

(Book of Truth – Maria Divine Mercy)


Clergy will be asked to renew their Sacred Vows by pledging allegiance to the false prophet and new heretical pagan doctrines which includes the denial of the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist. Clergy will be summoned to retreats where they will be persuaded to agree to the new vows. This new oath will render their Holy Orders to Our Lord useless and will be tantamount to crucifying Our Lord again.

The new unholy faith pledge/oath of allegiance will be recited by clergy and laity like the Apostles Creed in a “modernized” liturgy. A new unholy form of the Sacrament of Confirmation will be introduced that features the faith pledge.

These changes will be introduced as part of a new evangelization effort to modernize the Catholic Church by uniting all religions in one “communion” before God. Social justice and charity to the poor will be emphasized as part of this new evangelization.

SPECIAL PRAYERS (Mother of Salvation):

You must continue to feed the souls of those, who rely on you to feed them with the Most Holy Eucharist. If you remain loyal to my Son and continue to serve God’s children, as it is your duty, you will serve Him with great dignity. I ask that you pray My Most Holy Rosary daily to give you the strength you will need and for protection from Satan, because those times ahead, which are almost upon you, will become unbearable. By keeping the Seal of the Living God prayer close to you at all times, you will receive extra Protection from the evil one.

Crusade Prayer (33) Seal of the Living God

O My God, My loving Father

I accept with love and gratitude

Your Divine Seal of Protection

Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul, for eternity

I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty

To you my Beloved Father

I beg you to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal

And I pledge my life to your service, forever and ever

I love you, dear Father

I console you in these times, dear Father

I offer you the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son

In atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all Your children.


I desire that all priests, who will have to face these sorrowful trials, recite this Crusade Prayer (135) To defend the Truth:

O beloved Mother of Salvation, help me in my moment of need. Pray that I am blessed with the Gifts poured down upon my unworthy soul, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, to defend the Truth at all times. Sustain me in every incident, where I am asked to deny the Truth, the Word of God, the Holy Sacraments and the Most Holy Eucharist. Help me to use the Graces I receive to stand firm against the wickedness of Satan and all those poor souls he uses to defile your Son, Jesus Christ. Help me in my hour of need. For the sake of souls, give me the courage to provide the Sacraments to each child of God, when I may be forbidden by the enemies of God to do so. Amen.

For many of you who find it difficult to accept that these things are to come, there will come a day when you will recite this, Crusade Prayer (158) three times a day, because the pressures, which will be placed upon you to deny my Son, will be overwhelming.

Crusade Prayer (158) Protect me from the one world religion:

Dear Jesus, protect me from the evil of the new one world religion, which does not come from You. Sustain me on my journey to freedom, along the path to Your Holy Kingdom. Keep me in union with You, whenever I am tormented and forced to swallow lies, which are spread by Your enemies to destroy souls. Help me to withstand persecution, to remain firm to the True Word of God against false doctrines and other sacrileges, which I may be forced to accept. Through the Gift of my free will, take me into the Domain of Your Kingdom, to enable me to stand up and proclaim the Truth, when it will be declared to be a lie. Never let me falter, hesitate or run away in fear, in the face of persecution. Help me to remain firm and steadfast to the Truth for as long as I live. Amen.


Satan will not win over My Church if My servants are alert to the deceit and see it for what it is. A diabolical lie, from which, if you become involved and swear allegiance to this new abomination, there will be no return!

You will be asked to show allegiance to the false prophet very soon. See him for what he is and judge his works in order to see if they bear fruit. For the fruit that he and his slavish devotees will yield will be rotten to the core. One bite will destroy your allegiance to Me. Two or more bites will drive such a wedge between you and My Sacred Heart that you will find it almost impossible to enter My Father’s Kingdom.

They will change their solemn vows to justify their participation in the building of a new temple – the new temple dedicated to the rule of the false prophet. Then they will no longer be servants of Mine, for they will switch allegiance and honour the false prophet.

Even then, if you do not accept My prophet and the Words I give her, I will still give you time. For very soon you will be asked to renew your vows by those leaders amongst you. You will be asked to pledge your life through sworn testimony to the laws of paganism. If you do this, you will be under the influence of the evil one and you will do battle with God.

The rest of My sacred servants will sign a pledge of allegiance to the new one world religion. It will be then that you will be divided into two – those who follow the Truth and those who will accept laws, which amount to only one thing – the adulation of false gods and the condonement of sin.

Under the guise of a renewal and regeneration of the Catholic Church, all the clergy, within this Church, will be sent on retreats to encourage them to accept the new apostolate. These will become widespread and many will be told that the objective is to unite everyone in the world, in the name of justice. This new mission will, they will be told, embrace the world’s poor and strive to bring about unity. They will be asked to pledge their allegiance, through a new oath, to remain faithful to the Church. They will not be asked to place their faith in Me or My Holy Word. Instead, they will swear allegiance to the new self-proclaimed leaders who have taken over the Chair of Peter.

Make no mistake that those who have been bestowed with the Gift of Holy Orders will be asked to participate in a falsity, where I, Jesus Christ, will not be at the forefront, though it will appear to be the case. Money will be a driving force and a new financial organization will be set up to control the seeking of funds to ensure that the world’s poor will benefit.

When you amend your Holy Orders, in any way, and then pledge your life to someone who breaks all ties with Me, you will no longer be fit to serve Me. Everything will be seen to be made simple in the Eyes of God. The plan will be to convince those sacred servants of Mine to take part, willingly, in the abomination, which will link society and a secular world with the Church, which was set up by Me, Jesus Christ.

The greatest injustice within my Son’s Church will soon be witnessed, where both ordinary believers and sacred servants alike, will be accused of disobedience against the Teachings of Jesus Christ. You will be asked to take an oath – to be recited like the Apostles Creed – to declare your allegiance to an altered form of worshipping God. By swearing, through this oath, not acknowledged in the Most Holy Bible, you will place your soul in great danger. The liturgy will be changed and new additions declared, while other parts, recited for many years, will no longer be made known. This wicked plan will be justified because they will take all the attributes associated with my Son and declare these to be the reason for such changes.

