December 12, 2021 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT

December 12, 2021 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT

St. Mary, West Point

St. Anthony, St. Charles

St. Aloysius, Aloys

St. Boniface, Monterey

Mass Schedule -

Daily Mass Times WP: Monday-Friday @ 7:15am Saturday, December 18

MO 4:30pm *MO =1st, 3rd and if 5th Saturday *SC = 2nd & 4th Saturday

WP 6:00pm

Sunday, December 19 WP 7:00am AL 8:30am WP 10:00am WP 11:30am Spanish

The Sacrament of


will be offered Saturday 8? 9am, 30 minutes prior to

both Saturday evening Masses, before the 8:30am Sunday Mass and Monday 6:30

-7:30pm in English and Spanish. You may also call the office to schedule an ap-

pointment for confession.


Pastor, Fr. James Weeder ......................... jmweeder@ Associate Pastor, Fr. Matt Niggemeyer....................................................


St. Mary, West Point Staff

Deacon, Francis Meiergerd ...............fmeiergerd@ Deacon, Dave Baumert.................lmbaumert1@ BC, RaNae O'Brien ......................ranaeobrien1@ Secretary, Melann Wiechman...melwiechman@ Music, Patty Meiergerd ....................pmeiergerd@ PC President, Drew Wimer.. drew.wimer@

St. Anthony, St. Charles Staff

Holy Name Society President, Glenn Harstick Business Manager, Deb Wiegert...deb_wiegert@ Music, Rita Goeden

St. Boniface, Monterey Staff

Parish Council President, Keith Kreikemeier Music, Marilyn Knobbe

St. Aloysius, Aloys Staff

Parish Council President, Randy Ortmeier Music, Carol Bourek Liturgist, Marylin Tomka

St. Joseph's Retirement Community

St. Mary Organizations

Youth Ministry Facebook ............. St. Mary's West Point Youth Ministry

SPA President, Renee Schmid ...................... 316-841-5217 Prayer line Contact, Karen Plagge ............. 402-372-2017 Pro-Life Coordinator, Wendy Ridder......... 402-380-1562

wjridder@ Spanish Ministry, Juany Lopez..............402-372-7170 Christian Mothers President, Janet Ulrich Catholic Daughters Regent, Marlene Knobbe Knights of Columbus

Grand Knight III Degree, Todd Dorcey IV Degree Faithful Navigator, Doug Hrbek

Guardian Angels Grade School

Central Catholic High School

High School Interim Principal, Kate Hagemann..............khagemann@ Elementary Principal, Paula Peatrowsky.............ppeatrowsky@ GA Secretary, Deanne Wieneke...deannewieneke@ CC Secretary, Lori Franzluebbers ............................................

lori.franzluebbers@ School Board President, Natalie Stratman .....................................natalie.stratman@ Lunch Program, Tami Bracht ... tbracht@ BlueJay Booster Club President, Danelle Ehrisman .......... ..................................danelle_ehrisman@ News from the Nest, Michael O'Brien

........................................................... sports@

Family Faith Formation

Coordinator, Alicia Lewis.... alicia.dagerman@ Confirmation, Sr. Elizabeth Ann, Sr. Louise


St. Mary Website: Bulletin on line

Email ..................................................... wpstmary@ Facebook..................... St Mary Catholic Church, West Point Guardian Angels Central Catholic School

Website ......................................... Facebook ................... Guardian Angels Central Catholic

Phone Numbers

Parishes Office Guardian Angels Central Catholic Development Sister's Convent Cafeteria

402-372-2188 402-372-5328 402-372-5326 402-372-2188 402-372-3822 402-372-2741


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ADVENT EVENING PRAYER, RECONCILIATION, AND EUCHARISTIC ADORATION--In celebration of the season of Advent we will offer an opportunity for Evening Prayer and confession in the context of Eucharistic Adoration. This is an opportunity to share in the universal prayer of the church and prepare for Christmas. We will celebrate at one of our different parish homes each Sunday from 6:00-7:00pm as follows: St Aloysius--December 12, and St Mary--December 19.

CONFESSION--We will not be having a Parish Reconciliation Service during Advent; however, there will be additional times to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Along with the normal scheduled times for confession on weekends, Mondays from 6:30-7:30pm, or by appointment, Fr Matt and/or I will offer confession on the Saturdays of Advent from 8:00am-9:00am. I hope that you will take advantage to experience the love and mercy of God in this wonderful sacrament.

