foot, now King's own Scottish Borderers

(Army list)

31 Dec E Gilbert marches with 25th from Weedon to Chatham, arrives

8 Jan (PRO)


25 December Gilbert sails from Portsmouth to Coves on the Borodino



28 February 25th Foot HQ to Templemore

29 April Edward Gilbert married to Eliza Oliver at Christ Church in

Cork by Rev. Alexander Kennedy (Church Reg)

21 July Gilbert at Boyle (PRO)


21 January Gilbert at Boyle (PRO)

17 February Elizabeth Rosana Gilbert born at Grange, County Sligo, according to inscription on the back of baptismal certificate in PRO, WO 42

21 April Gilbert at Stoketown (PRO)

21 July Gilbert at Sligo (PRO)


22 January Gilbert at Sligo (PRO)

9 April Gilbert at Ballintoghea (PRO)

7-8 June 44th Foot embarks for India

25 August 25th Foot reduced from 10 to 8 companies

5 Sept George J. Smart of Royal Military College to be ensign

without purchase in the 44th Foot

10 Oct Gilbert gazetted ensign in 44th Foot vice Smart; he is on

leave without pay from this date until 23 Feb (Gov Gazette,

Calcutta, 1 May 23) (PRO)

1-20 Nov 44th Foot arrives at Calcutta


16 Feb Elizabeth Rosanna Gilbert baptised at St. Peter, Liverpool, by the curate, according to certificate in PRO, WO 42/18/81

22 Feb Craigie posted as commander of the Guard of the Political

Agent at Jyepor (BLIO service record)

14 March Gilbert sails from England on the Bridget (PRO)

1 July HQ Division of 25th Foot proceeds to Dinapore

8 August Left Wing of 25th Foot leaves Ft William for Dinapore (with

Gilbert and family?)

16-18 Aug HQ Division of 25th Foot arrives Dinapore

after 25 Aug Gilbert officially reports to his regiment (PRO)

22 September Left Wing arrives and Gilbert dies at Dinapore (PRO)

23 September Gilbert buried in Cemetery No.2, Dinapore

23 October Craigie ordered from Jaipur back to 19th NI

27 October Gilbert's effects auctioned at Dinapore (PRO)


May 19th NI divided; Craigie now with new 38th NI

4 June Innes requests Craigie for Sylhet frontier (BLIO)

17 June Craigie interim acting qrtm. gen of 38th NI (India list)

21 July Craigie ordered to Sylhet Frontier

23 July Craigie act adj. to the 39th NI (India List)

16 August Craigie married to Eliza Gilbert by Rev. W. Parish in Dacca

(church register in BLIO)


Craigie baggage mgr of BGen Schuldhorn's Division at siege

of Bhutpore (BLIO service record)


24 (16?)Oct Craigie Lt in 23rd NI, posted as Dep.Asst.Adj.Gen in Meerut

(BLIO, serv rec) (India List shows he remained with 38 NI)

26 Dec Eliza Gilbert embarks on Malcolm at Diamond Harbor for

England (log of Malcolm, BLIO L/Mar/B/70B)


18 May Malcolm arrives at London (ditto)


7 January George Trafford Heald born in London(Eton records)


Sir Jasper Nicolls stationed at Meerut


11 July Sir Jasper Nicolls returns to England

late Mr & Mrs Rae move with LM to Monkwearmouth, Co. Durham


14 Sept LM arrives at Sir Jasper Nicolls home in Reading JNJ


2 Nov Orient sails under steam from Calcutta, bound for London

via the Cape with James and Mrs. Craigie (Bengal Haraku)


13 April? Orient arrives at Penzance, due to head winds, after 5

months 11 days en route JNJ

26 April Sir Jasper calls on Mrs. Craigie in London JNJ

29 April Sir Jasper and Mrs. C travel together to Reading JNJ

3 May James reports his arrival in England to East IndiaCo (BLIO)

23 July LM marries Lt Thomas James in Meath after eloping with him

from Bath; married by Rev. John James, brother of

bridegroom at Rathbeggan, Co Meath; afterwards take rooms

in Westmoreland St in Dublin JvJ

25 Nov Mrs C sails on the David Scott for Calcutta


30 April The David Scott arrives in Calcutta

May or June? James borrows passage money from Browne Roberts JvJ

summer James's visit Scotland (Edinburgh, Montrose?) (JvJ)

22 August James given permission by East India Co. to return

18 Sept James and LM sail on Bland from Liverpool for Calcutta

12 Oct Bland at St Jago, Cape Verde Islands


25 Jan Bland arrives at Calcutta

26 Jan James reports in and sent to 21st NI at Karnal

5 September LM and James arrive in Simla to visit her mother for a

month; E.Eden writes she is 17, James 32

9 September LM dines with Emily Eden

12 November LM received by E Eden at Karnal

13 November LM attends party given by Gov Gen at Karnal

16 November LM given ride back to Karnal on elephant


February 21 NI arrives at new post of Moradabad (India List)

James to Bareilly as adjutant of recruit depot (JvJ libel)

5 Aug-5 Nov James on personal leave to visit Calcutta (BLI serv rec)

3 Oct Larkins sails from Calcutta (JvJ libel)

12 Oct date of Craigie letter dispatched with Larkins (JvJ)

24 Oct Larkins departs Madras (Madras almanac)


20 Feb Larkins arrives at Portsmouth; LM & Lennox take adjoining

rooms at Star and Garter JvJ

21 Feb LM and Lennox arrive at Imperial Hotel, Covent Garden; take

room with one bed JvJ

22 February Browne Roberts calls at Imperial Hotel in vain attempt to

get LM to come stay with him HWB

23 February LM moves to lodging house in Great Rider Street, where

Lennox regularly calls (JvJ)

6 June LM at 8 Half Moon St as Eva James over 20, foreign born(census)

16 June LM engages C. Hadden as maid JvJ

end of July LM moves to 13 Duke St

early August LM moves to Chapel Place

23 August LM moves to Almond Cottage, Hornsby Rd

13 Sept James signs proxy for his divorce attorney in India

end of Oct LM leaves for Leeds, then on to Edinburgh

before Dec 31 James sent to Kotah (India List)


18 March LM served with divorce summons at Mrs. Rae's house in

Edinburgh JvJ

after 18 Mar LM travels to Cadiz, Spain (NYHerald of 1849)

25 April JvJ filed in Consistory Court (JvJ)

7 June James v. Lennox filed in Queen's Bench

22 Oct James writes brother from Nusserbad (JvJ)

6 December Case of James v. Lennox heard in Court of Queen's Bench by

Lord Denman, Sir William Follett, the Solicitor-General for

James and Frederick Thesiger for Lennox; Lennox agrees to

judgment with damages of £100 (Times of L)

15 December James obtains separation decree based on LM's adultery with

Lennox; heard uncontested before Dr. Lushington in

Consistory Court


14 April date LM claimed in letter to the newspapers that she had arrived in England from Spain. LM meets Lord Malmesbury on her return from Spain and he takes her under his protection, introduces her to Lumley (Malmesbury memoirs) (although other sources claim Malmesbury had financed her trip to Spain.)

16 April Easter

3 June LM makes her stage debut at Her Majesty's Theater in London under the management of Benjamin Lumley dancing the Chachucha "El Oleano"

16 June Henry 72 arrives at Coburg Hotel, Charles St, Grosvenor Sq

18 June LM's letter of 13 June appears in Era denying she is


June-July Lord Arbuthnot introduces LM to Heinrich 72; he pays her debts and invites her to visit him in Ebersdorf (Gartenlaube)

10 July LM dances Oleano and La Sevillana in benefit at Covent Garden for Fitzball

post 18 July LM spends four days in Ebersdorf, arriving from Leipzig, is sent then to Dresden with letter of introduction to Kappelmeister Reissinger (Velhagen)

4 August LM gets laissez-passez from Reuss (BSA)

7 August LM checks into Hotel Wien in Dresden (Dresden Anzeiger)

9 August LM makes Dresden debut dancing El Olano after Camoens with Devrient (D Anzeiger)

10 August LM dances Sevilliana with Die Gefährliche Tante

13 August LM dances Oleano again after Fra Diavolo

18 August Berlin Opera House burns at night

26 August LM dances Oleano in Berlin Schauspiel(Allg. Theat. Chronik)

28 August LM dances Sevilliene in Berlin (ATC)

2 Sept LM dances Bolero de Cadix in Berlin w/ Genrebilder and Lustspiel ATC "vorletzte"

5 Sept LM dances Gitana w/ Henri Gasparini w/ Glass Water ("last appearance")

6 Sept Czar Nicolas arrives in Berlin (Journal de StP)

LM dances Oleano at Potsdam before F-W IV

7 Sept LM dances Boleros de Cadix after first act of Daughter of the Regiment at Neues Palais before F-W IV and Tsar in afternoon

8 Sept Review of troops in Berlin

9 Sept Grand gala dinner for Czar (J de StP) at Berliner Schloß

Craigie ordered from Calcutta to Allahabad

10 Sept LM's last Berlin perf: Boleras de Cadix w/ Fidelio ATC

11 Sept Military maneuvers begin near Lichtenberg (J des D)

17 Sept Everyone out of town at parade (Berlin diary)

19 Sept Czar leaves Berlin (J de StP)

1 Oct Era reports LM's problems in Berlin and that she is there with her mother and sister

8 Oct Craigie dies at Dinapore

21 October LM dances Oleano in Warsaw (Barber of Seville)

24(23?) Oct LM dances Bolero in Warsaw

30 October Date of LM letter to Journal des Débats

7 November LM dances El Sevilliana & Los Boleros de Cadix in Warsaw

(Elisir d'Amore)

11 November LM dances La Saragossa & El Oleano in Warsaw (Fra Diavolo)

14 November LM dances Sevilliana & Bolero (Deux Gallerians de Itello)

22 November LM leaves Warsaw (Extraordinar...)?

24 November LM arrives at Hartwig's Hotel, Stettin

30 November LM dances in Stettin

1 December LM dances in Stettin

11 December LM arrives at Hotel de Berlin, Danzig

13 December LM dances Saragossa, Boleros de Madrid in Danzig

16 December LM dances El Olano (tarantella) & Sevilliana in Danzig

28 December Lennox leaves Suez for Bengal on the Hindostan (BLI)


4 January LM dances in Königsberg

6 January LM dances in Königsberg

January LM performs in Riga (Allg. Theat. Chronik)

20 January Lennox arrives back in Madras on the Hindostan

15 February LM passes through Tilsit en route to Berlin

21 February Liszt plays benefit in Dresden Hoftheater for monument for Kapellmeister Johann Gottlieb Naumann

24 February Liszt plays in Dessau

25 February Liszt plays in Cöthen (L of C letter)

26 February? Liszt and LM together at Hotel de Baviere in Leipzig (ATC)

27 February LM arrives in Dresden at Hotel de Saxe with Liszt

Liszt plays at Hoftheater at 6 pm; Beethoven Emperor Concerto, among other pieces;

originally advertised for 25th;

28 February Panteleoni arrives Hotel de Saxe (D Anzeiger)

29 February special performance of Rienzi for Liszt; Wagner and Liszt meet with LM present

LM introduces Hans von Bülow to Liszt at Hotel de Saxe

1 March Liszt plays benefit for Panteleoni in Hotel de Saxe at 7 pm; dinner incident? K&F Zeitung

early March LM to Paris

4 March Liszt in Berlin (LaMara)

6 March 4th Madras Cavalry begins march from Secunderabad to Trichinopoly

18 March LM article in J des Debats by Jules Janin

27 March LM makes Opera debut dancing in "Le Bal de Don Juan" after "Freischütz"

30 March LM dances in "Bal de Don Juan" after premiere of Il Lazzarone by Halevy and de St. Georges; most reviews from this performance

31 March Era reports LM "sometime in Paris" taking lessons from Barrez and will make debut Wed night in Don Juan

5 April Liszt arrives in Paris DFL

16 April Liszt recital at Theatre des Italiens

2 May Lt George Lennox dies at camp at Ootatoor (BLI, Graveins)

June Liszt leaves Paris

Sir Jasper Nicolls visits Paris for the only time in his life

28 July Era reports on LM's shooting prowess (29 July in Corsaire)

7 August Corsaire reports LM at Berlioz festival

11 Sept Courreur des Spectacles reports LM's attack on Jean Petipa


24 Jan James becomes Capt

6 March LM makes Porte St.Martin debut in Dansomanie

7 March Dujarier attends dinner at Trois Freres Provencaux

8 March Dujarrier challenged

LM in La Dansomanie at T Pt St Martin

10 March LM in La Dansomanie at T Pt St Martin

11 March Dujarier killed in duel; leaves LM 18 shares in Theatre Palais Royal

Major article about the Jesuits in J des Debats

12 March Second Act[?] of La Dansomanie at Pt St Martin

13 March Era reports LM's success at Porte St.Martin and death of Dujarier

La Dansomanie on bill at Pt St Martin

La Reform reports "La Biche au Bois" in rehearsal

14 March La Dansomanie on bill at T Porte St. Martin

15 March Relache of Porte St. Martin for Biche au Bois rehearsal

Rabelais reports LM still dancing with some success

16 March Act 2 of La Dansomanie on bill

17 March Act 2 of La Dansomanie on bill

23 March La Dansomanie?

27 March La Dansomanie?

30 March Corsaire-Satan reports LM finished at Porte St.Martin

LM appears at last day of Longchamps (Era)