My dearly beloved daughter, I must ask all of My sacred servants to watch out for the summons to attend retreats, which will be introduced to persuade them to agree to a new oath of allegiance, which will render useless – should they agree to do this – their most sacred vows, which they made to Me, Jesus Christ.

Heed now, My warning – side with the beast and swear an unholy oath to honour heresy and you will find it very difficult to prise yourselves away from his vile grip. Pray that you will have the wisdom to see the Truth.

The false prophet will introduce a powerful ecumenical faith and this will satisfy every heretic. The majority of those in my Son’s Church will be deceived, but almost one-half of my Son’s sacred servants will refuse to swear to the final oath, which will be falsely declared as one to the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Eucharist and its desecration will be at the heart of all discontent and dissidence.

When you hear speak of the new renewal of the faith pledge, which will be a form of the Sacrament of Confirmation, know then that this will be manmade. It will be meaningless in My Eyes. It will be presented by the false prophet as part of his global plan to unite all religions in the world. My Divinity will be brushed to one side. My Word forgotten and buried, while My Teachings will be twisted, in order to coerce the faithful into accepting a new form of so-called evangelism.

Woe to priests, bishops and cardinals, who dare to defend the Word of God, for they will suffer the most. While some will be excommunicated and accused of heresy – though they will only speak up for the True Word of God – others will be too weak. Many poor sacred servants will give into the pressure to denounce the Laws of God. If they do not agree to embrace the doctrine of lies, they will be thrown to the wolves. Those, whose faith will have already weakened and who love worldly things and who have a fierce ambition in their souls, will be the first in the queue to swear allegiance to the new ‘pledge’.

When the day comes and when they are called to swear an oath, which will deny the Divinity of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, they must never doubt the real intentions of those who demand this of them. When they are asked to renounce the meaning of the Holy Eucharist and accept a new interpretation, they will know then that the hour has come. That will be the day when the rot will set in and the crumbling of the walls will be witnessed under the roofs of churches everywhere.

The faith of my Son’s holy servants will be shattered, as many will feel compelled to desert Him through acts of sacrilege. Many poor unfortunate servants will be asked to swear allegiance to a new oath and they will be too frightened to walk away, although many will know, deep within their hearts, that it will be wrong.

It is when My Church turns My Teachings upside down; inside out and back to front, that you will know that the time has come for the antichrist to take centre stage. Those who worship the beast will sign their own death warrant and will hand over their free will, a Sacred Gift from God, to My enemies. Once you swear an oath to this new false doctrine, you will be guilty of crucifying Me and your punishment will be severe.

Why, you may ask, would you be punished for your obedience to your elders? The answer is simple. When you swore an oath to serve Me, you agreed to uphold the Truth. When you break this oath, because of your obedience to those enemies of Mine to come, then it is not I, Jesus Christ, you will serve. You can only uphold the Truth, for I Am the Truth. Deny the Truth and you deny Me. When you deny Me, as a servant of God, you will no longer be fit to instruct God’s children towards their Eternal Salvation.

There will be times of great pain and persecution ahead and you must prepare for this now. In the future, your faith will be tested to its limit and you will be forced to agree to take a new vow, where you will be asked to show allegiance to a new doctrine, which will not be of my Son. Those amongst you, who will recognise the false doctrine, when it is presented to you, must not succumb to it. When you are instructed to adapt and amend the Most Holy Sacraments, you must run. My Son’s Church is to be tested beyond its endurance. To those of you who may discard the Truth in favour of a new amended doctrine – which they will say is necessary to suit men’s needs – know that this will be a great betrayal of the Word of God.

Because of the Holy vows you took to serve my Son, you have a duty to God’s children to feed them with the Body and Blood of my Son, Jesus Christ. There will come a time, however, when you will be forced to amend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. There will be those amongst you who will know, instantly, that a great wrong is being committed and so you must turn your backs.

There will be many priests among you who will not find the courage to uphold the Word of God, but you must never be afraid to show allegiance to my Son. If you betray my Son you will bring with you innocent souls, who will find themselves, unwittingly,being brought into error and into a terrible darkness.


From the Book of Truth

(Maria Divine Mercy)

“Message to priests, Bishops and Cardinals about false prophet”

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011 @ 15:50

My dearly beloved daughter, you have suffered because the deceiver is tormenting you. You must pray hard to resist his attacks on you. Place all your trust in Me and then let Me deal with these. Instead, you are getting upset, when you must offer this suffering to Me with joy in your heart. If you keep reminding yourself that it is because you are in union with Me that these sufferings come about and that you are truly blessed as a chosen soul, then you will feel differently.

Many of My followers are now beginning to realise what is happening in the world and through the graces of the Holy Spirit they are rising to the challenge of defending My Word. This army of the faithful will become stronger now and will fearlessly lead

sinners towards salvation.

My Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict, needs your prayers. Pray for him daily for he needs protection on every level to take him through the torment that lies ahead. It is important that My followers keep alert to any new pope that may come forward for he will not

be from God. Please urge all My sacred servants to prepare for the terrible challenges, the most daunting they will ever have to face in their ministry. It will take great courage to stand up to the Truth of My Teachings. So many of My sacred servants are blind to the promises I made, when I said I would come again. When did they think this would be? So used are they to reciting My Teachings that they have forgotten that they may witness these events at any time and, perhaps, even in their own lifetime. For this is one of the greatest challenges today.

If I sent prophets into the world thousands of years ago, then of course, I will send them again in the period to prepare the world for when I will come again.

Wake up to the lessons you teach your congregation. Realise that it is I who speaks to you now. Many will come in My Name, but few will speak the Truth. This Message comes from Me, your Divine Saviour. Pray for the discernment to recognise My True Voice when it is given to you. Open your hearts now and listen to what I have to tell you. The time has come, to inform you, that the prophecies contained in the Book of Revelation are about to unfold before your eyes.