INTO THE DEEP--Fr Matt will be teaching about the Gospel of John this Thursday the 16th at 7:00pm in the GA Cafeteria. Details on Page 5.

CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE is as follows: Christmas Eve--5pm at both St Mary and St Boniface; 7pm at St Anthony. Christmas--Midnight and 10:00am at St Mary; St Aloysius at 8:30.

DECEMBER25/26 SUNDAY OBLIGATION--With Christmas falling on Saturday this year , the question arises, "Do I get to attend Mass on Sunday too?" Actually you have the opportunity to attend Mass everyday, hence, the answer is `Yes'. In regard to the dates at hand, there are two obligations to fulfill--one for Christmas and one for Sunday. Thus, you get to participate during one of the Masses on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Plus you get to participate during one of the Masses on Saturday evening or Sunday Morning. The confusing part is that the 6:00pm Mass on Saturday can fulfill the obligation for Christmas or Sunday, but not both. Hence, no 2 for 1 Mass deal this year. Also note that there will not be a 4:30pm Mass on Saturday afternoon.

ST MARYS CHURCH DECORATING will be Sunday, December 19 at 1:00pm. All are welcome to enjoy the fun.

SPIRITUAL INSIGHT--Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice! Every time

I hear these words, my heart is lifted. Even if I'm having a bad day . There is something about hearing those words that I can't help, but to be filled with joy. St Paul's words are a reminder that if I'm having a bad day my focus is on myself rather than Jesus and I need to invite Him into it so I can see the situation through His eyes.

As I was putting this article together, I was having a rough week, tired, and just wanted to be done with this. However, as soon as I read these words a smile came on my face and I had a renewal of energy. I realized that I was focused on all I had to do and even though I was in front of the Blessed Sacrament, I allowed my eyes or attention to focus on the work ahead rather than the presence of Jesus. The word `rejoice' immediately turned my attention back to Jesus. I realized that I needed to turn it over to Him and let Him have control. When I did that the words flowed into what you just read. As we celebrate Gaudete/Rejoice Sunday may the words of St Paul, "Rejoice in the Lord always" lift up your hearts to the Lord and help you to focus on Him, knowing that He is in control even if we are not.

In Christ, Fr Weeder


Happy Birthday! Monday 12/13

Michelle Gerths, Jaelyn Grimm Jennifer Mackling, Keith Renter Michelle Spenner, Paul Stalp Justin Steffensmeier Tuesday 12/14 Adam Ernesti, Jackson Hugo Sierra Knobbe, Jessica Knobbe Dylan Steffen, Amanda Tomka Wednesday 12/15 Steven Brester, William Doggett Felicity Guenther, Carver Hamata Pamela Holtz, Doug Kaup Hailey Kreikemeier, David Ortmeier Kristy Ortmeier, Lane Petersen Denise Praest, Margaret Wagner Joan Wolken Thursday 12/16 Kayla Fischer, Brynn Hagemann Willard Harstick, Don Knobbe Abby Kreikemeier, Daniel Stratmann Cruz Wiechman Friday 12/17 Tyler Baumert, Angela Bracht Jerome Dinslage, Emily Hrbek Katie Neujahr, Larry Ulrich Drew Wimer Saturday 12/18 James Heimann, William Hough Jeanne Mulvihill, Kevin Thiele Sunday 12/19 Rosie Brunsing, Brody Dobbins Jane Hagedorn, Joyce Kindschuh Brennan Koch, Dr. Shawn Kralik Iona Michaelis, Katherine Stratmann William Weiler

Happy ANNIVERSARY! Wednesday 12/15

Steve & Carolyn Lorensen Roy & Kari Ritter Saturday 12/18 David & Jodi Disher Eddie & Pamela Holtz Daniel & Jane Stratmann Sunday 12/19 Daniel & Linda Wortman

