29 Ft Greene Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217 Peggy Blau, College Counselor

Jeffrey Ludwig, College Coordinator/Scholarships Giancarlo Malchiodi, College Advisor

Randy Asher, Principal Telephone: 718/804-6400

Fax: 718/260-9245

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Mercedes-Benz USA Scholarship: $2500/yr for four years. Must be first generation to go to college. Apply i-applications/drivefuture. Submission deadline: Feb. 10.

Best Buy Scholarships: $1500 (2) to students living within 50 mile radius of a Best Buy store. Also, $10,000 (16 nationally). Good grades and outstanding community service needed. Go to Deadline: Feb. 15.


Congratulations to senior Johannes Wilson who was named as a winner of the Questbridge College Match Scholarship to Williams College. Johannes was one of approximately 100 winners nationwide.

Congratulations also to three Posse Scholarship winners: Anton Reuben who will attend Trinity College, and Kwadwo Opoku-Nsiah and Tajreet Hedayet who will both attend Colby College.

Eileen E. Zaglin Scholarship: Approximately $2500. “For students who show exceptional promise and creativity in one or more of the arts including literature, fine arts, music and the performing arts or in a specific academic field and have demonstrated good character and a satisfactory academic record.” Application forms and brochure in 1W2. Deadline: April 28.

Holocaust Remembrance Scholarship: Essay contest: no more than 1200 words: (a) analyze why it is so vital that the remembrance, history and lessons of the Holocaust be passed to a new generation; and (b) suggest what they, as students, can do to combat and prevent prejudice, discrimination and violence in our world today. Award: $2,500- $10,000, a gold medal, and a trip to the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC.(10); $500 and a silver medal (10); $300 and a bronze medal (10). Contact: holocaust. Deadline: April 30.

Society of Women Engineers: $1000-$10,000 renewable awards. Information and application at Applications available in mid-February.

Comite Noviembre Scholarships: $1000 to exceptional Puerto Rican students who are making a difference in their community. Minimum GPA of 2.75 (80) and one year volunteer community service. Application form and guidelines in 1W2.

Deadline: March 1.

New York State Academy of Family Physicians Scholarships: Two scholarships of $1000 for students who desire to become family physicians. Online application at Deadline: March 20.

Mary Moy Quan Ing memorial Scholarship: Award $1500. Focus; Print, broadcast, or photo journalism. Eligibility: Asian Pacific Americans. Contact

Deadline: April 7.


Three of our seniors were selected to be among approximately 1200 national finalists for the 2007 National Achievement Scholarships. Congratulations to Rafael A. Klein-Cloud, Kimberly B. Laughman, and Ashley C.Schloss.

National Minority Junior Golf Scholarship: Award: $1000. Minority seniors eligible. Requirement: 500 word essay” “One of the principal goals of education and golf is fostering ways for people to respect and get along with individuals who think, dress, look, and act differently. How might you make this goal a reality?” Also considered are academic record, personal recommendations, participation in golf, participation in non-academic activities, and financial need. Write: NMJGSA 7226 North 16th Street,

Suite 210 Phoenix, AZ 85020. Deadline: April 15.

U.S. Marine Corps Scholarship: Awards: $500-$2500, renewable. For children of Marines or former Marines. Information at marine-. April 15.

Central Intelligence Agency Undergraduate Scholar Program: Annual salary while attending college of up to $15,000/yr. for tuition, fees, books, and supplies. Summer travel to Washington, D.C. and a housing allowance while there. Must have 1000 on the SAT1 CR+M and a GPA of 80. Also must plan to major in computer science, economics, electrical engineering, foreign area studies or non-Romance foreign languages. Must be available to work in Washington, D.C. at least 90 days each summer while in college. Must make a post-college commitment. Contact: CIA. Personnel Representative, P.O. Box 12727, Arlington, VA 22209, or (800) JOBS-CIA. Deadline: June 1.


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