You, My beloved servants, must fight with bravery, through your love for Me, against the obstacles placed by the deceiver that will challenge you to the end of your endurance. You must acknowledge that the false prophet is about to seduce you. Charm you. Convince you that he represents the Truth. You must now show your allegiance to Me, and My Eternal Father. Please do not despair. For although these events will frighten you and disturb you, your allegiance and loyalty must be to Me.

For the first time in your ministry, your faith will be truly tested now. The Church of Peter is My Church. But when the Keys are handed back to God the Father, which they will be now, the Church becomes part of My Kingdom. I Am the Truth. Follow the

Truth at all times.

Pray to Me now, for the graces required to ensure you will rise above the deceit of Satan in time. Otherwise the false prophet will ensnare My beloved children through his charismatic, charmful ways, the ways of the deceiver, with whom he is entangled. Satan will not win over My Church if My servants are alert to the deceit and see it for what it is. A diabolical lie, from which, if you become involved and swear allegiance to this new abomination, there will be no return!

Hear Me now. Turn to Me for guidance and the special graces required to lead My flock back to Me and My Heavenly Father. For when you do, I will bestow such graces that it will not be long before you will find the strength to defend My Word, at all costs.

I love you all and yearn for your support during these end times.


“Changes to be introduced in the Church, which will contradict the Word of God”

Tuesday, September 13th, 2011 @ 15:15

My dearly beloved daughter, it is I, Jesus Christ, Who came in the flesh.

My Most Holy Word must now be heard by My sacred servants everywhere. All My followers must share these Messages with My sacred servants of all Christian denominations. It is vital that they are encouraged to hear My Word at this crucial time, before they are torn asunder and split into two camps.

The work of the deceiver has infiltrated My Church on every level. Very soon now, slowly but surely, you will see Holy Masses being reduced. You will see the removal of special prayers and some of the Sacraments, such as Confession, begin to diminish. I

call on My sacred servants now to listen to Me and pray for discernment. It is I Who calls you now, so I can save your flock. It is I Who wants to open your hearts so you can plan for these end times, which will herald a brand new beginning for the world.

You will be asked to show allegiance to the false prophet very soon. See him for what he is and judge his works in order to see if they bear fruit. For the fruit that he and his slavish devotees will yield will be rotten to the core. One bite will destroy your allegiance to Me. Two or more bites will drive such a wedge between you and My Sacred Heart that you will find it almost impossible to enter My Father’s Kingdom.

Watch carefully now the changes you will see creeping in within your own ministry. Some of these adjustments will not seem to be a problem in the beginning. But as time moves on certain changes will be forced upon you and you will be made to swallow lies.

The lies will come from Satan and will be dressed in sheep’s clothing.

For those pure of heart you will know instantly and will recognize the evil cunning in place, which is being designed to destroy My Church on Earth, from within its own corridors.

My Truth will cause gasps of indignity throughout the world when My priests will say surely this prophecy is a lie? The only lie that they will have to bear witness to will be the one they are forced to approve, which will be in direct opposition to My Sacred Scriptures given to mankind right from the start. Never allow yourselves to accept any other Truth other than that contained in the Holy Bible.

Many changes will be introduced, which will contradict the Word of My Eternal Father. These changes, My sacred servants, won’t be of divine origin and you must reject these untruths if you want to remain loyal to Me.

Wake up. Stand up to those lies you will have to face. Never accept them. My Eternal Father’s Word will never change. It can never be adjusted by mankind. Many of you will be so distraught that you will find yourselves isolated from your fellow sacred servants. Fear not, for there is only one side you can choose. That will be the side where I stand. There is no other side.



“A number of events regarding the Churches, which honor Me in the world, will begin to surface”

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012 @ 20:30

My dear mystical spouse, My dearly beloved daughter, your trials have given you a new strength and the passion needed to touch the hearts of many.

This is one of the ways in which I will touch the souls of those who need My Graces. I will do this through your work for Me, so that conversion can spread quickly.

During this time a number of events regarding the Churches, which honour Me, in the world will begin to surface.

The schism in My Catholic Church will soon be made public.

When this is done it will be to the sound of applause for those who have separated the Truth of My Teachings from the Commandments laid down by My Father.

The planning and co-ordination of this grand scheme has taken some time, but soon they will announce the schism before the world’s media.

Many, shouting at the top of their voices present lies, not only against the laws laid down by My Teachings. What they really want is to create a new god. The new figurehead of My Church will be promoted as like any high profile election of political leaders.

They will make you want to believe that the Words of old are deceitful. Then they will tell you not to believe in them. They will change the ways in which they have lived My Teachings and change the way they honour Me.

They will now push My Laws to one side and will worship laws of their own making.

They will change their solemn vows to justify their participation in the building of a new temple – the new temple dedicated to the rule of the false prophet.

Then they will no longer be servants of Mine, for they will switch allegiance and honour the false prophet.

Then they will worship a false god, a brand new concept, which will allow for certain laws of God to be abolished and replaced with obscenities before My Eyes.

This is My warning to those priests amongst you who will pull away from the Catholic Church.

When you stop trusting in Me fully, your heads will be turned to believe in lies. When you trust deceitful rulers you will fall into terrible sin. You will honour the beast, who will defile My Church by plunging the crown of thorns on the Head of My Church, My true Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict.

You will suffer terribly when you serve the beast, for you will be depriving God of His children. Turn back to your true roots. Do not allow My Church to be defiled by the sins planned by people who want to destroy Christianity and other religions, which honour My Father.

You, My sacred servants, who disobey your Holy Orders, cut off your hearts from Me, while these deceivers will steal your souls.

The biggest sin you are about to commit is to honour a false god. Dressed in jewels, he will be charming, subtle and with a seemingly good grasp of the Teachings of My Father’s Book. You will fall under his spell. He will twist My Teachings so they become heresy.

This religion, an alternative to the Truth of God, is worthless. Yet it will have an exterior of charm, love and wonder, and dressed with new gold and precious stones, it will feature as the new one-world religion on all altars.

To those faithful priests, I tell you this. I will bless you with the Graces to understand the Truth at all times.

