
 BHS AP BiologyUnit Sequence & ScheduleMrs. Angelozzi2019-2020*All dates are tentative and subject to change. Sample activities are listed, but others may be addedText: Biology In Focus 1st EditionWeek/Unit TimelineTopic by ChapterLab InvestigationActivities1-2Sept. 4-13(8 Days)Introduction to Biology/The Nature of ScienceCh. 1: Introduction & Evolution Theme (Summer Assignment)Ecology and Diversity of Life (Summer Assignment)Introduction to course, get AP Classroom & Albert i.o access, review summer work; Marshmallow Challenge; Introduction to scientific Inquiry (Larceny in Cupertino; CER, HHMI Wolves & Trees), Lady Tasting Coffee3-4Sept. 16-Sept. 27(10 Days)Chemistry of LifeCh. 2: WaterCh. 3: Carbon and Molecular DiversityProperties of Water Lab with statsBanana LabMcMush LabType of Bonds WS; Acids and Bases; Pattern Matching; Protein Folding activity: POGIL: Biochemistry basics and Protein structure5Sept. 30-Oct. 4(5 Days)CellsCh. 4: A Tour of the Cell Ch. 32.1: Animal Systems Overview (Tissues)-p.641-643Cell Race Lab (diffusion)Cell size Biozone WS - concept of scale; Case study (A little girl lost); If organelles could talk, Speed Dating6Oct. 7-11(5 Days)Membrane TransportCh. 5.1-5.5: Membrane Structure and FunctionCh.29.2-29.4Diffusion and Osmosis Lab (carrots)Water potential problems; Case study- Death by water;Membrane transport Liquid chalk modeling7-8Oct. 15-25(10 Days)Metabolic ProcessesCh. 6: Intro to Metabolism (ATP and Enzymes)Enzyme Lab (catalase)POGIL, Stop Motion, Toothpickase9-10Oct. 28-Nov. 15(10 Days)Cellular RespirationCh. 7: RespirationCh. 34: Circulatory and Respiratory SystemsRespiration labFermentation labPOGILs, Liquid chalk modeling, Respiration manipulative11-12Nov. 18-Nov. 27(7.5 Days)PhotosynthesisCh 8: PhotosynthesisCh. 28-29: Plant Overview & NutritionCh. 30: Plant ReproductionCh. 31: Plant ResponsesLeaf chromatography;Leaf disk LabTranspiration labBioRad Algae Beads LabPOGIL; Liquid chalk modeling, Photosynthesis manipulative13Dec. 2-6(5 Half Days)DNA & RNACh. 13: DNA: The Molecular Basis of InheritanceDNA Isolation(cheek or strawberry)HHMI The Double Helix; DNA Replication WS; Dancing Polymerase activity14-15Dec. 9-20(9.5 Days)DNA & RNACh. 13: DNA: The Molecular Basis of InheritanceCh. 14: RNA: From Gene to ProteinDNA Damage lab (Carolina)HHMI - Central Dogma activity with cards; Transcription and Translation WS; Transcription Case study; Modeling Transcription and Translation16-18Jan. 2-15(10 Days)Molecular Genetics & BiotechnologyCh. 15: Regulating Gene ExpressionCh. 17: Genetics of Viruses and BacteriaCh. 16 & 18: DNA Technology and GenomicspGlo Transformation;Gel electrophoresis;PCRPOGILs; RE Analysis simulation (Kim Foglia); Dolan Learning Center animations (CSHL); Operon Modeling (Phet and Jon Darkow)18-19Jan. 16-24(7 Days)Cell DivisionCh. 9: Cell Cycle (Mitosis)Ch. 10: Meiosis Mitosis Lab (Onion root)HHMI- Cell Cycle and Cancer; Cell cycle regulation activity with FACS data (DD)20Jan. 27-31(5 Days)Midterm Exams21-22Feb. 3-14(10 Days)Mendelian Genetics & Chromosomal InheritanceCh. 11: Mendelian GeneticsCh. 12: Chromosomal Basis of InheritanceVirtual Fly Lab (DD)Genetics Problems, Chi Square -corn, m&ms23Feb. 18-21(4 Days)Mechanisms of EvolutionChapter 19: Darwinian EvolutionChapter 20: Phylogeny and SystematicsBLAST Lab (Protein)Mouse pGULO lab; HHMI - Sickle cell; Cladisticules Lab, Breeding Bunnies activity (intro to HW), Great Clade Race, Candy Cladistics24Feb 24-28(5 Days)Evolution in PopulationsChapter 21: Populations EvolveChapter 22: SpeciationH-W LabArtificial Selection Lab (Brine Shrimp)HHMI - Beak of the Finch Data point; HHMI Rock Pocket Mouse; HHMI Biology of Skin Color, HHMI Free Diving Spleen, Evolution of Color Vision, NOVA-The Evolution Lab25March 2-6(5 Days)MacroevolutionCh. 23: The Fossil RecordCh. 24: Early Earth and Origin of Life & Prokaryotic DomainsCoacervates lab (Carolina)HHMI Earth Viewer26-28March 9-27(15 Days)Cellular CommunicationCh. 5.6: Cell to Cell CommunicationCh. 32.2-32.5: Endocrine and Excretory SystemsCh. 37-38: Nervous SystemCh. 35: Immune systemRat LabCase studies; Jon Darkow simulations in neurophysiology; Neuronal signaling - Liquid Chalk modeling; Immune System Play, Speed Dating, Miracle berries29March 30-April 3(5 Days)Animal Behavior & Introduction to EcologyCh. 39: BehaviorPill Bug Behavior LabPBS Snow Monkey, Independent assignment, HHMI-Moths & Mimicry30-31March 6-24Break March 10-17(8.5 Days)Ecology/Introduction to StatisticsCh. 40: Population EcologyCh. 41: Species Interactions (Communities) (p.845-854;p.857-858)Ch. 42: Ecosystems and Energy (p. 864-876; up to 42.5)Energy Dynamics LabTranspiration LabStatistics Primer; Population Ecology problems, Simpson’s Diversity Index, DataNuggets; HHMI Biointeractive,POGIL: Eutrophication; Global Climate change32April 27-May 1(5 Days)AP Biology ReviewFull Practice ExamFRQ Stations33May 4-8(5 Days)AP Biology ReviewScience Practices (Bozeman); FRQ StationsMay 118:00 AMAP ExamMay 8AP Biology ExamMay 18-June 12BioethicsFinal Exam - Bioethics Project Presentation ................

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