
Q1.          (a)     Name the type of bond that joins amino acids together in a polypeptide.



          The diagram shows a cell from the pancreas.


(b)     The cytoplasm at F contains amino acids. These amino acids are used to make proteins which are secreted from the cell.

Place the appropriate letters in the correct order to show the passage of an amino acid from the cytoplasm at F until it is secreted from the cell as a protein at K.


|F |  |  |  |K |


(c)     There are lots of organelle G in this cell. Explain why.






(d)     A group of scientists homogenised pancreatic tissue before carrying out cell fractionation to isolate organelle G.

Explain why the scientists

(i)      homogenised the tissue




(ii)     filtered the resulting suspension




(iii)     kept the suspension ice cold during the process




(iv)    used isotonic solution during the process.






(Total 10 marks)



Q2.          Scientists use optical microscopes and transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) to investigate cell structure. Explain the advantages and the limitations of using a TEM to investigate cell structure.











(Total 5 marks)

Q3.          The diagram shows an organism called Chlamydomonas.


(a)     Name two structures shown in the diagram that are present in plant cells but are not present in animal cells.

1 ...................................................................................................................


2 ...................................................................................................................



(b)     Chlamydomonas lives in fresh water ponds. Use your knowledge of osmosis to suggest an advantage of using starch as a carbohydrate store.







(c)     Chlamydomonas has adaptations that help it to maintain a high rate of photosynthesis.

Use information in the diagram to explain what these adaptations are.






(Extra space) ...............................................................................................




(Total 7 marks)


Q4.          The diagram shows a cell cycle.


(a)     In prophase of mitosis, the chromosomes become visible. Describe what happens in

(i)      metaphase







(ii)     anaphase.







(b)     (i)      Cells lining the human intestine complete the cell cycle in a short time. Explain the advantage of these cells completing the cell cycle in a short time.





(ii)     The time required for a cell to complete the cell cycle was 4 hours 18 minutes.

Calculate the time required in minutes for this cell to multiply to produce eight cells.

Show your working.






Answer .....................................................


(c)     Mikanolide is a drug that inhibits the enzyme DNA polymerase. Explain why this drug may be effective against some types of cancer.







(Total 9 marks)


Q5.          (a)     Name the process in which cells become adapted for different functions.



(b)     Palisade cells are found in leaves. The diagram shows a palisade cell.


(i)      Name structure A.



(ii)     The real length of this cell between X and Y is 20 micrometres (µm). By how many times has it been magnified? Show your working.





Answer ............................................


(iii)     Explain one way in which this cell is adapted for photosynthesis.




(Total 5 marks)



Q6.          Yeast is a single-celled eukaryotic organism. When yeast cells are grown, each cell forms a bud. This bud grows into a new cell. This allows yeast to multiply because the parent cell is still alive and the new cell has been formed.

Scientists grew yeast cells in a culture. They counted the number of cells present and measured the total concentration of DNA in the culture over a period of 6 hours. Their results are shown in the graph.


(a)     Use your knowledge of the cell cycle to explain the shape of the curve for the number of yeast cells

(i)      between 1 and 2 hours




(ii)     between 3 and 4 hours.




(b)     Use the curve for the concentration of DNA to find the length of a cell cycle in these yeast cells. Explain how you arrived at your answer.

Length of cell cycle ......................................................................................

Explanation ..................................................................................................





(Total 5 marks)



M1.          (a)     Peptide;

Q Do not accept polypeptide

Neutral: covalent


(b)          (F) H J E (K);

All three boxes correct = 2 marks

Two boxes correct = 1 mark


(c)     (Site of aerobic) respiration;

Release ATP / energy for active transport / transport against the concentration gradient / protein synthesis / exocytosis;

Q Reject: anaerobic respiration

Q Reject: produces / makes energy

Accept: produces ATP for energy

Reject: produces ATP for respiration

Neutral: protein secretion


(d)     (i)      Breaks open cells / disrupts cell membrane / releases cell contents / releases organelles / break up cells;

