
Syllabus Part 1: Course Policies

|For a printable copy, click here: |

|English 101 |Fall 2010 |Chandler-Gilbert Community College|Pecos Campus |

|Dr. Allene Cooper |480-732-7126 | |

|Office Hours: By appointment only |

|Usual location and time: Library @ 11:30-12:15 |

|Section #35058 |BRD HALL 170 |TR |12:40PM-01:55PM |

|Student Responsibilities for Information |

Each student is responsible for the information in this syllabus in its separate parts.

The syllabus is subject to change due to conflicts in dates and varying of assignment timing. You are responsible to become aware of the notifications by the instructor of any changes in course requirements, policies, or due dates.

Also, you are responsible for understanding the college policies included in the college catalog and the student handbook.

For an overview of the assignments for our class and for the grading criteria, go to the Syllabus Part 2 page of the blog. For a schedule of assignment due dates, go to the Syllabus Part 2 page of the blog. These dates may change.

We will have Five Workshops, each of which includes Lecture Notes, Assignment Guidelines, and other pertinent handouts. EACH STUDENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING THIS MATERIAL AND FOR PRINTING AND BRINGING THE MATERIALS/HANDOUTS TO CLASS ON THEIR DUE DATES.

|Required Text |

• Johnson-Sheehan, R. and Paine, C. Writing Today, Pearson. 2010.

 Other Materials:


1. a 3 ring binder with pockets

2. a light-weight 3-hole punch folder that can be handed in throughout the semester

3. a computer disk or flash drive compatible with your own computer and/or with campus computers

4. the capability of printing out course materials from this blog.

5. a Maricopa Student E-mail account


1. any standard English dictionary (to use at home)

2. an MLA or APA style manual.

3. a pre-paid printing account (Pay2Print) for use in computer labs and libraries

4. a stapler

|Course Description |

|Emphasis on rhetoric and composition with a focus on expository writing and understanding writing as a process. Establishing effective |

|college-level writing strategies through four or more writing projects comprising at least 3,000 words in total Prerequisites: Appropriate |

|writing placement test score, or a grade of "C" or better in ENG091 or ESL097. |

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|MCCCD Official Course Competencies: |

|1. |Write for specific rhetorical contexts, including circumstance, purpose, topic, audience and writer, as well as the writing's ethical, |

| |political, and cultural implications. (I, IV) |

|2. |Organize writing to support a central idea through unity, coherence and logical development appropriate to a specific writing context. |

| |(II, V) |

|3. |Use appropriate conventions in writing, including consistent voice, tone, diction, grammar, and mechanics. (I, V) |

|4. |Find, evaluate, select, and synthesize both online and print sources that examine a topic from multiple perspectives. (I, III) |

|5. |Integrate sources through summarizing, paraphrasing, and quotation from sources to develop and support one's own ideas. (III, IV) |

|6. |Identify, select and use an appropriate documentation style to maintain academic integrity. (III) |

|7. |Use feedback obtained through peer review, instructor comments, and/or other sources to revise writing. (II) |

|8. |Assess one's own writing strengths and identify strategies for improvement through instructor conference, portfolio review, written |

| |evaluation, and/or other methods. (II) |

|9. |Generate, format, and edit writing using appropriate technologies. (II, V) |

|MCCCD Official Course Outline: |

|I. Applying Knowledge of Rhetorical Contexts |IV. Writing Persuasively |

|A. Circumstance |A. Logical appeals |

|B. Purpose |B. Ethical appeals |

|C. Topic |C. Emotional appeals |

|D. Audience |D. Authority |

|E. Writer |E. Evidence |

|II. Refining Effective Processes |V. Applying Conventions |

|A. Invention |A. Citation style |

|B. Drafting |B. Format |

|C. Feedback |C. Structure |

|D. Revision |D. Mechanics |

|E. Presentation | |

|III. Researching Critically | |

|A. Primary and secondary sources | |

|B. Note taking | |

|C. Summary and paraphrase | |

|D. Documentation of sources | |

|E. Information literacy | |

|Contacting Dr. Cooper |

Please do not contact me simply to tell me that you will be absent or that your assignment will be late. We have course policies for those two events.

Also, if you have questions about an assignment, please try to ask them in class. That way, other students will hear the answer. If you do try to contact me, remember that I may not be able to answer you before the next class period anyway because of my work and family duties.

• You many place a Comment on my blog: . It will be delivered automatically to my personal email and I will try to answer you on the blog.

• Always include your name in your comments; I can’t recognize all email addresses, especially with approximately 100 students emailing me this semester. It’s also just polite to close your comments with a closing and your name (ex.: “Thanks! Jason.”