20 April Era reports false rumor that LM is dancing at Palais Royale

21 May Mirecourt gets 15 days in jail as result of Dumas action for libel

June-July probable date of LM note to Fiorentino in HTC [see Tab P]

before 9 July Journal des Théâtres reports that LM dances in benefit at Palais Royale Theatre, but this seems to be a false report based on the 20 April article in the Era. LM probably did not appear on stage again until 13 February 1846.

late July Liszt arrives in Bonn

July-early August? Jules Janin writes of seeing LM [without naming her] in Spa

10 August LM seen at Bonn concert of Beethoven festival [Sunday Times 24 August]

12 August? LM arrives in Bonn with M. Azam (Bonn newspaper)

13 August 9 am concert; 1 pm banquet; 8 pm ball in Beethoven hall

17 August Liszt in Kleve

25 August Liszt in Weimar

late August? Mrs. Azam leaves LM in Baden Baden and returns to Paris [G des T, 26 July 1846]

LM kicked out of Baden-Baden for indiscretions and returns to Paris

September Liszt in Baden Baden

19 December Azams sue LM and win; a few days later they attach her legacy from Dujarier in 3rd Chamber


3 February Judgment for debt against LM in favor of Mr. and Mrs. Azam; she gives horse as security but doesn't reclaim it (Sunday Times 12 July 46 2.5)

13 February LM dances in benefit for Mme. Leontine at Gaite [J des Thea]

24 March Flaubert buries his sister

27 March LM witness at trial in Rouen

30 March Trial ends with acquital

spring Leigh buys LM clothes in Paris (see facsimile letter in Mirecourt)

June(1?) LM leaves Paris, according to her letter to the Times of

March 1847

late July Count Potocki leaves embassy at London to return to Vienna;

will return to London in December [Sunday Times 2 Aug 46]

July LM in Ostend with Leigh

25 July Azams demand title to the horse or its value

July-early August LM in Brussels at Hotel de Suède with Leigh, registered as his wife

August LM apparently visits Heidelberg alone, travels with Latvian count (probably Meller- Zakomelsky), returns to Heidelberg in pursuit of Leigh, who locks her out of his room; she reportedly takes a shot at him before leaving, probably for Bad Homburg

18? August LM writes from Homburg to proprietress of Hotel de Suede in Brussels [Texas MS letter]

29 August LM to dance at last summer performance in Bad Homburg, but disappears suddenly and without notice before perf (Allg. Zeit.)

LM’s undated letter to DuBois says she is going to Stuttgart at Peel’s invitation [Yale]

23 September Grandduchess Olga and Kprinz Karl arrive at Stuttgart

September LM's presence at wedding of King William of Würtemburg in Stuttgart noted in Athenaeum obit, saying she left there for Munich

see her ltr to Fiorentino of 5 Dec

reports say Peel finding her too expensive

1 October Ludwig and Therese return to Munich from B'gaden; Pechmann sworn in as Police Director

2 Oct Ludwig walks in streets of Munich

4 Oct Ludwig opens Octoberfest

5 October LM arrives in München; stays first at Bayerischen Hof, Dichtl & Weber arrive back from London [Eilbote page 990.1]

6 October Frays writes L re LM; L at afternoon horseraces at Ofest;

B. Volksfreund reports Robert Peel at Bay. Hof

7 October L visits Octfest shooting match in a.m.

8 October L sees LM in a.m., he refers her to Frays; LM receives royal

permission to perform; L visits managerie with giraffe

10 October LM makes Munich debut in Der Verwunschene Prinz, Schwank in drei Akten von J. von Plötz. She dances her national dances between the acts; L's 36th wedding anniversary

11 October L writes to Stieler re LM portrait (Hase); shooting contest at Octoberfest; Ofest ends

12 October 10 a.m., cornerstone laying for Neue Pinakothek

14 October LM's second and last performance in Munich; she dances between the acts of Le Misogyne by Benedix (Mon Diary says it was Millionär und Sohn) with Herr Opfermann.

15 October Therese's name day

17 October Ludwig goes hunting

22 October LM writes to Frays requesting music for performance in Augsburg on the 24th [CalHistSoc letter]

LM writes Lippert saying she will be unable to dance in Augsburg, offering Lind tickets [HTC auction catalog]

1 November cemeteries crowded for All Saints

L puts LM on 10k florin allowance per annum

9 November L, LM, Therese in Odeon for Pyranean Singers (occasion when LM remains seated as L speaks to her?)

15 Nov Frühlingstr. incident in the night

16 Nov LM and Ludwig in Odeon (Schmeller Tbuch)

18 November Nußbammer sent to Würzburg and recalled

19 November L sends LM to Pechmann re slanders

20 November Ludwig changes his will to give LM 100,000 Gulden, 2,400 Gulden annually, and the king's most recent oil portrait

23 November quote in MInn Archives of LM that she is the King's mistress, dating from Frühlingstraße incident

25 November LM asks Ludwig to abdicate and travel to Spain with her GL

late Nov Hat incident at Schultze

1 December Ludwig buys house at Barerstraße 7 for 16,000 Gulden GL

2 December LM applies for M'chenbürgerschaft (Staatsrat)

4 December Pechmann presents his case to L (Kurz)

LM denied M'chenburgerschaft [Staatsrat report]

5 December Ludwig presented with diary of LM's misdeeds [Kristl LLG]

LM writes to Fiorentino

Confrontation between L and LM at Heideck’s house

LM throws fit at Nußbammer's regimental HQ (LA 39 Seinsheim 2)

9 December Ludwig notes LM's meddling in state affairs in his diary GL

LM storms post office in the evening

10 December LM writes to L that Plötz didn't write slanderous letter to Viennese paper [LA]

15 December Announcement Kult and Unterricht to be split off effective 1 January

Charlotte Auguste writes L re LM

mid December Pechman cites LM to police court and enrages Ludwig;

17 December Ludwig notes in his diary LM's desire to become countess, not baroness;

signat transferring Pechmann out of M'chen

19 December Pechmann transferred out of Munich (Kurz)

21 December LM rejected for membership in Kunstverein

Schweinjagd im Grünwald, LM gets Schirm, Teppich, Stuhl [Mon Diary]

22 December LM again denied M'chenburgerschaft

L writes Abel insisting on Pechmann’s transfer

23 December Museumgesellschaft rejects LM (Kurz)

31 December Maltzahn writes L declining ADC and begs audience LA 39


1 January Ministry of Religion becomes independent

L snubs Stadtregierung at reception

Maltzahn appeals to L to break with LM

Maltzahn sees LM privately and reportedly offers her a bribe to leave Munich forever (Corti mistakenly identifies a “Saxon nobleman, probably the Baron von Lindenau” as the source of the bribe offer)

10 January LM's bedroom windows broken in the night [WGB]

11 January First masked academy of season at Odeon sabotaged by queen

and the women of the court [WGB]

abt 16 Jan L goes to Schultze's store and tells his wife to tell him

he's a flegel WGB

17 January Nußbammer ordered to Augsburg, then reversed (Kriegsarchiv)

19 January Kaulbach painting LM’s portrait

26 January LM presents L with a marble copy of her foot

29 January Archbishop Diepenbrock writes admonishing Ludwig re LM

3 February Staatsrat considers LM's residency in Munich

L insults Klenze's son at dejeuner dansant LA 39 Ysenberg, Mon diary

at night, incident at Zum Goldenen Hirsch

5 February LM moves out of Zum Goldenen Hirsch to Theresienstraße 8a

after incident at ball (see ND Revue) Mon diary says 6th

Bridgeman exiled from Munich after writing to Nußbammer

6 February following dogbite incident on Frauenplan, LM accosted by mob on the street and must flee to safety in silver shop (ND Revue, Fournier, LA 39 Mark)

7 February LM at Opera for Robert le Diable; erstaunlicher Kechheit [Mon Diary]

8 February Staatsrat considers LM's naturalization; Ludwig chairs;

torch procession to Reisach's palace WGB

9 February Ludwig convokes Staatsrat to reconsider naturalization;

Ludwig replies to Diepenbrock's letter of admonition

10 February Ludwig secretly naturalizes LM with signat

LM puts notice in Landboten that she cannot accept petitions GQH, Fournier

11 February Cabinet writes letter of resignation

13 February Ludwig accepts resignation of Abel ministry

15 February LM at opera; stays out of Saal; L, queen, Kronprincessin in

side box Mon Diary

17 February Diepenbrock writes L again LA 39

18 February Maltzahn writes L about kidnap plot

19 February Prof. Ernst von Lasaulx proposes motion of thanks to Abel

in Uni Senate; motion fails

21 February LM in theater (posse with music by Lachner)(ND Revue)

22 February Maltzahn's second letter about kidnap plot

23 February Egmont in theater w/ Thierry; she's hissed; Abel memo circulating [Mon diary]

25 February Ludwig appoints commission to investigate how letter from

the Abel cabinet leaked; it fails to discover leak

26 February Xaver Mark appointed Oberpolitzeidirektor (Kurz)

false letter of pope circulating in München WGB

1 March Ludwig receives police report of growing unrest in

population, much centered on LM

students cheer Lasaulx with 9 a.m. vivat, arrive at LM's house in p.m. to jeer; she

taunts them, riot ensues; Ludwig arrives at house and

confronts mob; Residenz is attacked; order restored with difficulty (Kurz)

2 March Charlotte Augusta's second letter re LM to L

troops patrolling Mchen mon diary

3 March Braunmühl replaced with Zwehl as reward to students for

staying quiet mon diary

5 March Zu Rhein addresses faculty on constitution and obediance Mon diary

7 March Ludwig and Theresa cheered as they arrive in their box at

the theater (Teufel's Anteil by Auber);(LM also there? see

österr. Rundschau)

10 March Charlotte Augusta's 3rd letter to L re LM

11 March L has Flechten Mon diary

12 March LM, L, and Therese all in theater (Cagliostro, Schauspiel)Fournier

13 March? LM writes L she is ill but will come briefly at 1700 LA 38

16 March Date of LM letter in Le National

18 March Letter from LM appears in the London Times

20 March Intelligence report from Hineis to Metternich reports that

Prince Max says they all owe LM thanks, despite her being a

polluted source.

27 March Diepenbrock writes L re LM's letter comparing herself with Loyola LA 39

31 March LM writes letters to Times and Paris papers, tells Dimanche

to use litho from London Illustration [Vie de LM facsim and Bibliotheque National]

3 April LM's note in Munich to Saphir (At BostonPL))

7 April LM tells L she gets cramp and faints on street LA 9; actually hurts hand smashing glass in shop Kristl

9 April Second LM letter appears in London Times

14 April LM letter to Alexander Dumas

15 April Angelotta Meyer plays Yelva

16 April first day in six months L doesn't see LM LA

22 April L writes LM that official report exonerates Nußbammer on every point

23 April LM writes Nußbaumer affair was her fault LA 11

LM visits Amelienburg with L [Adalbert book]

25 April Nußbammer gets three months' leave

Ang. Mayer appears to applause Mon diary

26 April L leaves apartments for first time after illness WGB

28 April LM writes letter 13 to L from Augsburg; goes to theater there

LM makes unhappy visit to Augsburg that sets her off again (Maurer memoir)

29 April LM allowed to select Etrusken vase for her house from the

state collections GL

L and LM in theater

1 May LM letter in Allegemeine Zeitung calls anyone who accuses

her without proof a dishonorable calumniator

street patrols; students have argument in Bockkeller with

Topographischen Offizer (Mussinan jr?) mon diary

2 May Govt recognizes Isaria and changes curriculum (Kurz);

Taglioni dances, LM throws flowers(?) Mon diary

5 May Taglioni opens in La Sylphide

6 May Heideck breaks with L over Taglioni party Kristl

9 May LM holds Taglioni party at her new house WGB

10 May Ludwig receives student thanks; Nußbammer falls riding;

lorgnetting scandals reported by WGB

12 May Taglioni dances La Sylphide and La Gitana

15 May 8 pm Fackelzug to Residenz; half of population joins in;

King receives students (Kurz)

19 May Taglioni dances in Nymph and in Mazurka

21 May Taglioni dances Nymph and a Tyrolienne

22 May LM's maid walks out on her LA 14 & 15

late May LM biography appears in Paris (Bibliographie de la France)

