
Installing PartKeepr on CentOS 6.3Install CENTOS Basic InstallSetup eht0 / firewallsetupSetup eth0# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0Edit firewall - Check off WWW(HTTP), Secure WWW (HTTPSInstall updatesyum updateInstall WebMinwget -U webmin-1.610-1.noarch.rpmInstall apacheyum install httpdchkconfig httpd onInstall MySQLsudo yum install mysql-serversudo service mysqld start/usr/bin/mysql_secure_installationchkconfig mysqld onInstall PHPsudo yum install php php-mysqlsudo yum install php-develyum install php-pear gccyum install php-gdCopy PartKeppr Files to serverCopy to /var/www/html/Install ImageMagicksudo yum install ImageMagickyum install ImageMagick-develpecl install imagick# vim /etc/php.ini; before ;End insert the following line:extension=imagick.so; :wq -- write the file and quit vimSet PHP Time Zone /etc/php.ini; :/timezone - to find timezone (line 946); hit A to appenddate.timezone = Pacific/Honolulu; hit escape – to get out of find; :/wqInstall DoctrineORMpear channel-discover pear.pear channel-discover pear.doctrine-pear install pear.DoctrineORMpear install pear.DoctrineSymfonyYamlpear install pear.DoctrineSymfonyConsoleInstall Twigpear channel-discover pear.twig-pear install twig/TwigMake /var/www/html/data writableOpen WinSCP and navigate to /var/www/html/ and change to 777 and set everything underneath to take the same security levelRestart Servershutdown –r nowSetup PartkeeprNavigate in web-browser to ipaddress/setup ( next on first page and check the pre-reqsSetup DB infoAdd folders under /var/www/html/dataPartAttachmentTemporaryMake /var/www/html/data writableMake everything in /var/www/html to security level 755Open WinSCP and navigate to /var/www/html/ and select data. change to 777 and set everything underneath to take the same security level ................

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