
Plant and Animal Cell Menu Project Directions: ?Choose one of the activities from the menu below. ?Place a check mark next to the activity you chose to complete. ?You may work with 1 other student from this class period. Menu Options Choose ONE ______ Board GameDesign a board game in which players travel through either a plant or animal cell traveling from organelle to organelle. ?The twist is each organelle being traveled to is in the form of an analogy. Board game questions should include functions of organelles as well as analogies that can be used to describe organelles, and general questions about cells. ?You must have all of the organelles and their functions represented. ?All organelles represented as analogies somewhere on the game boardDescriptions of each organelle incorporated Game appeal (challenging but fun)Creative, colorful, neat and organizedYour game must include:At least 4 thematic game piecesAt least 25 colored/thematic squaresAt least 20 question/activity cardsAll organelles includedThematic Title on boardComplete set of rulesAt least the size of an open file folder______ Children’s Book You have been hired by a children’s book company to produce a children’s book about cells. ?The topic of your first book is to introduce all of the characters (organelles) of either a plant or animal cells and how they work in the cell from day to day. ?Remember the book is for children and it must be colorful and exciting. The story line must be suitable for children and provide an analogy for how the cell functions. ?Plant/animal cell organelle characters (each organelle represented as an analogy)Description of each organelle’s functionChildren’s book appeal (reader can follow story and creative/appropriate for child)Neat, colorful, organizedYou will decide on a particular character and describe its journey through a cell – creatively.Your book can be fiction but should accurately describe each organelle in the cell.Main character- you createSetting – a plant or animal cellMake the journey adventurous and have your character encounter obstacles.Must have a cover with book’s title, colorful illustration, and author’s nameMust have at least 8 pagesEach page should have a colorful illustration to go with the storyShould be neatly written or typed______ Diorama You are running a science summer camp for 5th graders. Your job is to create a diorama to help teach the 5th graders about animal cells and plant cells. You need to explain how the cells function. You must choose one cell, and draw a diagram. Then, you should create an analogy cell to help explain how each cell functions. This analogy cell should be in the form of a diorama. Dioramas can be made using food, clay, toys, etc. Along with your model you will need to include a short description about how your analogy environment works similar to a cell. Each component of your diorama should be labeled as the cell part it is portraying, as well as its’ role in the environment. __________ iMovie Create an analogy using iMovie to compare a cell to your favorite book, movie, or even place. Make sure to explain how the analogy you choose relates to each cell part. You should have at least 7 different images or video clips. This movie should be no longer than 7 min. Each model must include all of the following organelles:Cell wall Mitochondria Cytoplasm Chloroplasts Ribosomes Nucleus Lysosomes (if animal cell)Golgi BodiesCell membraneVacuoles Endoplasmic ReticulumNucleolusProtein Make sure that you follow this checklist before you turn in your project:_____ Is your name on the project?_____ Is the cell type identified? Title if it is a plant or animal cell._____ Are all the organelles included? _____ Are the organelles correctly labeled? Did you attach your analogy worksheet?_____ Are the relationships between the parts (if any) shown correctly? Grading RubricCategory65-43-21-0OrganellesAll organelles are represented Most organelles are represented Some organelles are represented Few organelles are represented Analogies(x2)Each organelle is represented by an analogy which is logical and accurate Most organelles are represented by an analogy which is logical and accurate Some organelles are represented by an analogy. A few analogies are inaccurate Few organelles are represented by an analogy. Many analogies are inaccurateDisplayAll information is neat and easy to read. Project is in appropriate format and shows significant effort.Most information is neat and easy to read. Project is in appropriate format and shows effort.Some information is neat and easy to read. Project is in appropriate format and shows some effort.The project is poorly presented and difficult to read. Project is not in appropriate format and shows little effort.Accuracy of organelle structure Project reflected superior research and understanding of a cells structure and function Project reflected above average research and understanding of a cells structure and function Project reflected average research and understanding of a cells structure and functionProject does not reflect research and understanding of a cells structure and functionAccuracy of cell function Each cell organelle’s function is describes in detail and all functions are accurate Each cell organelles function is described and most functions are accurate Functions for each cell organelle are incomplete and some functions are inaccurateFunctions for each cell organelle are not present ................

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