Moritz von Schwind sees Stieler portrait at the Hofgarten galleries

26 May LM and L walk in park at Nymphenburg [Adalbert book]

27 May LM visits library (Schmeller Tbuch)

Taglioni dances Gott und Bayadere

31 May Taglioni closes in Nymph

3June Barber of Seville; something upsets LM in Lachner's conduct

during the performance LA 16

5 June First Isaria commer; Zu Rhein speaks [Schmeller T’buch]

6 June BDZ reports LM giving money to poor and soldiers

L acclaimed in theater because of separation of courts and

administration Mon diary

10 June BDZ reports conversation of Ludwig with Reisach in which he

says, "I'll leave you to your stola, you leave me my


Duchess of Leuchtenberg writes L re letter to Hofdame

14 June King and Queen attend benefit concert (Schmeller Tbuch) in

Prater for Children's hospital

L smoking cigars and allows public smoking in Mchen mon diary

15 June Queen Theresa leaves for Franzensbad via Eger (PRO)

16 June Zauberflöte in Hoftheater

17 June Only time L and LM spend a night together LAL 121

18 June Peißner first time at LM's house (P letter in KLA)

22 (23?)June Ludwig travels to Bad Brückenau; LM leaves Munich by separate route

Palatia holds new elections; Allemania founded

23 June Incident at Bamberg train station

27 June Stieler portrait of woman at Kunstverein

30 June Kaulbach's wife reports Stieler's portrait on display

5 July Berks named Staatsrat LA 39 Spraul

13 July LM letter 20 to L from Bad Brückenau

20 July L and LM have terrible fight which Tann compounds LAL132

21 July L and LM reconcile

21 July Von Berks is made Staatsrat?

22 July Tann leaves BadB

4 August Ludwig informs Maurer that LM is to become a countess

LM travels to Würzburg

5 August LM letter 21 to L from Wurzburg; Hofgarten incident in the


6 August Maurer writes to Ludwig on LM matter; LM writes of trouble

in Wurzburg, says she's returning to M'chen LA 22;

Allemania mentioned in Eilbote, red, gold, blue colors

8 August Peißner visits LM in M'chen LA 39 P2

11 August Maurer writes to Ludwig again to extort favors; LM writes L,

says she's thrown out the Thierrys, A. Meyer, Hopner

12 August Ludwig dresses down the Bishop of Würzburg in his castle at

Aschaffenburg before two witnesses

before 18 Aug Nußbammer almost has duel with Berg (Berchstorff) (Kaulbach

& WGB)

25 August Ludwig turns 61; he creates LM Countess Landsfeld; LM rides

to church, throws big party in evening (Kaulbach)

30 August Pensioned Unterlt Freiherr von Seefried promoted to Oberlt;

temp pensioned Unterlt Theodor Weber reactivated

31 August L writes he is agreeably surprised at his reception in the


5 September LM has told Zenetti he's dead meat WGB

9 September Regierungsblatt publishes creation of LM as countess

11 September LM gets out of sick bed after a week, visits Talkirchen

LA39 Martin

12 September LM visits Leoni LA 39 Martin

14 September LM writes to editor declining to provide biographical details and wishes to keep low profile HarvardTC

mid September LM in Berg and Leoni (LA; mid August in Kaulbach letters)

rumor that LM is to get Theresienorder (Kaulbach, Cotta letters)

18-22 Sept LM visits Tegnersee, etc LAM 36

19 September Leiningen writes that LM could bring Bavaria to revolution

21 September Count Robiano leaves for Switzerland LA 39 Spraul 8

24 September King of Prussia arrives in Munich at 1300, leaves next day at 0830 for


25 September LM writes to Paris solicitor concerning a bill for clothes

from 1845 (Mirecourt facsimile); later a judgment of 2,500

francs is given against her WMM; LM writes note to unknown

man concerning help for his protegee (sold at auction 1978)

27 September Nußbammer gets three months' leave with pay

1 October L increases LM's allowance to 20K per annum

2 October Duke of Leuchtenberg arrives in Mchen

7 October King and Queen return to M'chen (PRO)

9 October Guilty verdicts in Duvallon perjury trial

about 10 Oct Francis arrives at Golden Hahn

13 Oct Therese writes L she will never meet LM

15 October Therese's name day

16 October crowded Landrat session on press freedom

about 25 October De los Valles and Montez arrive at Golden Hahn

29 October Nußbammer pensioned and sent to Bamberg

2 November Murray has been made chamberlain WGB

by 3 Nov Peißner returns to München

November LM seduces Peißner

5 November De los Valles and Montez leave München for Berlin

7 November Witzleben put under house arrest for planning duel with


before14 November Giesserei incident; Duke of Leuchtenberg talks to L about

LM on behalf of the Tsar WGB

15 November LM convinces Ludwig to act on his resolve to replace Maurer

with Wallerstein;

16 November Wallerstein meets with Berks to discuss ministry

21 November LM in theatre; Die Judin by Halevy LA

22 November Ludwig attends patriotic concert of the Münchener

Liedertafel for the Beselerfonds in the Odeon; boycotted by

the nobility

23 November Fachelzug of Obscuranten to Thiersch, LM takes it as demo

against her (Kurz)

24 November LM visits Rosengarten, Bavaria Corps Kneipe in Bayerstr.

with two other women in effort to see student who refuses

to speak with them (Kurz)

25 November Berks tell LM her presentation at court must be delayed and

she takes it well LA 39 Berks

27 November Another Obscuranten demonstration LAM 46

29 November Parisian Soiree by Monsieur Robin from Paris, Illusions and

Magic; run in between Comte de Richemont and Karwowsky in theater

30 November Ludwig dismisses Maurer and calls on Wallerstein to form


1 December LM and L make it in the evening at her place LA 121;

Russian embassy demands deportation of Karwowsky

2 December L tries to present Murray to Queen but she plays sick WGB

4 December Karwowsky deported to Austria at 4 a.m.; Berks says LM has

calmed down about Karwowsky LA 39 Berks; Ludwig and LM have

an argument over the deportation of Karwowsky which is so

loud that the neighbors across the street hear it (GL)

5 December LM writes L note of apology for yesterday evening LA

8 December consulation of Dr. Martin with Breslau re LM's health LA 39


9 December Bemossten Haupt in theater plays off Allemanen Mon diary

10 December Queen goes to sick sister in Bamberg (PRO); Herr Dahn fired

as regiseur became of B Haupt incident Mon diary

12 December Berks gives Wallerstein his assignment re LM; W is

depressed LA 39 Berks

13 December Thiersch writes Kronp Max that everything is still quiet

15 December L and LM look at Alhambra prints LAM 49

16-24 December Wallerstein makes secret mission to Kprinz at Würzburg Mon

diary and LAM

16 December Ludwig grants press freedom on all internal matters from 1

Jan; LM criticizes Ludwig for not talking it over with her

before and says it's too much freedom (GL); LM is upset

that the ministry job for Peißner's father doesn't pay

enough LA 39 Berks

24 December Ludwig attends midnight mass in Alleheiligen Hofkirke

25 December Allemanen plant tree in LM's garden WMM; L attends

Christmas mass

30 December King cheered in theater (Wildschütz) AZeitung; first

appearance since the decree on press freedom; Frays out as

Theater intendant Mon diary

31 December LM hits head on chandelier being carried around by

Allemanen at New Year's Eve party; medical treatment

required Mon diary


3 January Bluntschli visits Ludwig

rumor not true that the Allemanen were wearing only their shirts at LM's New Year's Eve party (LA 39 Berks)

4 January L goes hunting

5 January L invites Gen Hohenhausen to evening party at LM's (WGB)

12 January Wallerstein upset by invitation to Allemania comerz;

Rechberg resigns as ADC (Mon diary)

15 January First commer of Allemania in ballroom of Bayerischer Hof (Kurz, Mon diary)

17 January Academy at Odeon mostly boycotted (Mon diary)

20 January Newspaper report of Von Berks speech at commer

Gaz des Trib reports on LM debt trial (mon diary)

21 January R. von der Tann resigns as ADC

LM sleighing around Mchen regularly (mon diary)

24 January Beginning of noisemaking around Allemannen

27 January At court ball Ludwig retires to his rooms for tea with LM, Murray, and Berks, and falls asleep before the dinner;

Peißner writes L seeking his protection for Allemania( LAM 52 ,Handbuch BGes, Fournier)

29 January Görres dies at 7 a.m.

30 January Hohenhausen's resignation accepted; reassigned to Nurnberg (Mon diary)

31 January Görres funeral encounters LM in Ludwigstraße LA 39

February Correspondence of J. Nicolls and Prince Albert's secretary

re LM (JNJ)

2 February Seefried made Rittmeister and Flugeladjutant (mon diary)

3 February Memorial service for Görres at Ludwigskirke 10 am.;

Minister von der Mark calls on LM WGB

student fackelzug to cemetery banned

queen gets warning about chocolate;

Wallerstein received by King

mounted patrols of the city (mon diary)

4 February Thiersch holds calming speech

Von der Mark calls on LM (mon diary)

6 February All Landsmannschaften except Alemannia disband themselves;

(Mon diary says it was 7th Feb)

LM and Ludwig both in theater

LM calls Ludwig's attention to the public reaction to her diamonds and mocks Gen.

Hohenhausen mon diary (Hohenhausen not in diary)

7 February Wallerstein addresses students

Allemanen pursued in the streets Mon diary

8 February 11-12 a.m. more pursuit of the Allemanen mon diary

9 February Graf Hirschberg (Alemannia) draws a dagger on the Odeonplatz when provoked

riot ensues and Alemannen are driven into Rothma nn’s Kneipe

they call on LM for help

she arrives with a pistol but is driven into the Theatiner Church

she emerges but is saved by gendames

Ludwig closes the Uni and orders all students from outside Munich to leave the city by noon on the 11th

dejeuner dansant at palace

10 February 9 a.m. Students serenade Thiersch, then Wallerstein

one person is mistakenly reported killed when demonstration is broken up

outside the interior ministry (see Kurz)

Bürgergarde appears in uniform before the Residenz

Burger delegation to L

Graf Arco-Valley sends messengers out to call the farmers into Munich

L writes LM begging her to leave

La Sirene by Auber at Hoftheater

L visits LM at her house in the a.m., she comes to Residenz in p.m

he doesn't see her in the evening because she wants to spend the last night the Allemanen have in town with them

11 February Burgers assemble early to demand the reopening of the Uni;

Reichsrat assembles in Bayerischen Hof in Gala to put itself at the head of the Burgers;

LM, Spraul, and Seefried advise Ludwig to bring troops with

the train

Ludwig does so, but order apparently not carried out

LM attempts to reach Ludwig in Residenz shortly after noon

over the English garden, but the gates are shut to her

she flees first to Hesselohe, then back to Munich, and finally

to Schlößchen Blutenburg

LM dresses as farm girl in an attempt to return to Munich

LM writes to Seefried from Blütenburg asking him to tell Ludwig to move the Residenz to


LM spends the night from 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. with Peißner

her house in Munich is stormed, but Ludwig arrives and asks the mob to leave

12 February LM arrives in Augsburg by train at 1300

lunches at restaurant and leaves at 1430 with Weber, Dichtl, Peißner,

Hertheim, and Leibinger in a wagon

passed through Kempten, pick up 4 horses at "Strauß" Gasthaus

arrived 10 pm at Lindau

steamer waiting to take her to Switzerland, but she checks into Hotel de la Coronne de la Poste to wait for her suite before leaving for Palermo

14 February Masked ball at Hoftheater

21 February Lindau paper reports 3 Allemannen have gone to Leipzig Uni

23 February LM writes to friend in England from Lindeau(London Journal)

24 February LM leaves Lindau on the "Ludwig"(LM letter 68)

25 February LM in Zurich at Hotel Bauer(LM Letter 69)

27 February LM in Bern (LM letter 70)

2 March street demonstrations against Berks

he goes on leave

LM in Bern DLM note from "Bearne" to hotelier regarding Peißner reproduced in Fuchs(LM letters 72 & 73)

3 March students and Bürgerschaft assemble at Rathaus and determine

to force Ludwig to grant "March demands"

4 March mob storms Zeughaus and seizes weapons

Prince Karl appears before mob and announces that the estates will be called into session on March 16

Prince Karl tells Ludwig he's not wanted as a king anymore and that people regard him as a fool

6 March Ludwig issues proclamation, drafted by Wallerstein,

granting most demands

8 March LM returns disguised to Munich in the company of Baron Meller; is arrested at Caroline Krebs house

Ludwig meets her at the police headquarters at 1 a.m. on the 9th

LM asks him to run away with her

LM returns to Switzerland (LM letter 74)

9 March Thon-Dittmer becomes new Interior Minister

11 March Wallerstein ministry resigns

12 March LM Letter 75 from Bern

14 March Ludwig and Theresa ride through the streets and Munich is illuminated

LM booed in Heidelberg at 1600 on her arrival;

takes 1800 train to Karlsruhe Bayerische Annalen 19 March

15 March Rumors of LM in München

L in Odeon

16 March Police building is stormed and Ludwig must allow an order

for the arrest of LM if she is found in Bavaria

rumors of LM's return

houses, esp Wurznelstr 12 (Schmeller Tbuch), searched, including fire in fireplace;

LM in Frankfurt at Hotel de Landsberg (LM letters 78-80)

17 March L visits Caroline Wegner

Thon-Dittmer, new interior minister, takes measures to cancel LM's Bavarian

citizenship and allow her arrest

19 March Ludwig decides to abdicate; LM in Frankfurt with Peißner


20 March Ludwig abdicates in favor of his son

21 March LM sees Murray in Mainz

22 March LM arrives back in Bern at 11 pm LAM 83

23 March LM Letter 83 from Bern

24 March date on LM letter that should be 22 March?

25 March Kölnische Zeitung reports L's abdication

30 March Murray travels to Bern to LM

LM writes to Peißner at Plauen (Hannover Stadtsarciv)

