
Supplementary MaterialTowards Automatic Classification of NeuronsRubén Arma?anzas and Giorgio A. AscoliKrasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason UniversityFairfax, VA 22030, USACorrespondence: ascoli@gmu.eduFigure S1. Major classification approaches with representative algorithms. References and links to available resources are provided in Table S1.Family/MethodRefsSoftwareProbabilisticBayesian Network Classifiers (BNCs)[S1]Weka, R(bnclassify), PyMVPABayesian Networks[S2]Weka, GeNIe, Bayesia, Hugin, R(bnlearn, deal)Expectation Maximization (EM)[S3]Weka, R(mclust)Generative Mixture Models[S4]Mixmod, R(Rmixmod)Factor Analysis for Biclustering[S5]R(fabia)Math FunctionsLogistic Regression[S6]Weka, R(glm2), Matlab(Statistics), PyMVPASupport Vector Machines[S7]Weka, Shogun, R(libsvm), Matlab(Statistics), PyMVPAArtificial Neural Networks[S8]Weka, Matlab(nnet, neuralnet)Kernel Methods[S9]Matlab(Statistics), R(stats, ks), PyMVPASemi-Supervised SVM (S3VM)[S10]SVMlight, UniverSVMSelf-Organizing Map (SOM)[S11]Matlab(SOM), R(som, kohonen)Subspace Clustering[S12]Weka(OpenSubspace), R(orclus, FisherEM)Principal Component Analysis[S13]Matlab(Statistics), R(stats)Distance-basedk-Nearest Neighbors[S14]Weka, Matlab(Statistics), R(knn), PyMVPAHierarchical Clustering[S15]Weka, Matlab(Statistics), R(stats, fastcluster)k-Means Clustering[S16]Weka, R(stats), Matlab(Statistics)k-Medians Clustering[S17]Weka, R(flexclust), Matlab(Statistics)SimilarityGraph-based[S18]R(spa), SemiLGaussian processes[S19]Weka, R(gptk), Matlab(GPML)Affinity Propagation[S20]Weka (APCluster), Matlab(apcluster), R(APCluster)Variance Biclustering[S21]R(biclust), Matlab(MTBA)RulesRIPPER[S22]Weka, R(caret), MLC++PRISM[S23]WekaTreesID3[S24]Weka, R(tree), Matlab(Statistics)C4.5[S25]Weka, R(tree), Matlab(Statistics)Random Forest[S26]Weka, R(randomForest), Matlab(randomforest-matlab)Wrapper approachesSelf-training[S27]R(DMwR)Co-training[S28]CoAL, Weka(collective-classification)Table S1. Major classification algorithms from a subset of representative families with original references and examples of implementations. Names in parentheses refer to particular packages that need to be installed. If none are noted, the algorithm is included within the basic installation.Software listNon-comprehensive exemplars of available programs implementing the algorithms presented in Table S1.Bayesia[S1] Friedman, N. et al. (1997) Bayesian network classifiers. Mach. Learn. 29, 131–163[S2] Perl, J. (1988) Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems. Morgan Kaufmann[S3] Dempster, A.P. et al. (1977) Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm. J. R. Stat. Soc. Series B 39, 1–38[S4] Baluja, S. (1998) Probabilistic Modeling for Face Orientation Discrimination: Learning from Labeled and Unlabeled Data. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11 (Kearns, M.J., Solla, S.A., Cohn, D.A., eds), pp. 854–860, MIT Press[S5] Hochreiter, S. et al. 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