• Also, always include your section number, (ex. 21299), so that I can identify you and your class quickly.

• You may leave a message for me with the Language Division secretary @ 480-732-7126

|Course Policies |

1. Attendance- Regular attendance is required. Failure to attend class deprives you of valuable guidance on your writing both from me and from your classmates and may result in misunderstood and missed assignments.  In addition, since much of our work this semester will be collaborative and done on our computers, missed classes will deprive you of the opportunity to fulfill the learning experiences and thus the credit for our team exercises.  A student who exceeds 4 absences will fail the course.

2. Class disruptions- Please do not be tardy to class. If it is impossible to get here on time, please come in quietly and sit in a seat in the back of the class. Do you disrupt the teacher or other students as you enter. If I have already marked the roll, it is your responsibility to let me know, after class, that you are present. If you are more than 30 minutes late, you will be counted absent.

All electronic devices—pagers, phones, beepers, etc.---must be turned to the off position during class. No texting is allowed. You may be asked to leave the room for infractions.

3. Late work and make ups- Because I want you to improve your writing and researching skills and because the research process has many important steps, you will need to keep up with your assignments. The process is rigorous and we will have many assignments due almost weekly.  The most frequent comment from my past students in answer to the question, “What would you do differently if you had this research project to do over?” was, “I’d manage my time better and keep up.” 

So, assignments are due at the beginning of class on the assigned date.  After that, they are late.   Final drafts of reports will receive one grade lower for each day they are late.  In class work, such as rough draft preparation, group work, quizzes, and daily assignments cannot be made up. You must be in class to get credit for these. 

If you do not have a rough draft (version) of your paper on the days it’s due for peer writing groups, you will not be able to participate and will lose one letter grade from your final paper grade (A to B, B- to C-, etc.) In addition, 5% of your total class grade is devoted to participating on teams, bringing your drafts, and doing peer evaluations. (See Syllabus Part 2.)


4. Writing Center attendance- The Writing Center and its branches are wonderful resources to help you with your writing throughout your years here. To encourage you to use them, I require each of you to attend at least one tutoring session at the Writing Center or one of its branch centers sometime before mid-term.  You must take a draft of a paper with you. Tutors will notify me that you have attended. Writing Center attendance will be figured in your final grade.


5. Teacher conferences- You must visit with me individually by appointment only at least twice during the term to discuss your papers and your class performance.  I will schedule the first conferences.  The second conference will be scheduled by YOU.  Please take this opportunity to let me get to know you a little better.  I also encourage you to visit your other instructors during their office hours.  Getting to know them will help you weather the course of your college years.  Your conferences with me will be figured in your final grade.

6. Paper format- All papers and drafts must be word processed.  Type on one side only and double space. STAPLE the pages together before you come to class.  No paper clips or dog-ears will be accepted.  Your name, course number and time, and due date, and type of assignment should appear as follows in the upper corner (right or left is ok) of page 1:

|  |Your Name |

|  |ENG 101 7:40 |

|  |Oct. 5, 2010 |

|  |Rapid Research Paper |

Proofread carefully and print any last minute corrections neatly with pen above or near mistakes.  Everyone makes mistakes, but careless proofreading will affect your grade.

|Collaboration, Peer Review, and Plagiarism |

For much of our history, North Americans have prided ourselves on our individual achievements and stamina. We have honored individuals who seemingly by themselves have conquered great odds, flown solo across the ocean, created important inventions, or made momentous discoveries.  The ideal of the individual conquering the vast American wilderness or making it to the top of an equally vast commercial empire has even influenced us in our schools to try to work and achieve alone.  Most of us, however, know that we have succeeded with the help of many others: our parents and family, our friends, the smart kid we called to help with tough problems, or even the slower kid who gave us the chance to "talk" about what we were learning and so learn it better. 

Recently, Americans seem to be learning to accept and give help.  Influences as varied as the success of Japanese commerce and the connectedness of feminist studies are persuading American business and education to try a more cooperative approach to problem solving.  In this class, I not only encourage you to make friends and to work together, I expect it.  I will as often as possible create experiences where you will help each other succeed in becoming better writers and researchers.  One of the ways you can do this is by being each other's readers.  We will continually read and review each others plans, drafts, and finished products. You will best help yourself and your classmates succeed by bringing the best work you can do to each peer review session. 

In addition, most of our research for this class will be carried on collaboratively.  We will help each other find material on our topic.  I will design assignments where you work together to build your research file.  Be assured however, that I will evaluate your work on your own efforts and accomplishments.

At the same time as I encourage you to work together to help each other become better writers, I insist that you DO NOT plagiarize.  It is important that you learn what plagiarism is.  Plagiarism is:

• Using part or all of someone else's composition

• Handing in a composition revised by another person (Advice for revision, editing and proofing are allowed and often encouraged.)