2 April LM in Genf: letter 89

7 April LM in Bern: letter 91

about 8 April Peißner arrives in Bern

11 April King Max appeals to Ludwig not to go to Switzerland to see

LM because it would bring the family in disrepute GL;

12 April Charges dropped against Hirschberg (Kurz)

19 April Murray writes L angry letter denouncing LM and saying

Peißner is with her in Genf LA

20 April LM in Genf: letter 93

26 April Lola Montes, or A Countess for an Hour plays at the Theatre

Royal, Haymarket; withdrawn after three(?) performances

29 April Playbill for fourth Haymarket perf (Texas)

30 April Peißner flees Genf

27 May LM or Countess for an Hour returns as Pas de Fascination or

Catching a Governor (Satirist)

30 May LM letter 104, she moves into chateau

17 June Peel requests leave of absence

23 June Peel granted leave of absence

29 June Heald gazetted coronet in 2nd Life Guards DNB

about 15 July Papon moves into villa LA 39 Rufenacht file

28 July LM surrounded by young men Alg Zeitung

31 July LM's female companions kicked out

17 August Nicolls hears LM is in England and Mrs. C at Jersey JNJ

25 August LM leaves for Malans

2 Sept LM arrives in Malans

6 Sept LM arrives back in Genf

15 September Peißner arrives at villa

20 September first letter from Papon to Ludwig LA

22 September Peißner moves out of villa

5 October Papon's mission to Ludwig at Munich

20 October LM moves out of the chateau

21 October LM's accident

14 November Peißner exmatriculates at U of Munich

18 November L writes Papon re 1 million francs

20 November Papon moves out; LM chases Lord of Schacht

27 November LM leaves Genf for London LA 39 Lombard

1 December LM in Cologne en route to London; Papon writes L blackmail letter

4 December L writes to Papon to quit writing

15? December first Peißner letter to L (has not survived)

19 December LM back in Genf from London LA 134

21 December Peißner letter to Ludwig

LM leaves for London again LA 39 Lombard

25 December LM in Paris LA 135

29 December LM arrives in London Court Journal 6 Jan 49 15.3

30 December LM clears her luggage through customs Courrier de l'Europe 6 Jan 49


1 January LM in London LA 136

5 January J Nicolls hears LM is in England JNJ

Peißner's last letter to King Ludwig

10 January LM writes Rufenacht from 4 Queen St (James Young,


12 January Hurt-Binet letter published in paper

22 January L writes "Das immerhin ich mich gesträut..."

7 February Papon Memoirs appear

15 February Rufenacht suggests counter-publication to Ludwig

24 February Babouchine writes to L about counter-publication

early March Humpelmeyer writes L from 12 Swallow Street, Thomas Hyde,

coffee rooms

12 March Murray sends L copy of Papon book

about 13 March Part 2 of Papon book appears

23 March first Peschier blackmail letter

31 March Nouvel Vaudroix reviews Papon book LA 39 Hirsch

7 April second Pechier blackmail letter to L

11 April Babouchine in München

abt 15 May Papon leaves Genf for Paris

24 May 3rd Peschier blackmail letter

30 May last Peschier blackmail letter

2 July Duval writes to L re Papon letters

3 July Peißner and brother Franz arrive in Philadelphia

12 July LM writes to L without mentioning Heald

16 July LM mentions Heald to L LAM 161

19 July LM marries GT Heald at French Chapel, King Street, then at

St George's, Hanover Sq

they live at LM’s rooms at 27 Half Moon Steet, Mayfair

31 July Aunt's attorneys write to Consistory Ct to get divorce

records (JvJ)

1 August LM writes to L about the marriage

2 August Count de Melano writes to Rufenacht about L's letters

4 August Cetto writes to L confirming marriage LA

6 August LM charged with bigamy at Marlbourough Police Court, 21

Great Marlborough Street (next door to where Liszt stayed

in 1840-41); LM jumps bond and flees country with Heald;

they go to Paris, then Marseille, take the "Marie

Antoinette" to Rome, then to Naples, then back to London

10 August Times reports Londonderry wants Heald's resignation

Marquis of Londonderry, colonel of the 2nd Life Guards,

gets Heald to resign his commission; Heald later

unsuccessfully tries to recant

18 August James given sick leave to hills

19 August Healds at Hotel de Windsor in Paris News of the World

28 August date of letter to the Times from Naples reporting LM and Heald just there

7 September Healds back in London Express 12 Sept

9 September Healds leave London Express 12 Sept

10 September Bail hearing, large crowd; put over to 12th c de l'Europe;

12 September Bail forfeited

15 September LM letter to Ludwig from Boulogne LA 165

Heald arrives in Boulogne from London (NYH)

1 October L cuts LM's allowance in half

7 October LM and Heald arrive in Barcelona (NYH quoting Assemble


8 October UK consul visas Heald passport PRO FO 639/13 Diary

13 October Heald appeals to British consul in Barcelona (NYH)

16 October Heald flees Barcelona (NYH)

18 October Heald writes to LM from Mataro; she goes to fetch him (NYH)

26 November LM writes Ludwig from Barcelona LA 166

3 December Hodson-Cortes letter to L from Barcelona LA 39

4 December UK Consul legalizes signature of Nots Kunde in a document

drawn up by Lola Montes PRO FO 639/13 diary

5 December LM and Heald leave Barcelona for Cadiz on the "Cid" (NYH)

6 December LM writes L from Valencia LA 167

17 December Healds arrive in Cadiz NYH

25 December with servant, Heald flees from Cadiz to Gibralter and takes

steam packet Pacha to England

LM takes French steamer to Algeciras to stop him but fails (NYH from London News)

31 December LM writes Ludwig from Cadiz LA 168

LM writes Henry Vane (Texas letter)


8 January LM writes Ludwig from Cadiz, Fonda Himenez LA 169

mid January LM reported to be in Madrid by Courrier de l'Europe (unlikely)

11 February LM has left Cadiz "a few days ago" Galignani's Mess

25 February LM writes Ludwig from Boulogne LA 170

8 March LM writes Ludwig from Boulogne that she is going to go

incognito to London for 3 or 4 days LA 171

25 March LM arrives in Paris (28 March in Galignani's Messenger)

she stays first in Hotel Victoria (Cetto writes to L that it is Hotel du Rhin

on Place Vendome), then moves into Hotel Beaujon

Heald arrives on Good Friday NYH

1 April Moves into Hotel Beuajon (Galignani's Messenger)

before 25 April LM has fight with Irishwoman (Mme. Rosas) at Hotel Beaujon NYH

last week of April LM reportedly leaves 400,000 francs with Banker Green NYH

28 April LM at Champs de Mars races with 4 horse carriage; very cold

with high wind NYH

23 May LM living quietly NYH

24 May LM goes to Opera and mob wants to damage her opulent

carriage NYH

26 May LM writes Ludwig from 3, rue de Beaujon; says she's been sick in bed three months

1 June LM's last regular monthly allowance from L

LM attends premiere of Dumas’s Pauline at Theatre Historique

9 June LM at St. Quentin for railroad dedication NYH

late June According to Holdredge, LM attends party of V. Hugo in rue Rochechouart attended by

Louis Napoleon; dinner honors Daniele Manin

20 June Patrick Purdy Hull arrives in San Francisco on the Tennessee

26 July Jacquand writes blackmail letter to L, apparently on LM’s behalf

28 July George Duncan writes his wife from Paris informing her that the plan for Heald to come to London immediately has been aborted because of Heald’s irresolution

29 July George Duncan writes that he has sent for Davies, who should arrive in Paris tomorrow

1 August Heald’s valet leaves for London with two carriages

2 August Davies writes to Heald in Paris that he will visit ;

Duncan writes that Davies will be in Paris on Sunday or Monday

11 August Duncan writes that Heald has escaped to London, that Duncan saved King Ludwig’s letters in the fray of creditors

15 August LM absconds from villa rented from (M. Rosa?) in Paris and escapes creditors

according to the NYH, LM meets Heald at Compiegne and they arrive in Brussels on the 16th , but I doubt that LM saw Heald after he fled from her this time

21 August Jung Bahadoor Koomour Ranajee arrives at Hotel Sinet in Paris

Balzac's funeral

25 August Duncan writes from Boulogne of seeing LM there on this date; she says she intends to go secretly to London that night, but he doubts it

30 Aug LM v Jacquand hearing; Fiorentino not guilty NYH se JdesT

before 19 Sept LM returns to Paris from London after failing to bring Heald back NYH

1 October According to NYH, Prince Jung Bahoor of Nepal leaves Paris and gives LM jewels and a jeweled shawl NYH

Galignani's Messenger mistakenly claims she has not yet returnedto Paris

2 October LM writes letters in Paris transferring her power of attorney to Henry Wellinton Vaillaine (GHA)

October LM moves to 420 rue St. Honore (Wendlend letters)

10 October LM will reportedly become Carmelite in Madrid NYH

27 October LM writes L from 420, rue St. Honore LA 174

5 November Note to Doctor D... in Paris (Bancroft collection)

21 November Banker Green is on deathbed NYH

25 November Jacquand has commenced action against Heald in the Tribunal

du Commerce

3 December LM gives dinner party together with de Coral NYH

10 December LM strikes her chambermaid and threatens the woman's husband

with a knife (Wendland)

LM and Coral give second party

December Saville Morton challenges de Beauvoir to a duel on LM's


December Saville Morton (London Daily News correspondent in Paris)

knocks a Campbell down the stairs at LM's Paris apartment

and duels result (Varnhagen von Ense diary)


8 January Wendland writes Ludwig of blackmail efforts

10 January Le Pays has begun publishing LM's memoirs; appears in numbers 27, 28, 29, and 32

15 February Decision of Civil Tribunal that Heald must pay Jacquand 8K

francs for the joint portrait with LM

10 March LM writes author to "French Revolution" (auction letter)

March Allemanen in Paris at the Bavarian embassy for help (Wendland letters)

about 26 March LM writes L for the last time LA 175

2 May O'Brien delivers L's letters to him in Rome

LM is living at 362 rue St. Honore

L sends LM 2000 francs

8 May L writes his final poem on LM (GHA)

9 June L writes to Wendlend (sold at auction 1972)

24 June NYH reports LM practising daily; will be NYC in 3 months

July L pays LM additional 3000 francs for having returned his letters

18 July NYH reports deal has been signed for US tour

20 July LM at races at Chateau de la Marche NYH

30 July NYH reports Ludwig is pleased with LM's plan to return to the stage and has renewed her income (!!!)

August LM reported in fight with another woman in her carriage near Arc de Triomphe

26 August LM signs management contract with Roux at 362, rue St. Honore NYH

12 September LM dances privately at Jardin Mabille and parties afterwards LA Brussels paper

15 September LM poem written in Paris on "veille de mon retour au theatre"

16 & 17 Sept LM dances in Boulogne (and 18th?)

21 Sept LM dances in Arras

22 Sept LM dances at Vaudeville in Brussels: Pas bavarois, pas espagnol, with comedies on bill

23 Sept LM dances pas Bavarois, pas espangol, pas tyrolien

24 Sept Last LM performance in Brussels

27 Sept in a.m. LM becomes enraged at Hotel de Suede in Brussels when she is presented with proposal to perform on horseback at the Hippodrome (L’Emancipation)

in the evening, LM dances 3 pas at Theatre Royal, Antwerp

26 September New York Times announces LM will sail for the US in mid-

November, perhaps appearing in Paris briefly before, under her own management

1 October LM dances in Aachen

2 October? Prussian govt cancels German part of tour NYH 9 Oct

LM was to have danced in Köln; stops in Aachen

5 October LM banned in Köln (Aachen paper)

12 October Date on LM letter in the Salut Public of Lyon proposing duel of poison pills to Veron of Le Constitutionnel NYH

14 October(?) LM dances at Lyon (Grand Theatre - C des EU)

before 15 October LM dances twice in Bordeaux

before 17 October LM dances at St.Etienne

24 October LM dances at Montpelier

4 November Maltzahn dies at Baden-Baden

6 November LM returns to Paris at night from tour (C des EU)

10 November Roux presents LM with legal demand to perform

11 November LM rejects Roux's demand

18 November LM gets attachment by Roux dissolved Galig's Mess

19 November Judge of Tribunal civile de la Seine decides against Roux (C des EU)

20 November the "Humboldt" leaves early in the morning from Le Havre,

late in day from Cowes for New York with Kossuth on board

5 December LM arrives in NYC; NY Tribune interview on arrival

moves first to New York Hotel NYH

22 December LM writes note thanking Meade Brothers for photographing her (HTC)

25 December Announcement LM will debut in Broadway Theater NYDT

26 December NYH reports LM living in private palace on Waverly Place with blue and gold furnishings

27 December Auction of tickets for LM's debut; ad for tickets from

Jollie's ticket broker (Jollie pianos, 300 Bway)NYDT

29 December LM makes her US debut in "Betly the Tyrolean"; Daniel by

Sig. Neri, Max Starner by G.W. Smith; NYDT says the auction

prices are plus the normal $1 or 50cents

late December Reply to Papon published in NY

30 December Betly

31 December Betly


1 January LM's fourth appearance in "Betley"

5 January LM appears as Donna Inez in ballet "Un Jour de Carnaval a


Edward P Willis writes letter to NYH saying he was never LM's agent

Scoville takes over as agent

6 January LM again in "Un Jour de Carnaval"

7 January "last perf. but three of LM" NYDT

Bobo letter in NYH

9 January "Betly" and "Diana and her Nymphs"

10 January "Un Jour de Carnaval a Seville" and "Diana..."

LM letter re Willis in NYH

12 January "Un Jour de Carnaval" and "Diana and her Nymphs"

13 January "Betly" and "Diana..."

long letter from Edward Willis in NYH

14 January "Un Jour de Carnaval" and "Diana"

15 (16?) January last perf. in series; benefit for Fire Dept; "Betly" and "Diana"