Such idols, presented to you as the Truth, are but clay. They are made of wooden objects. They are nothing. They do not have any meaning. No Graces will be emitted. God, the One True God, will simply not be present in their churches. Only the Living God can be present in My Churches. When God the Father witnesses this final insult, He will exile those who bring alive these pagan practices. Then He will demand an explanation from those who cause the schism in His Holy Church on earth – these same servants who arrogantly dismiss the Word of God so casually.

When they face Me, during the Warning, they will know how they have hurt My Father. No person or sacred servant has control because there is only one Master. Only one God. They are introducing a man-made god. He does not exist, yet they will steal My flock from Me. They will be given every grace and shown much patience. If they do not repent, they will be destroyed.

Each of you will be repaid for every soul you have lost to Me.


“Today My Church on earth will be Crucified. Today marks the beginning of the changes”

Friday, March 29th, 2013 @ 00:15 - Good Friday

My dearly beloved daughter, today My Church on earth will be Crucified.

Today marks the beginning of the changes, which will be rapid and which will come about to change the face of the Catholic Church in the world.

In its wake will come the merging of all doctrines, which will be seen in every public sign and demonstrated deliberately for the sake of public witness.

Watch now, as all I have told you will come to light. I defy, those amongst you, to deny the awful truth when you are forced to swallow a lie.

You, My followers, must protect My Sacraments and be vigilant. You, My sacred servants, will soon be put to the test, as My Divinity will be challenged. God’s Laws will be adapted, and as soon as My Holy Eucharist is tampered with, the Hand of God will descend with such force that you will know, immediately, that these Messages come from Heaven.

My Sorrow will become your sorrow. Your grief, because of your knowledge of the Truth, will make it impossible for you to accept the sacrileges, which you will be instructed to embrace.

Even then, if you do not accept My prophet and the Words I give her, I will still give you time. For very soon you will be asked to renew your vows by those leaders amongst you. You will be asked to pledge your life through sworn testimony to the laws of paganism. If you do this, you will be under the influence of the evil one and you will do battle with God.

You must persevere and remain loyal to Me and you must beg Me for guidance at a time when the man who sits in the Chair of Peter, who refuses to follow in his footsteps or wear his shoes, will destroy your allegiance to God.

As you now witness the Crucifixion of My Church on earth, I will call you to proclaim the Truth of God. I will keep calling you in order to protect you. I will ensure that My Church, those who adhere to My Teachings, My Sacraments and the Word of God, lives

on through the remnant who will never desert Me.

There will be those amongst you who will betray Me today. Others amongst you will soon denounce My Sacraments, as you will be too weak to defend the Word of God. Those of you who already suspect the truth and who try to spread My Word will suffer because you won’t have the courage to stand up for the Truth. Yet, you will still remain loyal to Me, as you know that you cannot live without My Love.

Listen to My Voice. Lean your weary head upon My Shoulder and allow Me to wrap My Arms around you at this time. I will always protect you.


“The rest of My sacred servants will sign a pledge of allegiance to the new one world religion”

Wednesday, June 5th, 2013 @ 17:45

My dearly beloved daughter, more of My sacred servants are, at last, responding to My Call, although by doing so it means a very lonely journey for them.

Their duty is to their superiors, for I have given My Church on Earth the authority to assert itself over all of God’s children. They, My sacred servants, must adhere to all instructions given to them by My Church, until the day My Sacraments are changed. Then, their duty will be to Me.

To those of My sacred servants who do not believe in the prophecies foretold, where My Church on Earth will be destroyed from within, you need to pray, so that I will keep you strong and loyal to My Teachings, until the day of darkness will wipe out all Presence of Me in the Holy Tabernacles around the world. For when that happens, your only duty will be to Me, Jesus Christ.

Do not let your hearts be troubled, because once you proclaim only the Truth of My Teachings and administer the Sacraments in the ways in which you were taught, this will be your saving Grace. If, and when, you are instructed to reject the Truth of My Church on Earth, then this is when you will have to discern.

This day has not yet come, but when you are asked by those within your highest ranks to discard the Holy Eucharist, you will know then that you were given the Truth.

When you are asked to accept certain doctrines, before that day comes, which you will know in your hearts could never be condoned by Me, you will realise the awful reality of the destruction, which faces the Church.

It will only be the brave and the courageous amongst you, who will stand up for the Truth when they try to make you accept pagan lies, who will remain loyal to Me. You will continue to administer the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, Confession, Confirmation, Marriage and Extreme Unction.

The rest of My sacred servants will sign a pledge of allegiance to the new one world religion. It will be then that you will be divided into two – those who follow the Truth and those who will accept laws, which amount to only one thing – the adulation of false gods and the condonement of sin.

Many of you will no longer honour Me. If you do not remain loyal to Me and feed My flock with lies, many will be lost to Me. Yet, when these souls realise that they have been deceived, I will show great Mercy. You, however, having been trained to understand My Teachings, to honour My Holy Word and administer the Most Holy Sacraments, will betray Me.


“They will be asked to pledge their allegiance, through a new oath, to remain faithful to the Church”

Sunday, August 18th, 2013 @ 17:45

My dearly beloved daughter, the plan by the false prophet to deceive the world’s clergy has begun.

Under the guise of a renewal and regeneration of the Catholic Church, all the clergy, within this Church, will be sent on retreats to encourage them to accept the new apostolate. These will become widespread and many will be told that the objective is to unite everyone in the world, in the name of justice. This new mission will, they will be told, embrace the world’s poor and strive to bring about unity. They will be asked to pledge their allegiance, through a new oath, to remain faithful to the Church. They will not be asked to place their faith in Me or My Holy Word. Instead, they will swear allegiance to the new self-proclaimed leaders who have taken over the Chair of Peter.

Make no mistake that those who have been bestowed with the Gift of Holy Orders will be asked to participate in a falsity, where I, Jesus Christ, will not be at the forefront, though it will appear to be the case. Money will be a driving force and a new financial organization will be set up to control the seeking of funds to ensure that the world’s poor will benefit.