Central Catholic Calendar

December 12th-18th Monday ? December 13 ? 4:00 ? Jr. High Boys Basketball Tournament @ Home ? 4:00 ? Jr. High Boys Basketball (8th Grade) Tournament @ Home ? 6:30 ? Freshman/Sophomore Girls Basketball @ Home ? 7:30 ? Freshman Boys Basketball @ Home Tuesday ? December 14 ? 6:00 ? Wrestling Dual @ Wakefield Wednesday ? December 15 ? 3:00 ? Grade 7-12 Mass Thursday ? December 16 ? 4:30 ? Jr. High Girls Basketball vs Norfolk Catholic ? 6:00 ? JVGirls Basketball vs Winnebago ? 7:30 ?Girls Basketball vs Winnebago Friday ? December 17 ? 4:30 ? JV Girls Basketball vs Aquinas Catholic ? 6:00 ? Girls Basketball vs Aquinas Catholic ? 6:00 ? JV Boys Basketball vs Aquinas Catholic ? 7:30 ? Boys Basketball vs Aquinas Catholic Saturday ? December 18 ? 9:30 ? Wrestling Invitational @ Elgin ? 3:00 ? JV Girls Basketball vs Norfolk Catholic ? 4:30 ? Girls Basketball vs Norfolk Catholic

Homemade Christmas

Cookie Trays Junior class parents

will be selling homemade Christmas cookie trays at the school Christmas Program on Wednesday, December 15th for $25 each. This money is used for post

prom expenses. If you would like to reserve a tray please contact Paula Buss at 402-380-5049 before December 15.

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Guardian Angels Calendar

Wednesday, December 15 ? "United in One spirit" t-shirts ? 1:00 Christmas Program rehearsal Nielsen Center ? PUBLIC IS INVITED ? 6:00 Christmas Program ? Nielsen Center Thursday, December 16 ? 8:15 K-6 Mass Friday, December 17 ? December Birthday Comfy Clothes Day

The Omaha Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (OACCW)

and its Deaneries are accepting scholarship applications from high school senior girls who are Catholic and plan to attend a public or private college or university. Each deanery may award a scholarship, and the application and essay of the winner of each deanery scholarship will be sent to the OACCW Scholarship Chair to compete for a $500 OACCW scholarship. Requirements and mailing addresses for each deanery contact are available from high school guidance counselors. Scholarship application forms are available on the OACCW Facebook page in "Photos" in the menu bar on the left side of the page. All documentation should be submitted to the applicant's Deanery Council of Catholic Women contact and be Postmarked by January 15, 2022. Late applications will not be considered.

SPA paper drive Saturday, Dec 18

8:00am-10:00am at Paper Trailer-corner of Mill & Wisner St (2 blocks west of Pizza Hut, then look south)

GACC in Search of High School Principal

Guardian Angels Central Catholic is in search of a high school principal. For the past eight years, Kate Hagemann has filled the position with a heart of service for her alma mater. A 2000 graduate of GACC, Kate returned to the nest in 2013 to teach Social Sciences at the junior high level. When a need for a principal arose the next year, Kate stepped into the position and has provided the school with leadership, a concern for academic success, and a love for students. Kate would like to return to the classroom full time next year. If you know of anyone who would be interested in Leading Through Christ as high school principal at GACC, please encourage him or her to contact Father James Weeder at the rectory. More information can be found on the NDE Teach in Nebraska website at https://

December 12, 2021

3rd Sunday of Advent ...."Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God." (PHILIPPIANS 4:6)

St. Paul reminds us that God is an abundant God ? He is the ultimate giver of gifts. He promises to give us all that we need. Remember, that we are created in God's image and likeness. We, too, are made to be generous with all of our gifts as well. Placing our trust in God frees us from being a slave to possessions. It allows us to gratefully and generously share ourselves and our goods with others.

St. Boniface: Poinsettias If you would like to donate a

St. Mary's Poinsettias

Again this year we will be offering the opportunity to sponsor a poinsettia in memory of a loved one during the Christmas Season. The cost will be $16.50. Please call the parish office 402-372-2188 by Friday December 17 if you would like one.

Early Deadlines for Bulletin

December 16 deadline for Dec. 26 bulletin

December 23 deadline for Jan 2 bulletin

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How about spending 1 hour each week or month with the Lord in His house? The Lord is waiting to see YOU! Adoration Hours we would like to fill:

Sunday 1am (to take) 3am (to take), 4am (2nd Sunday-month) 3pm (to take), 11pm (to take)

Monday 2am (to take), 4am (to take) 8am (to take), 11pm (to share)

Friday 1am (to take) 1pm (to take) 6 pm (to take) 8pm (to share) 9pm (to take)

Saturday 11am (to take) 12pm to share) , 3pm (to take)

poinsettia in memory of a loved one,

Perpetual Adoration Contacts:

you can call Flower & Gift Gallery 402-372-3473 by December 21st. Bernadette will pick up your flower on December 22 when she gets the ones for St. Boniface Church.