NYTimes reports LM had problems at her rooms in Waverly Place and had to move into a l arge boarding house in Chambers Street before the police arrived to evict her

Wonderful LM letter in NYH

16 January "Betly" and "Diana" last performances

19 January LM appears at the Walnut Street Theater in Philadelphia;

31 January LM benefit at Walnut St Theatre for disabled firemen NYH

2 February LM has her picture taken with Indian at Marcus Root’s studio in Philadelphia

5 February LM arrives in DC on late evening Baltimore and Sesquehanana train from Baltimore; checks into Irving House (Wash Telegraph in NYH)

9 February LM dances Jour de Carnaval a Seville; Gen Jones calms disruption in crowd

10 February LM dances Jour de Carnaval

11 February Jour de Carnaval

12 February Last night but one; Betley

13 February "Last night" Betley

14 February Last night, LM benefit, Betley & Pas D'Andalouse from JdC

18 February LM in Richmond at American Hotel with her maid

opens in Jour de Carnaval and Pas de Matelot

19 February LM dances Jour de Carnaval in Richmond, attends Hebrew School Ball

20 February LM benefit at Richmond; Jour de Carnaval

21 February LM in Norfolk at Mechanic's Hall with G.W. Smith in L'Andalusiane, Tarantelle, and Matelot; Ballet Master Mons. Schmidt, J.K. Goodall, Music director

25 February LM in Baltimore at Holliday St. Theatre in "Jour de C"

26 February Jour de C

27 February Jour de C

28 February LM benefit, J de C plus Betley, then returns to NYC before going to Boston

15 March LM at Howard Atheneum in Boston in Carnaval & Matelot

16 March Carnaval & Matelot

17 March Carnaval & Matelot

18 March Betley

19 March Betley

20 March LM in Providence; double ticket prices

22 March LM dances Betley at Howard Atheneum in Boston reengagement

23 March Carneval a Seville

24 March Carneval a Seville

25 March LM visits Boston schools

Carneval & Betley in the evening

26 March LM benefit farewell performance, Carnaval & Betley

27 March matinee of J de C

29 March LM letter appears in Boston Transcript

30 March Grammar School Committee meets and discusses LM’s school visit

31 March Carnaval & Betley

1 April Carnaval & Betley

2 April Benefit farewell of Carnaval & Betley

3 April Matinee of Carnaval and Betley

LM visits Boston’s House of Correction

5 April LM leaves Boston in pm for Lowell, performs to fine house in evening (Boston Herald 6 Apr p.2.2) en route to Portland, ME; reported to have reconciled with Edward Willis

7 & 8 April Portland, Maine

10 April LM back in Boston singing at matinee in benefit for Tremont Temple fire victims at Howard Atheneum; gets involved in dispute with man backstage

12 April Salem performance

13 April LM staying in Salem

returns to perform in Boston but is not arrested over backstage fracas

14 April LM performs in Hartford at the American Hall

first condemnation of Spider Dance by that name by a critic

LM visits spiritualist; breaks with Marshall NYH

15? April LM performs at New Haven

28 April LM struck in face in her rooms at Howard Hotel in NYC; assailant beaten up NYDT

1 May LM dances at Broadway Theater in NYC; "Jour de C" tix 50 cents NYDT

4 May LM in Albany; Jour de Carnaval

5 May "Last night" in Albany; Jour de Carnaval

6 May Albany; LM in six dances, two grand ballets

10 May LM in Buffalo in J de C, Spanish Dance, and Pas de Matelot; Eagle Street Theatre burns in night by arson

11 May LM performs J de C, Spanish Dance & Matelot in Buffalo Theatre as benefit for victims of fire

12 May Added performance, LM benefit: J de C & Matelot & Spanish Dance

13 May? LM apparently performs in Rochester and then perhaps Syracuse

16 May LM returns to NYC

18 May NYC; Jour de Carnaval NYH

19 May LM dances in benefit for Kate Horn

20 May "Jour de Carnaval" 50 cents

24 May "Jour de Carnaval" 50 cents

Jenny Lind farewell concert in NYC; Ole Bull in NYC

25 May LM first appears in "LM in Bavaria" in NYC, written by Ware, 50 cents NYDT

26 May second performance of "LM in Bavaria" at Broadway Theatre

27 May third perf of LM in B

29 May last performance of LM in B at Broadway Theatre

31 May LM opens six-day run at Walnut St Theatre in Philadelphia in LM in B

1 June LM in B

2 June LM in B

3 June LM in B

4 June LM benefit, LM in B plus dance

5 June LM in B plus hornpipe

end of May Coyne’s LM or Countess for Hour playing at Nat Theater in WDC

7 June LM opens at National Theater in Washington, DC in LM in B

8 June LM in B

9 June LM in B

10 June LM in B

11 June LM in B and pas de deux with Smith

12 June last night of LM in B

14 June LM opens in LM in B at Holliday St Theater in Baltimore

Coyne’s LM farce playing at Peoples Theatre nearby

15 June LM in B

16 June LM in B

17 June LM in B and Zapateado

18 June LM's benefit: LM in B and Hungarian dance

LM boxes ears of George Smith, who was traveling with her as ballet master NYH

19 June last perf of LM in B in Baltimore cancelled because of incident with Smith

28 June Bowery theater in NYC reopens after week of rehearsals and rennovations with LM in B

8 July LM in B as benefit for LM at Bowery Theater NYDT

10 July "last night" of LM in Bavaria at Bowery NYH

15 July LM writes angry letter to NYT, from NYC, about an editorial

late summer LM reported enjoying herself in the Catskills NYH

6 August Papon writes as “Brother Antoine” to offer L his letters back

9 August James granted two years sick leave to Cape of Good Hope and Australia

24 August Papon returns L’s letters via Wendland in Paris

26 August big picnic of Pick Club in which LM takes part NYH, HWB

6 September LM takes part in gala at Castle Garden to celebrate 100 years of drama in America; dances hornpipe;

Monplaisir Ballet Co participates NYDT

Papon writes Ludwig for money

20 September LM opens in LM in B at Howard Atheneum, in Boston

21 September LM in B at Howard Atheneum

22 September LM in B at Howard Atheneum

23 September LM in B at Howard Atheneum

24 September LM in B at Howard Atheneum

25 September LM in B at Howard Atheneum

27 September Howard Atheneum, Charlotte Corday

28 September ?

29 September ?

30 September ?

1 October LM benefit, next to last performance, CCorday, Maritana

2 October last Boston performance, Maritana

11 October LM opens at Chestnut St. Theatre, Philadelphia in LM in B and Spider Dance;

12 October LM in B plus Zapeateado or Spider dance; sold out

13 October LM in B plus interlude of Spanish songs and dances

14 October Charlotte Corday

15 October C Corday plus Matelot

16 October C Corday plus interlude of Spanish songs and dances

18 October C Corday plus interlude of Spanish songs and dances

19 October Maritana

20 October Maritana plus dance

21 October Maritana plus LM in NY

22 October LM Benefit: LM in B, LM in NY, Spider dance

23 October LM in B plus C.Corday

LM apparently returns to NYC to prepare her tour

29 November LM arrives in Charleston, S.C. on the USM Steamship Marion from NYC, after 55 hours at sea, with a servant and her agent John Jones

6 December LM opens at Charleston, SC; Charleston Theatre; Maritana

7 December Maritana

8 December Maritana plus Zapateado

9 December LM in B

10 December LM in B plus Zapateado

20 December LM arrives in Mobile on the Louisa from Montgomery just before scheduled performance, which is cancelled

LM checks into Battle Hotel (Mobile Reg)

21 December opens in two grand characteristic dances

22 December Sailor's dance and Spider Dance or Zapeateado

23 December LM in Bavaria

24 December LM in B and Sailor's dance

25 December Maritania and grand characteristic dance

28 December LM in B & Sevilliana (first time)

30 December LM arrives in New Orleans; checks into Verandah Hotel


3 January LM debuts at New Orleans Varietes in LM in B

4 January LM in B

5 January LM in B

6 January LM in B

7 January LM in B & Spider Dance

8 January LM in B & Spider Dance

9 January LM in B & Spider Dance

10 January Charlotte Corday

11 January Charlotte Corday

12 January Charlotte C & Spider Dance

13 January Charlotte C & Sailor's Dance

14 January Picayune reports Heald drowned

Charlotte C; Spider Dance cancelled

15 January LM in B & Sailor's Dance; LM Benefit

16 January Sailor's Dance & El Olle

17 January first night of reengagement; Clarissa Harlowe or the Fatal Choice

18 January Clarissa H & El Olle

19 January LM visits 4th District Court

Clarissa Harlowe and El Olle

20 January Charlotte C & Spider Dance

21 January Maritana & El Olle

22 January School for Scandal & Spider Dance; LM benefit; she falls

NYH reports Heald not drowned

23 January Maritana & El Olle

24 January first night of third engagement; Maritana & Sailor dance

25 January LM in B & El Olle

26 January School for Scandal & "new dance" (Zapeateado?)

27 January Maritana & El Olle

28 January Clarissa H & Spider Dance

29 January LM in B & Sailor's Dance

30 January Clarissa Harlowe & El Olle

2 February Zapeateado & El Olle at Orleans Theater

4 February Zapeateado & Grand Pas Hongroise at Orleans Theatre

8 February Mardi Gras

9 February LM arrested on warrent sworn by her chambermaid; takes to her bed

11 February LM is a no show for El Olle at Bass benefit

17(?) February LM leaves NO on the Eclipse for Louisville

26 February LM arrives at Louisville and immediately transfers to the Telegraph 3 to travel to Cincinnati

arrives Cincinnati and takes rooms at the Broadway Hotel

February LM Coyne performed in SF

1 March LM opens at National Theatre in Cincinnati in LM in B

2 March LM in B

3 March LM in B plus Spider Dance

4 March Maritana plus Spider

5 March Maritana plus Spider Dance

7 March School for Scandal

8 March School for Scandal plus Matelot

9 March LM benefit: Maritana plus Tarantelle Espagnole

10 March LM in B plus Tarantelle Espagnole

11 March Clarissa Harlowe plus Grand Characteristic Dance

12 March Clarissa Harlowe plus El Olle

14 March School for Scandal plus acts 3 and 4 of LM in B

ad in St. Louis paper says LM will appear in a few days

15 March Benefit for Stage Manager Harry Eytinge: Yelva plus Zapeateado de Xeres

16 March LM leaves Cincinnati for St. Louis

21 March LM opens at Varietes Theatre in St. Louis in Yelva

22 March Yelva & El Ole

23 March LM in B

24 March LM in B plus El Ole

25 March LM in B plus Spider Dance (last performance)

27 March date of LM's reported departure from St. Louis on the steamboat Reindeer for brief

engagement at the Bates Theater in Louisville prior to leaving for California

29 March LM and Jonathan C. (or S.H.) Henning arrive in Louisville on the

Reindeer from St. Louis and check into the Galt House

Louisville engagement falls through

30 March LM and Henning depart Louisville for “New Orleans, Havana, Vera Cruz, and California”

7 April Reindeer arrives in New Orleans

8 April LM involved in back stage fracas at Varietes in New Orleans

during Dramatic Fund benefit

14 April according to NYT report from New Orleans Delta, date of

trial of LM and her manager, S.H.Henning, for assault on the prompter of the Varieties Theatre in New Orleans, run by T. Placide

22 April LM and Henning leave Jackson Sq wharf at 8 a.m. on the

Philadelphia, captain McKinstry, bound for Aspinwall (NOP)

1 May Philadelphia arrives at Aspinwall, Panama

5 May Pacific Mail Steamship "Northerner" leaves Panama for San Francisco

21 May "Northerner" arrives at Long Wharf in San Francisco at 6 a.m

LM has met Patrick Purdy Hull on the ship;

25 May Auction sale of tickets for LM’s first performance

26 May LM makes her debut in "School for Scandal" as Lady Teazle at American Theatre

27 May Horse named LM wins $700 purse SFAlta 30My

LM appears in "Yelva" and then dances "La Tarantula"

28 May LM appears in "Yelva" and then dances "La Tarantula"

30 May LM appears in "LM in Bavaria"

1 June LM in B

2 June seventh night of LM's engagement, LM in B, Spider Dance

3 June LM in B

4 June fifth performance of "LM in B" plus Hornpipe

6 June First night of "Maritana, or the Maid of Saragosa" in which LM plays roles of Maritana, Gita, and Alphonse

7 June LM appears at a benefit in Maritana and Spider Dance

8 June LM appears in a benefit for her at American Theatre in El Olle, Yelva, and Spider Dance

9 June Hebrew Benevolent Society benefit with C.Chapman in Actress of All Work, followed by second act of Yelva with LM and a Swiss dance by LM "as she danced it in WmTell at Paris Opera"