• Using material quoted from another writer without appropriate punctuation and acknowledgment

• Using original ideas expressed by another, either in writing or in speech, without acknowledgment

• Falsifying sources (ex: fabricating a bibliography)

• "to steal or pass off the ideas or words of another as one's own; to use without crediting a source; to commit literary theft; to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source" (Webster's Ninth)


But plagiarism is not: being active readers of each other's work, asking questions that cause a writer to think more deeply, more broadly, more profoundly about their work.  Plagiarism is not: using the honest feedback of a peer or a tutor to improve your own ideas and style.  Plagiarism is not: sharing ideas and resources in order to help each other succeed.

Since ENG101 is one of the only classes you may have in college that is small enough to allow you to meet other people, I encourage you to do so.  Exchange e-mail addresses and phone numbers.  Work outside of class together.  Encourage each other.

|Respect for Diversity |

One of the most important things you will learn in your college years is to respect others’ opinions, backgrounds, and cultures. In ENG 101, we will be studying a variety of local, national, and international cultural issues. This class will require that you respect the viewpoints of the people and ideas you study and the people and ideas shared in our classroom--even when they differ from your own ideas and beliefs. If you feel that you cannot be open-minded and treat others and their cultures and ideas with respect, please drop this class.

|Knowledge of Crimes |

In this course, please do not write about any criminal activity of which you have personal knowledge—as a witness, a victim, or a perpetrator.  If you do write about such activity, I may be legally required to report it to the authorities.

|Recording the Class |

Taping/ recording of lectures or class activities is prohibited.

|Disposition of Papers |

Please keep all your papers from this class until after final grades come out.  If you believe there is a discrepancy between what you receive and what you believe you earned, you will need them later when we discuss the discrepancy.

|Time Commitment |

You should plan to spend two to three hours outside of class for every hour in class.  Composition classes require more time from students than many other classes do.

Note:  If you are a student who requires special accommodation, please contact Disability Resources. Please feel free to discuss the special accommodations with the teacher.

|Outcomes and Assessments |

Periodically, students will participate in formal and informal assessment activities that will help faculty improve programs and teaching strategies. These activities are designed to facilitate student growth in whatever combination of the stated outcomes applies to a course.

|Students with Disabilities |

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Students with disabilities are required to register for services in the Disability Resources and Services (DRS) office in the Student Center at the beginning of the semester. Do not wait to visit the DRS office if you want support with any CGCC classes. The DRS office will meet with you to determine accommodations based on appropriate documentation. Therefore, faculty members are not authorized to provide or approve any accommodations for students in this class without written instructions from the DRS office. This must be on file before an accommodation will be provided. You can contact the DRS office at (480) 857-5188.

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|Learning Center |

The CGCC Learning Center’s mission is to support students’ academic learning by providing free tutoring and resources to reinforce and supplement classroom instruction and to assist CGCC students to achieve academic success. All Learning Center services are free to students currently enrolled at Chandler-Gilbert Community College.

At the Pecos Campus, the Learning Center is located on the second floor of the Library, rooms LIB227, LIB228, and LIB 229. At the Williams Campus, math and science tutoring takes place in EGEL101, and writing tutoring takes place in EGEL102.

The Learning Center also provides instructional support resources in the form of videotapes, software, and print materials. For a schedule of tutoring hours, additional information, or assistance, students should contact the Learning Center at (480) 732- 7231, or visit the website at .

|Your Student Email |

The Maricopa District provides every student with google-powered Maricopa Student Email upon enrollment. CGCC uses this official student email to send information concerning class enrollment, financial aid, tuition, and other important student information. Students must activate this email account in order to receive these messages. Activate your Maricopa Student Email now at .

|Student Pay2Print |

As of June 1, 2010, all CGCC students must pay for printing in the college computer labs, and libraries. Registered students will receive their first 50 prints at no charge. Thereafter, black and white print costs will be 10 cents per print. Pre-paid printing accounts can be set up in the DGCC Cashier’s Office. For more information, contact the CGCC Cashier’s Office at (480) 73207312.

|CGCC Emergency Alert |

The CGCC Emergency Alert system utilizes text messaging and email to notify students of emergency situations on or around campus. Students should update their contact information in the Maricopa Online Student Center at in order to receive a CGCC Alert notification in the event of an emergency.

|Receipt and Understanding of Syllabus |

Please print the entire syllabus. Then sign and date this statement and bring it to the instructor on the first or second day of class.


I (print first and last name) ________________________________________ have read and understood the policies and procedures set out on this syllabus.

Signature: _______________________________________ Date _________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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