
VOCABULARY (30 points)

A Match each word in A to its meaning in B.

لائموا كل كلمة في A مع معناها في B.


1. celebrities ..... a. to go after a person or a thing

2. firefighters ..... b. ready and happy to do something

3. follow ..... c. people who work to stop fires

4. hero ..... d. a person who does something difficult or good

5. willing ..... e. famous people

5 x 2 = 10 points

B Complete the sentences with the words


care about in pain put out rescue workers bones

success burn down strength trust yourself everything

1. You are good at math. You can ........................................ to do well in the test.

2. Some people only ........................................ money and fame.

3. They took her to the hospital because she was ........................................ .

4. The new Walt Disney movie is a great ........................................ .

5. Doctors, nurses and ambulance drivers are ........................................ .

6. There was a fire in our house, but the house didn’t ........................................ .

7. Firefighters do ........................................ they can to save somebody’s life.

8. My brother is very strong. He has the ........................................ of three men.

9. She fell down the stairs and broke two........................................ in her foot.

10. My brother ........................................ a fire in our kitchen.

10 x 2 = 20 points

GRAMMAR (20 points)

Relative Clauses

A Circle the correct answers to

complete the sentences.

1. We saw the dog .....frightened the children.

a. that b. who

2. This is my friend ..... plays tennis well.

a. which b. who

3. We have an uncle ..... lives in Argentina.

a. who b. which

4. My sister buys clothes ..... are expensive.

a. which b. who

5. People ..... do brave things aren’t always heroes.

a. which b. that

6. These are the books ..... cost ten shekels each.

a. that b. who

7. I like people ..... help others.

a. which b. who

8. She paints pictures ..... she sells for thousands of dollars.

a. that b. who

9. Did you see the man ..... stole the car?

a. which b. that

10. I like chocolate ..... doesn’t have milk in it.

a. that b. who

10 x 1 = 10 points

B Match A to B to make sentences.

لائموا A مع B لتركيب جمل.


1. They bought a new car ..... a. who is ten years older than me.

2. I admire my brother ..... b. that I gave you yesterday?

3. Gary spoke to the doctor ..... c. that also takes pictures.

4. Where is the book ..... d. which goes very fast.

5. I want a new cellphone ..... e. who told him to go to bed.

5 x 2 = 10 points

READING (30 points)

A Read the text.

إقرأوا النص.

|The Sunday Times October 27 |


|Ana Julia Torres, a teacher and animal lover, lives in Colombia, South America. More than 16 years ago she became a |

|rescue worker – an animal rescue worker. She asked her students to bring their pets to school. Ana soon realized that |

|many families kept exotic pets in their homes. They didn’t look after them and many of the animals were suffering1. Ana|

|decided that she would help the animals that were sick, hungry or in pain. |

|People admired what she was doing and they brought her more animals – so many that she didn’t have enough space for |

|them. Ana opened an animal shelter2 and she called it Villa Lorena. Today there are 800 animals at Villa Lorena in the |

|city of Cali, Colombia. |

|The most amazing animal there is Jupiter, an African lion. Six years ago, Ana found Jupiter in a traveling circus. The |

|lion was hurt and didn’t have enough to eat. Ana fed and looked after the animal until it was better. She saved its |

|life. People who visit Villa Lorena are often surprised to see the love between Ana and the lion. When Ana comes to see|

|Jupiter, he stands on his back legs and kisses her through the bars of the cage. Is he trying to say thank you? |

1were suffering סבלו / عانت

2shelter מקלט / ملجأ

B Answer the questions.

أجيبوا عن الأسئلة.

1. Answer the questions.

1. When did Ana Julia start working with animals?

2. Where did Ana Julia find Jupiter?

3. What surprises people who visit Villa Lorena?

3 x 4 = 12 points

2. Circle the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1. People wanted Ana Julia to look after their ..... .

a. lions b. pets

2. There are ..... of animals at Villa Lorena.

a. hundreds b. thousands

2 x 3 = 6 points

3. Write T (True) or F (False).

..... 1. In Colombia some people keep exotic animals as house pets.

..... 2. Ana Julia is frightened of animals.

..... 3. Jupiter walks around free at Villa Lorena.

..... 4. The lion recognizes Ana Julia.

4 x 2 = 8 points

4. Write the TWO false sentences in exercise 3 correctly.

2 x 2 = 4 points

LISTENING (20 points)

Listen to the interview and answer the questions.

إستمعوا إلى المقابلة وأجيبوا عن الأسئلة.

1. Circle the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1. Pam knew the story about Jimmy from ..... .

a. the newspaper b. TV

2. Jimmy was jogging home when he saw ..... .

a. a mother and a baby b. a fire

2 x 3 = 6 points

2. Listen again and write T (True) or F (False).

..... 1. Jimmy Collins is a sports teacher.

..... 2. The woman dropped her baby out of the window.

..... 3. Jimmy went into the house to get the woman.

..... 4. Jimmy climbed a tree to get to the first floor.

..... 5. Rescue workers brought them down from the tree.

5 x 2 = 10 points

3. Circle the correct answer to complete the sentence.

Jimmy Collins will get a medal because ..... .

a. he plays basketball

b. he saved two lives

c. he’s a rescue worker

4 points


התאימו A ל-B כדי לחבר משפטים.

התאימו כל מילה ב- A לפירוש שלה ב- B.

השלימו את המשפטים עם המילים שלמטה.

הקיפו את התשובות הנכונות כדי להשלים את המשפטים.

קיראו את הקטע.

ענו על השאלות.

הקשיבו לראיון וענו על השאלות.

أحيطوا بدائرة الإجابات الصحيحة لإكمال الجمل.

أكملوا الجمل بالكلمات أدناه.


Name: ..................................壂壻夵奈妁妰姈姟姹娆娊娌娐娒娖娘娜娞íÏ씀³꜀§餀Ï需—需—需—需—Āഀ옍

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਀옍谁Ȥ...... Grade: ...............


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