Abdominal aortic aneurysm – AAA

abdominal aortic aneurysm – AAA

accommodation - adjustment, especially the lens of the eye to various distances (pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation (PERRLA)

acuity - clarity or clearness, especially of vision (noun form of acute as in opposite of chronic

adhese/adhesion - to be attached or stuck to something; stable band or structure by which parts abnormally adhere

adjuvant - assisting or aiding. The patient received adjuvant chemotherapy

alkaline phosphatase - alk phos - an enzyme routinely checked as part of the laboratory values

Allis clamp - a surgical clamp which sounds like a woman’s name

alopecia - baldness; absence of hair from skin areas where it is normally present

amelioration - improvement, especially in the condition of a patient

aneurysm - a sac formed by dilatation of the wall of an artery, vein, or the heart

anhedonia - total loss of feeling of pleasure with acts which usually bring pleasure

anisocoria - inequality in the diameter of the pupils

aortobifemoral - pertaining to both the aorta and the femoral arteries - one word

applanation - undue flatness, especially of the cornea

atelectasis - incomplete expansion of a lung (or other normally air-filled space)

avulsion - ripping or tearing away of a part (common fracture)

ballottement / ballotable - detecting pregnancy by pushing up the fetus with fingers inserted into the vagina, causing the fetus to rise and fall

bibasilar - having or affecting two bases, usually in reference to both lung bases

biceps / bicipital - a muscle having two heads; pertaining to a muscle having to heads

bigeminy - occurring in pairs, usually refers to the occurrence of two beats of a pulse in rapid succession

bougie - a slender, hollow, flexible, cylindrical tube for introduction into the urethra or other tubular organ

brachioradialis - a muscle of the arm

bruits - sounds or murmurs heard on auscultation, especially abnormal ones

cachexia / cachectic - general ill health and malnutrition

centrum semiovale - white matter of the cerebral hemispheres

cerebrovascular accident - CVA - a stroke

cerumen – earwax

chamfer - groove or furrow, as in a type of cut in an orthopedic procedure (noun and verb)

choana / choanae - any funnel-shaped cavity or infundibulum, especially between the nasal cavity and nasopharynx

choledocholithiasis - calculi (stones) in common bile duct

cholesteatoma - a benign tumor filled with debris, usually including cholesterol (common in inner ear/mastoid, but can occur in the skull or brain)

cicatrix / cicatricial - a scar

cineangiography - photographic recording of images of blood vessels by motion picture

circumcision - removal of all or part of the foreskin

claudication - limping, lameness due to complex causation

Clostridium - microorganisms which are pathogenic

(Clostridium botulinum - C. botulinum, Clostridium difficile - C.difficile, Clostridium perfringens - C. perfringens)

conjunctiva / conjunctivae - the membrane lining the eyelid and eyeball (singular/plural)

consciousness - the state of being awake

cor pulmonale - heart disease caused by hypertension (Cor means heart)

creatinine - a laboratory value used to measure kidney function (with BUN)

crepitus / crepitation - discharge of flatus from the bowels; dry, crackling sound (as with bones rubbing together, a dry lung, or snapping joint)

cribriform - perforated like a sieve (used to refer to the appearance of anatomical structures)

curettage - cleansing a diseased surface; removal of growths by a curet

DeBakey - specific type of clamp, forceps, and other instruments

defervesced - defervescence - the reduction of fever (both verb and noun forms)

dehiscence - a splitting open, specifically the separating of wound layers following surgery

demyelination - the destruction or loss of the sheath surrounding a nerve

Descemet - de-sa-may - a membrane of the eye

desiccation – dryness

desquamation - shedding skin or other tissues in scales or sheets

detrusor - a general term for a body part that pushes down - like the bladder

diaphragm - a major respiratory muscle

distention - bloating or enlargement (-sion is misspelling)

Dobbhoff - a feeding tube

dorsalis pedis pulse = common pulse taken at back (dorsalis) of foot (pedis)

dysdiadochokinesia - impaired ability to stop one motor function and perform the opposite motor function (rapid alternating movements)

dyspareunia - difficult or painful intercourse

dysraphia - a defective or incomplete fusion of a raphe, or neural tube

ecchymosis - a bruise

eczema - dermatitis, which is frequently misspelled

effacement - obliteration of the cervix during labor, leaving only a thin external OS

ejection fraction - the ratio of blood left in the ventricles after diastole which is then ejected during systole

epididymis - cordlike structure in the testis

epinephrine - adrenaline; a vasoconstrictor

erythema - redness of the skin

erythropoiesis - the production of red blood cells (erythrocytes)

eschar - slough produced by a burn, corrosive agent, or gangrene (not a bruise)