When you amend your Holy Orders, in any way, and then pledge your life to someone who breaks all ties with Me, you will no longer be fit to serve Me. Everything will be seen to be made simple in the Eyes of God. The plan will be to convince those sacred servants of Mine to take part, willingly, in the abomination, which will link society and a secular world with the Church, which was set up by Me, Jesus Christ.

This is how I will be insulted. Every effort to embrace secularism will be applauded by non-believers and this will be seen to be a good thing, for the new, so-called modern society of today.

It will soon seem strange to Christians when they see members of the secular world embrace the Catholic Church, so enthusiastically. But many will brush off their doubts and dismiss their concerns, as they will fall for the great deceit. At the kernel of this plan to revolutionize the Church lies a hatred for Me and everything that I gave My Church. You must question everything in the days ahead. Demand answers when they change My Teachings and twist them to suit pagans. No disciple, appointed by Me, would ever be given the authority to do this, for it amounts to blasphemy.

Woe to those who allow My Holy Word to be tampered with and allow room to be set aside to show respect for those who deny Me.


“Mother of Salvation: You will be mocked for failing to recognise the new interpretation of Catholicism”

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013 @ 16:30

My child, my Heart is entwined with that of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, at this time of great sorrow when the persecution of all of God’s children is increasing.

Every person in the world, particularly those without money, influence or possessions, will suffer because of the greed of those who control many nations. My Work to help my Son achieve the final part of His Covenant to save humanity has begun to be seen in many ways. I will, by the Power of God, guide all of those who are distraught with grief, because of the suffering in their lives, into the Refuge of my Son’s Protection. Those who have to endure such poverty, such hunger, such anguish, such injustice – whatever it may be – will be comforted when you ask me to pray for you.

Those of you who have to suffer, because you bear witness to Jesus Christ, the Saviour of humanity, will be given extra strength at this time when you ask Me to help you. The greatest injustice within my Son’s Church will soon be witnessed, where both ordinary believers and sacred servants alike, will be accused of disobedience against the Teachings of Jesus Christ.

You will be asked to take an oath – to be recited like the Apostles Creed – to declare your allegiance to an altered form of worshipping God. By swearing, through this oath, not acknowledged in the Most Holy Bible, you will place your soul in great danger. The liturgy will be changed and new additions declared, while other parts, recited for many years, will no longer be made known. This wicked plan will be justified because they will take all the attributes associated with my Son and declare these to be the reason for such changes.

This is why those of you who are loyal to my Son will find it deeply disturbing and your souls will suffer greatly. And while you will continue to pay homage to my Son, you will be mocked for failing to recognise the new interpretation of Catholicism and

Christianity. You must never lose courage, during these trials, because you are, dear children, favoured by God and He will remain with you right up to the end.

Never turn away from the Truth. Never believe anything, which did not come from God.



“Ecclesiastical masonry has now reached the greatest level of power within My Most Holy Church on Earth”

Monday, September 30th, 2013 @ 15:45

My dearly beloved daughter, I must ask all of My sacred servants to watch out for the summons to attend retreats, which will be introduced to persuade them to agree to a new oath of allegiance, which will render useless – should they agree to do this – their most sacred vows, which they made to Me, Jesus Christ.

Ecclesiastical masonry has now reached the greatest level of power within My Most Holy Church on Earth and it will soon dictate its new liturgy, which will be in defiance of My Most Holy Will. Created by the enemies of God and disguised as a new

adaptation to suit political powers, who want to ban Christianity, it will be presented so quickly that many within My Church will be astonished. They will be pained to see such an abomination, but the voices of My loyal servants will not be heard in public, for they, the Masons, control how this new liturgy will be perceived in every way. Every objection raised in dioceses throughout the world will be dismissed and cast aside. The excuse will be that the Church needs to recruit new young souls who have fallen away from it. By appealing to a secular world, they will say that this will convert more people through a new liturgy.

Oh how deceitful this abomination will be and how many will fall for the lies, which will lead so many away from the Truth. The Book of Truth was foretold to the prophet Daniel so that God’s children would never forget the Truth when they are drowning in the lies which will devour My Church on Earth.

Accept the Truth laid down by My Church on Earth. Do not accept the new laws, which you will be forced to accept in My Holy Name, which will amount to sacrilege.


“You must remain calm, at peace, but with a firm resolve to continue to proclaim the Holy Word contained in the Gospels”

Sunday, October 20th, 2013 @ 12:07

My dearly beloved daughter, I desire to reveal to all of you, My beloved apostles – those who walk the Earth and who proclaim My Holy Word – that you must cling to Me, your Jesus, like never before. These times, which lie ahead of you will be difficult and to all those who remain in Me, with Me and for Me, you will be responsible for keeping the Flame of My Light aglow in the dark days ahead.

My precious children, you must remain calm, at peace, but with a firm resolve to continue to proclaim the Holy Word contained in the Gospels in every corner of the world. You, My Remnant Army, will bring all of God’s children to Me and help to save them from the vapor of evil, which will envelop millions of souls. You are Mine and you walk within the Light of God, paving the way for the world to be saved.

My Graces are being poured down upon you, My beloved apostles, and once you know that you are being guided by Me and trust in Me completely, no harm will come to you. But should you allow yourselves to become willing servants of deceit, then My Protection will not cover you. Those of you who side with the false prophet and the antichrist will be ensnared by Satan and he will not let you go free. Those of you who walk alongside My enemies and swallow the chalice of the serpent will be destroyed by him should you dare to challenge him.

Heed now, My warning – side with the beast and swear an unholy oath to honour heresy and you will find it very difficult to prise yourselves away from his vile grip. Pray that you will have the wisdom to see the Truth.


“Mother of Salvation: They will be granted honorary doctorates in the false prophet’s newly renovated church”

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013 @ 22:05

My child, the world will be deceived by many acts deemed to be works of great charity. Charity towards others will be declared to be the greatest and most desired trait in the Eyes of God.