Christmas Mass Schedule

Friday, December 24 - Christmas Eve 5:00pm - St. Mary 5:00pm - St. Boniface 7:00pm - St. Mary (Spanish Mass)

Eileen Knodel: (372-3354) Midnight-6am Charissa Steffensmeier: (380-9871) 6am-noon Rox Schmaderer: (380-8371) noon-6pm Karen Plagge: (372-2017) 6pm-Midnight

7:00pm - St. Anthony

Automatic Deposit


Saturday, December 25 - Christmas Midnight - St. Mary 8:30am - St. Aloysius 10:00am - St. Mary

All our parishes are offering direct deposit for your tithing payments. All we need is a voided check or deposit slip. Stop by the Parish office for more

information and to set it up.

Mass Intentions for December 13 - 19

Monday, 12/13

7:15am WP

Special Intention-RAB, Leonard, Margaret

& Tom Wortman

Tuesday, 12/14

7:15am WP

Valen & Dorothy Batenhorst, William &

Elizabeth Maly, Leonard Bracht

Wednesday, 12/15

Ministers for December 18 - 19

4:30pm MO EMHC Servers

Pat Knobbe Logan Rolf

7:15am WP

L/D Henry Wolf Family, Joe Kreikemeier


Joan Yosten, Kenny Franzluebbers

School Mass

Thursday, 12/16

7:15am WP

Jessica Petersen, Larry Reimers & Family


Dick Graybeal & Greg Rueschhoff,

6pm WP Lector EMHC Servers Video

Jayne Mowinkel Michelle Einfalt, George Mowinkel, Matt & Erin Ridder Kara, Caleb & Charlotte Ridder Jim Franzluebbers

School Mass Chris Batenhorst

Friday, 12/17

7:15am WP

Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity,

Steven Kreikemeier

Saturday, 12/18

4:30pm MO Special Intention, Frank & Ida Wisnieski,

Edward Spenner

6:00pm WP Joe Oligmueller, Delores & Norman Pagels, Al

7am WP Lector EMHC



Tom Bracht Lois Bracht, Dave Knobbe, RaNae O'Brien, Diane Rasmussen Ryder Anderson-Ray, Israeia Kreikemeier, Hayden Throener

Sunday, 12/19 7:00am WP

8:30am AL

& Claire McMahon, Leonard Bracht

Sandy Knobbe, Ignatius Gentrup, William Gentrup, David Prinz Family Msgr. Francis Schmitt, Dan Meiergerd, Justine Kroenke, Jim Michaelis

8:30am AL Lector EMHC Servers Gift Bearers

Michelle Wooldrik Merlyn & Barb Steffensmeier, Janelle Brester Emory Woodbury, Madison Brunsing Keith & Kim Doerneman

10:00am WP

11:30am WP *Spanish

John & Lydia Novak, Mary Brunsing, L/D Tony Batenhorst Family, Vincent, Leona, & Jerry Engelmeyer, Maggie Pierce For All Parishioners

10am WP Lector EMHC Servers

Allen Meister Brian Hass, Beth Hunke, Cheryl Meister, Joan Plagge Breckyn Haase, Samuel & Isabel Hass

St. Mary

Needs per Sunday: $12,596 Weekly Collection .................. $8,956.97 Maintenance-Ener-Cem.......... $3,060.33 All Saints ............................................$5.00 Immaculate Conception............. $100.00 Christmas ...................................... $550.00

Thank you very much.

St. Aloysius

Weekly Collection ......................$145.00 Christmas......................................... $40.00 God's Acre ...................................$300.00 Cemetery ......................................$200.00

Thank you very much.

St. Boniface

Weekly Collection .................. $1,144.00 Thank you very much.