10 June LM's first night in "Charlotte Corday"; first night of reengagement

11 June LM in "Charlotte Corday" plus Spider Dance

12 June Coyne’s "LM or Catching a Governor" at the San Francisco Theater

LM attends as only female at Hauser matinee concert (Sacto Union)

13 June 3rd Act of "Charlotte Corday" plus Spider Dance and Olle at Fire Company benefit

14 June LM in B plus Spider Dance

Edwin Booth in Hamlet at San Francisco Theater followed by LM or Pas de Fascination with JB Booth

15 June Benefit honoring LM at American Theatre; Howard Engine company No. 3 appears in full dress; Yelva, Spider Dance, El Olle; Monsieur Chenal performs on same bill on Piano Russe (Wood and straw instrument) at benefit

20 June first perfomance of "Who's Got the Countess?" or the Rival

Houses "written for this stage"

21 June Junius Booth Jr appears in "Who's Got the Countess"; Herald

reports LM's agent Adams is arranging debut in Sacto FDE

23 June LM appears "in a favorite dance" at Adelphi Theatre benefit for Charles E. Bingham, actor; on same bill Dr. D.G. Robinson will appear in a new song and promises to give correct information on who's got the countess

26 June Caroline Chapman dances the Spider Dance at the SF Theater

2 July LM marries Patrick Purdy Hull at Mission Dolores at 6:30 a.m.

leave on New World at 4 pm for Sacto

5 July LM opens successfully in Sacramento with Olle and Spider

6 July LM’s second perfomance, Spider and Olle, ends in uproar

7 July LM wins over the public in her third performance, Spider and Olle

8 July 4th perf; Swiss and Spider

LM writes letter to Daily California challenging the editor to pistol or poison duel

9 July Pas de Matelot and Spider

11 July Matelot and Spider

about 12 July Hull returns to SF to sell interest in Whig, returns to Sacto

14 July LM in benefit for Charles A. King

15(?) July LM & Co sail on steamer "Comanche" for Marysville

16 July first Marysville performance are a fiasco

LM fights with Hull and company

17 July Hauser deserts company and returns to Sacramento en route to SF

Golden Era reports Hull has quit the Whig

18 July second Marysville performance, with Eigenschenk playing violin, is a success

20-23 July LM appears in Grass Valley FDE

25-30 July LM appears in Nevada City

5 August according to unsubstantiated report by J. Winchester in Nevada Journal, LM declines to dance for small Grass Valley audience, then “takes the rag off the bush” dancing afterwards for private group

14 August J. Winchester writes wife that LM has bought Gil Meredith’s cottage in Grass Valley and is getting divorced FDE

3 September Shasta Courier says LM danced in GV at Alta Hall

4 September Golden Era reports LM displeased with Hull

13 September Hull leaves Grass Valley for San Francisco (Pacho letter)

14 September LM writes Pacho

29 September repeating Sacto Times and Teleg, GV Teleg says LM has applied for divorce FDE

7 October Newspapers report rumors that LM has applied for divorce

10 October LM passes through Sacramento en route to San Francisco

12 October "Alta California" collides on the Sacramento River with the "Antelope," en route to San Francisco with LM on board; all passengers rescued

15 October Jonas Winchester writes from San Francisco to his wife that LM came down to SF last Monday (12 Oct); She stopped next door at Norcross's to buy a bouquet.

21 October LM arrives at Hotel de France, Sactramento

22 October LM leaves for Grass Valley (SUnion 2.3 22 Oct)

6 November Golden Era reports on LM's animals, including bear FDE

25 December LM gives Xmas party for girls in Grass Valley FDE


19 January LM visits Nevada City by sleigh FDE

3 February Papon writes L from Rome for money

9 March GV Teleg advertises LM's bear for sale FDE

10 March SP Storms buys bear; uses it for bear baiting with dogs at 4 July celebrations FDE

19 March Old Block writes apology for bear to LM in Golden Era FDE

12 May LM reported on visit to Nevada City FDE

21 May LM escapes injury when horse falls leaping ditch FDE

30 May LM arrives for a visit in San Francisco

22 June Company including Frank Folland reported playing in Nevada City FDE

6 July Company with Folland plays Grass Valley FDE

13 July LM and party take off on camping trip; reach Donner Summit,

but Delano can't take LM's squabling and leaves first; then

Delevan takes off with pack mules and gets lost; other

return without supplies, two days without food; Delevan

later is found 28 July okay but hungry FDE

26 July LM returns to GV from camping trip FDE

24 August Ole Bull plays GV and visits LM FDE

29 August Tasheira letter mentions LM living in mountains with grizzly bear CLS Ms

3 November Date on dubious "Empress Lola" letter purpostedly from Washington, DC

21 November LM attempts to horsewhip editor Shipley of Grass Valley Telegraph

22 November LM writes to Hotaling requesting $60 Bancroft collection

13 December report in San Francisco Journal on visit to LM in Grass Valley, repeated in NYT of 16 Jan 55


22 March Hull buys SF Daily Town Talk

30 March Southwick thrown from horse in Nevada City FDE

21 May LM signs articles of agreement with Jones and James Simmonds in San Francisco (NSW archives)

27 May LM arrives in SF GEra 30 May

28 May LM signs contract with F. Jones in Grass Valley

2 June LM signs contract with Daniels

6 June LM leaves for Australia with Follin on board the "Fanny Major”

17 July Fanny Major calls at the Navigator's Islands (SydMH 17 Aug)

16 August Fanny Major, barque of 226 tons, Capt Hays, arrives in Sydney; passengers LM, Mrs Fiddes and two Misses Fiddes, F. Folland, James Simmonds, F. Jones, Napthali, Daniels, Hardinsack (Syd MH, 17 Aug, 4.1)

23 August LM plays in Victoria Theatre in Sydney in LM in B DLM

24 August LM in B plus one-acts

25 August LM in B plus one-acts

27 August Yelva with Folland; Folland, Simmonds, and Josephine Fiddes in the Jacobite plus comic song

28 August LM in B plus Morning Call

29 August "Last Perf": Morning Call, A & C, Jacobite billed but LM is sick and does not appear in first piece; refund announced but then refused SMH 31 Aug 8.2

3 September Maidens Beware & Antony and Cleopatra

4 September Spider Dance (“performed 200 consecutive nights in NYC”),Maidens Beware

5 September Antony and Cleopatra, Neapolitan Sattirella,

6 September LM Benefit: Spider Dance, Follies of a Night

7 September Folland Benefit: Spider Dance, Follies of a Night

8 September LM, Eigenshcenk and Folland) leave Sydney on the "Waratah," departing 3 pm, J.J. Warner, Capt, calling at Eden Bay

Bailiff Thomas Brown attempts unsuccessfully to arrest LM on attachment warrent of Mrs. Fiddes for dissolving the company

Legend begins that LM challenged the bailiff to take her naked

11 September Waratah, of Australian Steam Navigation Co., 400 tons, 120 hp, arrives Melbourne (off Port Phillip's Heads 10 a.m.);

Passengers: LM and servants, Mr. Crosby, Agenshaw, Folland

Hauser was in Melbourne when LM arrived but left on 15 Sept for brief visit in Hobart

13 September LM opens at the Royal Victorian Theatre in Melbourne in "LM in Bavaria"

14 September LM in B

15 September LM in B

17 September Melbourne earthquake, 3 a.m.; A&C, Follies of a Night,

18 September Morning Call, Follies of A Night

19 September Maidens Beware, Spider Dance though LM indisposed

20 September Argus complains of the indency of the Spider Dance

21 September Dr JL Milton tries to get warrent to arrest LM, but Mayor J.T. Smith finds complaint based on hearsay and refuses to issue it

Maidens Beware, Spider Dance, etc

LM writes letter responding to the Argus about the Spider Dance

22 September Follies of a Night, Spider, etc

24 September Morning Call, Spider Dance, Antony & Cleopatra

25 September LM travels in the morning to Geelong on the Duncan Hoyle and performs at Royal, opening with Follies of a Night and A & C

26 September Morning Call, Follies of a Night

27 September Maidens Beware, Spider Dance

28 September LM Benefit: A&C, Personation, Spider Dance

29 September LM attends garrison theatricals at Th. Royal in Melbourne

LM catches cold in rain storm after the performance

1 October A&C, Personation, Spider Dance

2 October Folland Benefit: A&C, Personation, Spider Dance

4 October LM indisposed (Melb paper)

9 October John Black of Theatre Royal declared bankrupt

10 October LM performs again in Geelong; Maidens Beware, Follies of a Night

11 October Spider Dance plus ?

12 October Spider Dance plus Eton Boy

15 October Eton Boy, Personation, New Dance

16 October Lady and the Devil, Spider Dance

17 October Lady and the Devil, Spider Dance

18 October ?

19 October farewell benefit to aid Mrs. Brougham cancelled, apparently over fee split argument

ad says it was to be Morning Call and Personation

25 October LM opens at Th. Royal in Eton Boy, Spider Dance,

26 October C.Hayes in Sonnambula at Th. Royal

27 October Lady and the Devil, Spider Dance

29 October Benefit for Black; LM does not participate

30 October Eton Boy, Hornpipe,

31 October T. Callaghan jumps on stage and tries to grab LM during performance

2 November School for Scandal, Spider Dance (playbill at PALM)

5 November Follies of a Night, A & C, Olle

7 November School for Scandal repeated!, Olle

9 November Morning Call, Maidens Beware, Spider Dance

12 November Folland Benefit: Asmodeus, Olle, (last but one)

14 November A & C, Eton Boy, Carnival Ball Scene from the Corsican Brothers with Olle and Spider Dance

15 November repeat of program of 14 November; Catherine Hayes booked in solidly at the Th. Royal after this date, so no chance to extend "very thin" crowds for Catherine Hayes's return

20 November LM leaves for South Australia on the Havilah

23 November LM arrives Adelaide

26 November LM appears at Victoria Theatre Adelaide in Eton Boy and Morning Call

27 November Eton Boy, Follies of a Night

28 November Maidens Beware, Antony and Cleopatra

29 November Maidens Beware, Morning Call

30 November Follies of a Night, Spider Dance

1 December terrible fire at Ballarat

no advertisement for Victoria Theatre

3 December School for Scandal, Spider Dance

4 December Lady and the Devil, Spider Dance

5 December Eton Boy, Spider Dance, Antony and Cleopatra

6 December Benefit for LM: Angel in the Attic, Ole, Spider Dance

7 December “Last Night” Follies of a Night, Ole, Spider Dance

8 December Benefit for Crosby and Jackson: Morning Call, New Spanish Dance

10 December “Farewell Performa nce” Morning Call, Spider Dance

13 December LM does benefit for widows and orphans of Crimean fallen with State Governor MacDonnell and wife in attendance; Antony and Cleopatra, Rosalie Bouquet, Olle, Spider Dance

14 December LM sails on Havilah for Melbourne

16 December terrible flood at Ballarat

18 December Havilah arrives Melbourne; passengers: LM and servant, Mr & Mrs Crosby, Folland, Jackson, Egleshanck

24 December LM performs at benefit for the Backus Minstrels under the patronage of the US Consul at the Olympic Theatre, does Eton Boy, El Olle, Spider Dance

26 December LM attends Christmas pantomime at Coppin’s Olympic

28 December LM and company sail for Sydney on City of Sydney

31 December City of Sydney arrives in Sydney: LM, Mrs. Crosby, Follard, Eigenschenck


7 January LM makes rapturous return to Sydney at Royal Victoria in

Eton Boy, A&C

9 January Follies of a Night, El Olle

10 January Morning Call, Eton Boy, Spider Dance

11 January School for Scandal, Spider Dance

12 January Follies of a Night

13 January James goes on terminal leave prior to retirement from the Indian Army

14 January Asmodeus or the Little Devil, Spider Dance

15 January LM in B, El Olle

16 January Morning Call, El Olle, Maidens Beware

17 January LM in B, Spider Dance

18 January School for Scandal, Spider Dance

19 January LM in B, Spider Dance

21 January "Last night" LM in Angel of the Attic or One Hour of the French Revolution, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Paris 1792; Sailor's Hornpipe,Little Devil or My Slave; LM I ndisposed to dance Hornpipe, uproar results, and theater manager Crosby is fired

23 January Benefit for Mrs. Torning: Follies of a Night, dance by Mrs.

Melville, Spider dance

6 February LM, Folland, Mr & Mrs Crosby sail on Telegraph (650 tons, Capt J.J. Warner) for Melbourne; ships leaves at 5 pm.; Crosbys are not passengers

8 February Telegraph arrives Melbourne; LM, A. Folland, Agenhaut on passenger list

14 February LM leaves Melbourne by coach at 6 a.m.; gives copy of H.B.Stowe book with dedication to Mr. Jeune of the Victorian booking office Argus 15 Feb 3.1

16 February LM opens in Morning Call and Antony & Cleo at Victoria Theatre (previously the Adelphi), Ballarat

18 February Ballarat Times prints criticism of LM; LM denounces the editor Seekamp from the footlights

19 February LM wins lady's riding whip in Charity Bazaar Lottery;

attacks Seekamp in United States Hotel Bar; he strikes back with his whip

S is finally pulled off by the crowd;

Folland arrives with pistol but does not fight

20 February Crosby applies for police permit to use the Victoria Theatre (Vic.State A)

21 February Seekamp reports on the incident in the Ballarat Times with restraint, but then adds dirty implication against LM

23 February LM swears out a criminal libel warrant against S

S released on £300 bail. S later swears out writ against LM for assault with a whip, but it is dismissed.