When those who control governments, churches and states join together they will gain much control over God’s children. Control over the more unfortunate in your society can mean two things. Either it is used for good measure or for the wrong reason.

I must ask all of you to remain focused, with all your attention, on the desire of my Son on this difficult road to salvation. Many of God’s loyal servants, although well-intentioned, will be too weak to remain on the road to salvation. So strong will the pressure be upon them, by those enemies of God, to denounce my Son, that they will fall away from the Truth.

The false prophet will introduce a powerful ecumenical faith and this will satisfy every heretic. The majority of those in my Son’s Church will be deceived, but almost one-half of my Son’s sacred servants will refuse to swear to the final oath, which will be falsely declared as one to the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Eucharist and its desecration will be at the heart of all discontent and dissidence. Then as the false miracles will be accorded to him, many of the world’s celebrities will surround the false prophet seeking favour in his court. It will be then that he will set up an honours list and they will be granted honorary doctorates in the false prophet’s newly renovated church, which will be but a shell of the former. All will accept their prizes for the great works of charity, which they presided over, under the direction of the imposter. Each will sing the praises of the other, until they will publicly declare the false prophet to be a living saint, because of the so-called miracles they will say he created as God’s servant. And then, he and the antichrist will control much of the world, but Russia and Asia will not be involved, for these two empires will rise up against the New Babylon until Rome is destroyed.

All these events will take place and when you see them use the churches as places where they will proudly declare their greatness, their works of charity; then you will see clearly how pride dictates their intent. When Rome has fallen, there will be more tribulations, but they will be short-lived. Then the time will be ripe for the return of my Son, Jesus Christ.

You must not ignore these prophecies. Once you side with the new false faith, which will soon be declared, you will be discarding my Son, Jesus Christ and you will drift away from His Mercy. Never give up your right to Eternal Life for anyone who attempts to mislead you into heresy.



“Three out of four will deny Me”

Thursday, January 2nd, 2014 @ 20:40

My daughter, the time when all public acknowledgement as to Who I Am, will become but just a faint flicker in the wick of a candle, which has burned right down to the end, is almost upon you.

Those who say they are of Me will speak little of Me. Those who are loyal to Me will be shocked when they see so many who will deny Me. The time when the faithful will be separated from those who will be led into grave error is almost upon you. In those days ahead, the blind, the deaf and those who will have failed to remain alert to the True Word of God, will gather in their billions and accept a false doctrine – not of Me.

When you hear speak of the new renewal of the faith pledge, which will be a form of the Sacrament of Confirmation, know then that this will be manmade. It will be meaningless in My Eyes. It will be presented by the false prophet as part of his global plan to unite all religions in the world. My Divinity will be brushed to one side. My Word forgotten and buried, while My Teachings will be twisted, in order to coerce the faithful into accepting a new form of so-called evangelism.

My Word, however, will remain alive, because those who will remain in My Church, as it was set up from the beginning, will not deny Me. Three out of four will deny Me. Only My Remnant will cling to Me and keep My Word and many of them will be bewildered. Those poor souls, who will remain in My Church when it has been seized by the new doctrine, will not know where to turn. To them I say this. Be strong. Be firm. Do not deny Me. Pray for My Guidance and continue to serve Me, as you have always done. When you are asked to deny Me, by those who claim to be acting for the good of all – all religions – turn your back, for you will be asked to embrace paganism, which will be disguised as Christianity.

As these imposters, enemies of God, invade My Church, within its hierarchy, My Father will send down a terrible Chastisement. He will tilt the world and not one man, woman or child will be able to ignore these upheavals. When My enemies attack My Mystical Body, they will cause much damage, much confusion and lead many away from the Truth. But they will never destroy My Church, because My Remnant Army will never let go of the Truth or be forced to swear allegiance to Satan or his agents.

Many wars will now escalate and storms and earthquakes will mount, until the Roar of My Father’s Wrath is felt everywhere.

To those enemies of Mine, who walk amongst you and who mislead My Church, know this. I will never allow you to win over those souls for whom I gave up My Life. Your arrogance will be short-lived, your wicked acts stopped and your attempts to hurt the souls you have earmarked brought to an abrupt end. You will never rise up against the Word of God, without Divine Intervention brought down upon you. Your allegiance to the evil one will end in disaster for you and everyone you manage to deceive. When you try to advance towards the gates of Heaven to boast of your allegiance to Satan, you will be cut down, chained and cast into the abyss, without any Mercy shown to you.

Go now, all those of you who witness these things which are to come, and remain alert at all times. You must continue to serve Me, for there can only be one Master.


“This new and rapidly created hierarchy will take over My Church”

Thursday, January 16th, 2014 @ 19:41

My dearly beloved daughter, the Truth divides. It always has done. When one man says that he knows the truth, another will deny it. But when the Truth comes from the Word of God, it will cause the greatest division. Many fear the Truth, because it is not always pleasant, and yet without the Truth, you would live in denial. When you live in denial of the Word of God, you will never find true peace in your hearts.

When you know the Truth, which is contained in My Father’s Book, then you know the Way of the Lord and you must follow this path, up to your last breath. Do not deviate from this. But if My Word is tampered with, rewritten and demolished, surely you would never accept this. That is good. But if new doctrines, which differ from My Holy Word, are introduced to you, from within the roofs of My churches, what then will you do?

Will you accept a lie, instead of the Truth? Will you accept a doctrine, which will be unholy in My Eyes?

The answer must be no. You must never deny My Word – for anyone. No one, even if they are dressed in the linens of the elite within the hierarchy of My Church, a pauper, a king or a prince – anyone who demands that you accept a new doctrine pertaining to My Word does not come from Me.

My Church is being demolished discreetly from within and each part is being dismantled. As the tiers are pulled down and loyal servants discarded – and then deemed to be no longer useful – the way will be cleared for the doctrines from Hell to be pronounced.