Escherichia coli - bacteria found in intestines of humans and other mammals (capitalized)

Ethibond - a type of suture. Sutures are classified by 0’s, such as 0000 or 4-0

euthymic - general term used to describe normal mental status (not euthyroid)

exacerbation – flare up or worsening of a disease or any symptom of disease

exophthalmos - abnormal protrusion of the eyeball (also proptosis)

exstrophy - the turning inside out of an organ

fasciculations - small contractions of muscle which are visible through the skin (not vesiculations)

fenestrated - pierced with one or more openings

fluoroscopy - an examination using a device which measures the deep structures of body by x-ray

fontanelle - fontanel - the “soft spot” on an infant’s head

foramen ovale - a structure in the brain - natural opening or passage, especially through bone

fulguration - destruction of living tissue using electrical sparks generated by a high frequency current

fundus / funduscopic - pertaining to an ophthalmoscope (taken from word “fundus” - bottom or base of anything, especially the eyeball)

Gilbert - pronounced zhee-bear - a disease or syndrome (an inborn error of bilirubin metabolism)

gonioscopy - examination of the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye

graafian follicle - a sac or pouchlike depression or cavity

grand mal / petit mal - form of epilepsy with loss of consciousness; tonic-clonic seizures petit (small)

Groshong catheter - tubular, flexible instrument inserted into the bladder for withdrawal of urine

guaiac - used as a reagent in tests for occult blood (either negative or positive)

hematochezia - passage of bloody stool

Hemoccult - trademark name for guaiac test for occult blood (often not capitalized)

hemoglobin & hematocrit - H&H - oxygen-carrying pigment of red blood cells / measurement of packed red blood cells in a specimen

Hemophilus influenzae - species of microorganism once thought ot be the cause of epidemic influenza in humans (bacterial meningitis in children)

Hemovac - a drain, common in surgical reports

hepatojugular reflux - backward or return flow; causing distention of jugular vein induced by pressure over the liver

herniated nucleus pulposus - (HNP) rupture or prolapse, especially herniation of the spine

phoria / heterophoria - failure of visual axes to remain parallel after visual stimuli are removed. (esophoria, exophoria, and hypophoria)

homonymous hemianopsia - defective vision or blindness affecting the right halves or left halves of the vision field of both eyes

hydradenitis - inflammation of a sweat gland, usually of the apocrine type

hyperesthesias - painful sensation from normally painless touch stimulus

ichthyosis vulgaris - group of skin disorders characterized by increased or unusual keratinization and resulting in scaling of the skin

icterus - jaundice (yellowish color due to jaundice as in icteric sclerae)

inflammation - localized protective response caused by injury or destruction of tissues. (pain, heat, redness, swelling, and loss of function)

inspissated - being thickened, dried, or having less fluid

interstitial lung disease - slowly progressive disease of respiratory tract which may lead to respiratory insufficiency and death

intertriginous - affected with a superficial dermatitis (intertrigo)

intussusception - prolapse of one part of the intestine into an immediately adjoining part

ischemia - deficiency of blood in a part, usually due to functional constriction or actual obstruction of a blood vessel

Islets of Langerhans – irregular microscopic structures scattered throughout the pancreas

Kocher – used in reference to surgical instruments or procedures such as clamps, forceps, incision, method, operation

koilocyte – a concave or hollow cell, such as a normal red blood cell

koilocytotic – characterized by the presence of or resembling koilocytes

labyrinthitis – inflammation of a system of cavities or canals, especially those which make up the internal ear

lipomyelomeningocele – the hernial protrusion of the spinal cord and its meninges through a defect in the vertebral canal with an overlying lipoma

lymphadenopathy – enlargement of the lymph nodes

malpighian corpuscles – corpuscle: any small mass or body, as components of the blood. Malpighian corpuscles are found in the liver and spleen.