28 February James retires from Indian army (Hobson)

29 February LM's benefit ?; the Age 3.3 reports Seekamp committed for

trial at Geelong Cirt. Ct. on 10 March

1 March during argument between LM and Crosby concerning share of

the take, Mrs. Crosby attacks and beats LM badly ; evening performance cancelled

2 March Mrs. Crosby assaults LM again with a whip

8 March LM opens at Coppin’s Amphitheatre in Melbourne “despite doctor’s recommendation”

Antony & Cleopatra, Antony & Cleopatra Married and Settled

10 March Antony & Cleopatra, Antony & Cleopatra Married and Settled

11 March Eton Boy, Morning Call, El Olle

12 March Little Devil, Antony & Cleopatra Married and Settled, Spider Dance

13 March Little Devil, Antony & Cleopatra Married and Settled, Spider Dance

14 March Lady and Gentleman in a Particularly Perplexing Predicament

LM's attorney swears out writ against S for publishing unregistered newspaper. It is later dismissed.

15 March Follies of a Night, School for Scandal, Spider Dance

17 March LM Benefit: School for Scandal, Follies of a Night, Spider Dance

18 March Folland Benefit: School for Scandal, Follies of a Night, Spider Dance

20 March LM arrives in Sandhurst

27 March LM arrives in Bendigo

1 April LM makes Bendigo debut in Asmodeus or the Little Devil.

Lightning strikes the theater during the performance. CLW

3 April LM presents snuff box to impresario Coleman

10 April case against Seekamp dismissed when LM does not appear

LM makes debut in Castlemaine in Morning Call and Eton Boy; crowd unruly when she won't do Spider Dance

11 April performance in Castlemaine, A&C and El Olle

12 April Rosalie Bouquet, Eton Boy, and Spider Dance; "row because crowd wouldn't let LM have all the talk" Age 18 Apr 3.4

14 April LM plays at Manchester Hotel, Forest Creek

mid April LM plays National Theater in Woolshed

end of April LM returns to Criterion Theater in Bendigo

9 May? LM and Folland return to Sydney from Melbourne in Wonga Wonga, 700 tons

11 May LM and Folland arrive in Sydney

22 May LM and Folland depart from Newcastle on the Jane A.Falkinburg, a clipper barque, 46 days to SF on last trip, headed to SF via Tahiti and Honolulu under Capt Metzger, consigned to J.C.Hewlett

20 June Heald dies at Folkestone

21 June Falkinburg leaves Tahiti

4 July 2nd Officer Wm. N. Rumsville has hand blown off when gun being used to fire holiday salute discharges prematurely.

7 July Falkinburg makes lightning call at Honolulu to land Rumsville

8 July Follard lost overboard one day after Honolulu on return voyage in night, following celebration of his birthday (McCabe diary indicates he was sleeping)

26 July J.A. Falkinburg arrives in SF after two day in calm and fog before the Golden Gate; had boisterous passage from Newcastle to Tahiti to Honolulu, then strong breezes from the East; LM rents iron house on Virginia St SFAlta 4Ap61

7 August LM appears in "Morning Call" and "Eton Boy" at American Theatre in SF

8 August LM appears in "LM in B"

9 August LM in B again

11 August LM in B

12 August Follies of a Night and Eton Boy

13 August Charlotte Corday

14 August Charlotte Corday

15 August Eaton Boy, Olle

16 August Follies of a Night, Olle

18 August Maidens Beware, Spider Dance

19 August LM in burletta "Antony and Cleopatra" and Spider Dance

20 August LM in "School for Scandal" and Spider Dance

21 August LM in Spanish dance, Olle, LM in B, and Antony and

Cleopatra Married and Settled (or Cabin Boy?)

22 August end of run, Antony and Cleopatra and Olle

27 August LM leaves for Sacramento

1 September First night of "A Trip to Australia or LM on Board the Fanny Major" at the American

7 September "LM letter" appears in L'Estafette in France

8 September LM's jewels auctioned by Duncan Bros for about $10,000 for the benefit of Follard's widow and orphans

newspaper report of her interest in spiritualism

9 September Follies of a Night in Sacramento at Forrest Theatre (Admission Day)

10 September Cabin Boy, Matelot, Olle

11 September Rosalie Bouquet in Maidens Beware, Spider Dance

12 September LM in B

13 September Spider Dance, last and benefit perf

Mauclerc letter in L'Estafette in France

17 September LM reported very ill in Grass Valley, unable to make scheduled reappearance in Sacto

29 September Follies of a Night, Antony & Cleo with J.B.Booth at Forrest Theatre, Sacramento

30 September Follies of a Night and A&C

1 October Morning Call and Spider Dance

2 October School for Scandal and Spider Dance, benefit and last

3 October Charlotte Corday

4 October Charlotte Corday, end of run

6 or 11 October LM arrives in San Francisco, takes rooms at Mms. Mendelet’s

13 October LM appears in Follies of a Night to open the fall season at the Metropolitan Theatre in San Francisco

14 October LM plays Carlo in Asmodeus, dances El Olle; makes speech from footlights saying she's leaving for good, for Havana and Eastern states, not for herself but for duty to others

15 October Charlotte Corday and Italian Tarentella

16 October Olle, Spider Dance, Matelot

17 October Yelva and Spider Dance (last performance in California)

23 October LM at Hotel de France in Sacramento,

25 October LM back in Grass Valley

20 November Thanksgiving Day

LM leaves on the Pacific Mail Steamship "Orizaba" for the Atlantic States where she intends to further provide for Folland's orphans; ship leaves at noon from Washington St wharf, commanded by Capt J.H.Blethen; to land at San Juan, Nicaragua, coach to Virgin Bay, then steamer over the lake to San Carlos

Lotta Crabtree makes SF debut

16 December Steamer Tennessee arrives in NYC after connecting with the Orizaba in Nicaragua; Orizaba reportedly brought reinforcements for Walker's filibusterers in Nicaragua;

Dred Scott case set for reargument

arriving shipping lists LM, age 35, US, and Miss Mason, age 26


20 January Major snowstorm in NYC

23 January NYT reports that LM is living quietly in style at 13 Stuyvesant Place (Charles Follin in 1856-7 City Directory)in elegant style and is bringing her 16 year old sister to the stage; reports she netted $23,000 in California and is about to make a tour of the inland cities before visiting England professionally

2 February LM plays Albany at the Green Theater in Eton Boy, Follies of a Night

3 February Follies of a Night, Maidens Beware

4 February LM plays Cabin Boy, Maidens Beware

5 February LM in Bavaria

6 February LM in B, Maidens Beware

7 February Margot the Poultry Dealer, Spider Dance, Cabin Boy

9? February LM and Miriam Follin cross icy Hudson River en route to Providence

12 February LM opens at Forbes Theatre in Providence in LM in Bavaria

13 February LM in B and El Jalco de Xeres

14 February LM in B and El Jalco de Xeres

16 February LM Benefit: Margot the Poultry Dealer, Cabin Boy, Spider Dance

17 February Margot the Poultry Dealer, Cabin Boy, Spider Dance

23 February Pittsburgh Theater: LM in B and El Jaleo de Xeres

24 February LM in B

25 February LM in B and Jaleo de X

26 February Follies of a Night; Rosalie Bouquet; Eton Boy (as Fanny Curry)

27 February LM Benefit and last: Margot the Poultry Dealer; Cabin Boy (w/ hornpipe); Spider Dance

28 February LM in B and Spider

2 March Margot, Cabin Boy, Spider Dance

LM travels to St. Louis, but her opening there is delayed by serious illness

12 March LM opens at St. Louis Theatre in LM in B

13 March LM in B

14 March LM in B

16 March Charlotte Corday

17 March Charlotte Corday plus El Olle

18 March LM Benefit: Margot, Cabin Boy w/ hornpipe, Spider Dance

19 March Yelva, Margot, Spider Dance

20 March School for Scandal, El Olle

21 March LM Benefit: Cabin Boy, Rosalie Bouquet, Spider Dance

23 March Varietes Theatre in St. Louis, LM in B in German

24 March LM in B in German plus Spider Dance

25 March LM Benefit: Olle, Spider, plus three tableau vivante in memory of Robert Blum

30 March LM opens at City Theatre in Louisville in LM in B

1 April LM in B

2 April School for Scandal

4 April Cabin Boy, Antony & Cleopatra, La Tyrolienne

6 April Charlotte Corday, Margot the Poultry Dealer

7 April Charlotte Corday, El Olle

8 April Knave of Hearts, Antony & Cleopatra, El Olle

9 April Follies of a Night, Knave of Hearts, Tyrolienne

10 April Scheduled as a benefit for LM with Margot the Poultry Dealer, El Olle and Spider Dance, but LM gets into a row with manager over a carpet on which she is to dance and performance is cancelled

12 April LM leaves Louisville on mailboat for Cincinnati

13 April LM opens in LM in B at National Theater in Cincinatti

14 April LM in B

15 April LM in B

16 April Follies of a Night & Rosalie Bogart (LM played title role and Achille D'Entrechats)

17 April LM Benefit: Margot, Cabin Boy, Spider Dance

18 April Cabin Boy, A&C, El Ole

20 April Charlotte Corday & Pas de Seul from Tyrolienne

21 April Charlotte C & Tarentella

22 April Knave of Hearts (LM played Chevalier de Follincourt, disguised as Trick, a valet)

23 April The Violet, or The Favourite Flower of Napoleon (LM plays Blanchette) & The College Boy (LM plays Fanny Curry & Tom, the College Boy) & Grand Character Fancy Dance

24 April Farewell Benefit: Margot the Poultry Dealer & Knave of Hearts & Spider Dance

25 April Last night in Cincinatti; LM in B and Spider Dance

28 April LM opens at Rice's Chicago Theater in LM in B

29 April LM in B plus El Olle

30 April Rosalie Bogart & Follies of a Night & Tyrolienne pas

1 May Margot the Poultry Dealer & Rosalie Bogart & Spider Dance

2 May Last night: Cabin Boy, Tyrolienne Pas, Spider Dance; LM then apparently returns to NYC

June The Golden Era (SF) reports LM preparing lectures after seven-week tour, which netted $7,000

13 July LM opens at the Metropolitan Theater in Buffalo in LM in Bavaria (Ole Bull giving a series of farewell performances in Buffalo at the same time)

14 July LM in B

15 July Charlotte Corday

16 July Margot the Poultry Dealer, Rosalie Bogart, El Olle

17 July Cabin Boy, Spider Dance, Hornpipe (her last performance anywhere of Spider Dance)

20 July LM scheduled to open in Toronto, but performance cancelled

21 July LM opens at Royal Lyceum Theatre in LM in Bavaria

22 July ?

23 July Charotte Corday

24 July LM dances Tyrolienne after Margot the Poultry Dealer; last recorded appearance as a dancer

25 July School for Scandal in Toronto, last night (Clipper cutting)

27 July debut lecture at Mechanics Hall, Hamilton, Ontario: Beautiful Women

31 July Buffalo, American Hall, Beautiful Women

1 August Buffalo, Romanism

3 August Rochester, Corinthian Hall, Beautiful Women

4 August Rochester, Origin and Power of Rome

25 August Burlington, VT; Beautiful Women

27 August LM in Montreal writes letter to Montreal Witness defending


28 August Montreal, Bonaventure Hall, Beautiful Women

29 August Montreal, Wits, Women, and Celebrities of Paris

4 September Montreal, Beautiful Women, repeated

28 September LM lectures in Newark on Beautiful Women

2 October Hartford, Touro Hall, Beautiful Women

8 October Boston, Melodeon, Beautiful Women

10 October Boston, Wits and Women of Paris

13 October Boston, Rome and Civilization

16 October New Bedford lecture

17 October Boston, Melodeon, Beautiful Women, repeated

19 October Providence, Westminster Hall, Beautiful Women

20 October Providence, Wits and Women of Paris

November Hull suffers disabling stroke

7 November Philadelphia, Musical Fund Hall on Locust Street, Beautiful Women

10 November Philadelphia, Wits and Women of Paris

12 November Philadelphia, Gallantry (first time anywhere)

14 November Philadelphia, Beautiful Women, repeated

16 November LM writes letter from American Hotel, Philadelphia

19 November LM writes from Baltimore to Robert MacKenzie in Philadelphis (see Tab I)

end of November LM reportedly delivers three lectures in Baltimore and one in Washington