Woe to priests, bishops and cardinals, who dare to defend the Word of God, for they will suffer the most. While some will be excommunicated and accused of heresy – though they will only speak up for the True Word of God – others will be too weak. Many poor sacred servants will give into the pressure to denounce the Laws of God. If they do not agree to embrace the doctrine of lies, they will be thrown to the wolves. Those, whose faith will have already weakened and who love worldly things and who have a fierce ambition in their souls, will be the first in the queue to swear allegiance to the new ‘pledge’.

This new and rapidly created hierarchy will take over My Church. They will declare falsities in the Name of God and take with them many innocent souls of the faithful. The congregations will unwittingly be offered a poison chalice filled with nothing – only bread. The Holy Eucharist will no longer fill their souls. They will soon be fed homilies, which will ridicule the Word of God when they will declare human rights to be the most important doctrine. And then they will declare the greatest heresy, that man will be given Eternal Life, whether or not he repents for his sins. This is how they will destroy the souls of millions.

As they continue to pull My Church apart from the inside out, My loyal priests and faithful followers will rebuild My Church, brick by brick. My Church, you see, can never die for I will not let it.

All priests, all bishops and all cardinals who will be dethroned and who remain faithful to Me, will never desert the just or those followers of Mine who have been blessed with the Gift of Wisdom. Then, while the false knowledge will fill the hearts of weak servants in My Church, the Gift of the Holy Spirit will not only Light the souls of My Remnant Church, but will provide the Light, for all those whose names are in the Book of the Living, to My door.

Never before will My disciples be tested in the way in which they will be in the future. They will be given Divine Assistance to enable them to keep the Light of God shining in a world, which will be plunged, slowly and painfully, into darkness, caused by the arrival of the enemy, the antichrist.


“Mother of Salvation: When my Son’s priests will face terrible anguish and miscarriages of justice, they must call on me”

Thursday, February 6th, 2014 @ 16:15

My child, when the time comes, when my Son’s priests will face terrible anguish and miscarriages of justice, they must call on me. I have been given the Grace to be able to give them the courage they will need to continue to serve my Son. I refer, in particular, to priests in the Catholic Church, for they will suffer more than any other servants of God.

When the day comes and when they are called to swear an oath, which will deny the Divinity of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, they must never doubt the real intentions of those who demand this of them. When they are asked to renounce the meaning of the Holy Eucharist and accept a new interpretation, they will know then that the hour has come. That will be the day when the rot will set in and the crumbling of the walls will be witnessed under the roofs of churches everywhere.

I desire that all priests, who will have to face these sorrowful trials, recite this Crusade Prayer (135) To defend the Truth:

O beloved Mother of Salvation, help me in my moment of need. Pray that I am blessed with the Gifts poured down upon my unworthy soul, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, to defend the Truth at all times. Sustain me in every incident, where I am asked to deny the Truth, the Word of God, the Holy Sacraments and the Most Holy Eucharist.

Help me to use the Graces I receive to stand firm against the wickedness of Satan and all those poor souls he uses to defile your Son, Jesus Christ.

Help me in my hour of need. For the sake of souls, give me the courage to provide the Sacraments to each child of God, when I may be forbidden by the enemies of God to do so. Amen.

When these times commence, you must be prepared to continue to carry on the Work of God and carry His Cross with resilience and dignity, for the sake of your own souls and those of all God’s children.



“Mother of Salvation: The True Church will become a Remnant”

Saturday, June 28th, 2014 @ 15:03

My dearest child, the greatest deception, which will descend upon humanity, will come from within my Son’s Church on Earth and it will be instigated by His enemies, who have infiltrated it by devious means. Satan will enter my Son’s Church and the signs will be clearly seen by those who have the Spirit of God firmly implanted in their souls.

The faith of my Son’s holy servants will be shattered, as many will feel compelled to desert Him through acts of sacrilege. Many poor unfortunate servants will be asked to swear allegiance to a new oath and they will be too frightened to walk away, although many will know, deep within their hearts, that it will be wrong.

Many new rules will be introduced into my Son’s Church on Earth, as thousands of newcomers will be sworn into the Church and they will not be authentic, for they will not have the True Spirit of Christ within their hearts. They will enter the Church and will bear witness to a new one world religion, which will not honour my Son, Jesus Christ. Not only will they not serve Him, their duty will be to serve the needs of humanism, which will, at its very core, deny the Existence of the Supernatural State of God and all that He stands for.

The clergy, who once pledged their lives to God, will be drawn into this great deceit and as a consequence will lose the True Faith. They will not promote the importance of the salvation of souls, which was made possible by my Son’s death on the Cross. The Cross is at the centre of Christianity. There is only one Cross and it will be through the Cross that the first visible signs of the betrayal of my Son will be seen. New kinds of crosses will be introduced which will snub of the Sign of the Cross and what it means in the hearts of man.

Non-believers, who up to now, had no interest in Christianity, will be drawn into the so-called new one world church. Along with all other religions, which do not spring from the Truth, they will scoff and sneer at the children of God, who will remain true to the Word of God.

The True Church will become a Remnant and this Army will unite throughout the world to become the latter-day saints and they will be empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to sustain the Truth. They will be spat at; laughed at and accused of being radicals, just as my Son, Jesus Christ, was accused of heresy when He walked the Earth to preach the Truth.

It will require tremendous courage to stay true to the Word of God, for you will be accused of wrongdoing. Your crime they, the enemies of God, will say is that you spread untruths about this abomination. Everything, which comes from God, will be declared to be a lie, while the truth, which they will say is represented by the new one world religion, will be a lie.

The Holy Spirit will, however, cover those who continue to spread the Holy Gospels and my Son will cover you and protect you. The future of the survival of the human race and the right to the Eternal Life, promised to every man, woman and child, will rest on your shoulders. It will be the Remnant, which will keep the Light of God aglow in a world, which will be plunged into darkness.

Many of you will be challenged and lies planted within your hearts, by the spirit of evil, to turn you away from the Truth. Sadly, many of you will find it too difficult to remain true to your convictions and you will be tempted to turn your backs on my Son.

To ensure that you remain strong, courageous, calm and at peace, as you take up the Cross of my Son on your shoulders, you must recite this Crusade Prayer. For many of you who find it difficult to accept that these things are to come, there will come a day when you will recite this, Crusade Prayer (158) three times a day, because the pressures, which will be placed upon you to deny my Son, will be overwhelming.