marsupialization – the creation of a pouch; specifically applied to establishing a pouch of what was formerly an enclosed cyst

melena – 1. the passage of dark and pitchy stools stained with blood pigments or with altered blood; 2. black vomit (not to be confused with melanotic which means “characterized by the presence of melanin.”

meningism / meningismus – symptoms of meningeal irritation associated with acute febrile illness or dehydration without actual infection of the meninges

mesentery – a membranous fold attaching various organs to the body wall; usually refers to the fold attaching the small intestine to the dorsal body wall

mittelschmerz – pain associated with ovulation, usually occurring in the middle of the menstrual cycle

molluscum contagiosum – a common, benign, usually self-limited viral infection of the skin and occasionally the conjunctivae

mortise – a joining of structures usually referring to the ankle

mottling – a condition characterized by splitting with patches of color

myringotomy – the creation of a hole in the tympanic membrane

naviculocuneiform – a joint in the ankle - “navicular” means boat-shaped and “cuneiform” means wedge-shaped

Nissen fundoplication – mobilization of the lower end of the esophagus and plication of the fundus of the stomach around it (fundic wrapping); surgical treatment for reflux esophagitis

normoactive – refers to te normal sounds of digestion; “Abdomen reveals normoactive bowel sounds.”

normocephalic – refers to the normal appearance of the head (HEENT: normocephalic and atraumatic)

obsolescence – the cessation or the beginning of the cessation of any physiologic process

onychomycosis – ringworm of the nail

osteochondritis dissecans – inflammation of both bone and cartilage which results in cartilage pieces splitting into the joint

otitis media / otitis externa – inflammation of the middle ear, which may be marked by pain, fever, abnormalities of hearing, hearing loss, tinnitus, and vertigo; inflammation of the external auditory canal

palate – the partition separating the nasal and oral cavities; consists of a hard bony part and a soft fleshy part

panellipse – the name of the full set of x-rays taken of the teeth

papilledema – edema of the optic disc (one word) - called also choked disc

paraphimosis – retraction of foreskin causing a painful swelling in the glans that may cause dry gangrene

parenchyma / parenchymal – the essential elements of an organ / adjectival form (commonly seen in descriptions of the lungs, but descriptive of other structures as well)

paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea – respiratory distress that is minimal in the morning, and may gradually progress until it becomes quite disturbing at night (PND)

patulous – spreading widely apart; open; distended

peau d’orange – a dimpled condition of the skin, resembling that of an orange (taken from the French term meaning “orange peel” and pronounced po dranzh)

pectus excavatum – hollow chest, depressed breast bones (pectus means breast, chest, thorax)

percussion & auscultation – percussion: the act of striking a part with short, sharp blows and listening to sound obtained auscultation: listening for the sounds within the chest (two primary ways lung sounds are ascertained in the physical exam

peritomy – 1. surgical incision of the conjunctiva and subconjunctival tissue about the whole circumference of the cornea; 2. circumcision

pertussis – an acute, highly contagious infection of the respiratory tract (frequently seen in young children called also whooping cough)

Pfannenstiel – a curved abdominal incision, directed downward to just above the symphysis, passing through skin, superficial fascia and aponeurosis

phacoemulsification – a method of cataract extraction in which the lens is fragmented by ultrasonic vibrations and simultaneously irrigated and aspirated

pheochromocytoma – a tumor of tissue of the adrenal medulla (main symptom is hypertension)

phlebolith – a calculus or concretion in a vein; a vein stone

phlegmon / phlegmonous – a spreading, diffuse inflammatory reaction to infection

pilonidal – pertaining to, characterized by, or having a tuft of hair – as a pilonidal cyst

pinguecula – a yellowish spot on the conjunctiva (especially seen in the elderly)

platysma – a platelike muscle of the face which acts to wrinkle the skin of the neck and to depress the jaw

pneumothorax / hemopneumothorax – an accumulation of air or gas in the pleural space; hemopneumothorax is one with hemorrhagic effusion

polyhydramnios – an extreme excess of amniotic fluid

priapism – persistent abnormal erection of the penis, usually without sexual desire, and accompanied by pain and tenderness (poor guy!)

pruritus – itching; also refers to any of a variety of conditions marked by itching

Pseudomonas aeruginosa – an organism which causes the appearance of “blue pus” observed in certain infections (common in debilitated patients, causing severe and often fatal infections)

pterygium – a wing-like structure, especially an abnormal triangular fold of membrane in the eye

ptosis - `prolapse of an organ or part, most commonly the drooping of the upper eyelid I knew that!!!)