4 December Philadelphia, Musical Fund Hall, Heroines and Strong-Minded Women of History (first time anywhere)

12 December Mrs Held and Miss Held sail from NYC on the Fulton for Le Havre NYH

25 December NYT correspondent with dateline Mon 28 Dec in Paris reports LM was in town, having arrived on the Fulton from NYC on 25 Dec and was already seeking passage back by the Saturday Cunarder; says she was looking for rich husband but failed (NYT 1 Feb 58)

26 December LM reportedly slaps man on Rue de la Veille Comedie on the Left Bank in Paris when he steps on her skirt (Allgemeine Zeitung, 31 Dec 57)


2 January LM leaves Liverpool on the American

16 January American arrives at Halifax at 10 a.m. (NYH)

18 January American arrives at Boston in beautiful weather after experiencing heavy westerlies the whole trip

29 January Prince Sulkowski says in letter to friend in Albany that he is happily married and has no intention of marrying LM SFBul, GEra 7 Feb

3 February LM lectures at Hope Chapel on "Beautiful Women" NYH

5 February LM lectures at Hope Chapel in NYC on "Beautiful Women"NYT

8 February Wits and Women of Paris at Hope Chapel NYT

9 February LM appears as witness in Jobson v. Griffin

10 February LM lectures at Hope Chapel on "Gallantry" NYH

15 February LM lectures at Hope Chapel on "Heroines and Strong-minded Women of History"

18 February LM again witness at Jobson hearing, which erupts in violence

20 February LM Brooklyn lecture postponed to 24 February, storm

21 February LM reported living with German friends in Bayard St (Sunday Dispatch)

24 February Beautiful Women at the Brooklyn Atheneum

26 February LM witness at contempt hearing for Jobson and Seeley

LM’s age given as 41 in GEra

27 February Brooklyn, Atheneum, Women of Paris

2 March Jobson and Seeley sent to jail for contempt

LM visits Seeley in jail (Sunday Dispatch)

8 March LM lecture on "Strong-Minded Women" at Brooklyn Atheneum postponed due to storm

9 March Brooklyn, Atheneum, Strong-Minded Women

18 March Jobson lectures on "LM and her Fancies" in Stuyvestant Hall

18 March LM in Bavaria presented in German at German theatre in the Bowery (without LM in the cast) followed by LM's lecture in English on "Comic Aspects of Love"

20 March LM delivers Wits and Women of Paris followed by a play at the German Stadttheater

23 March LM lectures at NY Stadt Theater on "Gallantry"

5 April LM lectures at Hope Chapel on "Lola Montez" pt 1

9 April LM writes to Mrs. Buchanan from 25 Bayard St

13 April LM concludes lecture on "Lola Montez" ("positively last lecture in NY")

18 April LM's purse stolen on crowded Third Ave car (NYT)

21 April LM to be witness again according to NY Staatszeitung 2.2

21 May Hull dies at Marysville, age 33 or 34

24 May LM delivers Pt 1 of LM lecture at Broadway Theatre

25 May LM delivers Pt 2 of LM lecture at Broadway Theatre

26 May LM lectures on Comic Aspects of Love and then appears in "Morning Call" at Broadway Theater

27 May LM lectures on Comic Aspects of Love and plays "Morning Call" at Bway Theatre

28 May LM lecture on Strong-Minded Women and plays "Morning Call" at Bway Theatre

29 May LM lectures on Wits and Women of Paris and plays "Morning Call at Bway Theatre (this was apparently her last stage appearance)

31 May LM lectures on Beautiful Women at Bway Theatre

June Thomas James takes out passport to visit the continent

1 June LM lectures on Beautiful Women at Bway Theatre

2 June LM lectures at Bway Theatre on Roman Catholicism

3 June LM lectures on Wits and Women of Paris at Bway T

4 June LM lectures on Gallantry at Bway Th

Late June LM's Lectures appear from Rudd & Carlton

1 July Hearing on suit by Jobson against Bennett of the NYH

20 August LM writes from Yorkville neighborhood of NYC to Leland re Arts of Beauty and saying she will be leaving in "a couple of months" for Europe WMM page 239

late August-early September “Trim” attends LM dinner party at her Yorkville cottage at 90th and 3rd Ave (NY Post 9 Nov 1868 page 1.1)

"Arts of Beauty" published (Frank Leslie review)

2 September Le Figaro begins first of two installments of LM's autobiographical lectures translated into French

29 September LM comes to town to hear DeRiviere lecture on "Love" but he is arrested

late September LM states she has been ill (NYPL clipping)

2 October DeRiviere lectures on "Love"

3 October Angry letter of rebuttal to LM’s autobiography appears in Le Figaro from Dujarier’s brother-in-law and executor

11 October Massett lecturing in NYC

13 October LM delivers Romanism lecture at Hope Chapel as benefit for Rev. Ralph Hoyt's church

1 November Date of LM letter to NYH claiming authorship of her lectures

early November LM writes to Leland about her coming departure and states she intends to return in July WMM page 239

8 November LM departs NYC on the Pacific with Heman and Chauncey Burr

23 November LM lands at Galway on the Pacific

late November LM pays private visit to relatives in Cork

4 December LM arrives in Dublin, checks into Bilton Hotel

6 December Date of LM’s letter to the Freeman’s Journal replying to their account of her life

8 December LM lectures in the Round Room, Rotundo, Dublin on "America and its People"

10 December Dublin, "Comic Aspects of Fashion"

13 December Dublin, "English and American Character"

17 December Cork, Atheneum, "English and American Character"

20 December Cork, Atheneum, "America and its People"

22 December Limerick, Royale Theatre, "America and its People"


8 January Manchester, Free Trade Hall, ?

9 January Manchester, Free Trade Hall, "English & Am Character"

10 January Leeds, Music Hall, "English & Am Character"

11 January Bradford, St.George's Hall, "English & Am Character"

12 January Leeds, Music Hall, "Female Fashion"

15 January Manchester, Free Trade Hall, "Comic Fashion"

20 January Liverpool, English and American Character

22 January Manchester, Free Trade Hall, "Strong-Minded Women"

late January Liverpool, Comic Aspects of Fashion

31 January Glasgow, City Hall, "English & Am Character"

2 February Glasgow, City Hall, "Comic Fashion"

7 February Edinburgh, Music Hall, Comic Fashion

9 February Edinburgh, Music Hall, English and American Character

14 February Sunderland, Lyceum, "Comic Fashion"

16 February York, Concert Room, “Comic Fashion”

LM insulted by fashionable nose-thumber in audience

South Shields? Kingston? Stoke on Trent?

21 February Sheffield, Surrey St Music Hall, "Comic Fashion"

22 February Nottingham, Mechanics Hall, "Comic Fashion"

23 February Leicester, Music Hall, "Comic Fashion"

25 February Wolverhampton, Corn Exchange, "Comic Fashion"

28 February Worcester, Music Hall, "Comic Fashion"

2 March Birmingham, Town Hall, "Comic Fashion"

4 March Birmingham, Town Hall, "Eng & Am Character"

Coventry? Leamington?

8 March Bristol, Broadrand? Rooms, "Eng & Am Character"

9 March Bath, Assembly Rooms, ?

15 March Brighton, Pavillion Music Room, "Comic Fashion"

18 March Southampton, Victorian Rooms, ?

Portsmounth, Worthing, Winchester, Bournemouth, Reading?

28 March Brighton, Town Hall, ?

4 April LM writes to Miss Mitchell from 4 Weymouth Street, Portland Place, London (NYPL) 4 Weymouth Street in City Directory as residence of the Misses Penny

7 April LM delivers first of series of four lectures at St. James' Hall, London "English and American Character"

8 April "Europeans in the New World"

14 April "Comic Aspects of Fashion"

15 April "Strong-Minded Women"

16 April Rochester lecture

summer LM leases large house in Park Lane and intends to rent out rooms but fails as landlady

10 June LM lectures on Slavery in America

13 June LM writes note to unknown author from 26 Park Lane West, Piccadilly (Texas facsimile)

15 June LM lectures at St James on Strong-minded women

late summer LM loses lease on house, becomes ill, is taken in by elderly couple from Derbyshire at their country home

10 September First quoted entry in LM's diary of spiritual renewal in Derbyshire

17 September Second quoted entry

24 September Third diary entry

1 October Diary indicates LM is back in London after dispute with her host

4 October LM departs Southampton on the Hammonia, screw steamship under captain Schwelin

17 October LM arrives 1830 at NYC on Hammonia traveling first class as Miss Heald NYH; evening papers report John Brown's attack on Harper's Ferry

5 November LM reported living quietly uptown, having joined New Connection Methodists

29 November LM writes to NY Herald defending herself against charge she slandered the US while in England

15 December LM lectures in NYC, Mozart Hall, John Bull at Home


5 January NYC, Mozart Hall, Fashion

21 January LM writes souvenir note in NYC to Lucinda Storrs (Bancroft collection)

25 January Philadelphia, Musical Fund Hall, John Bull

27 January Fashion

30 January Baltimore, Maryland Institute, John Bull at Home

writes letter to Dr. MacKenzie of Philadelphia

31 January Washington D.C., Philharmonic Hall, John Bull at Home

2 February Fashion; stays at National Hotel; writes note of introduction for friend from California to Ned Wilkins of the NYHerald

3 February Baltimore, Maryland Institute, Fashion

8 February Pittsburgh, Lafayette Hall, Fashion

9 February Cleveland, Chapin's Hall, Fashion

11 February Cleveland, John Bull at Home

LM writes Camille in London , says she will be on the road lecturing about six more weeks

18 February Cincinnati, Melodeon, John Bull at Home

20 February Cincinnati, Fashion

22 February Cincinnati, Strong-Minded Women

5 March Louisville, Masonic Hall, John Bull at Home

7 March Louisville, Fashion

LM writes to Mrs. Buchanan saying she has lectured almost every night in Ohio and Indiana

8 March LM leaves for St.Louis, headed for Chicago and Detroit with plans to return to NYC at end of April

9 March St. Louis, Mercantile Library Hall, John Bull at Home

10 March St.Louis, Fashion

12 March St. Louis, Strong-Minded Women

14 March Springfield, IL, Cook’s Hall, Fashion

Rock Island, Rockford, Ill?

28 March Chicago, Metropolitan Hall, John Bull at Home

30 March Chicago, Fashion

31 March Chicago, Strong-Minded Women

2 April Detroit, Firemen's Hall, John Bull at Home

3 April Detroit, Fashion

5 April Toronto, St.Lawrence Hall, Fashion

7 April Buffalo, St. James Hall, Fashion

9 April Rochester, Corinthian Hall, Fashion

11 April Albany, Association Hall, Fashion

LM apparently returns directly to NYC

22 June LM noted in census at 15 Clinton Place, “Mrs. Heald, born Ireland, age 40”

29 June Note from "Jennie" mailed from Rock Island, Ill to 13 Clinton Pl, NY (Andy Rogers)

30 June LM has stroke at 15 Clinton Place in Manhatten NYH

early July LM moved by Buchanans to Astoria

29 July LM signs her will

12 August Report of crippled LM at Astoria (Sunday Dispatch)

9 September Further report of crippled LM at Astoria

October LM moved back to Manhattan to room at 194 West 17th Street, nurse Margaret Hamilton employed to care for her

October? LM asks Dr. Cooper to treat her (Rogers)

November? LM's mother visits her in NYC but leaves after visiting her only a few times

December Mrs. Buchanan writes to Mrs. Craigie that LM is improving rapidly and able to walk unaided

25 December LM catches cold on walk (NYH obit)


8 January Peißner signs preface to The American Question

9 January LM signs his will, witnessed by H.G. DeForest and James Condie, appointing Michael Higgins as executor and leaving $300 to Magdalen Asylum, residue to Mrs. Buchanan for charitable purposes

17 January LM dies at 194 W. 17th St.(almost to 8th Avenue on south side of the street)

19 January LM buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn in early morning

9 February Pony Express arrives at Sacto with St Louis despatch of 22 Jan, 1 a.m. "LM died at NY on 17th"

16 March Mrs Buchanan writes to Ludwig;

LM’s will is admitted to probate

9 April L replies to Mrs. B

21 Sept Mrs. B writes to L again for money to fence LM’s grave


8 October John James dies


2 May Peißner killed at Chancellorsville

19 September Menken opens in Pas de Fascination in SF as K.Kloper


28 September NYT obituary for Rev. Francis Lister Hawks, born June 10, 1798


"Story of a Penitent" published

fall Elise Montez, "daughter of LM and Dujarier,” makes debut at the Odeon in Paris as Phedre


29 February Ludwig dies in Nice


1 January Thomas James marries Louisa Bannington


17 May James dies at 1 Kildare Terrace, Bayswater, London


15 November LM's mother found burned in her home (26 Queen's Row or Rd)

21 November LM's mother dies of shock and exhaustion


1 May Charles Chauncey Burr dies in West Hoboken


30 April Hearing in NYC for Anna O'Delia Diss DeBar, who claims to be daughter of LM and Ludwig, able to call up her spirit in trances; Luther Marsh, attorney, is defrauded by her and successfully sues her


25 December NY obituary announces death in New Orleans of Alice Devereux, wife of carpenter and supposedly LM's daughter WMM [I can find no trace of any obituary for such a person in the New Orleans newspapers nor anywhere else, but Wyndham doesn’t make things up.]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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