Reject: breaks down cell wall

Neutral: separates the cells

Reject: breaks up cells so they can be separated

Reject: breaks up / separates organelles


(ii)     Removes (cell) debris / complete cells / tissue;

Neutral: to isolate organelle G / mitochondria

Neutral: removes unwanted substances / impurities

Reject: removes organelles / cell walls


(iii)    Reduces / prevents enzyme activity;

Reject: ref. to denaturation


(iv)    Prevents osmosis / no (net) movement of water / water does not enter organelle / water does not leave organelle;

So organelle / named organelle is not damaged / does not burst / does not shrivel;

Neutral: ref. to water potential

Q Ref. to cells rather than organelles negates the second mark only

Reject: ref. to turgid / flaccid for second mark

Reject: organelle ‘explodes’ for second mark



M2.          Advantages:

1       Small objects can be seen;

2       TEM has high resolution as wavelength of electrons shorter;

Accept better


3       Cannot look at living cells as cells must be in a vacuum / must cut section / thin specimen;

4       Preparation may create artefact

5       Does not produce colour image;


M3.          (a)     Cell wall;

Starch (store);


Accept: phonetic spelling

2 max

(b)     Insoluble;

Reduces / ’stops’ water entry / osmosis / does not affect water

potential / is osmotically inactive;

Accept: description for first point e.g. ‘does not dissolve’.


(c)     Light sensitive eyespot / eyespot detects light;

Flagellum enables movement towards light;

Chloroplast / chlorophyll absorbs light / for photosynthesis;

Do not penalise references to ‘many chloroplasts’.



M4.          (a)     (i)      Spindle formed / chromosome / centromere / chromatids

attaches to spindle;

Chromosomes / chromatids line up / move to middle / equator

(of cell);

Do not award second mark for answers referring to chromosomes ‘pairing up’.

Ignore reference to homologous chromosomes unless context suggests pairing which negates second mark.

Neutral: Details on nuclear membrane.

Accept: Diagram for second marking point.


(ii)     Chromosome / centromere splits / chromatids / ‘chromosomes’ separate / pulled apart;

To (opposite) sides / poles / centrioles (of cell);

Reject: Homologous chromosomes separate for first marking point.

Accept: Diagram for second marking point.

Chromatids / ‘chromosomes’ move to poles / sides / centrioles = 2 marks.


(b)     (i)      Form / replace cells quickly / rapidly / divide / multiply / replicate rapidly;

Neutral: Repair cells.

Answers must convey idea of ‘speed’.


(Ii)     Correct answer = 774 minutes / 12 hours 54mins = 2 marks;;

Incorrect answer but indicates 3 cell cycles involved = one mark;


(c)     Prevents / slows DNA replication / doubling / prevents / slows mitosis;

New strand not formed / nucleotides (of new strand) not joined

together / sugar-phosphate bonds not formed;

First marking point must be in context of DNA replication not cell replication.

Do not negate first marking point if role of DNA polymerase is described incorrectly e.g. Reject: ‘joins bases / strands together’.

Role of DNA polymerase must be correct for last marking point.



M5.          (a)     Differentiation / specialisation


(b)     (i)      (cellulose) Cell wall;


(ii)     Two marks for correct answer 2350–2500;;

Accept measured and real lengths in different units for one mark.

         One mark for a measured length divided by real length;


(iii)    Chloroplasts absorb light;

Q Do not accept chlorophyll as alternative to chloroplasts


         Large vacuole pushes chloroplasts to edge (of cell);


         Thin / permeable (cell) wall to absorb carbon dioxide;

1 max


M6.          (a)     (i)      Cells are in interphase;

Accept G phase / S phase.


(ii)     Cells undergoing mitosis / in telophase / cytokinesis;

Accept all named stages but reject prophase, metaphase or anaphase on their own.


(b)     1.      3 hours;

2.      Time between beginnings / endings DNA replication / Increases / levelling outs of DNA concentration / for shape (of curve for replication) to be repeated;

3.      (DNA) replication takes place once per cell cycle;

Allow close approximation where candidate attempts to be more accurate.


What is shown on the graph




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