pudendal – pertaining to the external genitalia of humans, especially of the female

puerperal – pertaining to the period from the end of the third stage of labor until involution of the uterus is complete (usually 3 to 6 weeks)

purpura – a small hemorrhage in the skin, mucous membrane, or serosal surface

purulent – consisting of or containing pus

quiescence / quiescent – the state of being quiet, still, inactive / adjectival form

rales - abnormal, discontinuous, nonmusical sounds heard on auscultation, primarily during inhalation

Raynaud disease – (pronounced ray-no) a vascular disorder characterized by localized ischemia – generally of the fingers or toes

rhabdomyolysis – disintegration or dissolution of muscle, which is then excreted through the kidneys with devastating effect

rhabdomyosarcoma – a highly malignant tumor of striated muscle (also called rhabdomyoblastoma)

rhegmatogenous – arising from a rupture, rent, or fracture, such as in the retina

RhoGAM – trademark name for the Rh factor suppressant (Rh negative blood type women need RhoGAM shot after delivery of baby)

rhonchi – continuous dry rattling in the throat or bronchial tube (heard on auscultation as part of the examination of the lungs)

rhythm / arrhythmia – rhythm: a measured movement; the recurrence of an action or function at regular intervals – arrhythmia: any variation from the normal rhythm of the heartbeat

rongeur – a forceps-like instrument for cutting tough tissue, particularly bone

Roux-en-Y (anastomosis) – pronounced roo’on-why - a Y-shaped bowel anastomosis (generally an anastomosis is the connection between two structures that is not naturally occurring)

sacculation – a pouch

schwannoma – neoplasm originating from cells of the myelin sheath of neurons (also called neurilemoma)

sclera / sclerae – the tough white coat of the eyeball (both singular and plural forms)

scotoma – an area or areas of lost or depressed vision within an otherwise primarily normal visual field

seborrheic dermatitis – a chronic disease of the skin characterized by moderate redness, scaling, and yellow crusted patches

sella turcica – a transverse depression which crosses the midline on the superior surface of the body of the sphenoid bone

serosanguineous – pertaining to or containing both serum and blood (often mispronounced “serosanguinous”

silhouette / silhouetting – the outline or contour of a structure, such as the heart (common on chest x-rays – “the cardiac silhouette was normal”

somnolent / somnolence – sleepy or drowsy; sleepiness or unnatural drowsiness

spondylolisthesis – forward displacement of one vertebra over another (usually the 5th lumbar over the body of the sacrum, or the 4th lumbar over the 5th)

status post – after or following (Patient is status post coronary artery bypass grafting)

suppurative – producing or oozing puss (yuk!!!)

Swan-Ganz catheter – a soft, flow-directed catheter with a balloon at the tip for measuring pulmonary arterial pressures

symptomatology – the combined symptoms of a disease

syndactyly- webbing between adjacent digits of the hands or feet so they are more or less completely attached (most common congenital defect of hand or foot)

syphilis – a sexually transmitted disease which, if untreated, progresses through three stages and can be fatal

telangiectasia – permanent dilation of preexisting blood vessels, creating small focal red lesions, usually in the skin

tenesmus – straining, especially ineffectual and painful straining, at defecation or urination

tertiary – third in order (after primary and secondary)

tetralogy of Fallot – history of Sir Lancelot—just kidding!!! – a combination of congenital cardiac defects (pronounced fal-lo’)

thecal sac – a pouch enclosed in a sheath in the spine (not to be confused with “cecal” or “fecal”)

tinnitus – a noise in the ears, such as ringing, buzzing, roaring, or clicking

tumescence – a swelling

turgor – 1. a condition of being swollen and congested; 2. normal or other fullness

Valsalva maneuver – a forcible exhalation effort to test for heart function or inner ear function

vasovagal – a reaction marked by pallor, nausea, sweating, bradycardia, and rapid fall in arterial blood pressure; fainting

verumontanum – a prominent portion of the urethral crest in males (called colliculus seminalis)

Vicryl – a commonly used suture

viscus / viscera – any large interior organ in any one of three great cavities of the body (i.e. heart, pancreas, liver, etc.)

vomiting – Last but not least... the forcible expulsion of the contents of the stomach through the mouth


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