WP Money Counters 7:00pm Monday, December 13 Head MC: Kathy Schmaderer MC: Linda & Dick Kaup, Connie Nebuda

Marla Schmader

7:00pm Monday, December 20 Head MC: Chris Peatrowsky MC: Gary & Connie Kaup

Tom & Donna McDevitt

St. Mary Church Cleaning December 17

Brenda Duhsmann, Deb Bailey, Danelle Smith, Angi Klitz, Arlene Langhorst, Jean Meiergerd

St. Mary Wednesday, December 15 6:30-8:00pm Family Faith

Formation grades 1-6 @ St Francis Center Sunday, December 19 1:00pm Decorating Church for



St. Aloysius December 19 Coffee & Rolls

after Mass

Money Counters December 12

LeRoy & Diane Meiergerd Glenn & Sheila Sindelar Mark Brunsing December 19 Randy & Doris Ortmeier Merlyn & Barb Steffensmeier

Men's Service Group December 14

Nick Strehle #3 December 20

Merlyn Steffensmeier #4

Ladies Cleaning Group Month of December #1 Dianne Meiergerd, Linda Ernesti, Sheila Sindelar, Vicki Meiergerd, Jennifer Meiergerd

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Decorating St. Mary Church for Christmas

Sunday, December 19 at 1:00pm All help is greatly appreciated.

Into the Deep

An opportunity to learn more about Catholic Theology from Fr. Matt

GA Cafeteria 7PM, Thursday December 16, 2021,

Topic: Gospel of John

Memorials In memory of Bob Schlickbernd to

CC & GACC Endowments In memory of Adolph Kreikemeier

to Monterey Cemetery & GA Endowment In memory of Ina Welding to GA Endowment In memory of Jeanette Pozler to GA Endowment In memory of Randy Schlautman to GA Endowment In memory of Edward Spenner to St. Boniface Church

Welcome to the Faith

Emmett Arthur Lammli son of Allan and Jenae Lammli

St. Boniface Church Cleaning

November: Erin Timmerman, Meredith Rolf, Sierra Knobbe, Heather Knobbe

St. Anthony Church Cleaning

December : Diane Ortmeier & Deb Wiegert

"31 Club" Members Praying for Vocations

The following members of the Vocations 31 Club have agreed to pray for vocations on the days indicated. Please try to remember to set aside a few moments to pray for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life:

Week of December 13 - 19

Mon. 12/13 Craig & Wendy Wooldrik Tues. 12/14 Eileen Stevens Wed. 12/15 Geraldine Hagedorn Thurs. 12/16 Margaret Wordekemper Fri. 12/17 Erv & Elaine Eisenmenger Sat. 12/18 Marietta Otte Sun. 12/19 Maureen Schorn

Mass of Christian Burial for Randy Schlautman age 64 of West Point, NE was held Monday, December 6, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. at St. Mary's Catholic Church in West Point with Fr. Matt Niggemeyer as celebrant. Burial of the ashes was in St. Michael's Cemetery. Randy passed away on Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at Arbor Care Center in Tekamah, NE. Randy John Schlautman was born on July 28, 1957 at West Point, NE to Virgil and Marlane (Mandel) Schlautman. He attended Guardian Angels School and graduated from West Point Central Catholic High School in 1976. On June 3, 1978, he was united in marriage to Becky Sellentin. On February 2, 2000, he married Bonnie Wieneke. Survivors include: Wife-Bonnie Children Kirsten (David) Berg, Brianna (John) Klaasmeyer, Justin (Heather), Brother-Ron (Renee), Sisters- Carol (Kelly) McAuliffe, Mary Schlautman and Meg Eiter along with grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents-Virgil and Marlane Schlautman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jeanette Polzer, 97, died Thursday, November 25, 2021 at St. Joseph's Hillside Villa in West Point. Funeral Mass was held 10:30am on Tuesday, November 30 at St. Mary's Catholic Church in West Point. Memorials may be made to the Catholic Daughters. Jeanette Hildegard Polzer was born on October 27, 1924 to Joseph George and Margaret (Hilz) Hugo in West Point. After graduating from Guardian Angels High School. On February 8, 1947, she married Henry Polzer at St. Mary's Catholic Church in West Point. Jeanette is survived by her sons, Vincent (Patricia) of Denver, CO and Edward (Jana) of Aurora, CO; fourteen grandchildren and nine great grandchildren; and brother, Ambrose (Nora) Hugo of West Point. Jeanette is preceded in death by his parents; husband, Henry; daughter, Cheryl Mills in 1985; sisters, Florence Schnur and Juliana Wordekemper; and brothers, Paul, Aelred, and Matthias Hugo.


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