Crusade Prayer (158) Protect me from the one world religion:

Dear Jesus, protect me from the evil of the new one world religion, which does not come from You. Sustain me on my journey to freedom, along the path to Your Holy Kingdom.

Keep me in union with You, whenever I am tormented and forced to swallow lies, which are spread by Your enemies to destroy souls.

Help me to withstand persecution, to remain firm to the True Word of God against false doctrines and other sacrileges, which I may be forced to accept.

Through the Gift of my free will, take me into the Domain of Your Kingdom, to enable me to stand up and proclaim the Truth, when it will be declared to be a lie.

Never let me falter, hesitate or run away in fear, in the face of persecution. Help me to remain firm and steadfast to the Truth for as long as I live. Amen.

Go, my dear children, and accept that these things will happen, but know that if you remain loyal to my Son, you will help to save those souls who will be plunged into error.



“You can only uphold the Truth, for I Am the Truth. Deny the Truth and you deny Me”

Monday, June 30th, 2014 @ 23:50

My dearly beloved daughter, you, My dear followers, must know that the gates of Hell will never prevail against My Church, although much of My Church on Earth will be crushed, as foretold. But, the Truth can never die. My Word will never die out nor will My Teachings be forgotten by those who are in true union with Me.

Only those who remain true to My Word can say they are part of My Church on Earth. Those who applaud any form of tampering of the Holy Gospels or adaptation of My Teachings will no longer be able to claim that they serve Me. Should a holy servant of Mine dare to proclaim an alternative doctrine to the one given to man by My apostles and the prophets, before My Time, they will be immediately expelled.

I warn all those who embrace anything, which is deemed to be sacred – but which is formed by human hands and creation – and who accept this as Mine, that I will cast you out, for you will no longer be able to call yourselves My servants. And should you lead souls into error, your punishment will begin in your time and will continue long after you depart from this life.

My Anger is unknown to you, because you have yet to witness it. But know this. You who will betray Me already know who you are, for your faith has already weakened. Many of you have already fallen and your weakness will be your downfall. You will betray Me; deny Me and embrace My enemies, for you will be so caught up in the new religion – the secular humanism, which will come as a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing to devour you – that I will be forgotten. Your ambition and desire to please those enemies of Mine, who will rise to great heights, within the echelons of My Church – will blind you to the Truth. This will be the cause of your demise and all those whom you will pull into grave error.

It is when My Church turns My Teachings upside down; inside out and back to front, that you will know that the time has come for the antichrist to take centre stage. Those who worship the beast will sign their own death warrant and will hand over their free will, a Sacred Gift from God, to My enemies. Once you swear an oath to this new false doctrine, you will be guilty of crucifying Me and your punishment will be severe.

Why, you may ask, would you be punished for your obedience to your elders? The answer is simple. When you swore an oath to serve Me, you agreed to uphold the Truth. When you break this oath, because of your obedience to those enemies of Mine to come, then it is not I, Jesus Christ, you will serve.

You can only uphold the Truth, for I Am the Truth. Deny the Truth and you deny Me. When you deny Me, as a servant of God, you will no longer be fit to instruct God’s children towards their Eternal Salvation.


“Mother of Salvation: I have a message for the Roman Catholic Clergy”

Friday, November 21st, 2014 @ 16:15

I am the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of God – the Mother of Salvation. Today, I have a message for the Roman Catholic Clergy and come to you on behalf of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

I call out to all of my Son’s sacred servants, who serve Him in these times of great trials in the Church. You are the vanguard of His Most Holy Sacraments and have been called by my Son to serve Him in the salvation of all souls and, because of this, you have a great responsibility to Him. Your duty must always be to serve my Son and His Body – His Church – and to ensure that His Most Holy Word is adhered to at all times.

There will be times of great pain and persecution ahead and you must prepare for this now. In the future, your faith will be tested to its limit and you will be forced to agree to take a new vow, where you will be asked to show allegiance to a new doctrine, which will not be of my Son.

Those amongst you, who will recognise the false doctrine, when it is presented to you, must not succumb to it. When you are instructed to adapt and amend the Most Holy Sacraments, you must run. My Son’s Church is to be tested beyond its endurance. To those of you who may discard the Truth in favour of a new amended doctrine – which they will say is necessary to suit men’s needs – know that this will be a great betrayal of the Word of God.

Because of the Holy vows you took to serve my Son, you have a duty to God’s children to feed them with the Body and Blood of my Son, Jesus Christ. There will come a time, however, when you will be forced to amend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. There will be those amongst you who will know, instantly, that a great wrong is being committed and so you must turn your backs.

You must continue to feed the souls of those, who rely on you to feed them with the Most Holy Eucharist. If you remain loyal to my Son and continue to serve God’s children, as it is your duty, you will serve Him with great dignity. I ask that you pray My Most Holy Rosary daily to give you the strength you will need and for protection from Satan, because those times ahead, which are almost upon you, will become unbearable. By keeping the Seal of the Living God prayer close to you at all times, you will receive extra Protection from the evil one.

There will be many priests among you who will not find the courage to uphold the Word of God, but you must never be afraid to show allegiance to my Son. If you betray my Son you will bring with you innocent souls, who will find themselves, unwittingly, being brought into error and into a terrible darkness.

Satan has penetrated my Son’s Church for some time but every time when the chaos and confusion he caused became unbearable, this was diffused because of the faith of my Son’s beloved sacred servants. Now that the faith of many priests has been weakened and, in some cases, completely destroyed, the gates of hell have opened and great danger lies ahead.

You must never be tempted to forego all that my Son taught. My Son has never changed. His Word remains ingrained in the Rock upon which His Church was built. His Sacraments bring souls the Light that they need to sustain life. If you betray my Son, you destroy life itself for without my Son’s Presence the world would not exist today.

Blessed are those who truly love my Son, because they will be the ones who will lead the way by example.




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